An Engine System Approach to Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery - EERE

An Engine System Approach to Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery - EERE

An Engine System Approach to Exhaust Waste Heat Recovery - EERE


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DisclaimerThe work described in this presentation, conducted under the Caterpillar / DOE cooperativeresearch agreement, was conducted by the Technology and Solutions Division (T&SD) ofCaterpillar Inc. The cooperative research described in the presentation was done <strong>to</strong> evaluate proofof-conceptfor technologies that meet EPA 2010 on-highway emissions with the potential <strong>to</strong> improvepeak brake thermal efficiency by 10%. Cursory consideration was given <strong>to</strong> which technologies mayhave some ability <strong>to</strong> be commercialized by the engine divisions of Caterpillar which havecommercialization responsibility.The process <strong>to</strong> validate technologies as commercially viable was not in the scope of the program,nor was it undertaken. Commercialization aspects such as cost/benefit analysis, reliability,durability, serviceability and packaging across multiple applications were only considered at acursory level. Until such analysis is completed,any attempt <strong>to</strong> imply commercial viability as a resul<strong>to</strong>f the material in this presentation is not justified.Copyright: ©2010 Caterpillar Inc. All Rights ReservedTrademark: CAT, CATERPILLAR, their respective logos, “Caterpillar Yellow” and the “Power Edge” trade dress, aswell as corporate and product identity used herein, are trademarks of Caterpillar and may not be used withoutpermission.Caterpillar Non-Confidential

AGENDA• EWHR Program Objectives, Timeline, Scope• Technical Developments• Summary and ConclusionsCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Program ObjectiveDevelop components, technologies, and methods <strong>to</strong>recover energy lost in the exhaust processes of aninternal combustion engine and utilize that energy <strong>to</strong>improve engine thermal efficiency by 10% (i.e. from ~42% <strong>to</strong> ~46% thermal efficiency) No increase in emissions rate No reduction in power density Compatible with anticipated aftertreatmentCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Program TimelineProgram Phases Per ContractEND OFPROGRAMDefineRoadmapPhase 120052006ValidateroadmapPhase 220072008Mid-Program<strong>System</strong> DemoPhase 320092010Continue developmen<strong>to</strong>f promisingtechnologies Originally planned as a 5 Phase Program Truncated <strong>to</strong> 3 Phases – migration <strong>to</strong> Supertruck Final program report Technologies developed Key results & lessons learnedCaterpillar Non-Confidential

<strong>An</strong> integrated system solution<strong>to</strong> waste heat recoveryA/C<strong>Engine</strong> C15<strong>Approach</strong>BrakePowerPort Insul.(0.5%)Numbers in ( ) indicate % increase inthermal efficiency from this componentPiping(0.5%)Intercooling(1.3%)HP Turbine(2.0%)HP CompI/CHP TurbStackStrategy OptimizationLP CompLP TurbAmbientCGIHECoolerDPFCGIBaseline C1515.2L On-Highway Truck <strong>Engine</strong>LPL (low pressure loop) configurationStack <strong>Recovery</strong>*(4.0%)Compressors(0.7%)LP Turbine(1.0%)•Turbocompound or bot<strong>to</strong>ming cycle: supplementsengine power via electrical or mechanicalconnection <strong>to</strong> flywheelCaterpillar Non-Confidential

• “<strong>System</strong>” SolutionProgram Philosophy– Modular; “Best” elements can be carried <strong>to</strong> production• Production-Viable Technologies– Cost, Packaging, Manufacturing• Broad Emissions Architecture Applicability– Viable for HPL, LPL, or non-EGR solutions– Compatible w/ AftertreatmentCaterpillar Non-Confidential

AGENDA• EWHR Program Objectives, Timeline, Scope• Technical Developments• Summary and ConclusionsCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – HP Turbine +2%Target: + 2% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency:• + 8% Turbine Stage Efficiency• Improved <strong>Exhaust</strong> Pulse UtilizationRND Gen1 vs Baseline Radial HPHP Turbine Efficiency TargetTurbine-Mech Eff, T-S, (%)0.840.820.80.780.760.740.720.70.682%Bslntarget0.6 0.65 0.7 0.75 0.8Velocity Ratio, U/CPeak efficiency shiftrequired for +2% enginethermal efficiencyTechnologies• RND turbine• Mixed Flow turbineCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – HP Turbine +2%Technology 1 – Radial, Nozzled, Divided (RND) Turbine• High efficiency turbine wheel• Nozzled and divided turbine housingGas Stand Test Results0.85000.8000Turbine Aero efficiency (T-S)0.75000.70000.65000.60000.55000.50000.45000.40005%Imperial College Test DataRND TurbineBase Turbine0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000 1.1000Velocity ratio, U/C+• + 5-6% turbine efficiency• Full map width benefitsCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – HP Turbine +2%Technology 1 – Radial, Nozzled, Divided (RND) Turbine• High efficiency turbine wheel• Nozzled and divided turbine housingOn-<strong>Engine</strong> Test Results: Single-stage turbo HPL EGR engineBSFC BSFC - % ∆ - Improvement RND vs Base Radial with RND TurbineTurbine3000.0Response Testing3.5+402500.02000.0<strong>Engine</strong> LoadLOAD1500.01000.0500. 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100SPEED<strong>Engine</strong> Speed2.5TIME (sec)Response Time33521.510.530% improvement in response00800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000<strong>Engine</strong> SpeedENGINE SPEED (rpm)BslnRND30252015105Peak Smoke Opacity, %SmokeCaterpillar Non-ConfidentialDurability testing underway• Successful completion of nozzle ring thermal cycle test

Technical Progress – HP Turbine +2%Technology 2 – Mixed Flow Turbine• Nozzle-less, divided volutefirst-passGas Stand Test Results0.8500radialmixed flowTurbine Aero efficiency (T-S)0.80000.75000.70000.65000.60000.55000.50000.45000.40005%Imperial College Test DataMixed Flow TurbineBase Turbine0.40000 0.50000 0.60000 0.70000 0.80000 0.90000 1.00000 1.10000Velocity ratio, U/C• + 2-3% turbine efficiency• Efficiency peak at lowerU/C a improved exhaustpulse utilization• + 5-6% efficiency atlower U/CCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – HP Turbine +2%Technology 2 – Mixed Flow Turbine• Nozzle-less, divided volutefirst-passradialmixed flowOn-<strong>Engine</strong> Test Results: Series turbo LPL EGR engineBSFC BSFC - % ∆ Improvement - Mixed Flow vs with Radial Mixed HP Flow Turbine Turbine1800.01600.01400.01200.0<strong>Engine</strong> Load<strong>Engine</strong> LOADLoad1000.0800.0600.0400.0200. 1100 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100<strong>Engine</strong> SPEEDSpeed<strong>Engine</strong> Speed• 1 <strong>to</strong> 1.5% fuel economybenefit at low and mid speedrange where exhaust pulseenergy is significantDevelopment of mixed-flow,nozzled, divided turbine isunderwayCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – LP TurbineTarget: + 1% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency:• + 6% Turbine Stage Efficiency+1%Technology 1 – High Efficiency Axial Turbine• +6% turbine efficiency verified – analysis, test• Packaging concerns w/ series turbosTechnology 2 – High Efficiency, Nozzled, Radial Turbine• Minimal impact on response – design freedomGas Stand Test Results0.84Gas Stand Turbine EfficienciesTurbine-Mechanical Eff, T-STurb-Mech Eff, T-S0.820.80.780.760.740.720.7EWHR LP2%BSLN LP0.680.65 0.7 0.75 0.8 0.85 0.9• + 4% peak turbine efficiencyCaterpillar Non-ConfidentialVelocity Ratio, U/CVelocity Ratio, U/C

Technical Progress – CompressorsTarget: + 0.7% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency:• + 2.5% Compressor Stage Efficiencies+0.7%HP Technology – Highly backswept wheel w/ vaned diffuserGas Stand Test Results2. Ratio21.81.60.820.810.80.780.760.720.740.660.62• efficiency 1-1.5% > production• ½ of target achieved0. 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4Caterpillar Non-ConfidentialFlow

Technical Progress – Stack <strong>Recovery</strong>+4%Target: + 4% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency• Stack recovery on baseline LPL engine• Turbocompound downselected• Bray<strong>to</strong>n Cycle investigated – packaging challenges<strong>Engine</strong> Simulation ResultsPeak Torque Conditions7.0%6.0%Technologies• Mechanical TurbocompoundBSFC Benefit5.0%4.0%3.0%2.0%1.0%0.0%85% Transmission Efficiency90% Transmission Efficiency95% Transmission Efficiency0 5 10 15 20 25 30Backpressure (kPa)• Electrical TurbocompoundCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Technical Progress – Stack <strong>Recovery</strong>Target: + 4% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency• Stack recovery on baseline LPL engineTechnology 1 – Mechanical Turbocompound+4%• Robust, high-efficiency bearing is challenge• Developed power turbine gas stand test method• Detailed shaft motion measurements• Test Conditions• 5 bearing systems• Speeds from 25-60krpm• Gas Stand Test Results• < 0.002” shaft motion• 80-84% aero efficiency0.0020.0010.0-0.001-0.00250krpmGas StandInstrumentationCaterpillar Non-ConfidentialShaft Motion Results

Technical Progress – Stack <strong>Recovery</strong>Target: + 4% <strong>Engine</strong> Thermal Efficiency• Stack recovery on baseline LPL engineTechnology 2 – Electrical Turbocompound• Two concept designs developed / analyzed• Concept 1: Genera<strong>to</strong>r in front of compressor• Ro<strong>to</strong>rdynamic / packaging challenges• Concept 2: Genera<strong>to</strong>r between wheelsCaterpillar Non-Confidential0.002• Thermal management challenges• Concept 2 analysis results 0.001• Genera<strong>to</strong>r efficiencies > 96%0.0• Peak ro<strong>to</strong>r stress acceptable• Peak sta<strong>to</strong>r temperature acceptable-0.001• Peak magnet temperature acceptable• Bending critical speed acceptable-0.00250krpmDevelopment Ongoing: TSB-Funded ProgramGas StandRe(x)Shaft Radius, inches< >43210-1-2-3-4Shaft11Mo<strong>to</strong>r / Genera<strong>to</strong>r5 10 153rd Critical Speed (87 krpm)20 25+4%CompressorInstrumentation3035 400 2 4 6 8 10 12Axial Location, inches45Shaft147Turbine

Summary-0.4%• Effect of lowercomponentefficienciesStack <strong>Recovery</strong>(4.0%)Port Insul.(0.5%)PipingIntercooling(0.5%)(1.3%)Strategy OptimizationHigh Eff.HP Turbine(2.0%)-0.7%• Used RND turbine• Mixed Flow ND will improve-0.5%• HP compressor ~ ½ ofgoal achieved• No change yet <strong>to</strong> LP compressor* Turbocompound or Bot<strong>to</strong>ming CycleCompressors(0.7%)“Mid-Program” Proof-of-Concept Demo*High Eff.LP Turbine(1.0%)Thermal Eff.ImprovementDesign point demo - target: +9.0%Design point demo - achieved: +7.0%*Not commercially validated-0.4%• Used radial turbine map(better packaging vs axial)“Virtual” Demo:<strong>Engine</strong> Simulationusing measuredcomponentperformance mapsCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Port Insul.(0.5%)Piping(0.5%)SummaryIntercooling(1.3%)Stack <strong>Recovery</strong>(4.0%)Strategy OptimizationHigh Eff.HP Turbine(2.0%)Without theseelements, value ofturbocompound isjust 2%* Turbocompound or Bot<strong>to</strong>ming CycleCompressors(0.7%)High Eff.LP Turbine(1.0%)“Mid-Program” Proof-of-Concept Demo*Thermal Eff.ImprovementDesign point demo - target: +9.0%Design point demo - achieved: +7.0%“Virtual” Demo:<strong>Engine</strong> Simulationusing measuredcomponentperformance maps*Not commercially validatedCaterpillar Non-Confidential

Caterpillar Thanks:AcknowledgementsBarber-Nichols Inc.ConceptsNRECHoneywellImperial CollegeOak Ridge National LabTurbo SolutionsElectric turbocompound design consultingTurbomachinery design consulting & optimization.Turbomachinery design consulting,component procurement and integration.Gas stand testing of advancedturbomachinery componentsOn-engine testing of advancedturbomachinery componentsTurbomachinery design consulting &optimization.Caterpillar Non-Confidential

Caterpillar Thanks:Acknowledgements• Department of Energy• Gurpreet Singh• John Fairbanks• DOE National Energy Technology Labora<strong>to</strong>ry• Carl MarondeCaterpillar Non-Confidential

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