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Title: Managing Soil Organic Matter: A Practical GuideGRDC Project Code: KDI00023In submitting this report, the researchers have agreed to theGRDC publishing this material in its edited form.Report author: Dr Frances Hoyle, Department of Agricultureand Food Western AustraliaContent editor: Janet Paterson, Sci-ScribeCompilation and report contributions: Dr Meredith FairbanksThanks also to Professor Daniel Murphy and Dr Ram Dalalfor their valuable feedback.Department ofAgriculture and FoodISBN 978-1-921779-56-5Published July 2013© <strong>Grains</strong> <strong>Research</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> CorporationAll material published in this publication is copyright protectedand may not be reproduced in any form without writtenpermission from the GRDC.For free copies please contact: Ground Cover DirectFree phone: 1800 11 00 44Email: ground-cover-direct@canprint.com.auORMs Maureen CribbPublishing ManagerGRDCPO Box 5367KINGSTON ACT 2604Phone: (02) 6166 4500Email: maureen.cribb@grdc.com.auWeb: http://www.grdc.com.auNote: A postage and handling charge appliesDisclaimer:This publication has been prepared in good faith by the contributors on the basis of information available at the date of publication without any independentverification. The <strong>Grains</strong> <strong>Research</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> Corporation and the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia does not guarantee orwarrant the accuracy, reliability, completeness of currency of the information in this publication nor its usefulness in achieving any purpose. Readers areresponsible for assessing the relevance and accuracy of the content of this publication. The <strong>Grains</strong> <strong>Research</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> Corporation and theDepartment of Agriculture and Food Western Australia will not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense incurred or arising by reason of any personusing or relying on the information in this publication. Products may be identified by proprietary or trade names to help readers identify particular types ofproducts but this is not, and is not intended to be, an endorsement or recommendation of any product or manufacturer referred to. Other products mayperform as well or better than those specifically referred to.

FOREWORD1The one constant in agriculture is uncertainty and Australian grain growers are known globallyfor being ahead of the curve when it comes to adopting new farming practices to meet everychallenge.Climate change is already having a significant effect on how we farm today and how we adaptto future challenges will define what it means to farm sustainably this century. One of thebiggest influences on farm productivity and its resilience to climate variations is <strong>soil</strong> health.Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> contributes to a range of biological, chemical and physical properties of<strong>soil</strong> and is essential for <strong>soil</strong> health. This publication is a practical guide to understanding what<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is, why it’s important as well as how you can manage it on-farm to increase<strong>soil</strong> functionality and enhance production benefits.When selecting farming practices to maximise the benefits of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> it is importantto consider the most important functions that <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> provides to your crop andhow that will bring benefits to your <strong>soil</strong> health and future crops.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEUnder the federal government’s commitment to the Kyoto protocol, farmers can potentiallyearn credits by storing carbon in their <strong>soil</strong>, or in trees by reducing greenhouse gas emissionson-farm. This allows the grains industry to play a vital role in contributing to positive change inAustralia’s environmental performance.I would like to make special mention and thank Dr Frances Hoyle, senior research scientistwith the Department of Agriculture and Food Western Australia, for authorship of the contentfor this publication.The <strong>Grains</strong> <strong>Research</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> Corporation promotes high quality science andresearch that raises awareness of current industry priorities and emerging issues.Access to this information will allow growers to adapt to a changing agricultural economy andadopt new farming practices to improve on-farm efficiencies, profitability and sustainability. Ihope you find this guide practical and informative.Tanya RobinsonProject Manager Natural Resources<strong>Grains</strong> <strong>Research</strong> and <strong>Development</strong> Corporation

CONTENTS2MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDETABLES, FIGURES AND PLATES 04INTRODUCTION 06- Organic <strong>matter</strong> status of Australian <strong>soil</strong>sCHAPTER 1 08Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>- What is <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>?- Calculating <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>- Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> function- Carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio and <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>- How much <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> ends up in <strong>soil</strong>?CHAPTER 2 18Biological turnover of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>- Soil microorganisms• Soil fungi to bacteria ratio- Soil fauna• Earthworms• Soil-borne plant pathogens• Suppressive <strong>soil</strong>s- Organic <strong>matter</strong> turnover times• Organic <strong>matter</strong> characteristics• Soil characteristics• Climate• Location in the <strong>soil</strong> profile- Ecosystem services• Soil bufferingCHAPTER 3 24The carbon cycle- Carbon balance in <strong>soil</strong>s• What factors drive changes in the carbonbalance?• What is the rate of change?• How stable is <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>?• Is <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> worth building up?• Managing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> tooptimise agricultural productionsystemsCHAPTER 4 30Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and nutrient availabilityin agriculture- Organic <strong>matter</strong> and cation exchange- Nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur and <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>• Nitrogen supply• Nitrogen cycling• The influence of <strong>organic</strong> inputson <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen supply• Phosphorus• Phosphorus and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>• Managing <strong>organic</strong> phosphorous• Sulphur• Sulphur and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>• Sulphur deficiencies in the <strong>soil</strong>• PotassiumCHAPTER 5 38Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and plant available water- What affects the water holding capacity of <strong>soil</strong>?- The influence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on <strong>soil</strong> water• Calculating how much water can be stored• How important is this ‘extra’ water toagricultural production?- Relationship between <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and waterrepellence• What causes water repellence?CHAPTER 6 46Organic <strong>matter</strong> losses from <strong>soil</strong>- Direct losses• Soil erosion- Indirect losses• Climate• Soil disturbance• Management of <strong>organic</strong> residues- Fate of captured carbon in <strong>soil</strong>s

TABLES, FIGURES AND PLATES4MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEINTRODUCTIONFigure 1.1 Potential for <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> gainresulting from a combination of effective rain(considering amount and availability) and residuepressure, which reflects plant and livestockremovals of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Figure 1.2 Soil <strong>organic</strong> carbon (tonnes perhectare) stocks in surface layers (0-10 cm) forsouth-west Western Australia. Areas of lowconfidence (e.g. subsystems that only have onesite) are masked out in white.CHAPTER 1Figure 1.3 Proportional make-up of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>in an agricultural <strong>soil</strong>.Table 1.1 Size, composition, turnover rate anddecomposition stage of the four <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>fractions.Figure 1.4 Pattern of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>transformation in <strong>soil</strong>s.Table 1.2 Functional role of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Figure 1.5 A conceptual representation of therole of soluble, particulate, humus and resistant(inert) <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions for a range of <strong>soil</strong>functions.Figure 1.6 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon oncation exchange capacity for Young River, WesternAustralia, in <strong>soil</strong>s with variable clay content.Table 1.3 Indicative carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratioof various <strong>organic</strong> residues.Figure 1.7 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> type, climate andmanagement factors on potential <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> content.Table 1.4 Rate-limiting influences on theaccumulation of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Plate 1.1 The <strong>organic</strong> horizon is often related to adarkening of <strong>soil</strong> colour and is particularly evidenton the <strong>soil</strong> surface.CHAPTER 2Table 2.1 Soil factors that can influence the rate of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> turnover.CHAPTER 3Figure 3.1 Organic carbon cycling in <strong>soil</strong>s.Figure 3.2 Theoretical changes in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon (%) representing an upper and lower limit,or a more typical state of flux.Figure 3.3 A model simulation showing theinfluence of cation exchange capacity (CEC) on thecapacity of <strong>soil</strong> to retain <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon.Table 3.1 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on<strong>soil</strong> attributes and functions.CHAPTER 4Table 4.1 Indicative cation exchange capacity ofdifferent clay minerals in <strong>soil</strong>.Table 4.2 Indicative cation exchange capacity fordifferent <strong>soil</strong> textures and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Figure 4.1 Nitrogen cycling in <strong>soil</strong>.Figure 4.2 Nitrogen release in <strong>soil</strong> resulting fromthe decomposition of plant residues with a range ofcarbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios.Figure 4.3 Phosphorus cycle in agriculturalsystems.CHAPTER 5Figure 5.1 Change in water holding capacity forthe 0-10 cm <strong>soil</strong> layer of South Australian redbrownearths, with a one per cent increase in <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon content.Table 5.1 Influence of <strong>soil</strong> characteristics on waterstorage capacity.Figure 5.2 Adjustment of <strong>organic</strong> carbon contentfor an equivalent <strong>soil</strong> mass associated withchanges in bulk density and sampling depth.Figure 5.3 A complex relationship exists between<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon, clay content and the severityof water repellence as measured at 400 sitesacross Western Australia.Plate 5.1 A sub-surface compaction layer shows adense impenetrable <strong>soil</strong> layer.Plate 5.2 Bulk density core.Plate 5.3 a) Water droplet sitting on the surfaceof a non-wetting <strong>soil</strong> and b) typical sub-surfacedryness observed after rain in water repellent sand.

5CHAPTER 6Figure 6.1 The effect of increasing temperatureon the amount of carbon lost from <strong>soil</strong> (kg carbonper tonne of <strong>soil</strong> per day) where stubble has beenretained.Plate 6.1 Canola roots contribute <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>to <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 6.2 Soil erosion resulting from poor groundcover and compaction.Plate 6.3 Mouldboard plough in operation for thetreatment of non-wetting <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 6.4 The removal of products such as grainor hay can decrease <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs andcontribute to <strong>soil</strong> acidification.CHAPTER 8Figure 8.1 Conversion of <strong>soil</strong> analysis values for<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon stock in a paddock to 10 cmdepth.Figure 8.2 Possible trial design comparing twotreatments with three replicates within a paddockCHAPTER 9Table 9.1 Sensory and <strong>soil</strong> indicators of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> in the paddock.Plate 9.1 Assessing <strong>soil</strong> colour at a field site usinga Munsell colour chart.Plate 9.2 Pasture growth under retained stubbleprovides complete ground cover.Plate 9.3 Long-term experimental site with burntstubble (on left of image) and retained stubble (onright of image) demonstrating significant differencesin ground cover.Plate 9.4 Crop residues being a) green manuredand b) mulched in a continuous cropping system.Plate 9.5 Plant roots growing through <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 9.6 Soil showing earthworms present in anarable system in Australia.CHAPTER 10Figure 10.1 Summary of the relative effect ofdifferent management practices on <strong>soil</strong> carbonlevels.Table 10.1 Management options for improvinglong-term <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> levels in agricultural<strong>soil</strong>s.Table 10.2 Crop and pasture type suitable forusing as a green manure phase.Table 10.3 Type and application benefit of <strong>organic</strong>amendments in Australia.Plate 10.1 Proliferation of roots in a rip line on acompacted sand in Western Australia.Plate 10.2 Loss of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and <strong>soil</strong>condition associated with grazing damage (right)compared to un-grazed pastures (left).Plate 10.3 Green manuring by discing increases<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in <strong>soil</strong>.Plate 10.4 Bare fallow risks losing <strong>soil</strong> andassociated <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> from wind or watererosion.Plate 10.5 Soil collapse and erosion resulting fromdispersion on a sodic <strong>soil</strong>.CHAPTER 11Figure 11.1 The trend in a) average temperature(°C) and b) annual total rainfall (mm) acrossAustralia from 1910 to 2011.Figure 11.2 Climate change projections foraverage annual a) temperature b) rainfall andc) potential evapotranspiration (source: http://climatechangeinaustralia.com.au) for 2050 under amoderate emissions scenario.CHAPTER 12Table 12.1 Change in the economic value of farmproduction in 2014-15; average per farm.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

6INTRODUCTIONMANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEIncreasing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is widely regardedas beneficial to <strong>soil</strong> function and fertility and inagricultural production systems is integral tosustainable farming. Storing the carbon componentof <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in agricultural, rangeland andforest <strong>soil</strong>s is also seen as one way to decreaseatmospheric carbon dioxide levels and mitigate theimpact of climate change. Consequently, there isgreat interest in quantifying the capacity of various<strong>soil</strong> types and land management practices to supportincreases in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and understandinghow these changes impact <strong>soil</strong> health, ecosystemservices and carbon sequestration in the mediumand long-term.ORGANIC MATTER STATUS OFAUSTRALIAN SOILSAustralian <strong>soil</strong>s are ancient. They have inherentlypoor structure, fertility and low levels of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> in their surface layers – a condition madeworse by historical land clearing and subsequentland management practices. Physical and chemical<strong>soil</strong> constraints such as salinity, acidity, disease,compaction and sodicity impact large areas ofAustralian <strong>soil</strong>s. These factors limit their productivityand act as major constraints to increasing <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Australian <strong>soil</strong>s are low in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>content by global standards, with the exceptionof <strong>soil</strong>s that support high net primary productivitysuch as well-managed pastures and irrigatedsystems unconstrained by water availability. Recentestimates from the 2011 State of the Environmentreport suggest climate variability and the historicclearing of native vegetation for agriculture hasresulted in a 30-70 per cent decline in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> content. However, while <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>has declined in many systems over the past 100-

200 years, recent assessments suggest there is ahigh to moderate potential to increase the carboncontent of <strong>soil</strong>s across extensive areas of Australia(see Figure 1.1).Recent measures of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (0-30 cm)in Australian <strong>soil</strong>s suggest they can contain betweenthree tonnes of carbon per hectare (0.3 per centcarbon for desert loams) and 231 tonnes of carbonper hectare (14 per cent carbon for intensive dairy<strong>soil</strong>s; see http://www.daff.gov.au/climatechange/australias-farming-future/climate-change-andproductivity-research/<strong>soil</strong>_carbonfor the report).For Australian dryland agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s the <strong>organic</strong>carbon content is more typically between 20-150tonnes carbon per hectare (or about 0.7-4.0 percent depending on <strong>soil</strong> bulk density).Quantifying existing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon stocks inkey <strong>soil</strong> types under important farm managementregimes within some of Australia’s agriculturalregions was a key output of the Soil Carbon<strong>Research</strong> Program (SCaRP), and has providedvaluable information to baseline <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> stocks across different environments(see Figure 1.2).Management and site factors interact to influencethe actual amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in relationAustralian <strong>soil</strong>s are low in <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content by globalstandards, with the exception of<strong>soil</strong>s that support high net primaryproductivity such as well-managedpastures and irrigated systemsunconstrained by water availability.to the attainable amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (asdefined by climate and <strong>soil</strong> type). While there is astrong relationship between rainfall and the amountof <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon, regional data indicates thateven within a rainfall zone <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon canvary widely and the highest variability occurs in areasof high rainfall, which support increasing biomassproduction (Griffin et al. 2013). Such variabilityis likely due to a range of factors influencing netprimary productivity, including agronomic and <strong>soil</strong>management as well as variations in <strong>soil</strong> type andmoisture – the influences of which are discussed inthis publication.7MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEFigure 1.1 Potential for <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> gainresulting from a combination of effective rain(considering amount and availability) and residuepressure, which reflects plant and livestock removalsof <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (Baldock et al. 2009). Figure 1.2 Soil <strong>organic</strong> carbon (tonnes per hectare)stocks in surface layers (0-10 cm) for south westWestern Australia. Areas of low confidence (e.g.subsystems that only have one site) are maskedout in white. Lines constitute agricultural <strong>soil</strong> zones:grey is remnant vegetation (Griffin et al. 2013).

018SOIL ORGANIC MATTERMANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEAT A GLANCE•For all <strong>soil</strong>s, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is critical for biological processes and <strong>soil</strong> nutrient supply.•In coarse textured sandy <strong>soil</strong>s, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> largely determines cation exchange capacityand can influence water holding capacity to a degree.•In finer textured clay <strong>soil</strong>s, <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is critical in maintaining <strong>soil</strong> structure andstability.•Information on the amount and quality of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> returned to <strong>soil</strong> can and should beused to help inform fertiliser management strategies.•Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content is determined by <strong>soil</strong> type, climate and on-farm management inthat order and is slow to build-up, particularly in more stable fractions.•Measuring <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> over time helps inform growers of future changes in<strong>soil</strong> function.

WHAT IS SOIL ORGANIC MATTER?Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> makes up only 2-10 per cent ofthe <strong>soil</strong> mass, but is vital to its physical, chemicaland biological function (see Plate 1.1).All <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> has its origin in plants. It canbe divided into both ‘living’ and ‘dead’ componentsin various stages of decomposition (see Figure 1.3)and ranges in age from very recent inputs (freshresidues) to those that are thousands of years old(resistant <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>). Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> iscomposed of carbon and other <strong>organic</strong> particlessuch as hydrogen, oxygen and small amounts ofnitrogen, phosphorous, sulphur, potassium, calciumand magnesium.Between 5-10 per cent of below-ground <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> containing roots, fauna and microorganismsis living (see Figure 1.3). The microbial componentof this living pool is referred to as the microbialbiomass and is considered essential for <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> decomposition, nutrient cycling, degradationof chemicals and <strong>soil</strong> stabilisation. The remainingcomponents include non-living <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> suchas dead and decaying plant and animal residues.Depending on <strong>soil</strong> type and farming system, theactual allocation of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> moving intodifferent pools can vary widely.Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is a continuum of differentforms, with turnover times ranging from minutesthrough to hundreds and even thousands ofyears. It exists as four distinct fractions, with eachvarying in properties and decomposition rates (seeTable 1.1).Dissolved <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can originate from thehumus fraction (leaching of humic substances) asa soluble by-product from decomposition of theparticulate <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction, or from rootexudates. In agricultural systems, fresh residues andthe living component of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> contribute tothe particulate <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction (see Figure1.3). This pool is readily decomposable and cyclesrapidly (i.e. reproduces, dies and decomposeswithin years). In contrast, the stable humus fractionis nutrient rich and accumulates in the <strong>soil</strong> makingup more than half of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inmany <strong>soil</strong>s (see Figure 1.3) and taking decades toturn over. The resistant <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction isrelatively inert and can take thousands of years toturn over. The relative contribution of each <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> fraction (as depicted in Figure 1.3) to the total<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> pool varies widely depending on <strong>soil</strong>type and farming system.Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> cycles continuously betweenits living, actively decomposing and stable fractions(see Figure 1.4). When conditions result in less<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (e.g. animals/plants) entering the<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> pool, the particulate <strong>organic</strong> fractiondeclines. If this pattern continues, the total amountof <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> will decline over time.9MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEFigure 1.3 Proportional make-up of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in an agricultural <strong>soil</strong>.

Table 1.1 Size, composition, turnover rate and decomposition stage of the four <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions.Fraction Size Turnover time CompositionDissolved <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>< 45 µm(in solution)Dissolved <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> generallyturns over very rapidly (minutes todays)Made up of soluble root exudates, simple sugars anddecomposition by-products. It generally constitutes lessthan one per cent of total <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Particulate <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>53 µm – 2 mm From months to decades Composed of fresh and decomposing plant and animal<strong>matter</strong> with an identifiable cell structure. Makes upbetween 2-25 per cent of total <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Humus < 53 µm Decadal(from tens of years up to hundredsof years)Made up of older, decayed <strong>organic</strong> compounds that haveresisted decomposition. Includes both structural (e.g.proteins, cellulose) and non-structural (e.g. humin, fulvicacid) <strong>organic</strong> molecules. Often makes up more than 50per cent of total <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Resistant <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>< 53 µm and insome <strong>soil</strong>s < 2mmRanges from hundreds to thousandsof yearsResistant <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is relatively inert material madeup primarily of chemically resistant materials or remnant<strong>organic</strong> materials such as charcoal (burnt <strong>organic</strong>material). This pool can constitute up to 30 per cent of<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.10MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE1. Additions: When plants and animals die theybecome part of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.2. Transformations: When <strong>soil</strong> organisms breakupand consume <strong>organic</strong> residues to grow andreproduce, the <strong>organic</strong> residues are transformedfrom one form into another. For example, freshresidues are broken down into smaller pieces(< 2 mm) and become part of the particulate<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction. As the material is furtherdecomposed (< 53 um) a smaller proportionof more biologically stable material enters thehumus pool.3. Nutrient release: Nutrients and othercompounds not required by microbes arereleased as a result of this transformation andcan then be used by plants.4. Stabilising <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>: As the <strong>organic</strong>residues decompose, a proportion becomeschemically stabilised enabling it to resist furtherchange. Protection can also be affordedthrough occlusion within aggregates and throughthe formation of organo-mineral complexes.These materials contribute to the resistant<strong>organic</strong> fraction.Figure 1.4 Pattern of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>transformation in <strong>soil</strong>s (figure adapted fromUniversity of Minnesota extension publicationWW-07402).CALCULATING SOIL ORGANIC MATTEROrganic <strong>matter</strong> is different to <strong>organic</strong> carbon in thatit includes all the elements that are componentsof <strong>organic</strong> compounds. Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> isdifficult to measure directly, so laboratories tend tomeasure <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon and use a conversionfactor to estimate how much <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is heldwithin a <strong>soil</strong>.

11MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDESoil <strong>organic</strong> carbon is a component of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, with about 58 per cent of themass of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> existing as carbon.Therefore, if we determine the amount of<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon in a sample and multiplyit by 100/58 (or 1.72) we can estimate theproportion of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in the <strong>soil</strong> sample:Organic <strong>matter</strong> (%) = total <strong>organic</strong>carbon (%) × 1.72While the ratio of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon can vary with the type of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, <strong>soil</strong>type and depth, using a conversion factor of 1.72generally provides a reasonable estimate of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> suitable for most purposes.Calculating <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>content in <strong>soil</strong>The amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in your <strong>soil</strong>can be calculated as follows for a <strong>soil</strong> with 1.2per cent <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon:(Total <strong>organic</strong> carbon per cent x 1.72) x <strong>soil</strong>mass (tonnes per hectare)= [(1.2 x 1.72)/100] x 1200 (for a <strong>soil</strong> with abulk density of 1.2 to 10 cm depth)= 24.8 tonnes <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> per hectareSOIL ORGANIC MATTER FUNCTIONOrganic <strong>matter</strong> renders <strong>soil</strong>s more resilientto environmental change and also influencescharacteristics such as colour and workability.It is central to the functioning of many physical,chemical and biological processes in the <strong>soil</strong>. Theseinclude nutrient turnover and exchange capacity,<strong>soil</strong> structural stability and aeration, moistureretention and availability, degradation of pollutants,greenhouse gas emissions and <strong>soil</strong> buffering (seeTable 1.2).An optimal level of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is difficultto quantify because the quality and quantity ofdifferent <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions needed to supportvarious functions varies with <strong>soil</strong> type, climate andmanagement. However, it is generally consideredthat <strong>soil</strong>s with an <strong>organic</strong> carbon content of lessthan one per cent are functionally impaired.Soil function is influenced by the size, qualityand relative stability of the four <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>fractions (see Figure 1.5). In this figure, the widthof the patterned or shaded areas within the shapeindicates the relative importance of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> fractions to a particular function or process.For example, on the left the decreasing width ofthe striped area indicates the importance of thehumus fraction declines as the clay content of a<strong>soil</strong> increases. This is because the clay particlesprovide a large surface area for cation exchange,which renders <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> increasingly lessimportant as clay content increases. By comparison,

Table 1.2 Functional role of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Physical functions Chemical functions Biological functionsImproves <strong>soil</strong> structural stabilityIncreases capacity tohold nutrients (i.e. cationexchange capacity)Influences water retention Buffers pH Major store of plant nutrients(N, P, S)Energy (food source) for biological processes such as:Microbial decomposition; Nutrient transformation; Degradation of pollutantsBinding <strong>soil</strong> particles and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in stable aggregatesBuffers changes in temperatureImmobilises heavy metalsand pesticidesImproves <strong>soil</strong> resiliencehumus can be seen to be equally important forthe provision of nutrients across all <strong>soil</strong> types andin particular it is critical to the supply of potentiallymineralisable nitrogen (see Figure 1.5).is not known how this relationship would differ whenconsidering clay applied to <strong>soil</strong>s for the treatment ofnon-wetting. 12MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEFigure 1.5 A conceptual representation of therole of soluble, particulate, humus and resistant(inert) <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions for a range of <strong>soil</strong>functions (from Hoyle et al. 2011).While not all of the relationships depicted inFigure 1.5 have been quantified for Australian<strong>soil</strong>s, the contribution of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonfraction to the ability of a <strong>soil</strong> to hold nutrientshas been demonstrated at Young River, WesternAustralia (see Figure 1.6). This study suggests astronger relationship between <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonand nutrient exchange in <strong>soil</strong>s, with less than 10per cent clay and <strong>organic</strong> carbon explaining nearly40 per cent of the variation in cation exchange. In<strong>soil</strong>s with greater than 10 per cent clay, a one percent increase in <strong>organic</strong> carbon increased nutrientexchange by about 3 meq/100 g <strong>soil</strong>, but explainedjust six per cent of the variation in higher clay <strong>soil</strong>s. ItFigure 1.6 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon oncation exchange capacity for Young River, WesternAustralia in <strong>soil</strong>s with clay content between 0-10%(o), 10-20% (x) and 20-30% ( ). Sourced fromwww.<strong>soil</strong>quality.org.au.While the relative importance of any given fractionof <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> will vary from one <strong>soil</strong> to anotherand depend on factors such as climate andcropping history, we do know that <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>influences plant growth primarily through its effecton the physical, chemical and biological propertiesof the <strong>soil</strong>.For example, fresh crop residues which are readilybroken down provide energy for key <strong>soil</strong> biologicalprocesses such as nutrient cycling. The particulate<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction decomposes at a slowerrate than crop residues and is important for <strong>soil</strong>structure, energy for biological processes andprovision of nutrients. Humus generally dominates

Table 1.3 Indicative carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio ofvarious <strong>organic</strong> residues.Organic materialUnits of carbon per unit of nitrogen(C:N ratio)Poultry manure 5:1Humus 10:1Cow manure 17:1Legume hay 17:1Green compost 17:1Lucerne 18:1Field pea 19:1Lupins 22:1Grass clippings 15 – 25:1Medic 30:1Oat hay 30:1Faba bean 40:1Canola 51:1Wheat stubble 80 – 120:1Newspaper 170 – 800:1Sawdust 200 – 700:1<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and is particularly important inthe provision of nutrients, cation exchange, <strong>soil</strong>structure, water-holding capacity and in supportingbiological processes. Indirectly, the humus pool alsoinfluences micronutrient uptake and the performanceof herbicides and other agricultural chemicals. Theresistant <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction is dominated byold recalcitrant residues and char — a product ofburning carbon-rich materials (e.g. grasslands). Thisfraction decomposes over millennia and althoughbiologically inert contributes to cation exchangecapacity, water holding capacity and the stability(persistence) of <strong>organic</strong> carbon in <strong>soil</strong>s.CARBON TO NITROGEN (C:N) RATIOAND SOIL ORGANIC MATTERPlant material contains about 45 per cent carbonand depending on residue type between 0.5-10 percent nitrogen. The ratio of <strong>organic</strong> carbon to totalWhile plant residues and other<strong>organic</strong> inputs vary widely intheir C:N ratios, the C:N ratio of<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is generallyconstant for a given environment(ranging from 10:1 to 15:1).nitrogen is referred to as the carbon to nitrogen(C:N) ratio. This ratio indicates the proportion ofnitrogen and other nutrients relative to carbon inthat material. Organic <strong>matter</strong> varies widely in its C:Nratio (see Table 1.3) and reflects how readily <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> decomposes, providing an indication of boththe amount and rate of nitrogen release that mightbe expected to result from decomposition.Carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio of <strong>organic</strong>residuesThe C:N ratio of <strong>organic</strong> inputs influence theamount of <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen made available toplants. Organic residues with a C:N ratio ofbetween 25:1 and 30:1 have sufficient nitrogenavailable for microbes to decompose themwithout needing to use <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen stores.Residues with a lower C:N ratio (< 25:1) suchas pulses and legume pastures will generallyresult in more rapid decomposition of <strong>organic</strong>residues and tend to release plant-availablenitrogen. Residues with a higher ratio (> 30:1)such as cereal crops will decompose moreslowly and result in less plant-available nitrogenbeing released.To grow and reproduce <strong>soil</strong> microbes requiresa balanced amount of carbon and nitrogen thatreflects a relatively low C:N ratio (generally less than15:1). In plant residues such as wheat stubble, whichhave a high C:N ratio (120:1) and contain relativelymore carbon than nitrogen, <strong>soil</strong> microbes must findanother source of nitrogen to fully digest wheatstubble and this often results in <strong>soil</strong> nutrient reservesbeing immobilised and <strong>soil</strong> becoming nitrogendeficient. Such nitrogen deficiency is often seenin the field where stubble has been incorporatedduring sowing operations and nitrogen availability13MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

Figure 1.7 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> type, climate and management factors on potential <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content (Ingram and Fernandes 2001).14MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEdecreases in the <strong>soil</strong> because it becomes tied-up,or immobilised in the microbial biomass. Therefore,residues with a high C:N ratio are considerednutrient poor and can take years to decompose. Incontrast, fresh legume residues with a low C:N ratio(less than 25:1) have proportionally less carbon perunit of nitrogen enabling them to decompose fasterand release surplus nitrogen for plant use.While plant residues and other <strong>organic</strong> inputsvary widely in their C:N ratios, the C:N ratio of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is generally constant for a givenenvironment (ranging from 10:1 to 15:1). This resultsfrom the dominance of the humus and resistant<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions in <strong>soil</strong> and reflects thesignificant loss of carbon associated with <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> decomposition. In Australia, agricultural <strong>soil</strong>sgenerally store between 10-12 units of carbon forevery unit of nitrogen (i.e. 10 tonnes carbon perhectare for every tonne of nitrogen). Therefore,increasing <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (and hence <strong>organic</strong>carbon) in <strong>soil</strong> requires a balance of carbon andnitrogen as well as other nutrients.To maintain or increase a <strong>soil</strong>’sstock of <strong>organic</strong> carbon long-term,increased amounts of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> must be continually added.Any decline in the amount of<strong>organic</strong> material being returned to<strong>soil</strong>s will result in a decrease in the<strong>soil</strong>’s <strong>organic</strong> carbon content.When <strong>soil</strong> organisms digest <strong>organic</strong> residues partof the carbon originally in these residues is used fornew growth and cell division, with the remainderbeing emitted as carbon dioxide. As a general rule,less than one-third of the applied carbon in freshresidues remains in the <strong>soil</strong> after the first few monthsof decomposition. As the material is decomposedthe C:N ratio decreases and the remaining <strong>organic</strong>material becomes more resistant to further decay.

15MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEHow do I calculate the impact of incorporating <strong>organic</strong> residues on my <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen supply?ScenarioA grain grower retains three tonnes per hectarewheat stubble, with a C:N ratio of 120:1 andwants to estimate the likely impact of the stubbleon <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen levels in the paddock.Step IThe amount of carbon present in the plantresidues added to the <strong>soil</strong>.3000 kg of stubble x 0.45 carbon content =1350 kg of carbon in plant residuesStep IIThe amount of nitrogen present in the <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> added to the <strong>soil</strong>. The stubble contains1350 kg of carbon and has a C:N ratio of 120:1.1350 kg carbon ÷ 120 = 11.25 kg nitrogen in<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>Step IIIAllow for 30 per cent of the carbon being usedby microbes to grow, with the remaining 70 percent respired as carbon dioxide.The amount of carbon used by microbes is 1350kg carbon x 0.3 = 405 kg carbonGiven that microbes have a C:N ratio of 12:1they therefore require 1 kg of nitrogen for every12 kg of carbon to grow.405 kg carbon ÷ 12 = 34 kg NStep IVCompare the two nitrogen values; the fresh<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> contained 11 kg of nitrogen andthe microbes require 34 kg of nitrogen to grow.The nitrogen balance = 11 – 34= - 23 kg N haA NEGATIVE balance indicates that nitrogenin the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> was LESS than thenitrogen required by the microbes. This nitrogendeficit will be sourced from the <strong>soil</strong>, making itunavailable for plants. In this case, a growershould consider fertiliser strategies which willensure sufficient nitrogen is available to plantsearly in their growth.If the nitrogen balance had been POSITIVEa surplus of nitrogen would then becomeavailable to plants because there would beMORE nitrogen than required for microbial use.If this was the case, growers may consider splitapplications of nitrogen to save input costs andminimise losses of nitrogen via leaching.Knowing the contribution of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>to your <strong>soil</strong>s nutrition can help inform moreprofitable fertiliser management strategies.

16HOW MUCH ORGANIC CARBONREMAINS IN SOIL?Microbes digest up to 90 per cent of <strong>organic</strong> carbonthat enters a <strong>soil</strong> in <strong>organic</strong> residues. In doing so,they respire the carbon back into the atmosphereas carbon dioxide (CO 2 ). Microbes continually breakdown <strong>organic</strong> residues eventually converting a smallproportion of them to humus, which gives the top<strong>soil</strong>its dark colour. While up to 30 per cent of <strong>organic</strong>inputs can eventually be converted to humusdepending on <strong>soil</strong> type and climate, in Australianagricultural <strong>soil</strong>s this value is often significantly less.Examples of the influence of <strong>soil</strong> type, climateand management on the amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> (and carbon) accumulated in and lost fromagricultural <strong>soil</strong>s is presented in Table 1.4. To maintainor increase a <strong>soil</strong>’s stock of <strong>organic</strong> carbon longterm,increased amounts of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> mustbe continually added. Any decline in the amount of<strong>organic</strong> material being returned to <strong>soil</strong>s will result ina decrease in the <strong>soil</strong>’s <strong>organic</strong> carbon content.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDESoils naturally higher in clay content generallyretain more <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> than sandy <strong>soil</strong>s.Soil type, rainfall and temperature limit the amountof <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> generated via plant biomassand subsequently stored as humus for the longterm.As a result, <strong>soil</strong>s rarely reach their theoreticalpotential for <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> storage (see Figure1.7). Management practices also have a significantinfluence on whether actual <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (andcarbon) reaches its attainable level as determinedby climate (see Figure 1.7). Beyond this threshold,continuous inputs of external <strong>organic</strong> carbon sourcesare required, which can be logistically difficult andexpensive, and risk the depletion of <strong>organic</strong> carbonin another location.Plate 1.1 The <strong>organic</strong> horizon is oftenrelated to a darkening of <strong>soil</strong> colour and isparticularly evident on the <strong>soil</strong> surface.Source: Department of Primary Industries, Victoria

Table 1.4 Rate-limiting influences on the accumulation of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.InfluenceCause17Soil typeNaturally occurring clay in <strong>soil</strong> binds to <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, which helps to protect it from being broken down or limitsaccess to it by microbes and other organisms.ClimateLand and <strong>soil</strong>managementIn contrast, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in coarse textured sandy <strong>soil</strong>s is not protected from microbial attack and is rapidlydecomposed.In comparable farming systems with similar <strong>soil</strong> type and management, <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> increases withrainfall. This is because increasing rainfall supports greater plant growth, which results in more <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>accumulating in the <strong>soil</strong>.Organic <strong>matter</strong> decomposes more slowly as temperatures decline. Under moist conditions each 10°C increasein temperature doubles the rate of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> decomposition (Hoyle et al. 2006). This means moist, warmconditions will often result in the most rapid decomposition of <strong>organic</strong> inputs.Maximising crop and pasture biomass via improved water-use efficiency and agronomic management willincrease <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEAs a large proportion of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is present in the top 0-10 cm of <strong>soil</strong>s, protecting the <strong>soil</strong> surface fromerosion is central to retaining <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Tillage of structured <strong>soil</strong>s decreases <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> stocks by exposing previously protected <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> tomicrobial decomposition.Adding off-farm <strong>organic</strong> residues such as manures, straw and char can increase <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> dependingon the quality of the added residues.Landscape can influence water availability. Transfer of <strong>soil</strong> and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> down slope via erosion canincrease the amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in lower parts of the landscape.Soil constraints can influence humus formation by constraining plant growth and decomposition rates. This couldslow both the amount and transformation rate of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> moving into more stable fractions.Microbes and particularly bacteria grow poorly in strongly acidic or alkaline <strong>soil</strong>s and consequently <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>breaks down slowly. Soil acidity also influences the availability of plant nutrients and in turn the amount of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> available for <strong>soil</strong> biota growth.

0218BIOLOGICAL TURNOVEROF ORGANIC MATTERMANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEAT A GLANCE•Soil biota is primarily responsible for decomposing <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and nutrient cycling in<strong>soil</strong>.•Less than five per cent of <strong>soil</strong> biota is active at any one time, so estimates of the numberof organisms as a meaningful indicator of <strong>soil</strong> quality without a measure of their specificactivity or function are questionable.•Soil microorganisms are active only when <strong>soil</strong> is moist and are often constrained by a lackof food.•Greater diversity in <strong>soil</strong> biota is linked to the suppression of <strong>soil</strong> pathogens and maintaining<strong>soil</strong> function under variable conditions.•Organic <strong>matter</strong> breakdown is influenced by its composition, physical location and climate.

A diverse range of organisms both beneficial andharmful to plants is active in <strong>soil</strong>. These organismscontribute significantly to the living component of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (see Chapter 1) and can be classifiedaccording to their size or function in the <strong>soil</strong>:- Microorganisms (e.g. bacteria, fungi,actinomycetes, viruses, protozoa and algae) lessthan 0.2 mm in size.- Soil fauna (e.g. earthworms, ants, nematodes,beetles, mites, termites, centipedes andmillipedes), includes both macro-sized organisms(larger than 2 mm) and meso-sized organisms(between 0.2 and 2 mm).SOIL MICROORGANISMSMicroorganisms play a significant and criticalrole in nutrient and carbon cycling within <strong>soil</strong>.Soil microbes decompose fresh animal, crop andpasture residues, using the carbon and nutrientsfor food and growth. In the process they producenew compounds, which can be used by a largevariety of organisms, or they incorporate some ofthe carbon and nutrients that were in the <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> into their own microbial biomass. As a result,in many <strong>soil</strong>s the microbial biomass is often directlyproportional to the size of the actively decomposing<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction (Hoyle et al. 2011). While alarge proportion of the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> that enters <strong>soil</strong>is available for mineralisation, nutrients can remaintrapped in tiny (< 53 µm) particles of <strong>organic</strong> residuethat are either chemically or physically protectedfrom decomposition and remain unavailable toplants.By breaking down carbon structures, <strong>soil</strong>microbes play a significant role in nutrient cyclingprocesses. In addition, the microbial biomassitself is also a significant contributor to carbon andnutrient cycling because they reproduce and diequickly, contributing significantly to fluctuations innutrients available for plant or microbial uptake.Free living nitrogen fixation can also occur inspecialised bacteria and has been estimated atthe rate of 0-15 kg of nitrogen each year (Peoples2002). In low fertility <strong>soil</strong>s, much of the carbon andother nutrients originally contained within the cropand pasture residues remain unavailable to plantsdue to its uptake (immobilisation) in the microbialmass. However, any nitrogen, phosphorous andsulphur that are in excess of microbial requirementsis released into the <strong>soil</strong> and becomes available forplant use.If photosynthetic carbon inputs such as cropresidues or root exudates become totally absent,decomposers come to dominate and increasingly the<strong>soil</strong> biota consume stored carbon sources resultingin declining <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon levels. The use ofherbicides, pesticides and fungicides that cause atemporary decline in beneficial microorganisms thatbuild humus, suppress diseases and make nutrientsavailable to plants can influence the turnover ofcarbon in <strong>soil</strong>.Soil fungal to bacterial ratioAn estimate of the biomass (or a count) of fungi andbacteria is sometimes used to determine the ratioof fungi to bacteria, with a ratio between 0.5-1.5reportedly associated with enhanced <strong>soil</strong> health,nutrient cycling and residue breakdown. However,there is little evidence or quantification to support thisrelationship in the context of Australian agriculturalsystems, which are often dominated by bacteria. Inaddition, the methods sometimes used to determinethe fungi to bacteria ratio may only capture a smallproportion of the total microbial biomass or are notspecific enough to target specific organisms.SOIL FAUNASoil fauna influence <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> transformations(e.g. loss of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, nitrogen pathways)in concert with changes in <strong>soil</strong> moisture andtemperature, which influence the abundanceand diversity of different functional groups (Osler2007). The impact of <strong>soil</strong> fauna on <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>decomposition rates suggests their contribution isgreatest on the poorest quality litter (Osler 2007).Larger <strong>soil</strong> fauna such as earthworms and insectsare primarily associated with fragmentation andredistribution of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (see Plate 2.1),breaking down larger pieces through ingestion ortransporting and mixing them through the <strong>soil</strong>. In theprocess they recycle energy and plant nutrients andcreate biopores.Biopores are channels or pores formed byliving organisms that help water drain morefreely and can improve the ability of roots topenetrate hard <strong>soil</strong> layers.In low fertility, sandy textured <strong>soil</strong>s typical ofextensive areas of Australian agriculture, anincreasing diversity of <strong>soil</strong> fauna has been linkedto higher carbon dioxide respiration, <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon and mineral nitrogen production above19MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

20MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEthat of <strong>soil</strong>s containing only bacteria and fungi(Kautz and Topp 2000).EarthwormsEarthworms are generally considered positive for thehealth of broadacre agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s, but quantifyingtheir impact on <strong>soil</strong> function has not been extensivelystudied in Australia. Since earthworms do not haveteeth they ingest both <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and <strong>soil</strong>, usingthe <strong>soil</strong> to help grind up <strong>organic</strong> residues internally.Their waste (worm casts) is a resultant mix ofstrongly aggregated <strong>soil</strong> and <strong>organic</strong> residues thatare rich in plant available nitrogen (0.6 per cent) andphosphorus (2.8 mg/100 g). The carbon content ofthese casts is on average 1.5 times that of the bulk<strong>soil</strong> (Bhadauria and Saxena 2010).Significant numbers of earthworms are required tostimulate an improved <strong>soil</strong> structure. For example,Fonte et al. (2012) determined the equivalent of 144worms per m 2 in the top 10 cm of a <strong>soil</strong> that alsohad high fungi and bacteria numbers and activelygrowing roots, was required before a six per centincrease in aggregate stability was measured. Thishas led to estimates of drainage rates up to 10times faster and infiltration rates six times faster in<strong>soil</strong> with earthworms compared to those withoutearthworms.Significant numbers ofearthworms are required tostimulate an improved <strong>soil</strong>structure.In Australian cropping <strong>soil</strong>s, only a few speciesof earthworms are associated with improved plantgrowth (Blackmore 1997). Current estimates ofearthworm populations in Australian agricultureare between 4/m 2 and 430/m 2 , although higherpopulations have been observed in some pasturesystems (Buckerfield 1992; Mele and Carter 1999;Chan and Heenan 2005). In north-eastern Victoriaand southern New South Wales, the density ofearthworms across 84 crop and pasture sitesaveraged 89 earthworms/m 2 , with a low speciesrichness of 1-2 per site (Mele and Carter 1999). Thisis similar to the average abundance (75 earthworms/m²) reported by Chan and Heenan (2006).Earthworm populations generally increased inwetter environments above 600 mm annual rainfalland were three times higher in pasture sites thancropping paddocks (Mele and Carter 1999). Zerotillagecombined with stubble retention was alsoshown to support earthworm populations up toseven times higher than in disturbed systems whereresidues were burnt (Chan and Heenan 2006).Variability in earthworm numbers has also beennoted within seasons, increasing during the wintermonths to between 160/m 2 and 501/m 2 for cropand pasture systems respectively and betweenseasons (Chan and Heenan 2006).Earthworms are not readily supported in some<strong>soil</strong>s, including very coarse sands or acidic <strong>soil</strong>s(pH Ca less than 4.5), and are often absent regardlessof management. In part this is due to low levels ofcalcium in these <strong>soil</strong>s, which is required continuouslyby earthworms.Soil-borne plant pathogensOrganisms that attack living plant tissue andcause plant diseases are called pathogens. In <strong>soil</strong>,undesirable organisms include a range of insects,parasitic nematodes, protozoa, viruses, bacteriaand fungi, which may be present even where thereare no visible symptoms. For a disease to developseveral criteria must be met. There must be asuitable host plant, a pathogen and an environmentsuited to its growth. Climatic patterns also affectthe types of fungal pathogens that are dominant ina region. Disease outbreaks can be caused by anincrease in the population of the pathogen, or byan increase in susceptibility of the plant, which isaffected by factors such as its age and nutritionalstatus, environmental stress, crop type or variety.The degree of root damage will generally relate tothe number and type of disease pathogens present.Undesirable organisms influence <strong>soil</strong> health andproduction through their influence on root and plantvigour and changes in the <strong>soil</strong> food web. A highincidence of pathogens can slow root growth anddecrease the ability of roots to acquire water andnutrients, decreasing grain and pasture yields, andconstraining <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs into <strong>soil</strong>. In doingthis, the addition of fresh <strong>organic</strong> inputs that favoursthe growth of a diverse range of beneficial organisms(as compared to pathogens) is constrained.Soils with high levels of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> andbiological activity seem to prevent pathogensfrom taking hold due to increased competition forresources, which constrains pathogen activity, or

21MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEby sheltering antagonistic or predatory microbes.For example, a decline in plant-parasitic nematodesand an increase in saprophytic nematodeswere observed with the use of diverse rotationalsequences, addition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, covercrops, green manures, composts and other <strong>soil</strong>amendments (Widmer et al. 2002).Suppressive <strong>soil</strong>sSuppressive <strong>soil</strong>s are those that naturally suppressthe incidence or impact of <strong>soil</strong>-borne pathogens.Disease suppression can develop over 5-10 yearsand is a function of the population, activity anddiversity of the microbial biomass (Roget 1995,2006). In southern Australia, sites with high levelsof disease suppression to rhizoctonia (Rhizoctoniasolani) and take-all (Gaeumannomyces graminis var.tritici) have been associated with higher inputs ofbiologically available carbon and greater competitionfor food resources (Roget 1995, 2006).The increase in available carbon at these siteswas associated with intensive cropping, full stubbleretention, limited grazing, no cultivation and highyielding crops. However, the adoption of thesepractices does not always result in suppression of<strong>soil</strong> pathogens as evidenced by the many instancesin which disease continues to be prevalent. To datethere are no indicator species associated with thedevelopment of suppression in agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s,though research in this area is progressing.ORGANIC MATTER TURNOVER TIMESThe ‘turnover’ or decomposition rate of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> refers to the time taken for <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> tomove into and through the various <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>pools, including living, actively decomposing andstable. This movement is a continual processand is vital to the functioning of all ecosystems.As new <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> enters the <strong>soil</strong> it supportsbiological processes, releases nutrients throughdecomposition and contributes to <strong>soil</strong> resilience.The difference between <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs andoutputs and the rate at which they are transformeddetermines the size and stability of the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>pools (see Chapter 1). Soil biological function is lesssensitive to the total amount of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> thanthe rate at which <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> turns over, whichis related to the size and nature of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> pools and <strong>soil</strong> depth (Dalal et al. 2011).Understanding and quantifying the mechanismsdriving turnover of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> between the poolsis critical to the capacity to increase and maintain<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon in different <strong>soil</strong>s and climates.The resistant <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction can takeseveral thousand years to turn over and is relativelyinert, while the stable humus pool generally takesdecades or centuries. In contrast, the activelydecomposing pool, which includes the particulateand dissolved <strong>organic</strong> fractions, has a turnover timeof less than a few hours through to a few decades.As <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is decomposed and moves fromthe rapidly decomposing fraction through to the

22MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEstable humus or resistant <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fractions, itbecomes both more resistant to decomposition andincreasingly nutrient rich (i.e. the carbon to nitrogenratio declines).Organic <strong>matter</strong> characteristicsThe carbon to nitrogen ratio of the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>being decomposed has a significant influenceon the rate and amount of nutrient release (seeChapter 1). As the ratio decreases, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>is generally decomposed more rapidly and there isgreater potential for a net release of plant-availablenutrients.The chemical composition of plant residuesstrongly influences the rate at which <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is decomposed. Soluble sugars, metaboliccarbohydrates and amino acids are rapidlydecomposed, while more resistant plant materialsuch as lignin, cellulose and polyphenols takesignificantly longer to break down. This differentialin decomposition rate, results in residues with asimilar carbon to nitrogen ratio, but different chemicalcomposition having widely variable decompositionrates. For example, Lefroy et al. (1994) found thedecomposition rate of Asian pea leaf residues wasmore than double that of medic hay due to differencesin the chemical composition of the residues.Suppressive <strong>soil</strong>s are thosethat naturally suppress theincidence or impact of <strong>soil</strong>-bornepathogens.The physical location of <strong>organic</strong> residues within the<strong>soil</strong> and the level of <strong>soil</strong> disturbance also influencethe rate at which <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is broken down ormineralised. For example, Hoyle and Murphy (2011)found nitrogen was mineralised more rapidly asresidues were incorporated with increasing intensityinto a red-brown earth compared to being left onthe <strong>soil</strong> surface.Soil characteristicsThe way in which a <strong>soil</strong> is constructed (i.e. itsarchitecture) can influence <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>accumulation or loss. Protection of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>in <strong>soil</strong> is most often associated with <strong>soil</strong> texture,specific surface area and mineralogy, which influencehow <strong>organic</strong> carbon may be adsorbed. Otherchemical and physical attributes of the <strong>soil</strong> such aspH, <strong>soil</strong> water and porosity can also modify the rateof <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> decomposition and therefore therate at which nutrients and carbon are cycled withinthe <strong>soil</strong> (see Table 2.1).Table 2.1 Soil factors that can influence the rate of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> turnover.Decrease <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>turnoverIncreasing <strong>soil</strong> depthNutrient deficiencyHigh lignin and wax contentWaterlogged (anaerobic) <strong>soil</strong>Low temperaturesClay texturesAggregationVariable charge surfacesIncrease <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>turnoverSurface litterNutrient richHigh carbohydrate contentFree draining <strong>soil</strong>sHigh temperaturesSandy texturesUnstructured <strong>soil</strong>sLow charge surfacesSoils with increasing clay content can often retain<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> for longer than coarse textured sandy<strong>soil</strong>s by restricting access to <strong>organic</strong> residues. Thisis associated with a greater proportion of smallpore sizes, which house smaller <strong>organic</strong> particlesthat microbes can’t get to, and increasing <strong>soil</strong>aggregation which can encase <strong>organic</strong> particlesand prevent access. While this effectively increasesthe retention of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> for longer it doesnot necessarily remove it from the decomposingpool. For example, management practices orevents that expose this protected material thenleave it vulnerable to decomposition. Thereforemanagement practices that change the structure ofa <strong>soil</strong> can influence the breakdown of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>fractions.ClimateIn moist <strong>soil</strong>s, higher temperatures increase theturnover rate of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>. For example, Hoyleet al. (2006) showed the mineralisation rate of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> doubled with each 10°C increasein average <strong>soil</strong> temperature between 5-40°C in <strong>soil</strong>held at 45 per cent water holding capacity. Adequateamounts of water and oxygen are also required fordecomposition to occur.Rainfall and <strong>soil</strong> porosity determine available<strong>soil</strong> water. Changes in the water filled pore space

23influence carbon mineralisation, with higherdecomposition rates associated with an increasingproportion of <strong>soil</strong> pores larger than 3 mm in size.Therefore, sandy <strong>soil</strong>s with a high porosity have afaster rate of decomposition than clay <strong>soil</strong>s. Whilethe amount of carbon mineralised at optimal watercontent is similar, the latter can vary between <strong>soil</strong>types. For example, the optimum water filled porespace for carbon mineralisation was determined at45 per cent on sand with 10 per cent clay, comparedto a water filled pore space of 60 per cent on aheavier <strong>soil</strong> with 28 per cent (Franzleubbers 1999).Location in the <strong>soil</strong> profileIn Australian <strong>soil</strong>s, about 60 per cent of themicrobial biomass in the top 30 cm is located justbelow the surface (0-10 cm). Large <strong>soil</strong> biota suchas earthworms, mites, termites and ants, whichactively break-up large <strong>organic</strong> residues are alsopresent in higher concentration near the <strong>soil</strong> surface.As a result, the turnover rate of <strong>organic</strong> material insurface <strong>soil</strong> (0-10 cm) is almost double that belowthis depth.ECOSYSTEM SERVICESGlobal carbon balanceBiological processes in <strong>soil</strong> contribute to fluxes ingreenhouse gas emissions (see Chapter 7). Theinfluence of these processes on <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>is therefore critical to the global carbon balance.As <strong>soil</strong> organisms break down <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>they release carbon dioxide, which when lost to theatmosphere is a potential source of greenhousegases. In Australia, up to 75 per cent of the carbonin fresh <strong>organic</strong> residues may be released as carbondioxide during the first year of decompositiondepending on climate and as much as 90 per centover the long-term. Soils also represent the largest‘sink’ or store for <strong>organic</strong> carbon. Therefore, thebalance between accumulation of carbon resultingfrom <strong>organic</strong> inputs and losses of carbon resultingfrom the decomposition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is criticalto mitigating greenhouse gas emissions.Soil bufferingOverall, adequate amounts of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>maintain <strong>soil</strong> quality, preserve sustainabilityof cropping systems and help to decreaseenvironmental pollution (Fageria 2012). Adding<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to <strong>soil</strong>s can decrease the toxicityof heavy metals to plants through absorption anddecrease the contamination of waterways andground water by pesticides through adsorption(Widmer et al. 2002).Soil acidification which occurs widely across arange of agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s is primarily associatedwith the removal of agricultural produce and highrates of nitrification, which contribute to leaching.Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can contribute to in-situ <strong>soil</strong>acidification as humic and fulvic acids accumulatein <strong>soil</strong>, but can also have a buffering effect againstthe process depending on the quality of the <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>. While the incorporation of high inputs of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is thought to help neutralise <strong>soil</strong> aciditythis effect is most pronounced when residues havebeen burnt. The application of lime to low pH <strong>soil</strong>sto meet minimum targets in surface (> pH Ca 5.5) andsub-surface <strong>soil</strong>s (> pH Ca 4.8) as recommended forWestern Australian <strong>soil</strong>s remains the most effectiveamelioration strategy (targets may vary by region).MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

2403MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDETHE CARBON CYCLEAT A GLANCE• Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content is determined first by <strong>soil</strong> type then by climate and then bymanagement.• Increasing stable <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> pools is a long-term focus in agricultural systems. Itisn’t going to happen overnight.• In many instances less than 15 per cent of carbon inputs eventually contribute to the <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon pool.• Soil function can be constrained when <strong>soil</strong> has less than one per cent <strong>organic</strong> carbon.

Carbon cycling between the <strong>soil</strong>, plants andatmosphere involves the continuous transformationof <strong>organic</strong> and in<strong>organic</strong> carbon compoundsby plants and organisms (see Figure 3.1). Soilrepresents a reservoir able to both store and releasecarbon within the global carbon cycle and as such isconsidered both a sink and source for carbon.Soils contain carbon in both <strong>organic</strong> and in<strong>organic</strong>forms, with the exception of calcareous <strong>soil</strong>s, whichis largely held as <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon. This <strong>organic</strong>carbon continually enters and leaves the <strong>soil</strong>resulting in both carbon accumulation and loss. Atany one time the amount of <strong>organic</strong> carbon in <strong>soil</strong>represents the balance between inputs and losses.Since carbon turnover can beconstrained by available nutrientsas suggested by the carbon tonutrient ratio, it is likely that morefertile <strong>soil</strong>s will lose <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>at a faster rate than lower nutrientcontent <strong>soil</strong>s.A significant amount of the <strong>organic</strong> carbonaccumulated in <strong>soil</strong>s has resulted fromphotosynthesis where plants convert atmosphericcarbon dioxide into above-ground shoot growth andbelow-ground root growth. As primary productivityincreases, <strong>organic</strong> inputs resulting from shoots,roots and micro-organisms grow and contribute toa build-up in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon.Carbon emissions from <strong>soil</strong> back to theatmosphere occur in the form of carbon dioxide,largely as a result of agricultural practices drivingchanges in microbial processes. These emissionshave resulted primarily from the decomposition of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, reflecting the historical declines thathave been measured in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> for manyagricultural <strong>soil</strong>s and contributed to the measuredincreases in atmospheric carbon dioxide resultingfrom human activities.CARBON BALANCE IN SOILSSoil <strong>organic</strong> carbon is in a constant state of flux,slowly responding to environmental or managementchanges and moving to reach a new equilibriumlevel after changes occur (see Figure 3.2). Forexample, in systems where plant production isconstrained, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> inputs decline and <strong>soil</strong>biota increasingly deplete stored <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonfor energy. This results in declining <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon levels until a lower limit, determined by <strong>soil</strong>texture and a decline in biological activity, whichis essentially starved of decomposable carbon, isreached. In contrast, systems with increasing <strong>organic</strong>inputs to <strong>soil</strong> can attain a higher level of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>25MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE Figure 3.1 Organic carbon cycling in <strong>soil</strong>s.

less than 15 per cent of carbon inputs eventuallycontribute to the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon pool (Chan etal. 2010). Figure 3.3 A model simulation showing theinfluence of cation exchange capacity (CEC) on thecapacity of <strong>soil</strong> to retain <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon(Grace et al. 2006).For example, a <strong>soil</strong> with a cation exchange capacityof 5 meq per 100 grams <strong>soil</strong> (e.g. typical of a sandy<strong>soil</strong>) might be expected to retain 30 per cent of thecarbon added, so one tonne of dry plant materialcontains 450 kg carbon, but will only retain about135 kg of <strong>organic</strong> carbon in the <strong>soil</strong>. If the <strong>soil</strong> hada background <strong>organic</strong> carbon content of 10 tonnescarbon per hectare in the top 10 cm this wouldreflect a change in <strong>organic</strong> carbon of just over 0.01per cent. Therefore, increasing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonis normally a slow, incremental process and inputsmust be sustained to maintain these changes. Itis also why it is difficult to detect short-term (lessthan 10 years) measureable changes in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon.O’Halloran et al. (2010) suggest a rule for irrigatedmixed farming systems where the retention of anextra tonne of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> every year for 10years will increase <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon by nearly 0.3per cent — as occurred in northern Victoria andsouthern New South Wales. In their study, the extra<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> includes the contribution from abovegroundshoot and below-ground root biomass.In Western Australia, the potential of a sandy <strong>soil</strong>to store <strong>organic</strong> carbon was evaluated in the lowrainfall zone (less than 350 mm annual rainfall). Inthis study, 60 tonnes of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> added aschaff over a period of eight years to a continuouscropping system resulted in an additional eighttonnes of carbon per hectare measured to 30 cm(Liebe Group unpublished). This reflects a retentionfactor of approximately 30 per cent. While we do notpropose that this is an economic or logistical reality,it does demonstrate the potential to increase <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to an attainable potential determinedby <strong>soil</strong> type and climate (see Chapter 1).HOW STABLE IS ORGANIC MATTER?The chemical compounds in <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> breakdown at different rates. The first <strong>organic</strong> compoundsto be broken down are those that have simplecellular structures such as amino acids and sugars.Cellulose breaks down more slowly and phenols,waxes and lignin remain in the <strong>soil</strong> for long periods oftime due to the complex structure of the molecules.Plant stems and leaves break down at differentrates due to the differences in their molecularstructure and the strength of their chemical bonds.Leaves generally have more cellulose, which is asimple molecule that decomposes rapidly, and lesslignin which has a complex structure and breaksdown more slowly. Specialised enzymes whichincrease the decomposition rate are required fortheir degradation. When lignin is associated withcellulose within plant cells it becomes more difficultto degrade. Under most conditions it might takethree times as long to degrade stem material as itdoes to degrade leaves.The chemical compounds in<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> break down atdifferent rates.The stability of <strong>organic</strong> carbon is also related to the<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction in which it resides. In thisrespect, <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon can be partitioned intofractions based on the size and breakdown ratesof the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in which it is contained(see Chapter 1). Carbon sources in the active pool,including fresh plant residues, particulate <strong>organic</strong>27MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

Table 3.1 The influence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on <strong>soil</strong> attributes and functions.Soil attribute or function Mode Impact Quantification29Soil architectureSoil fertilityWater infiltrationMicrobial by-products such asbacterial glues and fungal hyphaecan increase <strong>soil</strong> aggregation andstability of <strong>soil</strong> structure.Decomposition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>determines nutrient supply.Microbial by-products suchas bacterial glues and fungalhyphae increase potential for <strong>soil</strong>aggregation.Increasing <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can beassociated with development ofwater repellence on <strong>soil</strong> with lessthan 15 per cent clay.Can improve water infiltration,<strong>soil</strong> porosity and the exchange ofwater and oxygen.Increased plant productivity.Decreased input costs.Decreases moisture loss fromrun-off, evaporation.More water enters the <strong>soil</strong> profile.Increased <strong>soil</strong> porosity helps theexchange of water and oxygen.Minimal impact on coarsetextured sands.Up to 80 per cent of nitrogenuptake results from the turnoverof <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Soils can supply between 50-100kg nitrogen per hectare eachyear.Organic <strong>matter</strong> also containsphosphorous and sulphur.Increasing the rate of entry willlead to a greater potential formore available water.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEWater holding capacity (or‘bucket size’)Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can holdseveral times its own weight inwater.Increased plant available waterand decreased deep drainagebelow the root zone.Supports higher productivity.A one per cent increase in<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon stores theequivalent of a maximum 5.6 mmof <strong>soil</strong> water in the top 10 cm.Depending on <strong>soil</strong> type only aproportion of this will be plantavailable.Soil biological processesOrganic <strong>matter</strong> is the primarysource of energy required by <strong>soil</strong>microorganisms for growth andreproduction.Influences nutrient cyclingand availability, <strong>soil</strong> diversity,resilience and impact of stressevents(i.e. pathogen impact, recovery).The microbial efficiencyinfluences what percentage of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is retained in <strong>soil</strong>s.A greater proportion of carbon isretained in <strong>soil</strong>s with increasingclay content.In Australia, typically less than30 per cent of carbon is retained(can be up to 50 per cent).Buffers <strong>soil</strong> pH(helps maintain acidity at aconstant level)Organic <strong>matter</strong> is alkaline in itsnature.Large amounts of residues or aconcentration of burnt residuescan increase <strong>soil</strong> pH.Burnt residues can have a limingeffect (e.g. often observed onburnt windrows) resulting inhigher yielding areas.Burning residues will result inless labile carbon entering the<strong>soil</strong>.Soil resilience — defined asthe ability of a <strong>soil</strong> to recoverto its initial state after astress eventIncreasing <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>supports an increasing diversityof microorganisms, many ofwhich can undertake similar rolesallowing for some redundancy.Increased ability of <strong>soil</strong> to recover<strong>soil</strong> function after a disturbance.Less than 10 per cent of thepopulation is active at any time.It is estimated that losses of upto 20 per cent of the microbialbiomass would have little impacton <strong>soil</strong> function.

0430MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDESOIL ORGANIC MATTER ANDNUTRIENT AVAILABILITY INAGRICULTUREAT A GLANCE• Organic <strong>matter</strong> contains a large store of nutrients.• As a general rule, for every tonne of carbon in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> about 100 kg of nitrogen,15 kg of phosphorus and 15 kg of sulphur becomes available to plants as the <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is broken down.• Between 2-4 per cent of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is decomposed each year.• Organic <strong>matter</strong> contributes significantly to cation exchange capacity in sandy <strong>soil</strong>s.

Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> has a reservoir of nutrients boundwithin its <strong>organic</strong> structure, which are released intothe <strong>soil</strong> solution as <strong>soil</strong> microorganisms mineralise(break down) the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> for their ownmetabolism and growth.The amount of nutrients provided to plants viamicrobial breakdown of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> depends onthe type of material that is being mineralised and itsratio of carbon and other nutrients such as nitrogen,phosphorus and sulphur.As a rule, for every tonne of carbon in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> about 100 kg of nitrogen, 15 kg of phosphorusand 15 kg of sulphur becomes available to plants as<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is broken down. As well as releasingplant nutrients, the microbes also release between50-90 per cent of the carbon in <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>as carbon dioxide.The rate at which <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is broken downdetermines how rapidly the nutrients within the<strong>organic</strong> structure become available to plants. Theparticulate <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction breaks downrapidly, so its nutrients are made readily availableto plants and microbes. In contrast, the humusfraction breaks down over decades and providesa large but slow-release supply of plant-availablenutrients. Other more recalcitrant forms of carbonare relatively inert, taking hundreds to thousandsof years to break down and having little influenceon the amount of nutrients released into the<strong>soil</strong> solution.31MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

32MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEOrganic <strong>matter</strong> and cation exchangeThe ability of a <strong>soil</strong> to hold positively charged cationssuch as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium,hydrogen and aluminium at a given pH determinesits cation exchange capacity. Cation exchangemeasures the ability of a <strong>soil</strong> to hold on to and supplynutrients to plants. The cation exchange capacity ofa <strong>soil</strong> provides information on its structural stability,resilience, nutrient status and pH buffering capacity.Sodium and aluminium are negatively correlatedwith plant growth. Soil test results are expressedeither in milliequivalents per 100 grams <strong>soil</strong>(meq/100 g) or centimoles of charge per kilogram(cmol/kg).Soils have variable cation exchange capacityranging from sands, with a very low cation exchangecapacity often less than 3 meq/100 g, to vermiculite,which may hold up to 200 meq/100 g. Kaoliniticclays have a moderate cation exchange capacityof about 10 meq/100 g, while other clays such asillite and smectite have a higher exchange capacity(Purdie 1998).Table 4.1 contains information on the cationexchange of clay minerals.Table 4.1 Indicative cation exchange capacity ofdifferent clay minerals in <strong>soil</strong> (Moore et al. 1998).Clay mineralCation exchange capacity (meq/100g)Kaolinite 3-15Illite 10-40Montmorillonite 70-100Smectite 80-150Vermiculite 100-150Humified <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> has a very high cationexchange capacity from 250-400 meq/100g. Therefore, in <strong>soil</strong>s with low clay content theamount of humus and resistant <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>is increasingly important to nutrient exchangebecause its large surface area gathers (adsorbs)cations from the <strong>soil</strong> solution, holding nutrientsthat would otherwise leach. Williams and Donald(1957) estimate that each percentage increase in<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon is the equivalent of 2.2 meq/100g cation exchange and in some <strong>soil</strong>s contributesas much as 85 per cent of the cation exchangecapacity (Helling et al. 1964; Turpault et al. 2005;Hoyle et al. 2011).The contribution of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to <strong>soil</strong> cationexchange capacity declines with <strong>soil</strong> depth, decreasing<strong>soil</strong> pH (i.e. increasing <strong>soil</strong> acidity) and with increasingclay content (see Table 4.2).Table 4.2 Indicative cation exchange capacity fordifferent <strong>soil</strong> textures and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Soil textureCation exchange capacity (meq/100g)Sand 1-5Sandy loam 2-15Silt loam 10-25Clay loam/silty clay loam 15-35Clay 25-150Organic <strong>matter</strong> 40-200Humified <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> 250-400NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, SULPHURAND ORGANIC MATTEROrganic <strong>matter</strong> contains a large store of nutrients— the majority of which are unavailable for plantuptake. It estimated that 2-4 per cent of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is decomposed each year (Rice 2002). Usingan average three per cent turnover and based on acarbon to nutrient ratio of 1000 (C):100 (N):15 (P):15(S), this suggests for a <strong>soil</strong> which has 1400 tonnesof <strong>soil</strong> per hectare and a <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon contentof 2.1 per cent, there would be a release of about 88kg nitrogen, 13 kg phosphorous and 13 kg sulphureach year from <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.Nitrogen supplyIn most <strong>soil</strong>s, while nearly all nitrogen is presentin <strong>organic</strong> form, plants are generally better able totake up in<strong>organic</strong> (mineral) nitrogen forms such asammonium (NH 4+) and nitrate (NO 3-). Nitrate is thedominant form of nitrogen taken up by agriculturalplants.The conversion of <strong>organic</strong> nitrogen to in<strong>organic</strong>nitrogen is a biological process associated withthe mineralisation (decomposition) of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>. Mineralisation results in the productionof ammonium, which is predominantly takenupby and immobilised within <strong>soil</strong> microbes andthen transformed via nitrification to nitrate. Theseprocesses can be limited by <strong>soil</strong> pH Caless than 5.5,poor <strong>soil</strong> permeability resulting in water-logged <strong>soil</strong>s,carbon availability, drying <strong>soil</strong>s and temperaturesbelow 20°C (Mengel and Kirkby 1987).Soil biological processes are also integral to the

33MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEavailability of the majority of in<strong>organic</strong> fertilisersapplied to <strong>soil</strong>, which are transformed into nitrateby <strong>soil</strong> microbes before being taken up by plants.This includes urea which is either decomposedby enzymes or chemically hydrolyzed to produceammonia and carbon dioxide. The ammonia isthen converted by microbes into ammonium andsubsequently converted into nitrate by specialistmicroorganisms through a process known asnitrification.In Australia, in<strong>organic</strong> mineral fertilisers oftenmake up as little as 20 per cent of crop uptakedue to relatively low fertiliser applications and poornitrogen use efficiency. Biological processes supplythe remainder and in some cases contribute up to80 per cent of crop nitrogen uptake (Angus 2001).Although direct uptake of ammonium fertilisersby plants can occur most nitrogen fertilisersapplied in an ammonium (NH 4 +) form areconverted to nitrate (NO 3 -) by the <strong>soil</strong> microbesand are then taken-up by plants in this form.In<strong>organic</strong> nitrogen moves readily in <strong>soil</strong> and isrequired in relatively large amounts at critical stages incrop growth such as terminal spikelet, which occursabout eight weeks after sowing, and during grain fill.In wheat, nitrogen deficiency early in the season limitstiller formation and spikelet and floret number, whichin turn reduces yield potential. Later in the seasonnitrogen deficiency can result in smaller or fewer grainand where sufficient moisture during grain filling inlower grain protein.Nitrogen cyclingSoil nitrogen is primarily determined via biologicalprocesses, which are influenced by rate limitingfactors such as <strong>soil</strong> pH, tillage, <strong>soil</strong> moisture andtemperature. Ammonium released from <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> mineralised by <strong>soil</strong> microbes determinesthe supply (rate and amount) of in<strong>organic</strong> nitrogen.The rate at which nitrogen is immobilised within<strong>soil</strong> microbes and converted to nitrate is directlyproportional to microbial demands for nitrogen(Murphy et al. 2003) and determines the net amount(or surplus) of <strong>soil</strong> nitrogen that becomes available forplant uptake. While both plants and microorganismscan use ammonium a large proportion of it isconverted into nitrate. Once dissolved in solution,nitrate is more readily taken-up by plants, but is alsoeasily leached (see Figure 4.1).Plant-available nitrogen originates from fertiliserinput, nitrogen fixation and mineralisation of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>. The fate of mineral nitrogen within the profileis the result of immobilisation, plant uptake, leachingand gaseous losses.

Figure 4.1 Nitrogen cycling in <strong>soil</strong>.34MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEThe influence of <strong>organic</strong> inputs on<strong>soil</strong> nitrogen supplyThe ratio of carbon to nitrogen in <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>influences how much nitrogen will eventuallybecome available to plants through microbialdecomposition (Hoyle and Murphy 2011). Forexample, when <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> with a carbon tonitrogen ratio greater than 25:1 is broken downby microbes much of the nitrogen contained inthe <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is taken-up and immobilised bythe microbial population resulting in relatively littlenitrogen being made available to plants (see Chapter1). Increasingly poor quality residues such as wheatstraw, with an even wider carbon to nitrogen ratio(more than 50:1), result in microbial uptake andimmobilisation of existing plant-available nitrogen.This can lead to nitrogen deficiency during periods ofhigh crop demand, which contrasts with high qualityresidues with a carbon to nitrogen ratio less than25:1 where surplus nitrogen is released to the <strong>soil</strong>(see Figure 4.2). Figure 4.2 Nitrogen release in <strong>soil</strong> resulting fromthe decomposition of plant residues with a rangeof carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratios. Adapted fromHoyle et al. (2011).

35 MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE Figure 4.3 Phosphorus cycle in agricultural systems.While the sustained release of nitrogen associatedwith <strong>organic</strong> sources might be expected to moreeffectively raise grain protein than in<strong>organic</strong>nitrogen fertiliser applied at the start of the season,environmental and management factors make itdifficult to predict when the <strong>organic</strong> nitrogen willbecome available and matching <strong>organic</strong> nitrogensupply to crop demand is not straightforward.The polyphenol and lignin content of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>also influence the amount of nitrogen released from<strong>organic</strong> residues, with increasing amounts of thesesubstances limiting microbial access and nitrogenrelease (Ha et al. 2008).PHOSPHORUSPhosphorus is required for cell growth duringearly plant development. Demand for phosphorusincreases once phosphorus reserves in the seedhave been exhausted following plant establishment.Australian <strong>soil</strong>s are inherently low in phosphorusand significant amounts of in<strong>organic</strong> phosphorusfertiliser have been historically added to agricultural<strong>soil</strong>s to support profitable crop and pastureproduction. Very soon after application, in<strong>organic</strong>phosphorus reacts with clays and iron or aluminiumoxides rendering it ‘fixed’ and unavailable to plants(see Figure 4.3).Precipitation also results in a range of insolublesecondary phosphorous compounds forming inthe <strong>soil</strong> and as a result as little as five per cent ofthe phosphorus applied is available to crops inthe year of application due to these processes.These are distinguishable from direct losses suchas product removal, run-off and leaching becausethe phosphorous though relatively unavailableremains in the <strong>soil</strong> (see Figure 4.3). Plant-availablephosphorus in the <strong>soil</strong> solution is dominated bynegatively charged orthophosphate ions (H 2PO 4-and HPO 42-) though small quantities of soluble<strong>organic</strong> phosphorus compounds might also bepresent. As a consequence, plant growth responsesto phosphorus fertiliser are common despite <strong>soil</strong>

mycorrhizal associations have been known to causeyield penalties (Ryan et al. 2002, 2005).Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi have a symbiotic(defined in the broadest terms as two ormore organisms living together) associationwith the root of a living plant and are primarilyresponsible for nutrient transfer.Organic phosphorus sources are relatively slowrelease,but it is not easy to predict exactly whensoluble phosphorus will become available. Toensure a more reliable supply of phosphorus it isbest to apply a combination of mineral and <strong>organic</strong>sources. Soils with a high tendency to adsorb orfix phosphorus are likely to require phosphorusfertiliser application to meet crop requirementseven when <strong>soil</strong> tests suggest sufficient levels ofphosphorus exist.Diffusive Gradient in Thin-Films (DGT) is a newmethod of measuring <strong>soil</strong> phosphorus (Mason et al.2010) and is shown to be more accurate than otherconventional methods in estimating the phosphorusrequirement of crops. It provides an improvedmeasure of the phosphorus available for plantuptake and determines the likely yield responsefrom additional fertiliser (see http://<strong>soil</strong>quality.org.au/factsheets/dgt-phosphorus for further information).SULPHURSulphur is essential for plant protein production andsulphur deficiency can lower grain quality. Sulphur isalso critical for effective nitrogen fixation in legumes.Cereals typically require twice the amount of sulphuras phosphorus. As sulphur is relatively immobile inplants, a sustained supply of the mineral is requiredfrom the <strong>soil</strong>.Sulphur and <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>Most sulphur in <strong>soil</strong> is bound in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>for surface <strong>soil</strong>s (0-10 cm). The ratio of carbon tonitrogen to phosphorous to sulphur in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is usually about 108:8:1:1 (108 units ofcarbon, eight units of nitrogen and one unit ofphosphorous and sulphur). Many <strong>soil</strong>s also containgypsum in their sub<strong>soil</strong> layers.Sulphate (SO 4-2) is mineralised when <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is broken down and is the most plant-availableform of sulphur in well aerated <strong>soil</strong>s. Sulphate ismade available to plants from <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> with acarbon to sulphur ratio of less than 200:1. Residueswith a carbon to sulphur ratio of more than 400:1usually result in sulphur immobilisation (Delgadoand Follet 2002). Sulphate not taken up by plants isvulnerable to leaching and in coarse textured <strong>soil</strong>sunder high rainfall sulphur is often deficient.Sulphur deficiencies in the <strong>soil</strong>Historically, sulphur deficiency has been rarein Australia because of the widespread use ofsuperphosphate fertilisers containing sulphur.However, in recent years sulphur deficiency hasbecome more evident with the switch to low-sulphatephosphate fertilisers and the increasing adoptionof canola, which has a high sulphur requirement.Sulphur deficiency is particularly apparent in <strong>soil</strong>swith high nitrogen availability, which increases yieldpotential and therefore sulphur demand. Removalof sulphur in <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> via the harvest of cropsand pastures can be rectified with a replacementstrategy of between 2-5 kg of sulphur per tonne ofgrain or biomass removed (or in the case of canola10 kg of sulphur per tonne of removed grain orbiomass).POTASSIUMBetween 95-98 per cent of the potassium in <strong>soil</strong>is unavailable to plants and exists as a structuralcomponent of <strong>soil</strong> minerals until broken downby weathering processes. Instead, plants largelyacquire potassium in the form of exchangeablepotassium, or dissolved potassium available in <strong>soil</strong>solution. Available <strong>soil</strong> potassium results from thenet effects of supply processes, including mineralweathering, addition of fertilisers and mineralisationof <strong>organic</strong> inputs against losses associated withleaching, erosion, plant uptake and fixation.Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> increases the <strong>soil</strong>’s cationexchange capacity and in doing so increasesthe amount of soluble potassium, calcium andmagnesium available for release during mineralisation(Delgado and Follet 2002). Potassium is alsoreleased relatively quickly from crop residues tocontribute to the non-exchangeable, exchangeableand <strong>soil</strong> solution potassium pools. However, unlikenitrogen and phosphorous, available potassium inmany situations appears more closely linked to <strong>soil</strong>type (clay complex) than <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.37MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and in particular the humusfraction can hold several times its own weight inwater. It seems logical, then, that increasing the<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content of <strong>soil</strong> would have a positiveimpact on the water holding capacity of a <strong>soil</strong>.However, while there is indeed an establishedlink between <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and water holdingcapacity, its importance declines with <strong>soil</strong> depth andincreasing clay content (Hoyle et al. 2011). About60 per cent of the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in the top 30 cmof <strong>soil</strong> occurs in the surface layer (0-10 cm), so theinfluence of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on <strong>soil</strong> water is mostevident in the top<strong>soil</strong>.There is little influence of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on plantavailable water late in the season when <strong>soil</strong> moistureis usually below 30 cm. Clay also functions toabsorb <strong>soil</strong> water, decreasing the relative influenceof <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on water holding capacity asthe clay content of a <strong>soil</strong> increases (see Figure 5.1). Figure 5.1 Change in water holding capacity forthe 0-10 cm <strong>soil</strong> layer of South Australian redbrownearths, with a one per cent increase in <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon content (Hoyle et al. 2011).The relative value of available <strong>soil</strong> water dependson the amount and frequency of rainfall in any oneseason. For example, any additional water holdingcapacity provided by <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is only likelyto be beneficial when intermittent rainfall results inlow, infrequent or variable <strong>soil</strong> water. In contrast,frequent or high in-crop rainfall is likely to diminish theimpact of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on <strong>soil</strong> water holdingcapacity. In addition, and depending on <strong>soil</strong> type,the amount of extra water held does not necessarilymean it will be available to plants due to its locationin the profile relative to roots, or because it is heldso tightly by the <strong>soil</strong> that it cannot be extracted bythe plant.Maximum amount of extra water stored froma 1% increase in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon (SOC)1% SOC = 14 t C ha* = 5.6 mm*** Calculated to a depth of 10 cm in <strong>soil</strong> with abulk density of 1.4** Actual plant available water will be influencedby <strong>soil</strong> texture** Assumes <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> holds four timesits weight in waterWHAT AFFECTS THE WATER HOLDINGCAPACITY OF A SOIL?The texture and structure of a <strong>soil</strong> determine its abilityto form <strong>soil</strong> aggregates, which help determine waterand nutrient storage (see Table 5.1). A <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon content of two per cent is considered optimalfor aggregate stability (Kay and Angers 1999).The spaces or pores that form between <strong>soil</strong>aggregates are capable of storing water andprovide a home for <strong>soil</strong> biota. Soils with a widerange of particle sizes are unstable and are easilycompacted to form dense, often impenetrablelayers that constrain root growth. Organic <strong>matter</strong>helps to create and stabilise <strong>soil</strong> pores, promotesthe formation of <strong>soil</strong> aggregates and contributes to<strong>soil</strong> water storage via its capacity to absorb water.BARRIERS TO ROOT GROWTHPhysical, chemical and biological sub<strong>soil</strong> constraintscan prevent plant roots from growing to depth.Pathogens, physical impediments or chemicalbarriers such as sub<strong>soil</strong> acidity and salinity can slowplant root growth and prevent access to sub<strong>soil</strong>moisture. Improving <strong>soil</strong> structure and removingthese barriers to plant growth can improve thewater storage capacity of the <strong>soil</strong> and increase thearea and depth of <strong>soil</strong> available to plant roots forexploration.Water and nutrients can move through compacted<strong>soil</strong> (see Plate 5.1), but often remain unavailable toplants because of restricted root growth. When <strong>soil</strong>strength measures about 2000 kilopascal (kPa), orhas a bulk density higher than 1.7 g/cm 3 root growthtypically stops, continues horizontally or occurs at aslower rate. Bulk density is influenced by <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>39MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

Table 5.1 Influence of <strong>soil</strong> characteristics on water storage capacity.Soil characteristic Effect on <strong>soil</strong> structure and water storage Impact on cropsIncreasing clay contentLow clay or silt content (e.g. uniform, coarsetextured <strong>soil</strong>s such as deep sands, sandyearths)Poor <strong>soil</strong> structure (e.g. dispersive, hardsetting, naturally compacting <strong>soil</strong>s)Texture contrast <strong>soil</strong>s(e.g. sand over clay duplex)Cracking clays(light clay texture throughout <strong>soil</strong> profile, withcoarser material on the surface)Helps form <strong>soil</strong> aggregates with small poresize, which increases water holding capacity.Clay <strong>soil</strong>s with a high level of exchangeablesodium are likely to disperse and have pooraggregate stability.Results in poor aggregation.Water drains freely through profile.Low water and nutrient storage capacitywithin the root zone.Poor water infiltration.Increased risk of erosion.Low water storage capacity.Plant available water depends on:• surface <strong>soil</strong> texture• depth to sub<strong>soil</strong>• nature and texture of sub<strong>soil</strong>• interface between surface and sub<strong>soil</strong>Water preferentially flows into cracks, whileareas between cracks remain dry due to thedense <strong>soil</strong> structure and rapid water flow.Increased yield potential.Small pores can make it more difficult forplants to extract <strong>soil</strong> water under dryingconditions.Poor aggregate stability can result in surfacecrusting, hard-setting, waterlogging and lessavailable water.Crops and pastures can run out of water in atight (dry) finish.More prone to developing water repellence,restricting water entry.Crop yields often below potential due tolower water storage and restricted accessto water.Perched water table above dense claysub<strong>soil</strong> can result in waterlogging.Water availability and yield potentialdetermined by infiltration pattern and rootingdepth.40Increased but spatially variable waterstorage capacity.MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEHigh <strong>organic</strong> content <strong>soil</strong>sFresh <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> stimulates biologicalactivity including <strong>soil</strong> fauna such asearthworms and termites, which in turnhelp form the <strong>soil</strong> pores that increase <strong>soil</strong>porosity, water infiltration and <strong>soil</strong> watercapacity.<strong>matter</strong> content, porosity and structure. Less dense,well-structured <strong>soil</strong>s have a lower bulk density thanpoorly structured, low-<strong>organic</strong> or ‘massive’ <strong>soil</strong>s(cemented in a large mass). Light textured sandy<strong>soil</strong>s are prone to compaction and higher bulkdensity, both of which tend to increase with depth.Water movement is constrained at bulk densitieshigher than 1.6 g/cm 3 .Biological secretions, fungal hyphae andworm casts help to stabilise <strong>soil</strong> structure bybonding <strong>organic</strong> materials to <strong>soil</strong> minerals.Higher yields when associated withincreased <strong>soil</strong> water storage and nutrientcycling.A measure of bulk density is also needed to calculate‘stock’ values of <strong>soil</strong> properties per unit area such asthe amount of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon per hectare and canbe done as outlined on page 41.Such calculations allow <strong>soil</strong> properties to bemonitored accurately over time and ensure thatwhen changes in bulk density occur the <strong>soil</strong>resource condition (e.g. <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon content)

Bulk density (BD) = <strong>soil</strong> mass per knownvolume of <strong>soil</strong> = g/cm 3Measuring bulk densityThis method works best for moist <strong>soil</strong>s withoutgravel.1. Prepare a flat, undisturbed surface at thedepth you wish to sample.2. Collect a known volume of <strong>soil</strong> (steel coreor tube or PVC pipe; minimum 40 mmdiameter and 100 mm depth) by pushing orgently hammering core into <strong>soil</strong> taking carenot to compact it (see Plate 5.2).3. Remove core, brush away any <strong>soil</strong> on theoutside of tube, check <strong>soil</strong> is flush with coreends and place the <strong>soil</strong> from the core into alabelled plastic bag.4. Record date, sample code and location ofsample (if possible using GPS).5. Weigh sample after drying to a constantweight and record <strong>soil</strong> weight.CalculationsSoil volumeSoil volume (cm 3 ) = 3.14 x r 2 x hh = height of the ring measured with the rulerin cm (e.g. 10 cm)r = radius = half the diameter of the ring in cm(e.g. 7 cm ÷ 2 = 3.5 cm)Soil volume = 3.14 x 3.5 x 3.5 x 10 = 385cm 3Dry <strong>soil</strong> weightTo calculate the dry weight of the <strong>soil</strong>:1. Weigh an ovenproof container such as a pietin (record weight in grams = W1).2. Carefully remove all <strong>soil</strong> from the bag intothe container.3. Dry the <strong>soil</strong> at 105ºC until a constant weight(usually 24-48 hours). Depending on sizeof the core and <strong>soil</strong> moisture this may takelonger.4. When dry, weigh the sample (record weightin grams = W2).5. Record the dry <strong>soil</strong> weight (g) = W2 - W1Bulk density calculationBulk density (g/cm 3 ) = dry <strong>soil</strong> weight (g)/<strong>soil</strong>volume (cm 3 )can be adjusted accurately (see Figure 5.2). In thisexample, a <strong>soil</strong> with an initial bulk density of 1.2 g/cm 3 and an <strong>organic</strong> carbon concentration of 1.2per cent (14.4 tonnes <strong>organic</strong> carbon per hectareto 10 cm) was exposed to farming practices, whichused over a period of 10 years resulted in top<strong>soil</strong>compaction (see Figure 5.2). This increased thebulk density of the top<strong>soil</strong> to 1.4 g/cm 3 , but did notchange the percentage of <strong>organic</strong> carbon in the <strong>soil</strong>.Without adjusting for the change in bulk density toan equivalent <strong>soil</strong> mass, a change in <strong>organic</strong> carbonstock of 2.4 tonnes per hectare would result. If thestocks are adjusted to an equivalent <strong>soil</strong> weight,then results show no change in <strong>organic</strong> carbonstocks (see Figure 5.2).THE INFLUENCE OF SOIL ORGANICMATTER ON SOIL WATERPlant residues that cover the <strong>soil</strong> surface preventthe <strong>soil</strong> from sealing and crusting. This can resultin better water infiltration and decreased waterlosses associated with run-off. Evaporation is alsodecreased and up to 8 mm of <strong>soil</strong> water can besaved where more than 80 per cent of the <strong>soil</strong>surface is covered with residues compared withbare <strong>soil</strong>. If this water was available to plants it couldreturn the equivalent of about 120 kg grain perhectare in wheat.CALCULATING HOW MUCH WATERCAN BE STOREDWhile <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can hold between 2-5times its weight in water, the impact of increasing<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on water holding capacitydepends on the mineral composition of the <strong>soil</strong>, thedepth to which <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> has increased andthe contribution of <strong>organic</strong> inputs to the various <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> fractions (see Chapter 1).As a general rule, each one percentage increasein <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> increases water holdingcapacity in agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s by an average of 2-4per cent (0.8–8.0 percentage range; Hudson 1994).This is the equivalent of less than two per cent onaverage for a one per cent increase in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon. For a <strong>soil</strong> that held 200 mm of <strong>soil</strong> waterthis would be equal to an additional 4 mm of water.However, as most of the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> will bein the top 10 cm of the <strong>soil</strong>, reports of increases inwater holding capacity beyond 10 cm are likely tobe an over-estimation.Similarly, changes in water holding capacity shouldbe considered in context to the likely changes in <strong>soil</strong>41MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

Figure 5.2 Adjustment of <strong>organic</strong> carbon content for an equivalent <strong>soil</strong> mass associated with changes inbulk density and sampling depth.42MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDECalculating the change in water-holding capacity due to <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>Scenario 1A one per cent increase in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon (SOC) in the top 10 cm of a sandy <strong>soil</strong>, with a bulkdensity (BD) of 1.4 g/cm 3 and no gravel or stone content.Calculation (assuming one part <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon retains four parts water)[SOC (%) x BD (kg <strong>soil</strong>/ha to 10 cm depth*)] x retention factor= [0.01 x (1.4 x 100)] x 4= 1.4 kg/m 2 x 4= 5.6 litres/m 2 (or the equivalent of 5.6 mm)* While unlikely, if this change was observed to 30 cm then = [0.01 x (1.4 x 300)] x 4 = 16.8 mm<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>. For example, the likelihood of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon being increased by more than oneper cent is low because this level of change wouldrequire an additional 111 t/ha of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to beadded to the <strong>soil</strong>. This is calculated assuming a <strong>soil</strong>bulk density of 1.5 g/cm 3 to 10cm, carbon contentof 45 per cent in plant material and a microbialefficiency of 70 per cent. Such an input level is highlyunlikely in Australian agricultural systems even ifconsidered over a 10-year time frame.Often reported ‘changes’ in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonstocks are inaccurate having not adjusted forchanges in <strong>soil</strong> bulk density or stone content.Similarly, changes in the surface concentration(%) of <strong>organic</strong> carbon do not necessarily reflecta change in carbon stock over a deeper <strong>soil</strong>profile where the distribution of carbon withinthe profile may have altered.

43Reported changes in <strong>soil</strong> water content due toincreases in <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> often relate to changesin water holding capacity and are not necessarilyindicative of an increase in plant-available water. Thedifference between <strong>soil</strong> water holding capacity andplant-available water can vary widely depending onthe mineral composition of the <strong>soil</strong>, the form andlevel of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and whether associatedchanges in bulk density have been considered. Ingeneral, increasing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> will have asmaller effect on plant available water in <strong>soil</strong>s withincreasing clay content. It is therefore critical to takeall these factors into account when assessing thepotential impact of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on <strong>soil</strong> watercontent.HOW IMPORTANT IS ‘EXTRA’ WATER TOAGRICULTURAL PRODUCTIONThe value of ‘extra’ <strong>soil</strong> water storage to crop andpasture yield depends on the amount and frequencyof rainfall or irrigation as well as the water demandof the crop or pasture. If the water is available at atime when crops are otherwise water stressed, evena small amount of water could lift crop or pastureproductivity. As a rule, each additional millimetreof rainfall (where water limited) can produce anadditional 20 kg grain per hectare of wheat (Frenchand Schulz 1984). However, where there is sufficientwater availability or when <strong>soil</strong> constraints preventplants accessing water then any extra <strong>soil</strong> moisturemay not be used.RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ORGANICMATTER AND WATER REPELLENCEOrganic <strong>matter</strong> is not always associated withimproved water holding capacity because <strong>organic</strong>compounds that exhibit water repellent properties(see Plate 5.3 a) such as plant waxes can beimplicated in the development of non-wetting <strong>soil</strong>s(see Plate 5.3 b).Although not restricted to any one climate or <strong>soil</strong>type, water repellence most often affects sands.An estimated 2-5 million hectares of agriculturalland in southern Australia exhibits signs of <strong>soil</strong>water repellence (Roper 2004), with coastal sandplain<strong>soil</strong>s especially prone. Water repellence is asignificant issue in agricultural systems becauseit slows water infiltration and constrains <strong>soil</strong> waterstorage. This often results in poor or uneven cropestablishment and development, variable weedcontrol, increased risk of <strong>soil</strong> erosion and decreasedgrain yield. Nationally, estimated losses for crop andpasture production due to water repellent <strong>soil</strong>s isabout $100-$250 million per year.An easy to use web-based tool for adjustingyour <strong>soil</strong> carbon and nutrient concentrationresults for either bulk density or gravel/stonecontent is available at www.<strong>soil</strong>quality.org.au/calculators/gravel_bulk_densityWHAT CAUSES WATER REPELLENCE?While all plants have waxes to prevent theirdesiccation, a range of more than 50 plant speciesincluding eucalyptus, acacia, clover and lupin andvarious <strong>organic</strong> compounds, including fungal derivedsources, have been more closely associated withMANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

44MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEwater repellence. These materials break down andeither mix with or coat <strong>soil</strong> particles making themhydrophobic, or water repellent. Most often waterrepellence is associated with the <strong>soil</strong> surface becausethis is where most of the <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is located.Despite being associated with <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>there is generally no direct relationship betweentotal <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and water repellence. Thisis because <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content is one of severalinteracting variables that impact on the severity of<strong>soil</strong> water repellence (Harper et al. 2000). Ratherit is a combination of the amount, type of <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> present and <strong>soil</strong> texture that influences thesusceptibility of <strong>soil</strong>s to water repellence.Blue lupins (Lupinus consentinii) are renownedfor their capacity to cause severe water repellence.This is most likely not only associated with plantwaxes, but also the large biomass associated withthis plant type in many environments. For example,sandplain <strong>soil</strong>s will develop moderate to severewater repellence following five years of continuousblue lupin production. Heavier <strong>soil</strong> types generallyrequire higher amounts of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to inducewater repellence and as such it is less prevalent onthese <strong>soil</strong> types. Sheep camps also tend to be morewater repellent because they concentrate repellent<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and waxy substances that have notbeen broken down during sheep digestion. Similarly,in native vegetation a strong link exists betweenparticular species such as Eucalyptus astringens(brown mallet), E. patens (blackbutt) and Banksiaspeciosa (showy banksia) and the occurrence ofwater repellence (Blackwell 1996).Only a relatively small amount of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>(between 1-4 per cent of the <strong>soil</strong> mass) is requiredto inhibit water absorption and slow infiltration insands. Water repellence has a similar impact onboth deep and shallow sands in terms of limitingwater entry (Moore 2001).In general, coarse textured sands require lessparticulate <strong>organic</strong> material and develop repellencemore rapidly than finer textured clay <strong>soil</strong>s, but thesemay still exhibit water repellence (see Figure 5.3).It is also evident that increasing amounts of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is associated with the developmentof more severe repellence for any given clay content(see Figure 5.3).These results contrast to some extent with previousstudies that found water repellence only occurred in<strong>soil</strong>s with less than 10 per cent clay and was mostsevere in coarse textured sandy <strong>soil</strong>s, with less thanfive per cent clay (Harper and Gilkes 1994). Figure 5.3 A complex relationship exists between<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon, clay content and the severityof water repellence as measured at 400 sitesacross Western Australia (Hoyle and Murphyunpublished) for MED severity (nil – black, very low– red, low – green, moderate – dark blue, severe –light blue, very severe – pink; King 1981).

45MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEPlate 5.1 A sub-surface compaction layer shows a dense impenetrable <strong>soil</strong> layer.Source: Tim Overheu, DAFWAPlate 5.2 Bulk density core.Plate 5.3 a) Water droplet sitting on thesurface of a non-wetting <strong>soil</strong> (Van Gool etal. 1999) and b) typical sub-surface drynessobserved after rain in water repellent sand.

0646ORGANIC MATTER LOSSESFROM SOILMANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEAT A GLANCE• Organic carbon in <strong>soil</strong> is concentrated at the <strong>soil</strong> surface (0-10 cm). Protecting this <strong>soil</strong>from loss is therefore critical to maintaining <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon levels.• Much of the original loss of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon was associated with the clearing andsubsequent tillage of land for agricultural pursuits.• Building <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon in coarse textured sandy <strong>soil</strong>s is more challenging than infiner textured clay <strong>soil</strong>s.• Warm, moist <strong>soil</strong>s increase the decomposition rate of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.

When <strong>soil</strong>s under natural vegetation are convertedto agricultural land there is an important loss of <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon mainly in the form of carbon dioxide.Organic <strong>matter</strong> levels in many Australian cropping<strong>soil</strong>s have declined by between 10-60 per centcompared to pre-clearing levels (Dalal and Chan2001). Based on a total arable <strong>soil</strong> area of 41 millionhectares and assuming the carbon component ofthis <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> measured between 30-60 tonnescarbon per hectare (top 30 cm of <strong>soil</strong>), the totalhistorical loss in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon is 646 milliontonnes carbon (Chan et al. 2009). This representsthe equivalent of nearly 2.4 billion tonnes of carbondioxide emissions.While <strong>soil</strong> forms and regenerates very slowly,it can degrade rapidly and could in essence beconsidered a non-renewable resource. Soil <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> is in a constant state of turnover whereby itis decomposed and then replaced with new <strong>organic</strong>material. The balance between these additions andlosses determines the relative flux and amount of<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> present at any point in time.Below-ground <strong>organic</strong> residues and root turnoverrepresent direct inputs of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> into the<strong>soil</strong> system and have the potential to make majorcontributions to the <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> stock (seePlate 6.1). The tight coupling between root distributionand the distribution of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> with depth isoften cited as evidence of the importance of rootinputs in maintaining stocks of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon.In addition, roots generally decay more slowly thanabove-ground residue because of differences inlitter quality and environmental factors (Sandermanet al. 2010).DIRECT LOSSESSoil erosionIn Australia, annual <strong>soil</strong> losses from erosion arenegligible under a good pasture, but can be upto eight tonnes per hectare under planted crop.Erosion risk is strongly influenced by the amountof ground cover and the highest risk scenarios aremost often associated with bare fallow, under whichtypical <strong>soil</strong> losses in a single year can reach between60-80 tonnes per hectare. While less common, windand water erosion resulting from single, high-intensitystorms can erode up to 300 tonnes per hectare(see Plate 6.2). Since a 1 mm depth of <strong>soil</strong> weighsbetween 10-15 tonnes per hectare (assuming abulk density of 1.0 to 1.5g/cm 3 ), erosion events incropped <strong>soil</strong>s represent a significant loss of top<strong>soil</strong>along with its associated carbon and nutrient-richfractions (Hoyle et al. 2011). Soil physical attributesassociated with high <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> content suchas more stable <strong>soil</strong> aggregates, greater porosity,improved water infiltration and improved workabilityat high moisture content (plastic limit) all contributeto a lower risk of <strong>soil</strong> loss from erosion.INDIRECT LOSSESLosses of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon occur primarily when<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> is decomposed and mineralised tocarbon dioxide. The rate at which <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>is decomposed is driven by factors that regulatemicrobial activity, including climate (<strong>soil</strong> moisture andtemperature), <strong>soil</strong> disturbance and the managementof <strong>organic</strong> inputs.ClimateIn moist <strong>soil</strong>s, <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> breaks down morerapidly as average temperatures increase. Asa general rule for every 10°C rise in averagetemperature between 5°C and 40°C the rate ofmineralisation will nearly double where carbonsubstrates are not limited (see Figure 6.1; Hoyleet al. 2006). Therefore, it is more difficult to storelarge amounts of <strong>organic</strong> carbon in <strong>soil</strong>s subject tohigh temperatures and even more difficult in <strong>soil</strong>sexposed to high temperatures and extended periodsof adequate <strong>soil</strong> water. In cooler environments,decomposition does not occur year-round and isconstrained at low temperature. Figure 6.1 The effect of increasing temperatureon the amount of carbon lost from <strong>soil</strong> (kg carbonper tonne of <strong>soil</strong> per day) where stubble has beenretained (adapted from Hoyle et al. 2006).47MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

48MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEDrying <strong>soil</strong>s increasingly inhibit microbial activityand therefore decomposition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>because there are fewer substrates and nutrientsfor microbial growth and reproduction. Soil moisturebetween 20-60 per cent of water holding capacity isconsidered optimal for microbial activity, with wetter<strong>soil</strong>s inhibiting biological activity due to low oxygenavailability.As <strong>soil</strong>s warm up in spring, the microbial biomassincreases in size as well as activity. In general,population size and activity of <strong>soil</strong> microorganismsare highest during spring and lowest during winter.This means warm, moist environments can supporthigh levels of microbial activity and <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> can be lost quickly in these systems if <strong>organic</strong>inputs stop. Conversely, in <strong>soil</strong>s with very low levelsof <strong>soil</strong> microbial activity <strong>organic</strong> carbon can slowlyaccumulate and build to relatively high levels, despitebeing in an environment of poor productivity. Forexample, in highly acidic, waterlogged or clay <strong>soil</strong>s,<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> can accumulate but does not breakdown. Highly alkaline and in particular sodic <strong>soil</strong>s donot support high <strong>organic</strong> carbon stocks.Factors that control how sensitive <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>is to decomposition include:(1) Physical protection. Organic <strong>matter</strong> can beprotected inside <strong>soil</strong> aggregates limiting accessto it by microorganisms and their enzymes(Tisdall and Oades 1982). Micro-aggregates(53–250 mm) slow the turnover of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong>, withstand physical disturbance andprotect carbon more effectively than largermacro-aggregates (Angers et al. 1997;Six et al. 2002).(2) Chemical protection. Organic <strong>matter</strong> canbecome adsorbed on to mineral surfacesprotecting it from decomposition.(3) Drought. Low <strong>soil</strong> moisture results in thinningor absent water films in <strong>soil</strong>, slowing the flowof extracellular enzymes and soluble carbonsubstrates. Organic compounds in dry orhydrophobic <strong>soil</strong>s are isolated from degradationby water-soluble enzymes.(4) Flooding. Flooding slows the diffusion of oxygenand constrains aerobic decomposition of<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>.(5) Freezing. The diffusion of substrates andextracellular enzymes within the <strong>soil</strong> below 0°Cis extremely slow and this, in turn, slows thedecomposition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> (Davidson andJanssens 2006).SOIL DISTURBANCESoil disturbance and cultivation can accelerate thedecomposition of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>, increasing its rateof mineralisation. Cultivation and <strong>soil</strong> disturbanceexposes previously protected <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> to <strong>soil</strong>biota increasing its decomposition. Minimum tillagehas the greatest potential to maintain, or perhapsincrease levels of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in Australiancropping <strong>soil</strong>s over the long-term, especially insurface <strong>soil</strong>s.The increasing use of <strong>soil</strong> management practicessuch as mouldboard ploughing is likely to have aprofound effect on the amount and distribution of<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and needs further study (seePlate 6.3).MANAGEMENT OF ORGANIC RESIDUESSoil <strong>organic</strong> carbon declines rapidly under fallowbecause of increased microbial attack on stored<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon supported by <strong>soil</strong> moistureconservation, a lack of plant production and, wherepracticed, due to cultivation for weed control whichexposes previously protected <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> todecompositionCrop type, rotation and management influence<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon content. In general, <strong>soil</strong>s underpasture have a higher <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> content than thoseunder cropping (Blair et al. 2006), while minimumtillage and stubble retention can either maintain orincrease <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon in cropped <strong>soil</strong>s (Chanand Heenan 2005). Applying in<strong>organic</strong> fertilisers tolow fertility <strong>soil</strong>s can sometimes promote microbialactivity and <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> decompositionwhere nutrients are limiting, but also support greaterplant productivity.Loss of top<strong>soil</strong> from erosion results in a directloss of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>. Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> canalso be affected indirectly by erosion when exposedsub-surface <strong>soil</strong> layers are subject to highertemperatures leading to an increase in <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> mineralisation (Liddicoat et al. 2010).Grazing can remove a significant amount ofabove-ground biomass — a proportion of which isreturned to the <strong>soil</strong> as manure. Plant growth stageand grazing intensity can impact on the ability ofpastures to recover and therefore the amount ofabove-ground biomass that makes its way into<strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>. Model estimates show a 10per cent loss of <strong>organic</strong> carbon stocks over 30 cmassociated with the net removal of 30 per cent of dry<strong>matter</strong> from an annual pasture paddock in WesternAustralia (Roth-C initialised at five per cent clay,

450 mm annual growing season rainfall, 75 tonnescarbon per hectare and no erosion loss).THE FATE OF CAPTURED CARBONIN SOILSThe contribution of recently fixed carbon to <strong>soil</strong>carbon stocks depends on whether plant productsstay on the land and are incorporated into <strong>soil</strong>, orare exported as hay and grain (see Plate 6.4).In most farming systems a proportion of thecarbon fixed during photosynthesis will be removedas grain. For grain crops, 30-50 per cent of theabove-ground dry <strong>matter</strong> is typically removed fromthe farming system as grain or hay. Depending onhow the stubble is managed the balance of the dry<strong>matter</strong> remains as above and below-ground (root)residues. Some carbon is transferred into the <strong>soil</strong> asroot and mycorrhizal biomass and exudates.Incorporating <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> into the <strong>soil</strong> can, insome cases, increase the amount and persistenceof <strong>organic</strong> carbon at depth. In farming systems,the majority of surface residues are mixed into <strong>soil</strong>during tillage. In natural systems, <strong>soil</strong> fauna such asearthworms and litter arthropods (e.g. mites andants) fragment and mix surface residues into the<strong>soil</strong>. Upwards of 30 per cent of the mass of surfaceresidues are leached into the <strong>soil</strong>. A proportionof this soluble <strong>organic</strong> carbon will be rapidly lost,while the remainder enters the <strong>soil</strong> to eventuallybecome humus.49MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEPlate 6.1 Canola roots contribute <strong>organic</strong><strong>matter</strong> to <strong>soil</strong>.Source: GRDCPlate 6.2 Soil erosion resulting from poorground cover and compaction.Source: Paul Blackwell, DAFWAPlate 6.3 Mouldboard plough in operation forthe treatment of non-wetting <strong>soil</strong>.Source: Evan CollisPlate 6.4 The removal of products such asgrain or hay can decrease <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong>inputs and contribute to <strong>soil</strong> acidification.Source: Kondinin Group

5007MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEGREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONSAT A GLANCE•Methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide are the main greenhouse gases associated withagricultural production.•Greenhouse gas emissions are reported in carbon dioxide equivalents (CO 2 -e).•One tonne of carbon is equal to 3.67 tonnes of carbon dioxide.•Soils act as both a source and sink for carbon.•Increases in <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon must be permanent and verifiable to be traded.

Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions are largelyassociated with methane (CH 4 ) from ruminantlivestock digestion, nitrous oxide (N 2O) from <strong>soil</strong>sand carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) from fossil fuel use and<strong>soil</strong>s (Australian National Greenhouse Accounts2011).The contribution of different greenhouse gasesto global warming is measured in carbon dioxideequivalents (CO 2 -e), which allows all greenhousegases to be compared with a common standard(that of carbon dioxide) and reflects how long thegases remain in the atmosphere and their ability totrap heat.Globally, fossil fuel combustion, land useconversion, <strong>soil</strong> cultivation and cementmanufacturing have largely been associated with a36 per cent increase in atmospheric carbon dioxideconcentrations from a pre-industrial level of 280ppm to 380 ppm in 2006 (Lal and Follet 2009).For example, over 100 years the globalwarming potential of:• 1 tonne of methane = 25 tonnes of carbondioxide• 1 tonne of nitrous oxide = 298 tonnes ofcarbon dioxideSource: IPCC, 4th Assessment 2007In Australia, agricultural industries are the dominantsource of methane (58 per cent) and nitrous oxide(77 per cent) emissions. In 2011, agriculturalemissions were estimated at 84.1 million tonnes ofcarbon dioxide equivalents (CO 2 -e) of which 65 percent was methane and 19 per cent nitrous oxide.However, while agriculture contributes significantlyto methane and nitrous oxide emissions it accountedfor just 15.2 per cent of Australia’s total greenhousegas emissions in 2011. By comparison, the energysector accounted for 76.4 per cent (417.4 Mt CO 2 -e)of Australia’s net emissions (Australian NationalGreenhouse Accounts 2011).SOIL ORGANIC MATTER ANDGREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONSGlobally, <strong>soil</strong>s are estimated to contain about threetimes as much carbon as that found in the world’svegetation. Soil <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> and the carboncontained within it therefore play a critical role in theglobal carbon balance.Historical conversion of native land to agriculturalproduction has decreased the world’s <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon stocks by between 40-60 per cent (Guo andGifford 2002), or the equivalent of 78 Petagrams (Pg)of carbon (Lal 2004). These large losses coupledwith concerns over rising atmospheric levels ofcarbon dioxide has driven interest in the possibilityof the world’s <strong>soil</strong>s being used to store carbon andhelp mitigate climate change.Agricultural <strong>soil</strong>s have a high potential for carbonsequestration (albeit slowly in many cases) atrelatively low cost. Increasing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carboncould mitigate Australia’s greenhouse gas emissionsand the effects of climate change with co-benefitsfor productivity. Increasing <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon isalso associated with biological resilience, whichprovides agro-ecosystems with the capacity torecover critical <strong>soil</strong> functions following short-termclimate or environmental stresses.A one per cent change in the amount of stored <strong>soil</strong><strong>organic</strong> carbon equates to a change in atmosphericcarbon dioxide concentration of about eight partsper million (Baldock et al. 2012).Carbon dioxideFor every tonne of <strong>organic</strong> carbon that isdecomposed, 3.67 tonnes of carbon dioxide isreleased to the atmosphere. Conversely, for everytonne of <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon created, 3.67 tonnesof carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere.For example, a one per cent increase in <strong>organic</strong>carbon in the top 30 cm of <strong>soil</strong> (with a bulk densityof 1.2 g/cm 3 ), is equivalent to 36 tonnes per hectareof <strong>organic</strong> carbon or 132 tonnes carbon dioxidesequestered per hectare.1 tonne of carbon is the equivalent of 3.67tonnes of carbon dioxide.One option available to lower atmosphericgreenhouse gases is to remove carbon from theatmosphere by sequestering carbon dioxide in<strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> in a stable form (trees or <strong>soil</strong> carbon).Under current carbon accounting requirements thesequestered carbon must remain stored for at least100 years and be verifiable for accounting purposes(Noble and Scholls 2001; Smith 2004).Freshly deposited <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> tendsto readily oxidise to carbon dioxide unless it isconverted to a more stable form. Stable forms ofcarbon take time to form and in many cases it cantake years to rebuild a bank of stable carbon toprevious levels.51MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

52MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDEThe effect of nitrogen fertilisers on <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong>carbon stocks should be assessed on thenet balance between increased carbon inputsfrom increased production versus increaseddecomposition if it occurs. In some cases, nitrogeninputs can actually slow down carbon loss becausemore carbon is stabilised. In other cases, nitrogenfertilisers can indirectly degrade <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbonreserves because their addition stimulates a rangeof bacteria that feed on carbon for their growthand reproduction. For every tonne of fertilisernitrogen applied, bacteria consume about 30tonnes of carbon (based on a carbon to nitrogenratio of 30 to 1).Nitrous oxideNitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissions account for about10 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions,with 90 per cent of these emissions derived fromagricultural practices (Smith et al. 2007). The mainsource of nitrous oxide emissions worldwide ismineral nitrogen fertilisation and its influence on thenitrogen cycle.As a consequence of its high global warmingpotential, nitrous oxide emissions from land can havea large bearing on the assessment of greenhousegases from cropping systems (Australian NationalGreenhouse Accounts 2011). Barton et al. (2010)report nitrous oxide emitted after the applicationof synthetic nitrogen fertilisers to land under graincropping systems to be 17 times lower than theIntergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)default value of 1.0 per cent.Nitrous oxide (N 2 O) emissionsaccount for about 10 per cent ofglobal greenhouse gas emissions,with 90 per cent of theseemissions derived from agriculturalpractices (Smith et al. 2007).Nitrous oxide in <strong>soil</strong>s is associated withmicrobial processes associated with nitrogentransformations. Denitrification occurs underanaerobic (waterlogged) conditions and involves thereduction of nitrate (NO 3 -) to nitrogen gas (N 2 ), withnitrous oxide as a by-product (de Klein and Eckard2008). Nitrification contributes to a lesser extent tonitrous oxide emissions by oxidising ammonium(NH 4 +) to nitrate (NO 3 -), with nitrous oxide as aby-product. Nitrification can be favoured at hightemperatures and inhibited at acid pH values(Mengel and Kirkby 1987).The influence of <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> on nitrous oxideemissions is related to substrate availability. Currentevidence suggests this is most closely associatedwith the carbon to nitrogen ratio of the dissolved(soluble) <strong>organic</strong> <strong>matter</strong> fraction, which differsamong species and decomposition stages. A lowercarbon to nitrogen ratio provides more mineralisablenitrogen substrate for microbial nitrous oxideproduction and increases the bioavailability ofdissolved <strong>organic</strong> carbon.MethaneDespite a short residence time (about 10 years) inthe atmosphere, methane is the main hydrocarbonpresent in the atmosphere and due to its ability toabsorb infrared radiation has 20-30 times the globalwarming potential of carbon dioxide (Rodhe 1990).Nearly 16 per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gasemissions are associated with methane productionfrom agriculture. A large proportion (just over 67per cent) of this comes from methane producedby Australia’s cattle and sheep industries (NationalGreenhouse Gas Inventory 2010).Methane (CH 4 ) is a natural by-product of ruminantdigestion in animals, wetland rice paddy farmingand anaerobic decomposition of biological material.Its global warming potential is 21 times that ofcarbon dioxide. In <strong>soil</strong>s, methane emissions are thenet result of two bacterial processes influenced byland use, management and <strong>soil</strong> type — methaneproduction and methane consumption. Methane isproduced by methanogens in anaerobic <strong>soil</strong>s thatconstrain oxygen diffusion such as in water-logged<strong>soil</strong>s and methane consumption in aerobic <strong>soil</strong>sby methane-oxidizing bacteria (Le Mer and Roger2012).CARBON OFFSETS FOR GREENHOUSEGAS EMISSIONS AND CARBONTRADINGGlobal markets for greenhouse gas emissionsCarbon trading markets have been introduced insome countries as a response to climate changeimperatives and typically greenhouse gas emissionsare limited by tradeable permits. Hence, a price fora set amount of emissions is determined by marketforces, which should promote changes in productiontowards a lower-emission producing industry. In a

number of European Union (EU) countries this hasoperated as a mandatory cap and trade scheme,which despite initially high permit prices and becauseof the recession, in May 2013 is currently tradingat around 3.5 Euros ($4.67 based on an exchangerate of 0.75 Euros per Australian dollar) per metricton on London’s ICE Futures Europe exchange.Each carbon credit represents one tonne of carbondioxide equivalents (CO 2 -e).The Australian situationThe Carbon Farming Initiative (CFI) aims to helpAustralia meet its international greenhouse gasobligations by undertaking land sector abatementprojects that generate saleable carbon credits(Australian carbon credit units, ACCUs) or offsets.These offsets are either Kyoto compliant and cancontribute towards Australia’s national inventor,or be exchanged for Kyoto consistent credits andexported overseas, or are non-Kyoto compliant andcommonly termed ‘voluntary’ carbon credits.The Australian government introduced a fixedprice of $23 per tonne of carbon dioxide for permitsin July 2012 and is set to increase by five per cent ayear through 2015 before shifting to a cap and tradesystem linked to the EU market. In Australia, around500 companies have a mandatory obligation to payfor, or offset their direct emissions using carboncredits.Currently, <strong>soil</strong> <strong>organic</strong> carbon can also be tradedvia voluntary carbon trading schemes both inAustralia and internationally to offset greenhousegas emissions. In an emissions trading framework,the term ‘offset’ describes the reduction or removalof greenhouse gas emissions in a ‘non-covered’sector (i.e. not mandatory). Until very recently,the agricultural sector remained uncovered andconstituted the primary opportunity for landholdersto engage in the creation of carbon offsets.Trading in voluntary carbon offsets may provideadditional benefits to companies, includingpromotion and strengthening of environmentalcredentials, and promoting a perception within thecommunity that they are taking responsibility fortheir emissions. Landholders wanting to participatein voluntary offset schemes are encouraged to seeklegal and financial advice.Afforestation and reforestation activities, which areincluded under Article 3.3 of the Kyoto Protocol, canbe traded internationally and attract a premium overvoluntary trading markets. These activities includeas an example the establishment of planted treesof at least 2m in height in an area greater than 0.2hectare that has been previously cleared of naturalvegetation post December 31, 1989.Should agriculture become a covered sector,landholders taking part would need to consider thewhole farm implications of participating in carbonmarkets as they may then be required to reportnot only sequestration and mitigation gains, butalso ‘leakages’ and losses from the system (i.e.increasing use of nitrogen fertilisers associatedwith nitrous oxide emissions and livestock methaneemissions), which may result in a negative carbonbalance overall.In May 2013, the Australian government electedto include reporting of activities which includecropland management, grazing land managementand revegetation towards their national greenhousegas reduction target during the second commitmentphase of the Kyoto protocol. This means that foran approved methodology developed under theCarbon Farming Initiative (CFI), these activities willbe able to generate and sell Kyoto-compliant CFIcredits. They also remain eligible for use in voluntarymarkets.Offsets are assessed againstinternationally recognised standards toensure real and verifiable abatement,including:• Additionality (projects only happenedbecause the offsets market was available)• Permanence (carbon store must bemaintained for 100 years)• Accounting for leakage (emissions fromelsewhere that nullify abatement must beaccounted for)• Measureable and auditable• Conservative• Internationally consistent• Supported by peer reviewed science(where estimation methods are differentto those used in Australia’s NationalGreenhouse Accounts, peer reviewedscience must support the estimationmethods)53MANAGING SOIL ORGANIC MATTER: A PRACTICAL GUIDE

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