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17-04-2013 - trinitymirror.net


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Mega showroom in Anna NagarWavoo Jewel-Gold Silver Diamond Gemsfor Trust & IntegrityAA-7A, 2nd Avenue,(Near Roundtana)Anna Nagar, Chennai-600 <strong>04</strong>0.Phone: 2628 4295, 2628 4296Sunday Open upto 1.30 p.mCHENNAI WEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>VOL. 18 No.277 PAGES 8 ` 3.00NATIONAL DAILY FOR THE PEOPLEREGD. NO.TN/.CC (S) Dn/134/12-14RNI Regd.No. 62432/95TN PMG(CCR)/WPP No 676/12-14Chief Minister Jayalalithaa today launched the sale of rice at subsidised price of Rs 20 per kg to control the price of rice in open market at Tamil Nadu Civil Supplies Corporation in Nandanam.Jayalalithaa takeslandmark step, launchesquality rice sale at `20 per kgChennai, Apr.<strong>17</strong>:Chief Minister Jayalalithaa todaytook a landmark step that broughtcheer to the of lakhs of middleclass people in the States bylaunching sale of quality rice atRs. 20 kg in the Tamil Nadu CivilSupplies Corporation’s godowncomplex in Nandanam.The Chief Minister had alreadymade announcement in theAssembly on April 2 about thelaunching of such a scheme. Dueto monsoon failure and denialof legitimate after supply in theCauvery for paddy irrigation in theDelta paddy output has gone downand rice prices were skyrocketing.Rice prices were hovering betweenRs.42 to 50 in the open marketwhich has caused great hardshipto the people especially middleclass consumers.Therefore to make the prices tostabilise Jayalalithaa has takenthis price controlling step. Onelakh metric tonnes of rice will besupplied through Amudham andcivil supplies co-operatives andalso special civil supplies shopsto be opened.The public who bought therice at the formal launching byJayalalithaa profusely thanked herfor taking the step in the interestof consumers. The step was timelyas rice being their staple diet theywere in despair as to how to copewith the rising price in the openmarket.Co-operative minister,foodminister, civil supplies deputysecretary and other offi cials tookpart in the function.Speaker suspends unruly DMKmembers for rest of sessionChennai, Apr.<strong>17</strong>:Speaker Thanapal today orderedsuspension for the rest of thesession DMK members led byDurai Murugan who by their unrulybehaviour brought Assemblyproceedings to a standstill.Their suspension came duringquestion hour when Ravi (AIADMK)of Arakonam constituency whileraising the issue of grant of pattasto adi dravidas remarked that‘those who trumpet themselvesas (sambandhi) close relatives..which triggered strong oppositionfrom the DMK benches.DMK members led by Chakrapani, Whip, demanded expunction ofthe remark.At that time neitherStalin nor Durai Murugan were intheir seat.Speaker asked the agitatingmembers to resume their seats.But they refused to do so. Leaderof the Assembly O.Pannerselvamrose from his seat to speak andthen the furious DMK membersresumed at their seat.Pannerselvam said Ravi is amember of the backward classand he did not name any onein particular in his speech andtherefore it was right for the DMKmembers to demand expunctionof his remark.But DMK members refused tohim and insisted on the expunctionof Ravi’s remark.Speaker Thanapal rose from hischair and DMK members thensat back.The Speaker reiterated thatRavi did not mention name ofany member in his remark andtherefore asking for expunction ofhis remark was unwarranted.The DMK members must giveup their demand and help smoothconduct of the proceedings failingwhich action will be taken againstthem, the Speaker said andresumed his seat.But the intransigent DMKmembers continued with theirchorus and demanded that heirWhip Chakrapani must be permittedto speak. Speaker Thanapal gavepermission for Chakrapani tospeak. Chakrapani said the Chairhas refused to expunge Ravi’sremark. This was not the firstoccasion. Even the other daywhen minister Vaithilingam madea direct reference to our DMKleader ‘your have refused toexpunge the(Contd on Page 4)Speaker revokes orderagainst DMDK MLASon CM’s requestChennai, Apr.<strong>17</strong>:Speaker Thanapal acceding to therequest of Chief Minister Jayalalithaatoday revoked action against theDMDK MLAS and permitted theparty as the main Opposition in theAssembly to begin the debate.The Speaker also announcedfrom today onwards the DMDKmembers can participated in theAssembly proceedings.Recently the Speaker gave aruling that the DMDK members willnot be permitted to speak fi rst in theHouse as the main Opposition party,considering their indecent behaviourof taking much of the House time byspeaking over 41 to 45 minutes andwalking out regularly even withoutwaiting to hear the reply given tothe issues they raised and raisedslogans outside the House sayingthey were not given due opportunityand time to speak as the mainOpposition party. Moreover they onseveral occasions did not follow theHouse decorum and were unlawfulin their action that brought disreputeto the House.Therefore, the Speaker said, thatafter consulting other Oppositionmembers, though it was notnecessary as head all the powersto do so, he took the decision thathereafter DMDK men will be allowedto speak only at the end of thedeliberations.The Speaker pointed out that inthe last ten days of debate six DMDKmembers took part and on a pro-ratabasis though they constituted only14.43 per cent the DMDK men weregive 15.64 per cent of time to speakin the above ten days.Had they not in the last four daysboycotted the House they wouldhave only more time to speak, theSpeaker pointed out.By revoking the earlier order ,theSpeaker hoped, from henceforthDMDK legislators would utilisethe opportunity to air their viewswithin the framework of the Houserules and help smooth conductof the deliberations in the days tocome.Jayalalithaa in her appeal to theSpeaker pointed out that out ofgood intensions to keep the Housedecorum and democratic normsyour good offi ces was forced to takesuch a drastic action on the DMDKmembers.But several Oppositionmembers including the deputyleader of the Opposition yesterdaymade a request to permit the DMDKas the main Opposition to speakfirst. Therefore Jayalalithaa saidcondescending to their requests theSpeaker could consider revokinghis order.Pension doubled for anganwadi staffIncome ceiling raisedfor marriage aidChennai, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Chief Minister Jayalalithaa announcedan increase in the fi xeddeposit amount for the familieswith one and two female childrenadded to the boost of the reducedperiod of 18 from the existing 20years.Jayalalithaa doubled the pensionamount of Rs 1000 to Rs 2,000 forthe retired anganwadi employees,heeding to their request that it beon a par with the employees ofSocial Welfare schemes.Besides, Jayalalithaa said the annualceiling income of Rs 24,000 hasbeen enhanced to Rs 72,000 in theAnna Theresa Memorial DesertedWomen Welfare Scheme,(Contd on Page 4)Chaired by Chief Minister Jayalalithaa and in the presence of Assembly Speaker Dhanapal, a reviewmeeting was held today to elect the Human Rights Commission chairman.Dr. Agarwal Eye Hospital in association with Swaminathan Eye Nursing Home has opened its 58branch in Egmore. Director Shankar inaugurated the hospital, Chairman Dr. Amar Agarwal, Dr. P.S.Murugan seen.

2RCB beat Delhi Daredevilsvia Super OverBangalore, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Delhi Daredevils made a daringcomeback but were unlucky asRoyal Challengers Bangalore wonby four runs in the Super Over afterthe IPL-6 match played at theM Chinnaswamy Stadium ended inan exciting tie.In the super over Umesh Yadavbowled superb first four balls concedingjust three runs for Daredevils,but AB de Villiers (13) hit thelast two balls for sixes as RCBmade 15 runs. Chris Gayle who wasthe other batsman made two of twoballs.Chasing a gettable 16 runs forwin in the Super Over, Daredevilsthink tank surprisingly did not sendVirender Sehwag but opted for BenRohrer to partner David Warner toface Ravi Rampaul.Rampaul was brilliant as hescalped Warner in his first ballcaught by Gayle for zero. Then IrfanPathan, who came at the fall ofWarner, had different ideas. He hita boundary off the second ball,while the third ball was a dot. Hehoisted Rampaul for a six off thefourth ball, the fifth ball was single.Daredevils needed five runs offthe last ball and Rampaul cleanbowled Rohrer with a super fastdelivery to the delight of the capacitycrowd.This was the second super overthat RCB had played in sixmatches of IPL-6. It had lost thefirst Super Over Match againstHyderabad Sunrisers.With this win RCB again took thetop spot with four wins in sixmatches, while Delhi languishes inthe bottom of the table with fivedefeats in as many matches.Earlier, asked to bat first Daredevilsbatting <strong>net</strong> really got goingbut ultimately made a competitive152 for five with keeper batsmanKedar Jadhav top scoring with 29and skipper Mahela Jayawardanemaking 28.In reply, RCB looked the winnerslong way from home after skipperand man-of-the-match Virat Kohlihit a super 65 (55b, 7x1, 1x6).Coasting at 130 for four after the16th over and needing 22 off thelast 24 balls, RCB made a hash ofit. AB de Villiers left run out for 39and Kohli was stunningly caught byJayawardene at 138 with RCBneeding 14 runs of nine deliveries.The match came to boil whenRCB needed 12 runs of the last overbowled by Irfan Pathan. RaviRampaul 13 not out (7b, 1x6)eased the tension for the 25,000strong crowd hitting the first ball fora flat six over extra cover bound-Inspiring thought"If you're going through hell,keep going.”- Sir ChurchillEdited and Printed by R Muthu Kumar,at No.1, First Main Road, United IndiaColony, Kodambakkam, Chennai-600024 at "Trinity Printers and PublishersPress", No.1, First Main Road, UnitedIndia Colony, Kodambakkam,Chennai-600 024 and published by R MuthuKumar for Trinity Printers and PublishersLimited. Phone: Editorial: 24734800Administration: 24733900 Fax nos:24732700,24735700.Email: <strong>trinitymirror</strong>1@gmail.comFounder Editor M Shanmugavel.RCB bowler Ravi Rampaul celebrates after winning in super overagainst Delhi Daredevils.ary and then took a single of thesecond ball. Vinay took a single ofthe third ball and Rampaul then tooka couple to leave RCB needing tworuns from two balls.The fifth ball was a dot and thehosts need two off the last ball. Thelast ball was faced by Rampaul whoagain missed it but Vinay on theother end spurted and RCB earneda bye even as keeper Kedar Jadhavfumbled to collect the ball and thematch tied and Super Over calledfor the break the deadlock.The match was all sewn up infavour of RCB as they reached acommanding 126 for two after 15overs chasing a 153-run target.Kohli and AB de Villiers both werein superb touch and added whatlooked like a match winning 103 in75 balls for third wicket.But Vijay Mallya's men made ahash of it losing five wickets in thefour overs before Ravi Rampauland Vinay Kumar came together forthe eighth wicket and scored 11 offthe last over while the hosts needed12 for a win. This led to the forcingof Super Over where ultimatelyRCB prevailed.Earlier, RCB too made a goodstart with Rahul (12) and Gayle (13)adding 20 runs after three overs butboth left in quick succession.The Karnataka batsman was thefirst to go at the score of 20 whenhe went for an ambitious pull offNehra only to be caught byJayawardene at mid-on. Three ballslater Daredevils got the biggestbreakthrough dismissing Gayle.The Jamaican went for a slashoutside the off stump off MorneMorkel to offer an easy catch toAll back pains may not necessarilybe related to discproblems or muscle injuries.Exercises forms an integralpart of the treatment along witha good posture. Exercises helpmaintain a good posture andflexibility thereby decreasingpain. Performing exercises duringmid-day or evening is morehelpful as stiffness decreasesduring this time of the day insuch patients.Lying flat on hard surface for20 minutes every morning/Su-do-ku M-28Healthy livingRelief from back painsFill the grid withnumbers so that everyrow, every column andevery 3-by-3 boxcontains the digits 1 to9, without repeating.Solution to this willappear in tomorrow’seditionYesterday’sme-14 solutionTRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>Umesh Yadav at third man and RCBwere reduced to 26 for two in thefourth over.This led to the advent of ViratKohli and AB de Villiers and the twomaster batsmen went on unperturbedwith the fall of two early wickets.Kohli treated Nehra with disdainin the fourth over to set thetone. He struck the left arm pacerfor a four and a huge six.After a rather cautious start, thetwo batsmen added 50 runs for thethird wicket in 34 balls that set thetone for the RCB chase. After 10overs, RCB had advanced to 84 fortwo. The 100 runs of the partnershipcame in 69 balls as the duoalways kept the asking rate wellunder control.Kohli, who is the top scorer in thisedition of IPL and wears the orangecap, completed 300 runs in theongoing T20 tourney in sixmatches. He was confidence personifiedas he struck two beautifulfours off Nadeem as RCB crossedthe 100 mark after 11.4 overs, withthe second 50 coming off just 31balls, and set them up for whatlooked like an easy win.The RCB captain completed hishalf century in 32 balls hitting sixfours and a six.Villiers who played a very confidentknock and ran between thewickets with Kohli in superb fashionwas out trying to steal a runbut Morkel was quick enough tobreak the stumps at non-striker'send. The South African had, howevertaken the home team near tovictory. In his 32 ball essay, Villiershit three fours and a six. At his fallRCB were 129 for 3 in 16 overs.evening.Head flexion/extension.Sitting — bend your right eartowards right shoulder andsimilarly on the left side.Facing wall — raising yourleg by 4 to 6 inches for a periodof 5-10 seconds.Lifting the head and shoulderin a prone position.Boucher’s exercise: Backtowards wall/ press with thethumb in a vertical, horizontalplane.Divine DigestThe TestTribulations and obstaclesare the weaponsto test man’s worth andhis adherence to a cause.Easy path, attractivestatus, toilness reward,nominal adherence andunending happiness attractcrowds. But whenthe test becomes severethey fall out entirely.The aspiring man is putto test. According to hisworth he is awarded. Thetest is the criterion.In the pursuit of theIdeal sometimes man’svery life is at stake. Eventhe he should not forsakethe Ideal. That is the testof his devotion to theIdeal.-MahabharataBob’s BanterFor a coupleof days I’vebeen readingthe newspapersabouta missingpolice inspector.Thenewspaperssaid he’ddisappeared suddenly, that hehad gone to work and hadn’t comeback, now a few days.This morning’s newspapershowed him climbing out of astuck lift in a building where thelift had been closed for theweekend. He was without food andwater for 36 hours, and when thelift was opened on Mondaymorning, he got up and walkedout.As I read about him, I thought ofsomething I had read on theinter<strong>net</strong>:If you put a buzzard in a cagethat is 6 feet by 8 feet and isLook up!entirely open at the top,The bird, in spite of its ability tofly, will be an absolute prisoner.The reason is that a buzzardalways begins a flight from theground with a run of 10 to 12 feet.Without space to run, as is itshabit, it will not even attempt tofly, But will remain a prisoner forlife in a small jail with no top.The ordinary bat that flies aroundat night, a remarkably nimblecreature in the air,Cannot take off from a level place.If it is placed on the floor or flatground, all it can do is shuffleabout helplessly and, No doubt,painfully, until it reaches someslight elevation from which it canthrow itself into the air. Then, atonce, it takes off like a flash.A bumblebee, if dropped into anopen tumbler, will be there until itdies, unless it is taken out. It neversees the means of escape at thetop, but persists in trying to findsome way out through the sidesRobert Clementsnear the bottom. It will seek a waywhere none exists, until itcompletely destroys itself.Just look up!Sorrow looks back,Worry looks around,But faith looks up!Live simply, Love generously,Care deeply, Speak kindly, andTrust in our Creator, who loves us!I am sure that’s what thepoliceman did. He looked up,trusted God, and lay down,conserved his energy, knew the liftwould open in two days times andhad the strength to get up and walkout as if nothing had happened.We shouldn’t be like the buzzard,the bumblebee or the bat, whowaste their energy shuffling aroundor just flying aimlessly,sometimes, we need to look up,and be still, and we’ll come out ofa situation untouched andunharmed!bobsbanter@gmail.comKings XI stun Kolkata Knight RidersMohali, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Gautam Gambhir stupendousbatting and Sunil Narine's splendidhat-trick went in-vain as Kings XIPunjab made a miraculous comebackto stun defending championsKolkata Knight Riders by four runsin a thrilling Pepsi Indian PremierLeague encounter at Mohali.In the end it was ManpreetGony's 18-ball 42 which made thedifference for Kings XI Punjab.Chasing a decent target of 158,KKR managed 153 for nine in theend despite a 105-run secondwicket partnership betweenGambhir (60, 39 balls, 8x4) andEoin Morgan (47, 38 balls, 6x4).With 11 runs required off the lastover bowled by Praveen Kumar,KKR only managed six giving thehosts their second win in fourmatches.This is Kings XI's second winfrom four matches while KKR'swoeful away record continued asthey have now lost their third gameon the road.Chennai girls team, winners of the 11th Junior State Throwball Championship title with chief guestsJunior State Throwball ChampionshipChennai girls lift trophyTrichy win boys titleChennai, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Chennai girls won the 11th JuniorState Throwball Championshiptitle held at Velammal Vidyalaya,Mel Ayyanambakkam, TiruvallurDistrict.In the boys' section Trichy liftedthe title.In the valedictory and the prizedistribution function, K.Sokkalingam, Inspector General ofPolice, Coastal Security Group andS. Subramanian, Sports Secretary,Tamilnadu Physical Education andSports University, participated asthe chief guests and distributed theprizes.T.Bala Vinayakam, General Secretary,Tamilnadu Throwball Associationand Treasurer ThrowballFederation of India, Rani. S.Thaliath, President, OrganizingFrom a comfortable 106 for twoin 13 overs, KKR batsmen requiredonly 52 off 42 balls but once thetwo set batsmen were out in quicksuccession, things changed rapidly.Manoj Tiwary (1, 7 balls) and 'MillionDollar' man Yusuf Pathan (13,16 balls) wasted 14 deliveries inbetween them as Manpreet Gony(1/18 in 4 overs) and AzharMahmood (3/21 in 4 overs) bowledbrilliantly to get the home teamback in the match.Needing 11 runs off the final over,Adam Gilchrist saved what wouldhave been 5 wides of the first deliveryfrom Praveen Kumar.Praveen (2/26) then kept his coolas he first removed Yusuf out ofthe equation and gave away onlysix runs to bring cheer for the hometeam.The KKR batsmen can onlyblame themselves for this shockdefeat as they committed harakiritowards the end.Rajat Bhatia (16) tried his bestMen's title winners Trichy District team.Committee and Principal.Velammal Vidyalaya, K.Dasaratharajan, Vice Principal, P. JohnsonJoseph, Secretary Tiruvallur DistrictThrowball AssociationMagesh and Kumaresan, Coordinators,Organizing Committee,participated.Results: Boys:Finals: Trichy beat Kancheepuram 15–08, 08 – 15, 16 – 14.Third Place: Chennai beat Salem15–06, 15 – 09.with a couple of sixes but that certainlywasn't enough in the end.Gony, playing his first game ofthe season certainly made a bigimpact in the final outcome of theencounter.First, he used his long-handle togood effect scoring a quickfire 42off 18 balls as Kings XI went pastthe 150-run mark which had lookedimprobable when they were totteringat 99 for six. Later, he removeda set Gambhir to bring KKR backin the match and also bowled consistentlyduring his four-over spell.The highlight during the first partof the match was Narine's hat-trickbefore Gony arrived to change theequations of the match.Vindicating skipper GautamGambhir's decision to field first,Narine (3/33) along with Sri LankanSachitra Senanayake (2/28) bamboozledthe Kings XI batsmen withtheir variations before Gony (42, 18balls) thrashed the West Indian for23 runs in the penultimate over tobring home team back in the match.Girls: Finals: Chennai beatKancheepuram 13-15,15- 03, 15-05. Third Place: Tiruvallur beatKarur 15-08, 16-14.Nivetha of Chennai and Jagan ofTrichy were awarded as the bestplayers of the championship.

Surya presents Malabar Goldscholarships to studentsChennai, April <strong>17</strong>:As a part of its corporate socialresponsibility initiative'Empowering Education,Empowering Womanhood', MalabarGold & Diamonds has set asideRs 2 crores every year forproviding scholarships to highersecondary girl students of TamilNadu for pursuing their education.As the first step, this year 1934eligible girl students from 434schools across Tamil Nadu werepresented with scholarships. At afunction in Chennai, Surya,renowned actor and Brandambassador of Malabar Gold &Diamonds presented ScholarshipsChennai, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said tshe is pleased to announce the milkprocurement of Aavin which hastouched an all-time high of 27.15lakh litre and a substantial increasein sales of the newly introducedmilk products touching a record3,584 crore.Making a statement underSection 110 of the Assembly Act,Jayalalithaa said that the figure inthe year 2012-13 is a staggeringhigh from the one of 2,791 crore in2011-12. The Chief Minister pointedout that due to intensive measuresof her government, theprocurement of milk has nowtouched 24.36 litres which was justto the students of Highersecondary girls schools in Chennai.This initiative from Malabar Goldaims to provide scholarships to10000 deserving students everyyear from higher secondary girlsschools in Tamil Nadu.“One of the important objectivesin our CSR plans is to Empowerwomanhood through education andthis disbursement of scholarship isthe beginning of such an endeavor.I congratulate all the eligiblestudents and wish them a brightfuture.” said Mr. M.P.Ahammed,Chairman of the Malabar Group.Commenting on the occasion,Actor Surya, Brand Ambassador,TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>SandyaMalabar Gold & Diamonds, said,” Iam proud to be associated withMalabar Gold & Diamonds andmore so with such a great causeof identifying and rewarding talentacross the country. I wish theeligible girls students all the bestfor their future endeavors.”V.S. Shafeekh, Regional Directorof Malabar Gold & Diamonds said“we are proud to have initiated thisprogram as it has helped us toassociate with a burning unsolvedproblem of our times- theemancipation of women. Highereducation empowers them andhelps them to move ahead in lifewith confidence.”CM sanctions `96 cr forupgrading infrastructure facilitiesof dairy farms in districtsaround 20 litres during the MinorityDMK ruling.Jayalalithaa said she is pleasedto announce various schemes atan estimated cost of Rs 96 crorein the wake of the high procurementof milk and with a view to increasethe infrastructure facilities of districtunion milk farms and the membersof cooperative milk forums.Keeping into account of thedemand of milk in Chennai, anamount of Rs 37.90 crore issanctioned to upgrade the facilitiesin Chennai in procuring automaticvending milk machines at anestimated Rs 14.25 crore andsophisticated machines topreserve the heat at Ambattur milkfarm.Besides, an automatic machinewith a capacity of 6,500 litres ofmilk will be set up at Sholinganallurmilk farm at a cost of Rs 10 croreand water tub machines and coldstorage machines at Madhavarammilk farm at Rs 5.60 crore.A fund of Rs 1.2 crore has beensanctioned to identify the milkforums supplying quality milk andthree prizes will be given to themembers of each union in a ratioof 300 per union.Likewise, the 10 sangamssupplying quality milk to the unionswill be identified and a total of Rs14.45 lakh prize money awarded asthe first three prizes.Reconstruction housingscheme in <strong>17</strong> locationsFacelift for Housing Board flatsChennai, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Minister for Housing & UrbanDevelopment, R Vaithilingam saidthat House Building Advance isgranted to the GovernmentServants under the State HouseBuilding Advance Rules for thepurpose of construction of house,purchase of house, plots,enlargement and improvement ofthe existing living accommodation.The Minister said that taking intoconsideration the cost ofconstruction materials, labourcharges and salary to theGovernment Servants, orders havebeen issued in GOs enhancing themaximum ceiling limit of HousingBuilding Advance for governmentservants to Rs 25 lakh and for AllIndia Service Officers to Rs 40lakh.The Minister clarified that forenlargement and improvement ofChennai, April <strong>17</strong>:Audi, the German luxury carmanufacturer, introduced a specialedition of its largest selling luxurysedan Audi A6 to celebrate the saleof 6000 Audi A6 cars in six yearsin India.With class-leading nine uniquefeatures encompassing a broadForeshore Estate housesto be refurbishedMinister R Vaithilingam said that it has been proposed todemolish the dilapidated 1,380 TNGRHS flats in an extent of 27.52acres and construct 1,865 Government Servants Rental Quartersand 520 flats under Self Financing Scheme at an estimated costof Rs 774 crore in two stages at Foreshore Estate.The Minister said that work is already on with 1,112 flats alreadydemolished and a Proper Management Consultant appointed forthe scheme. The Minister brought to light that action is being takento implement the scheme during the financial year <strong>2013</strong>-14 afterthe requisite planning permission from CMDA and environmentclearance.the existing living accommodation,the ceiling shall be 50 per cent ofthe revised ceiling limit.Reconstruction schemesMinister Vaithilingam revealedthat it has been proposed toconstruct 3,646 TNGHRS flats and2,608 flats under self financingscheme at an estimated Rs 1,740crore at <strong>17</strong> locations in Chennai anda GO towards that had been issuedin January.Audi A6 Special edition arrivesportfolio of innovations, the specialedition Audi A6 will includeAdaptive Air Suspension with AudiDrive Select, 4-Zone Deluxe AirConditioning, Rear Side Airbags,Bose Surround Sound System,MMI Touch, Comfort Key, MMIRemote Control, FrontCo-Driver seat adjustment fromthe rear and LEDheadlights.Demonstrating successfulinterplay of design and technology,the special edition Audi A6 isavailable in two engine options (2.0TDI and 3.0 TDI) at an introductoryprice of INR 46.33 lacsonwards.Office politics!Would youlike a promotionat work? Ifso, look aroundto see if someoneis blockingyour progress.You knowhow this goes.You're theprime candidate for a promotion,but you sense that someone isgoing to flub things up.This person will casually tell theboss that you hate flying. This phobia,the boss will assess, mightinterfere with meetings you'll berequired to attend all over thecountry.Or, Mr. Jealousy might ask youif you have trouble getting your allergymedications through an airport.He asks this in front of a roomfull of people.Backstabbers live in almost everywork setting. To overcomesabotage, which is likely to happenif you're good at your job,you've got to be clever. You've gotto speak up early on.These tips can help:Talk privately with an HR manager.Sit down with someone whocan document the jealousy issues.State your concerns clearly.Act out benevolent behaviors.Let co-workers know you are ateam player. They'll get the true pictureof what's going on.Treat the jealous person withkindness. Even if everyone knowsyou're unhappy about the jealousy,try to act civil toward this person.Outclass him or her.It's embarrassing to admit toother people that a co-worker couldbe jealous. After all, isn't that arroganton yourself?"Telling on a jealous person canbe stated another way," says anHR manager we'll call Peggy."For years, I've called this identifyingsomeone who doesn't liveby the Golden Rule."Peggy says that people with lowself-esteem often try to back-stabother people. But, anything you doto raise someone's self-esteem willsimply backfire, says Peggy. Thesepeople read you a lot better thanyou think."You can't raise someone's selfesteem,"she points out. "The moreyou try to do for this type of person,the worse it gets. If you don'thave authority over that person,avoiding him or her is the best wayto cope."Tips to supervisors of suchpeople:Ask the jealous person for hisopinion. Talk to him often to gaininsight into what bothers him. Thisdiffuses anger he might act out onco-workers.Give this person specific tasks.3SparksKeep her busy doing online researchthat is important for a bigproject. Steer him away from servingon committees or group activities.Find this person's strong points.Make sure the whole departmentunderstands what this person hedoes well. It can't hurt to brag, ifthe statements are true."I once managed a back-stabberfor 15 years," says a manager we'llcall Douglas."I kept her busy. I helped herfocus her talents on what she didwell. I swear, this woman workedso hard, our department tripled itssales."Douglas says he figured outearly on that this woman was notoriented to liking people. She hasreal trouble trusting anyone, Douglaspoints out.People with these types of personalitiesoften do great at gettingactual tasks accomplished,though. They pour everything intoprideful work."Keep them doing one importanttask after another," says Douglas."They will amaze you with theirdedication."He goes on to say that lettingthese types of workers hurt coworkerswill cost a company hundredsof thousands of dollars.sandyabaliga@gmail.comAir India Chairman and Managing Director Rohit Nandan paying tribute to Bharat Ratna Ambedkar onhis 123rd birth anniversary at a function held at Airlines House New Delhi.NAME CHANGEI, Arimurdhan Arunkumar,S/o.Arunkumar, Date of Birth:08.11.2012, Residing atNo.14, A7, KanakambujamApartments, 6th Avenue,Ashok Nagar, Chennai-600083 shall henceforth beknown as ASHWATHARUNKUAMR.Arimurdhan ArunkumarNAME CHANGEI, PERIANNAN, S/o.Periyasamy, Born on :06.<strong>04</strong>.1962, (Place of Birth:Namakkal), Residing at No.143/E22, Housing BoardColony, Rasipuram,Namakkal - 637408 shallhenceforth be known asPERIYANNANPERIANNANNAME CHANGEI, RAMASAMYSURENDHIRAN, S/o. Ramasamy, born on :31/12/1976,(Place of Birth: Erode Dt)Residing at 5/1197, ThottiPalayam Road, PitchamPalayam Pudur, Tiruppur-641603 shall henceforth beknown as ANBARASIRAMASAMYSURENDHIRANRAMASAMYSURENDHIRANNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, VEPPANAMRAJA PURVAA, born on: 09.09.2002, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore) Residing atD:No:2<strong>04</strong>,Teachers ColonyWest, Kondichettipatti,Periyapatty Post, NamakkalTaluk, Namakkal District-637001 shall henceforth beknown as MUTHUSAMYRAJA PREETHIGAARaja (Father)NAME CHANGEI, Rajagopalan SaravanaKumar, S/o. R. Rajagopalan, born on : 20/07/1984, (Place of Birth: Erode)Residing at Old No: 21GA ,New No:57, Siruvani MainRoad, K G Palayam,Alandurai, Coimbatore –641101, shall henceforth beknown as RangasamyRajagopalan SaravanakkumarRajagopalanSaravana KumarNAME CHANGEI, LAURA SHEPPARD, W/o.Peter Joseph.S, born on :20.08.1952, (Place of Birth:Podanur, Coimbatore)Residing at 3/18, Perlville,Abirami Nagar, Kuniamuthur,Coimbatore-641008 shallhenceforth be known asLAURA PETERLAURA SHEPPARDNAME CHANGEI, JOSEPH PAULJEGANATHAN, S/o.SusaiManickam, Born on :<strong>17</strong>.05.1964, (Place of Birth:Madurai), Residing at No.1/9, Elango Street,P.Puliampatti, Sathy-638459.shall henceforth be knownas BALACHANDRANJOSEPH PAULJEGANATHANNAME CHANGEI, VISWANATHANPARAMESWARI D/o.LateMr.M.VISWANATHAN bornon 07-06-1995 (place ofbirth: Erode) residing at 24-A, GANAPATHY NAGAR,MAANIKAMPALAYAM,VEERAPPAN CHATHIRAMPOST, ERODE - 6380<strong>04</strong> shallhenceforth be known asV I S W A N A T H A NBANUMATHI VARSHINIVISWANATHANPARAMESWARINAME CHANGEI, MANAPPADAM ALIAKBAR RABIYA BEGUM,W/o. Anwar Basha, born on: 21/<strong>04</strong>/1979, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore Dt) Residing at31-E,SubramaniyaswamyKoil Street , Fort, Coimbatore-641001 shall henceforth beknown as MANAPPADAMALI AKBAR RABIYAMMAMANAPPADAM ALIAKBAR RABIYA BEGUMNAME CHANGEI, Arumugam Deivanai,W/o. Aroomugam, born on :09/10/1966, (Place of Birth:Malayampalayam, Tiruppur)Residing at No.32/34,K.V.PLay-out, Alangadu, Karuvampalayam, Tiruppur-6416<strong>04</strong>.shall henceforth be knownas Aroomugam SakthiDeivanaiArumugam DeivanaiNAME CHANGEI, ANTHONI SAMY, S/o.Amirtham, Born on :01.05.1974, (Place of Birth:Devakottai), Residing at No.130,2nd Street Extension,Gandhipuram, Coimbatore-641012. shall henceforth beknown as ANTONY SAMYANTHONI SAMYNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, VEPPANAMRAJA POORVAJA, bornon :09.09.2002, (Place ofBirth: Coimbatore) Residingat D:No:2<strong>04</strong>,TeachersColony West, Kondichettipatti, Periyapatty Post,Namakkal Taluk, NamakkalDistrict- 637001 shallhenceforth be known asM U T H U S A M YRAJA PRANEETHARaja (Father)NAME CHANGEI,SAMIYAPPAN GANESAN,S/O SAMIYAPPAN,BORN ON26.06.1967,(PLACE OF BIRTHTIRUPUR), RESIDING AT NO 3/2, VINAYAGA PURAM,2NDSTREET, RAYAPURAM EXTN,TIRUPUR-641601, SHALLHENCEFORTH BE KNOWN ASSAMIYAPPAN GANESH.SAMIYAPPAN GANESAN.NAME CHANGEMy Daughter, VEPPANAMRAJA POORVAJA, born on :09.09.2002, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore) Residing atD:No: 2<strong>04</strong>,Teachers ColonyWest, Kondichettipatti,Periyapatty Post, NamakkalTaluk, Namakkal District-637001 shall henceforth beknown as MUTHUSAMYRAJA PRANEETHARaja (Father)NAME CHANGEI, Kulandaivelu Arumugam,S/o. Periya Kulandaivelu,born on : 13/05/1959, (Placeof Birth: Avinasi, Tiruppur)Residing at No.32/34, K.V.PLay-out, Alangadu, Karuvampalayam, Tiruppur-6416<strong>04</strong>.shall henceforth be knownas Periya KulandaiveluAroomugamKulandaiveluArumugamNAME CHANGEI, JAFRULLAKHANAHMEDKHAN, W/o.Ahmedkhan, born on :20.<strong>04</strong>.1950, (Place of Birth:Chennimalai,Erode) Residing at395/1-A Sasthri Nagar, JagirAmmapalayam, Salem-636302shall henceforth be known asJ A F R U L L A K H A NPALATHOLUVU AHMEDKHANJAFRULLAKHANAHMEDKHANNAME CHANGEI, R.Arumugam (ArumugamRangappa Gounder), S/o.Rangappa Gownden, born on :08/06/1947, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore Dt) Residing atNo:37, Maruthamalai MuruganNagar, Kalveerampalayam,Vadavalli, Coimbatore-641<strong>04</strong>6shall henceforth be known asR.ARUMUGHAM (ARUMUGHAMRANGAPPA GOWNDEN)R.Arumugam (ArumugamRangappa Gounder)NAME CHANGEMy daughter, THANGARAJGOMATHI ANISHA born on20-08-2005 (NativeDist:Tirupur) residing at No:1/<strong>17</strong>1 Moyyandam Palayam,Eettiveeram Palayam(po),Perumanallur (Via)-641666,Avinashi Tk,Tirupur Dist.shall henceforth be knownas THANGARAJ ANISSHAK.Thangaraj (Father)NAME CHANGEI, SURENDHIRANGAYATHIRI, W/o.Surendhiran, born on :19.10.1978, (Place of Birth:Coimbatore Dt) Residing at5/1197, Thotti Palayam Road,Pitcham Palayam Pudur,Tiruppur-641603 shallhenceforth be known asSURENDHIRAN GAYATHRISURENDHIRAN GAYATHIRINAME CHANGEI, Devaraju, S/o. Thirumoorthy, born on : 12/03/1958, (Place of Birth:Tiruppur) Residing at C-2,Anna Nagar, Housing Unit,Edayarpalayam,Coimbatore-641025. shallhenceforth be known asDevarajDevaraju

4Two bombs struck near thefinish line of the Boston Marathonon Monday, turning the festivecelebration into a bloodydevastation. The death toll hasrisen to three. About 141 peopleare being treated. <strong>17</strong> of them incritical condition and 25 in seriouscondition. Eight of the patients arechildren. At least 10 injuredpeople had limbs amputated,according to first hand informationavailable.The terrorist attack, near themarathon's finish line, triggeredwidespread screaming and chaos,shattered windows andbarricades and sent smokebillowing into the air at CopleySquare. The blasts were about 50to 100 yards apart, on a stretchof the marathon course lined withspectators cheering runnersthrough the final yards of a 26-mile, 385-yard endurance feat.One unexploded device was alsofound at a hotel on Boylston Streetnear the bomb site. Anotherunexploded device was found atan undisclosed location.Boston police said there was athird explosion near the John F.Kennedy Presidential LibraryWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>Terror revisits USafter the twin blasts at the city'sannual marathon killed at leasttwo people.Law enforcement officials saidthat they believe the explosionswere caused by homemadebombs which were packed withmetal ball bearings that acted asdestructive sharpnel. At least oneof the bombs was reportedlyhidden in a trash can. There wereno indications of an imminentattack. Numerous suspiciouspackages or bags werediscovered.The strike in Boston is a wakeupcall for the world to fight againstterrorism. The exact reason andpeople responsible for the blastsis not known. The attack and thedeath of many children andinnocent people demandpunishment of the highest order tothe perpetrators of this heinouscrime. There should be no mercyfor those who planned thissophisticated, coordinated attack.Americans are still nursing the painof the attack on the World TradeCentre. Boston bombing is yetanother shock and a firm reminderthat US is still not alert to extremistthreats. Punishing the guilty is afterTRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>the calamity. The intelligenceagency working around the clockshould have had a hint of theBoston blast. Sympathy andcondemnation messages havestarted pouring in from all over theworld.President Barack Obamavowed, "Any responsibleindividuals, any responsiblegroups, will feel the full weight ofjustice." Jordan Muslim extremistsays that they are 'happy' overBoston bombing.. That is not anapt response when innocentpeople are suffering. It is now theresponsibility of US to ferret outthe terrorists as it is too early totake any guesses on this. It is forthe FBI to revitalise themselvesand catch the perpetrators. Indiashould extend all support to theUS in this endeavour. After all, noother country has so muchexperience in serial blasts likeIndia. The only mute point is thatUS should be quick to send togallows the terrorists or thosewho fuelled terrorism. US shouldtake a cue from India and notstagger the judgment. The fasterterrorists are punished; the betterwill be the world.Vasan Eye Care to serveChennai Port employeesChennai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:The Port of Chennai has chosenVasan Eye Care Hospital, toprovide eye care service to morethan 15000 employees, includingretired employees, and theirfamilies of the Port Trust. This is ahuge honor and a milestone forVasan Eye Care because the Portof Chennai is one of the oldest andbiggest ports in India.The world's largest eye care<strong>net</strong>work Vasan Eye Care, willextend its renowned world classservices to current and retiredemployees of Port of Chennai,along with their families. They willbe able to avail 'CashlessTreatment' under this scheme. Therates will be according to the CentralGovernment Health SchemeCharges (CGHS Charges).The trust hospital will refer casesto Vasan Eye Care for treatmentand the CGHS will be paid by thetrust.This facility can be availed at anyof our hospitals in Chennaiincluding Vasan Eye Care, Chromepet and Old Washermanpet.Apart from this Vasan Eye Carehospitals across Chennai will beproviding 'Free Eye Screening' forall the people who are benefitedunder this scheme. This offer willbe up to 30th April <strong>2013</strong>.Ford EcoSport unveiled in ChennaiChennai, April <strong>17</strong>:Going further with its largestproduct experiential campaignEcoSport Urban Discoveries, FordIndia, today showcased itsChennai-built urban SUV EcoSportto customers in the city.The product was displayed todayat the EcoSport Urban Hub atExpress Avenue Mall, Whites road,Royapettah, Chennai.Following weekends, theEcoSport Urban Hub will bestrategically revealed toconsumers in Hyderabad,Ahmedabad, Pune and Kolkata ina phased manner, and they willhave the opportunity to see, touchand feel the upcomingChennai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Godrej, the brand which touches500 million lives everyday, hasroped in Aamir Khan as its brandambassador to further strengthenits promise of brighter livingexperience.Income ceiling raisedfor marriage...(Contd from Page 1)among the five marriage assistanceschemes.Making a Statement under Section110 of the Assembly Act today,Jayalalithaa said that henceforthRs 50,000 (one child) and Rs25,000 (two children) will be thefixed deposit amount, to be returnedwith interest after a 20-yearperiod.Jayalalithaa said that the enhancementis a steep increasefrom the existing Rs 22,200 and Rs15,200 respectively.Jayalalithaa said that thescheme introduced during her tenurein 1992 was for the twin purposeof eradicating female foeticideand uplift their education.“To start with, documents of Rs1500 fixed deposit were given tothe families with a lone girl childunder the then introduced Girl ChildProtection scheme of my government.”Jayalalithaa said that keepinginto consideration that the amountso recurred of girl child registeredGodrej announces AamirKhan as brand ambassadorbetween 1992 and 1995 was lowand not useful in the present marriageassistance scheme, the beneficiariesof the child assistancescheme will also be entitled for themarriage assistance scheme.“Accordingly, the four grams ofgold will be given along with themarriage assistance scheme intune with the educational qualification.”Jayalalithaa said that to faciliatethe employees of Anganwadi spendtime with their families, Sundayswill be the weekly holiday.“To ensure that children of 2-5age group availing the nutritiousmeal scheme are not affected, theunprepared food articles will behanded over to the parents by theemployees on Saturday itself.”Additionally, weighing machineswill be purchased at a cost of Rs7.12 crore to enable the children,pregnant women and lactatingmothers to check their weights periodicallyin the Anganwadi centres,said Jayalalithaa.EcoSport in this modularurban environment in high footfallmalls in each of these cities.Godrej has been reinventingitself and its product rangebreaking fresh ground, bringing innew ideas and drawingstrengths from its amazingpast to set up a spectacularfuture.SC gives 4 moreweeks to Duttto surrenderNew Delhi,Apr.<strong>17</strong>:The Supreme Court onWednesday granted four moreweeks to Sanjay Dutt to surrenderin the 1993 Mumbai serial blastscase. He had sought a six-monthextension of the April 18 surrenderdeadline to allow him to completeshooting of seven films worth Rs278 crore.Rejecting Sanjay Dutt's plea forsix months extension, the apexcourt said he has to surrender afterfour weeks and undergo hisremaining jail term.The court further said SanjayDutt will not be entitled to anyfurther extension of time hereafter.The CBI opposed the extensionof time but was silenced by thecourt which asked why did not theagency file an appeal against Dutt'sacquittal from TADA charges by thetrial court.In its order on March 21, theapex court had upheld Dutt'sconviction but reduced hissentence from six to five years.Blast outside BJP officerises tension in BangaloreBangalore, Apr <strong>17</strong>:A suspected blast has takenplace outside BJP office inBangalore injuring at least 13people including 8 policemen.Though the exact cause of theblast is yet to be ascertained, localmedia reports are claiming it to bea cylinder explosion.However, the police say it couldbe a motorcycle blast and isinvestigating all angles into theMAIL CROSSWORD - 4902 (Grid 6)ACROSS:1 “The Godfather” co-star James___ (4)4 Explodes like balloon (6)8 Prefix with “graphy” or “logy” (3)10 Understanding response (1,3)13 Lacking broad appeal,obtrusive (8)14 A person who sells medicines(7)15 Meek and modest, not proud(6)<strong>17</strong> In the __ __ : in front of themasses (6,3)21 Turkish governor (3)22 Oxford Eng. Dic. (3)23 King’s title, for short (3)26 One who looks after a building,etc. (9)27 Going __ ___ : walking (2,4)28 A newspaper or official journal(7)32 The operating expenses of acompany (8)34 Make a picture (4)35 Flit about (3)36 Wake or stir up (6)37 Islamic chieftain (4)Down1 Smart and stylish (4)2 As busy as __ ___ (1,3)3 Passes away (4)5 Be ___ to : be unfaithful ordisloyal to (6)6 Syria, in short (3)7 Association football (6)9 Org. sound track (3)11 Woody plant smaller than a treeincident. Forensic team hasreached the blast site.According to senior BJPfunctionary, no one from BJP isinjured or hurt in the incident.Meanwhile BJP leader BalbirPunj said, “One only hopes that itis an accident and not an act byterrorists or political activists.”The BJP office is in a crowdedresidential locality of Malleshwaramin north Bangalore, about eight km1 2 3 4 5 6 78 910 11 12 1314<strong>17</strong> 18 19 20(5)12 Sister of Anne and Charlotte(5)15 Alter ego of Dr. Jackyl (4)16 ___ up a wrong tree : make aneffort in the wrong direction (4)18 Flesh of a cow or an ox (4)19 Turn one’s ____ : change sideor desert (4)20 ‘Ever’ for the poet (3)23 Abhorred or disliked (5)24 Seven as a prefix (5)25 Capital of Colombia (6)26 Heavy blunt weapons (6)28 Prevent from speaking (3)29 An apple __ ___ keeps thedoctor away (1,3)30 Bus on rails (4)31 Large water-jug (4)33 Self-esteem (3)15 1621 22 23 2425 262728 29 30 3132 33 3436 3735from city centre. According toeyewitnesses, several peoplereceived minor injuries.Four fire tenders rushed to thespot and doused the fire, a policespokesperson said. A dog squadwas also on the spot to look forclues.Explosives experts were at thesite to probe whether the blast wascaused by a bomb, thespokesperson added.Time to invest in short-termincome fundsChennai, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:In the current environmentinvestors are looking towards shortterm income funds in an attemptto generate return by earningcapital appreciation as interestrates are expected to movedownwards.One such fund is UTI Short TermIncome Fund which aims togenerate reasonable returns withlow risk and high liquidity from aportfolio of money marketsecurities and high quality of debtwith a maturity cap of 4 years. Thefund attaches importance to highcredit quality and portfoliodiversification.remark’.At this juncture Durai Muruganhurriedly entered the House andsought permission to speak.The Speaker told Durai Muruganthat already he had permittedChakrapani on the issue. He hadspoken and the matter has cometo an end. What is more there forhim to speak, he asked DuraiMurugan.But DMK members wereinsisting that Durai Murugan mustbe allowed to speak. Sometimeafter the Speaker allowed DuraiMurugan to speak.He said though he was outsidethe House he was well aware of thegoings on inside the House. Thatwas why he rushed in.Minister K.P.Munusamy said inSudhir Agrawal, fund manager ofUTI Short Term Income Fund says,“We are optimistic that the RBIwould look to lower policy rates inthe coming quarter as well, tosupport medium term growth onback of easing inflationarypressures.As a result of policy rate easingby RBI, we believe that the entireyield curve may shift downwardgoing forward and we may see arelatively sharper rally in short termpapers due to expected steepeningof the yield curve.Hence, we have beenrecommending investors to look atour short term income fund with ana lighter vein the member’s actionwas similar to a person appearingon the drama stage and sayingsomething after a scene wasenacted. To this comment DMKmembers strongly objected.Jayalalithaa intervened and saidAIADMK member did not refer toany particular person in his remark.As DMK leadership is weak theDMK members were unnecessarilyrasing a hullabaloo.Durai Murugan again soughtpermission to speak. After gettingthe Speaker’s permission DuraiMurugan spoke. It is stated in theHouse that Ravi while speaking didnot mention anyone particular or aparty. But what about ministerVaithilingam ‘s reference to DMKleader when he spoke , he asked.Panneerselvam rose and saidwhen with Chakrapani’s speech theissue has come to a close and heinvestment horizon of 6 to 9months. Going ahead, I think agood upside will come from shortterm income funds, as interest ratecuts continue”.UTI Short Term Income Fund hasbeen consistently outperforming itsbenchmark CRISIL Short-TermBond Fund Index.Fund has given a one year returnof11.78% against its benchmarkreturn of 9.05% (as on March 31,<strong>2013</strong>).UTI Short Term Income Fund-Institutional Plan has been rated as4-Star fund by Value Research andone of the best performing shortterm debt funds.Speaker suspends unrulyDMK members...(Contd from Page 1)had virtually was preparing to walkoutAnbazhagan and partymenwere persuading him back to hisseat to keep the issue alive.Durai Murugan and others DMKmembers were asking the Chairrepeatedly to permit them to speak.Thereafter S.K. Thamirasan of theKudiyarsu Katchi emphatically saidRavi was right in making such aremark. There was furore from DMKmembers who tried to lay siege ofSpeaker’s chair. Speaker askedthem to go back to their seats. Asthey defied the Chair the Speakerordered all the DMK members tobe evicted.The House marshalsbundled them out of the House.Speaker then ruled suspensionof the DMK members led by DuraiMurugan for the rest of the sessionfor defying the Chair. At this DMKmembers raised protest slogansfrom the lobby.SOLUTION TO MAILCROSS WORD - 4295 4753 4901Across:1 Kersey, 7 Et cetera, 8 Cain, 10Thumbs, 11 Love me, 14 Bum,16 Milan, <strong>17</strong> Uses, 19 No see, 21Idols, 22 Crazy, 23 Coed, 26 Curia,28 Fun, 29 Iguana, 30 Armies, 31Damn, 32 Imitable, 33 Singer.Down:1 Khatau, 2 Shamus, 3 Yens, 4Becomes, 5 Jewel, 6 Paten, 8Cube, 9 IBM, 12 Vie, 13 Mauve,15 Booze, 18 Shrug, 19 NDA, 20Sly, 21 Iranian, 22 CIA, 23Cummin, 24 On in, 25 Duster,26 Civil, 27 Run in, 28 Fra, 30Ades.

Pressure cookers usedin Boston bombingBoston, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:Authorities suspect whoever perpetratedthe Boston Marathon attackscarried heavy bombs madefrom pressure cookers in nylonbags or backpacks to launch theworst bombings on US soil sincesecurity was stepped up followingthe September 11, 2001, hijackedplane attacks.The twin blasts on Monday killedthree people including an 8-yearoldboy and injured <strong>17</strong>6 others,some of whom were maimed bybombs packed with ball bearingsand nails. Seventeen victims remainedin critical condition.President Barack Obama calledthe bombings an 'act of terror' yesterday,while cities across theUnited States heightened security.At the scene of the marathon, investigatorsrecovered material thatwas being reconstructed at the FBIlaboratory in Quantico, Virginia, saidRichard DesLauriers, the FederalBureau of Investigation's specialagent in charge for Boston.'Among items partially recoveredare pieces of black nylon whichcould be from a backpack and whatappear to be fragments of BBs (ballbearings) and nails possibly containedin a pressure cooker device,'DesLauriers told a news conference.'This morning it was determinedthat both of the explosives wereplaced in a dark-colored nylon bagor backpack. The bag would haveNAME CHANGEI,Pandurangan Kothandan,S/o.C.Kothandan, Date ofBirth:25.<strong>04</strong>.1971 , Residing atP.No.A61/2, D.No.2A/52, 2ndFloor, 15th Street,Nanganallur, Chennai - 600061, shall henceforth beknown as PanduranganChinnakulandai KothandanPandurangan KothandanNAME CHANGEI,G.C.Andrew, S/o. LateT.Gnana Prakasam, Date ofBirth:29.02.1960 , Residing atNo.8/<strong>17</strong>, VinayagamStreet,West MambalamChennai - 600 033, shallhenceforth be known asG.C.ANDREWSG.C.AndrewNAME CHANGEI,Shabberullakhan ShafiullaKhan S/o. Shafiulla Khan,Date of Birth:14.06.1984 ,Residing at Shri Sai Nivas,Plot No.62, 8th Street, MadhaNagar Extn.2, Madhanandapuram, Chennai - 600 116,shall henceforth be known asSHABBIRULLAKHANSHAFIULLA KHANShabberullakhanShafiulla Khanbeen heavy because of the componentsbelieved to be in it,'DesLauriers said.Boston's WHDH television latershowed a picture of an unattended,light-colored bag on the ground rightat one of the bomb sites before theexplosion. The bag was gone in apicture from a similar angle takenafter the blasts. Authorities couldnot be reached for comment on thesignificance of the pictures.No suspects were in custodyand there were no claims of responsibility.'The range of suspects andmotives remains wide open,'DesLauriers said.U.S. Homeland Security SecretaryJa<strong>net</strong> Napolitano said therewas no indication the bomb blastswere part of a broader plot.Officials in Britain and Spain saidthe London and Madrid marathonswould go ahead on Sunday, butsecurity plans for both races wereunder review. At least one bomband possibly both were built usingpressure cookers as the superstructure,black powder or gunpowderas the explosive and ball bearingsas additional shrapnel, accordingto current and formercounterterrorism officials briefed onthe matter.The sources, who askednot to be identified, said instructionson how to design such bombsare available on the Inter<strong>net</strong>.Much of central Boston remainedcordoned off on Tuesday surroundingwhat Police Commissioner EdNAME CHANGEI, Surfaraz HaseenAhamed, S/o.HaseenAhamed, Date of Birth:29.<strong>04</strong>.1992, Residing atNo.20, 7th Cross Street, AnnaNagar, Anakaputhur,Chennai-600 070, shallhenceforth be known asSURFARAZ AHAMEDHASEEN AHAMED.Surfaraz HaseenAhamedNAME CHANGEI, Ekavalli Balan, W/o. Mani,Date of Birth: 01.06.1967,Residing at No.1, V.O.C.Street, T.M.P. Nagar, Padi,Chennai-600 050, shallhenceforth be known asEAGAVALLI MANI.Ekavalli BalanNAME CHANGEI, Jyotheeswari TumatiMumirathnam Naidu, W/o.Sukumar Parachuru, Date ofBirth: 24.08.1977, Residing atNo.225, 13th Cross Street,Chowdry Nagar, Valasaravakkam, Chennai-600 087,shall henceforth be knownas JOTHI SUKUMAR.Jyotheeswari TumatiMumirathnam NaiduNAME CHANGEI, Kalavadala JayaramanRavichandran, S/o.K.Jayaram, Date of Birth:26.06.1965, Residing atNo.10/45, 1st Floor, Sivan KoilSouth Street, Kodambakkam,Chennai-600 024, shallhenceforth be known asKALAVATALA JAYARAMRAVICHANDRAN.Kalavadala JayaramanRavichandranNAME CHANGEI, Mynampati Suresh, S/o.Mynampati Jayaram, Date ofBirth: 01.12.1973, Residing atG-2, Azeem Apartments,No.8, 1st Cross Street,Sastry Nagar, Adyar,Chennai-600 020, shallhenceforth be known asMYNAMPATI SURESHBABU.Mynampati SureshNAME CHANGEMy Son, Abhijit Dinesh.S,Date of Birth:12.01.1999,Residing at No.B3/1,Bhuvaneswari Apartments,Bharathidasan Colony,K.K.Nagar, Chennai-600 078,shall henceforth be knownas DINESH KUMAR.S.Selvan.P.N (Father)TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>Davis called 'the most complexcrime scene that we have dealt within the history of our department.'Doctors said some victimswould have to endure several operationsover the coming days.'Some of them woke up todaywith no leg and they told me thatthey are happy to be alive. Theytold me they thought they would dieas they saw the blood spilling out,'George Velmahos, chief of traumasurgery at Massachusetts GeneralHospital, told reporters.The decision to amputate waseasy, he said: 'We just completedthe ugly job that the bomb did.'The youngest to die was an 8-year-old boy, Martin Richard, wholived in the city's Dorchesterneighborhood.A second personkilled was Krystle Campbell( 29),of Medford, Massachusetts.The third fatal victim was a Chinesecitizen whose identity was notbeing made public at the requestof the victim's family, the ChineseConsulate in New York said in astatement.Quake rocks PNGSydney, Apr <strong>17</strong>:A strong earthquake with a preliminarymagnitude of 6.8 was recordedoff the remote northerncoast of Papua New Guinea at adepth of about 8 km (5 miles) today,the US Geological Surveysaid. There were no immediate reportsof damage or injury.NAME CHANGEI, Vasant Bhai Jain Harsha,W/o.Pukraj Jain, Date of Birth:01.07.1984, Residing at No.1,Barnaby Road, DevDharshan Apartments, FlatNo.232, 3rd Floor, B-Block,Kilpauk, Chennai-600 010,shall henceforth be knownas PUKRAJ JAIN HARSHAGOYAM.Vasant Bhai Jain HarshaNAME CHANGEI, GanasoundariMurugesan, W/o.Murugesan, Date of Birth:15.12.1955, Residing at No.111/1, Defance Colony,Muttapudupet, Avadi,Chennai-600 054, shallhenceforth be known asGNANASOUNDARYMURUGESAN.GanasoundariMurugesanNAME CHANGEI, Vengaimarban Tholkappian,S/o. Vengaimarban, Date of Birth:<strong>04</strong>.03.1959, Residing at No.714/A, Indra Nagar, Keezhperumbakkam, Villupuram - 605 602,shall henceforth be known asEDAPALAYAM VENGAIMARBANTHOLKAPPIANVengaimarban TholkappianUS Senatorreceives letterwith deadly poisonWashington, Apr. <strong>17</strong>:US authorities on Tuesday intercepteda letter sent to MississippiSenator Roger Wicker that preliminarytests showed contained thedeadly poison ricin, and the Capitolpolice, FBI and other agencieshave launched an investigation.The letter has been sent for furtheranalysis to an accredited laboratory,Capitol police said lastnight.It was postmarked from Memphis,Tennessee, and had no returnaddress, Terrance Gainer, the Senatesergeant at arms, said earlierin a warning to members of theSenate.Gainer first said in a statementthat the substance had tested positivefor ricin, which is found naturallyin castor beans and can causedeath from exposure to as little asa pinhead amount, usually withinthe first 72 hours.Police later issued a statementsaying the test was "preliminary"and "indicated" that ricin had beenfound in the letter.It was intercepted in a mail handlingfacility and quarantined, thestatement said."Senate employeesshould be vigilant in their mail handlingprocesses for ALL mailings,"Gainer said in his written statement.There was another ricin scare atthe U.S. Capitol in 20<strong>04</strong>, when testsidentified a letter in a Senate mailroom that served the office of BillFrist, a Tennessee Republican whowas then the Senate MajorityLeader.NAME CHANGEI, Parimala Chidambaram,W/o. C.K.Pandurangan, Dateof Birth: 26.01.1981,Residing at Plot No.61/2, DoorNo.2A/S2, 2nd Floor, 15thStreet, Nanganallur, Chennai-61, shall henceforth beknown as PARIMALAACHIDAMBARAMPANDURANGAN.Parimala ChidambaramNAME CHANGEI, Chafiyama, W/o. FerozMohamed, Date of Birth:16.09.1959, Residing at OldNo.6, New No.31, ValathambiMaraicar Street, Porto-Novo(Parangipettai),Cuddalore Dist, shallhenceforth be known asSAFIYA BAGAM.ChafiyamaNAME CHANGEI, Nisha Kumari, W/o.Rakesh Kumar Ranka, Dateof Birth:12.10.1983, Residingat Old No.37, New No.38,Vaidyanathan Street,Sowcarpet, Chennai-600001, shall henceforth beknown as NISHA RANKA.Nisha Kumari5Odd worldGiant snails invade FloridaSouth Florida:South Florida is fighting agrowing infestation of one ofthe world's most destructive invasivespecies: the giant Africanland snail, which can growas big as a rat and gnawthrough stucco and plaster.More than 1,000 of the mollusksare being caught eachweek in Miami-Dade and1<strong>17</strong>,000 in total since the firstsnail was spotted by a homeownerin September 2011, saidDenise Feiber, a spokeswomanfor the Florida Department ofAgriculture and Consumer Services.Residents will soon likely beginencountering them more often,crunching them underfootas the snails emerge from undergroundhibernation at thestart of the state's rainy seasonin just seven weeks, Feibersaid.The snails attack "over 500known species of plants ...pretty much anything that's intheir path and green," Feibersaid.In some Caribbean countries,such as Barbados, whichare overrun with the creatures,the snails' shells blow out tireson the highway and turn intohurling projectiles fromlawnmower blades, while theirslime and excrement coat wallsand pavem"It becomes a slickmess," Feiber said.A typical snail can produceabout 1,200 eggs a year and thecreatures are a particular pestNAME CHANGEI, Annie Shirly Anascoroy,W/o.P.Selvaraj, Date of Birth:29.05.1975, Residing at PlotNo.16/50, AnandApartments, B-Block, F-1,Bajanai Koil Main Street,Choolaimedu, Chennai-94,shall henceforth be knownas ANNIE SHIRLY RAJ.Annie Shirly AnascoroyNAME CHANGEI, Mamtha Kiran Prakash,W/o. Manojkumar Dhariwal,Date of Birth: 19.09.1979,Residing at No.5, VenkatrayanStreet, Chennai-600 003, shallhenceforth be known asMAMTHAKUMARIDHARIWAL.Mamtha Kiran PrakashNAME CHANGEI, Bhanumathy Veeraswamy,W/o.N.Nagayya, Date of Birth:01.06.1957, Residing at PlotNo.4, Chakaravarthy Nagar,Narayanapuram, Pallikaranai,Chennai-601 302, shallhenceforth be known asBANUMATHY NAGAYYA.Bhanumathy VeeraswamyNAME CHANGEI, Jamuna Bai, W/o. RameshKumar, Date of Birth:05.06.1967, Residing at NewNo.41, Old No.21, BazaarStreet, Contonment,Poonamallee, Chennai-56,shall henceforth be knownas JAMUNA RAMESHKUMAR.Jamuna BaiNAME CHANGEI, Subramani Nirmala,W/o.Carvedu EthirajSubramaniyean, Date ofBirth: 01.01.1960, Residing atNew No.32, Old No.40,Burrah Sahib Street, AnnaSalai, Chennai-2, shallhenceforth be known asSUBRAMANIYEANNIRMALA.Subramani NirmalaNAME CHANGEI, Dorothy Monica, W/o.(Late) Edwin Dcruz, Date ofBirth: 02.10.1951, Residing atNo.10, New Colony MainRoad, Alwarthiru Nagar,Chennai-87, shall henceforthbe known as DORATHYMONICA.Dorothy Monicain homes because of their fondnessfor stucco, devoured forthe calcium content they needfor their shells.The snails also carry a parasiticrat lungworm that cancause illness in humans, includinga form of meningitis,Feiber said, although no suchcases have yet been identifiedin the United States.The snails'saga is something of a sequelto the Florida horror show ofexotic species invasions, includingthe well-known infestationof giant Burmese pythons,which became establishedin the Everglades in2000. There is a long list of destructivenon-native speciesthat thrive in the state's moist,subtropical climate.Experts gathered last week inGainesville, Florida, for a GiantAfrican Land Snail ScienceSymposium, to seek the bestways to eradicate the mollusks,including use of a stronger baitapproved recently by the federalgovernment.Feiber said investigators weretrying to trace the snail infestationsource. One possibility beingexamined is a MiamiSanteria group, a religion withWest African and Caribbeanroots, which was found in 2010to be using the large snails inits rituals, she said. But manyexotic species come into theUnited States unintentionally infreight or tourists' baggage.NAME CHANGEMy Son, Prakash SanjayVishnu, Date of Birth:20.10.2003, Residing at AH-70, 5th Street, Anna Nagar,Chennai-600 <strong>04</strong>0, shallhenceforth be known asPRAKASH SANJAY GIRI.NarayanasamySrinivasan Prakash(Father)NAME CHANGEMy Son, Basheer AhamedMohammed Subahan,Date of Birth: 28.12.1996,Residing at No.AI-1857, 13thMain Road, 6th Avenue, AnnaNagar West, Chennai-600<strong>04</strong>0, shall henceforth beknown as BASHEERAHAMED MOHAMEDSUBAHAN.Basheer Ahamed(Father)NAME CHANGEI, Ashwini, D/o.SuriyaPalanivelraj, Date of Birth:16.08.1990, Residing atNo.12/23, RamaniyamTowers, Greenways Road,Raja Annamalai Puram,Chennai-28, shall henceforthbe known as ASWATHI.AshwiniNAME CHANGEI,Namachivayan Chandran,S/o. Chandran, Date ofBirth:09.07.1969, Residing atOld NO.4/518, New No.4/501,Annai Sathya Nagar,Kottivakkam, Chennai - 600<strong>04</strong>1, shall henceforth be knownas NAMACHIVAYAMCHANDRANNamachivayan ChandranNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, ThronicaRamachandran MeenambigaiChandrasekar, Date of Birth:28.07.2001, Residing at No.3/16, Gandhi Street, Kamarajapuram, Velachery, Chennai-600<strong>04</strong>2, shall henceforth be knownasTHROVNICACHANDRASEKAR.Chandrasekar (Father)NAME CHANGEMy Daughter, Sreeramachandran Sunandha, Date ofBirth: 29.07.2003, Residing atNo.7, AGS Colony, Alwarthirunagar, Chennai-600 087, shallhenceforth be known asSUNANDHA SHREEANURADHA.K.Sreeramachandran(Father)NAME CHANGEI, Attukal ChinnappMohammed MarymShabadana, W/o.T.M.Haneef Faizal, Date of Birth:13.03.1982, Residing at No.1,Pazhankottai Street,Poonamallee, Chennai-600056, shall henceforth beknown as THAMBARATHAHANEEF FAIZAL MARIYAMSAHADANA.Attukal ChinnappMohammed MarymShabadanaNAME CHANGEI, Kamatchi Prasad (Hindu),W/o.Althaf, Date of Birth:21.09.1983, Residing atNo.58/26, Sivan Koil SouthStreet, Kodambakkam,Chennai-600 024, hasConverted to Musilm with thename fo SHAHIDHAALTHAF.Kamatchi Prasad (Hindu)NAME CHANGEI, Suguna Bai Nagarathinam,W/o.Santhana Krishnan, Dateof Birth: 15.12.1972, Residingat No.3/565, Vidhya SchoolStreet, Thiruvalluvar Nagar,Jalladianpet, Medavakkam,Chennai-600100, shallhenceforth be known asSUGUNA SANTHANAKRISHNAN.Suguna Bai NagarathinamNAME CHANGEI, Maria Antonia Ubagara(Surname) Gunaseeli(Given Name), W/o.Peter,Date of Birth: 28.06.1950,Residing at No.23/10, RamaRangannal Street, NewWashermenpet, Chennai-81,shall henceforth be knownas MARIA ANTONIAUBAGARA (Surname)RAJASEELI (Given Name).Maria Antonia Ubagara(Surname) Gunaseeli(Given Name)NAME CHANGEI, MALAYALAMIHTHISHAM, S/o. MalayalamObaidullah, Date of Birth:15.03.1967, Residing atNo.29/632, Majeed Street, For,Vaniyambadi - 635 751, shallhenceforth be known asMALAYALAM IHTISHAMMALAYALAM IHTHISHAMNAME CHANGEI,Kuldeep Tater, S/o.Rawatmal Tater, Date ofBirth:19.7.1959, Residing atNew No.72/10, Old No.348/10, 2nd Floor, Garden ViewApartments, 6th Avenue,Anna Nagar, Chennai - 600<strong>04</strong>0, shall henceforth be knownas KULDEEP R.TATERKuldeep TaterNAME CHANGEMy Son, Manish MartinRobert, Date of Birth:30.09.2005, Residing at C36,Narumukhai Apartments, 2ndStreet, Brindavan Nagar Extn,Adambakkam, Chennai-600088, shall henceforth beknown as MANISH ROBERTMARTIN ROBERT.Martin Robert (Father)NAME CHANGEI, AnuradhaSriramachandran, D/o.K.Sriramachandran, Date ofBirth: 07.02.1994, Residing atNo.7, AGS Colony, Alwarthirunagar, Chennai-600 087,shall henceforth be knownas SNEHA CHANDRAN.AnuradhaSriramachandranNAME CHANGEI, Vijayan Veerasamy, S/o.Veerasamy, Holder of IndianPassport No.H4631942,issued on 09.10.2009 andPermanent resident of No.55,Kallerikuppam MoorarPalyam, Kallakurichi,Villupuram-606 208 andpresently working at Dubai, PBNo.325<strong>04</strong>, UAE do herebychange my name from shallhenceforth be known asVIJAYAN VEERASAMY toRAVI VEERASAMY withimmediate effect.NAME CHANGEI, Lusiya (Christianity), W/o.Shahul Hameed, Date ofBirth: 06.10.1980, Residing atNo.30, Parvathy Nagar, 1stStreet, Kodugaiyur, Chennai-600 118, has Converted toIslam with the name foFOWSIYA.Lusiya (Christianity)NAME CHANGEI, Anita Beulah Prabhakar,W/o.Prabhakar John, Date ofBirth: 01.03.1969, Residing atThe Pearls Flat, B1, No.35A,Kellys Road, Kilpauk,Chennai-600010, shallhenceforth be known asANITA PRABHAKAR.Anita Beulah PrabhakarNAME CHANGEMy Daughter, SowmiaKolanjinathan, Date ofBirth: 12.08.1995, Residing atNo.144, Main Road, Allur,Chidambaram, Cuddalore-608 702, shall henceforth beknown as SOWMIAVEERANAR KOLANJINATHAN.Chitra (Mother)NAME CHANGEI,Mani Neeliath Kannoth,S/o.Vannarath Balan, Date ofBirth: 14.05.1964, Residing atNo.56, Sindhu Nadhi Salai,ICF Employees Colony, 4thScheme Ambattur, Chennai -600 053, shall henceforth beknown as MANEE NEELIATHKANNOTHMani Neeliath KannothNAME CHANGEI, Pugarisha MoidinMeeyana, S/o. MoidinMeeyana, Date ofBirth:21.07.1970, Residing atOld No.18, New No.5, VenuStreet, Guindy, Chennai - 600016, shall henceforth beknown as BUHARI MOIDINMEEYANAPugarisha Moidin MeeyanaNAME CHANGEI,Kuppuswamy Kaliappan,S/o. Kaliappan, Date of Birth:02.5.1952, Residing at OldNo.69, New No.92, 4thAvenue, Ashok Nagar,Chennai - 600 083, shallhenceforth be known asKUPPUSAMY KALIAPPANKuppuswamy KaliappanNAME CHANGEI, Abdul Salam, S/o.Mohamed Hussain, Date ofBirth:12.05.1954 , Residing atNo.3/44, Kannampulli ChettyStreet, Kumanan Chavadi,Poonamallee, Chennai - 600056, shall henceforth beknown as MOHAMMED ALIJINNAAbdul SalamNAME CHANGEI,Cerved Ethiraj Subramani,S/o. Carvedu NagalingamEthiraj, Date of Birth:08.06.1953, Residing at NewNo.32, Old No.40, BurrahSahib Street, Anna Salai,Chennai - 600 002, shallhenceforth be known asCARVEDU ETHIRAJSUBRAMANIYEANCerved Ethiraj SubramaniNAME CHANGEI,Boopathy Periasamy,S/o. Periasamy, Date ofBirth:06.01.1972, Residing atPlot No.34B, MG Nagar,Adhanoor, Madambakkam,Chennai - 603202, shallhenceforth be known asBHOOPATHY PERIASAMYBoopathy PeriasamyNAME CHANGEI,Sharan Kumar RathnamSrinivasan, S/o. T.S.Srinivasan, Date ofBirth:01.09.1994 , Residing atNo.11, Raja Street, Perambur,Chennai - 600 011, shallhenceforth be known asVISHAL SRINIVASANSharan Kumar RathnamSrinivasanNAME CHANGEI,D.SATHISH, S/o.G.Duraiswamy, Date ofBirth:19.5.1975, Residing atOld No.79, New No.101,RajVilla, S-2, Jones Road,Saidapet, Chennai - 600 015,shall henceforth be known asD.SATHIISHD.SATHISHNAME CHANGEI,Vedhachalam Muthaian,S/o. Muthaian, Date ofBirth:19.02.1969, Residing atHIG -II, No.89, Nolabur Phase-II,Mogappair West Garden,Chennai - 600 037, shallhenceforth be known asVEDACHALAM MUTHAIANVedhachalam Muthaian

6TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>Karnataka Bank Chennai - Virugambakkam Branch inaugurated by Sardarmal Chordia, Chairman,Medofarm Group Companies, T. R. Chandrashekaran, Director of the Bank lit the lamp, Jayarama BhatMD & CEO and other dignitaries and Branch Managers of local Branches seen.Chennai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Yesteryear legendarymusic director T KRamamurthy, whocomposed severaltimeless melodies inTamil films -- solo and inpartnership with anotherlegend M S Vishwanathan-- died at a privatehospital here thismorning after a briefillness. He was 92.Tiruchirapalli KrishnamurthyRamamurthy andViswanathan scoredmusic for more than4,000 songs spanningover 700 films producingseveral evergreen hitsongs.The Viswanathan-Ramamurthy duo ruledthe roost penning musicRecord auctionof Nizam’srare diamondLondon, Apr.<strong>17</strong>:Princie - named after a14-year-old prince ofBaroda, has smashed allrecords. The spectacular34.65 carat intense pinkdiamond that belonged tothe Nizam of Hyderabad,has been sold for awhopping $40 millionwhich comes up to nearlyRs 200 crore, surpassingthe previous house recordof $24.3 million, set in2008, with the sale of theWittelsbach Diamond.NAME CHANGEI, Krishnamurthie Vignesh,S/o. Krishnamurthie, Date ofBirth: 16.07.1993, Residing atNo.3, Jeeva Nagar MainRoad, Pallikaranai, Chennai- 600 100, shall henceforthbe known as ChengalvarayanKrishnamurthie VikneshwarKrishnamurthie VigneshNAME CHANGEI,Kalasalingam RamalingamBalasubramanian, S/o.Kovilpatti Ramalingam, Date ofBirth: 18.05.1963, Residing atNo.10, Velmurugan Colony,Vadapalani, Chennai - 600 026,shall henceforth be known asKOVILPATTI RAMALINGAMBALASUBRAMANIANKalasalingam RamalingamBalasubramanianJayalalithaa condoles deathof T.K. RamamurthyChennai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Expressing grief and anguish atthe passing away today ofT.K.Ramamurthy (92) who hadcomposed thousands of film songswith M.S.Viswanathan, ChiefMinister Jayalalithaa said it was agreat loss to the film as well asmusic world.In her condolence message,Chief Minister Jayalalithaa said, "he want only a music composerbut also a violinist. I was shockedand grieved to hear about thedemise of Veteran music composerand violinist T K Ramamurthy.The M S Viswanathan-Ramamurthy duo had composedmusic for more than 700 films inTamil, Telugu and Malayalam. Later,Ramamurthy parted ways withViswanathan in the mid-60s andcomposed music for a few films.He has composed a song"Ammano Samiyo" in a film I hadacted, I cannot forget that momentin my life.The songs he has composed isstill cherished by all. In ‘PanamPadaithavan‘ film he has playedLegendary music directorpasses awayfor some timelessmelodies that still lingerin the ears of thepeople.However, the duo,after dominating the filmmusic, parted ways in themid 1960s andRamamurthy went on tocompose music for filmson his own.In a 19-yearperiodfrom 1967 to 1986,TKR has scored solomusic for 19 films with'Saathumirandal' beinghis first solo film.Ending a 29-year-longstrained relations, thetwain met again and theduo together reenteredthe film world in 1995 bypenning music for the film'Engiruntho Vanthaal',starred by Satyaraj andRoja.Ramamurthy hadwon several accoladesand also the prestigiousKalaimamani award fromPASSPORT LOSTThis is to inform to thegeneral public that I have lostmy original passport bearingNo.B 0977639 issued on22.11.1999 by RPO/ChennaiChennai by Traveling TwoWheeler Chennai.Finder isrequested to hand over thesame to me at the followingaddress: No.1/91, East Street,Mazhavarayanallur,Kumarakudi Post, Kattumannarkoil Tk, Chidambaram,Cuddalore-608 702. Finderswill be rewarded suitably.S.Senthil KumarNAME CHANGEI,Prashanth PuttabakulaSubbarao Prabhakar, S/o.Prabhakar Date ofBirth:06.10.1979, Residing atF1, Aaditya Flats, BharathiNagar, 4th Street, MudichurRoad, Tambaram West,Tambaram, Chennai - 600<strong>04</strong>5, shall henceforth be knownas Prasanth PuttabakulaSubbarao PrabhakarPrashanth PuttabakulaSubbarao PrabhakarNAME CHANGEI, Kadar Sheik, S/o. SheikHasan, Date of Birth:19.02.1993, Residing atNo.41, Kanakandal Road,Sandhapettai, Thirukoilur,Villupuram Dt -605 757 shallhenceforth be known as SHEIKKADARKadar Sheikthe State Government.The body was kept athis Royapettah residenceto enable the public to paytheir last respects.People from the musicand film world visited hisresidence and paid theirlast respect to thedeparted soul. The funeralPUBLIC NOTICEThis is to inform the generalpublic that the original saledeed dated 5.9.58, regd. asdocument no. 2464/1958, inBook -1, in the Office of theJoint I SRO Saidapet, andsale deed dated 15.2.95registered as documentNo.491/95 in Book -I in theOffice of the Joint I SROcomprised in Survey Nos. 43/3, present Survey No. 43/3BMedavakkam Village, Vadakkupattu, Dharma BhoopathyNagar, Sholinganallur Taluk,Kancheepuram District is lostand not traceable. If anyonehaving any right or claim overthe said property are herebycalled upon to furnish thebasis of their claim in writingalong with properdocumentary evidence, withinfifteen days from the date ofthis publication. If no suchclaim or objection is receivedwithin fifteen days as statedabove, then it will beconclusively taken that thedocument is lost and nottraceable.SowmyaAdvocateB4, Navin's SudaramApartments,No.8,9th Street,Nanganallur,Chennai -600061,Mob-9840<strong>17</strong>8816NAME CHANGEI, Periyaswamy Karriyappa,S/o. Karriyappa, Date of Birth:15.<strong>04</strong>.1955, Residing atNo.9, Kaviya Garden, Phase -3, Ganapathi Avenue, Porur,Chennai - 600 116, shallhenceforth be known asPERIYASAMY KARRIYAPPAPeriyaswamy KarriyappaNAME CHANGEI,Shajahan MohamadAnsari, S/o. Shajahan, Dateof Birth: 13.11.1992, Residingat # 7, Balaji Nagar, Pattur,Mangadu Post, Chennai -600 122, shall henceforth beknown as SHAJAHANMOHAMMED ANSARIShajahan Mohamad Ansariviolin for a hit song "Kan ponapokkile kaal pokalama". In thefamous ‘Engae nimmathi’ song inPuthia Paravai his tunes were quiteimpressive.He has received many awardsincluding Tamil Nadu GovernmentKalaimamani. His demise is a greatloss to the film industry as well asmusic world.I offer my sincere and heartfeltcondolences to his family and praythat the Almighty may give themthe strength to cope with thisirreparable loss”, Jayalalithaa said.would take placetomorrow.PUBLIC NOTICEMy Client Mrs. J.MANONMANI, W/o.Jayaraman aged about 50years, residing at DoorNo.12A, Pandurangapuram,Chennai-600 050 is the Ownerof the Plot No.1B measuringan extent of 420 Square feetin BASKAR NAGAR,comprised in Survey No.356/2 (patta No.342) of PadiVillage, Ambattur Taluk,Thiruvallur District, within theRegsitration District CentralChennai and Sub-Regsitration DistrictVillivakkam, vide Sale DeedDoc. No.419/2001, registeredat SRO Villivakkam andSubsequently she mortgagedthe said property withMrs.Krishnaveni videDocument No.3870/20<strong>04</strong>,registered at SRO VillivakkamIt is represented that boththe Original Document Nos.419/2001 and 3870/20<strong>04</strong>have been lost byMrs.KrishnaveniAnyone who claims interestof any kind over the saidproperty or any part thereofmay inform the same to theundersigned within FIFTEENDAYS from the date ofpublication of this notice,failing which it will beconstrued that the above saidproperty is free from anyencumbrance or charge of anynature.B. Ramesh, M.A. B.L.,K.Saraswathi, B.A., B.L.,Advocates,W- 702, 2nd Street,Anna Nagar West Extn.,Chennai 600 101NAME CHANGEI, Packir Mohideen SevusanPackeer Kadirmohideen,S/o. Kadir Mohideen, Dateof Birth: 11.07.1954, Residingat No.4A, Kothari New Town,Maraimalai Nagar,Kanchipuram -603209, shallhenceforth be known asPACKEER MOHIDEENSEVUSAN PACKEERKADIRMOHIDEENPackir Mohideen SevusanPackeer KadirmohideenNAME CHANGEI,Dhamodaran Subramani,S/o. Subramani, Date ofBirth:10.07.1974, Residing atNo.35/84, Chettykulam SilarStreet, Kanchipuram - 631502, shall henceforth beknown as DAMOTHARANSUBRAMANIDhamodaran SubramaniHigher Education Minister P. Palaniappan flags off Uzhavar Peru Vizhaa Ratham in Parayapattipudurnear Harur in Dharmapuri. District Collector R. Lilly, Joint Director P. Manoharan, Deputy DirectorN. Meganathan, Union Chairman C. Thennarasu seen.Coimbatore Dist Collector M. Karunakaran visiting exhibition organised by Agricultural Departmentin connection with Uzhavar Peru Vizhaa at Sulur, Kangeyampalayam. Deputy Director AgriculturalDepartment Usha Maithili, Rajmohan, Subramaniam seen.Belgian visa facility in Chennai launchedChennai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:The Belgian State extended itsVisa Application Centre services toSouthern India with two new centresin Chennai and Hyderabad, incollaboration with its commercialpartner VFS Global, the world’slargest outsourcing and technologyservices specialist for diplomaticmissions and governments. Cater-ing to the growing demand of Belgiumbound travellers in the region;this strategic move is aimed at offeringnew services, facilities andbenefits to visa applicants, andboost tourism, trade and investments,and bilateral ties with India.Karl Van den Bossche, ConsulGeneral of Belgium in Mumbai andVishal Jairath, Regional Head -South Asia, VFS Global made thejoint announcement at the conference.Also present at the conferencewas Koen Gabriels, Consul andHead of Visa Operations at theConsulate General of Belgium inMumbai. Similar facilities also extendedin Ahmedabad and Pune inWestern India.NAME CHANGEI,Kansadurai Karal, S/o.Kansadurai, Date ofBirth:13.11.1991, Residing atNo.21, Muthumari AmmanKoil Street, Adhi Nagar,Tambaram East, Chennai -600 059, shall henceforth beknown as KANSADURAIJAIGANESHKansadurai KaralNAME CHANGEI,Ramesh, S/o. Paresmal,Date of Birth: <strong>04</strong>.06.1966,Residing at New No.41, OldNo.21, Bazaar Street,Contonment, Poonamallee,Chennai - 600 056, shallhenceforth be known asRAMESH KUMARPARESMALRameshNAME CHANGEI, Munuswamy VijayPrakash, S/o. Munuswamy,Date of Birth: 14.03.1975,Residing at No.27, JeenisRoad, Saidapet, Chennai -600 015, shall henceforth beknown as MUNUSWAMYVIJAY ANANDMunuswamy Vijay PrakashNAME CHANGEI,Jay Sundaram, S/o.Kesavel, Date ofBirth:01.07.1947, Residing atNo.103, Peria Kasi KovilKuppam, Ennore, Chennai -600 057, shall henceforth beknown as SUNDARAMJay Sundaram

TRINITY MIRROR / WEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>7SRMUNew corporate office of Repco Home Finance Limited inaugurated by T S Krishnamurthy, Ex ChiefElection Commissioner and Chairman of Repco Home in the presence of Mr. R Varadarajan, ManagingDirector and other directors and officials of the Company.Corona Remedies announcesanti-obesity productsMumbai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Corona Remediesannounced it has enteredinto an marketingagreement with Belgiumbasedlife sciencecompany, Kitozyme tolaunch Rasva an antiobesityproducts in thecountry.In order to bring thenovel, innovative & lifeReliance Q4 PAT up32% at `5590 crMumbai, Apr <strong>17</strong>:Reliance Industries(RIL) reported a ProfitAfter Tax of Rs 5590 crorefor the fourth quarter ofFY12 as against Rs.4236crore in the year ago. Theprofit rise of 32 per centyear-on-year, helped bystronger margins in its oilrefining business waslargely in line with estimates.The company reportedsales of Rs 84200 crore.The petrochemical marginswere reported at 8.55per cent versus 10.2%year-on-year. TheEBITDA margins for thefourth quarter were at9.3% versus 7.7% YoY.The fourth quarter otherincome was reported atRs 2243 crore versus Rs2295 crore YoY. The refiningmargin stood at 4.52%versus 2.2% YoY. Thecompany has also approveda Rs 18,000 croreappropriation to generalreserve.style products, we haveentered into exclusivecollaboration andlicensing agreement withKitozyme to launchRasva capsules,thenatural fat binder, whichwould be the mostinnovative novel conceptfor the weightmanagement.The fast growing antiobesitymarket isestimated at Rs 500 crorein the country.Rasva ismanufactured in Belgiumand marketed indeveloped countries withimmense acceptance &success.Rasva is sold asmedical device inEuropean market withannual sales of 130million Euros. It isdistributed by FamousRainbow in Europeanmarket, Kitozyme officialsaid. Kitozyme is holdingpatents for the antiobesity ingredient with noNAME CHANGEI, Chaneshi Phen, S/o.Koshan Phen, Date of Birth:12.02.1989, Residing atNo.5/13A, 5th Street, MullaiNagar, Chennai - 600 089,shall henceforth be known asMARK PHENChaneshi Phenside effects, and Coronawill market the product inIndia, Corona hasregistered 67 percentgrowth with Rs 100 croreturnover in FY 13 at itsfacility at Solan inHimachal Pradesh basedunit. The company hasrecently entered in to thecardio, diabetic andlifestyle diseasessegment Corona is readyto introduce unique andnovel OTC products withits upcoming OTCdivision in August thisyear.NAME CHANGEI, Rajkumar.N, S/o. Natarajan,Date of Birth: 01.03.1976,Residing atRoad,No.55, MainNellikuppam,Cuddalore -607 105, shallhenceforth be known asRAJAKUMAR NATARAJANRajkumar.NNAME CHANGEI, Rajivgandhi Sukumar,S/o. Sukumar, Date of Birth:02.09.1981, Residing atNo.22, Arumugappan Street,Triplicane, Chennai - 600005, shall henceforth beknown as RAJIVVARSHANSUKUMARRajivgandhi SukumarNAME CHANGEI,Sudhir SreedharanMallarkandy Shreedharan,S/o. Sreedharan Mallarkandy,Date of Birth: 24.06.1961,Residing at No.73, ChithiraiStreet Chinmaya Nagar,Virugambakkam, Chennai -600 092, shall henceforth beknown as SUDHIRSREEDHARANSudhir SreedharanMallarkandy ShreedharanIn the High Court ofJudicature at MadrasM.P.No. 1 OF <strong>2013</strong>InCRL.O.P.No. 9150 OF <strong>2013</strong>Emaar MGF Land Limited,Represented by its BusinessDevelopment Manager,Mr.SP .Surendranath Karthik....Petitioner/PetitionerVersus1.State By:The Inspector of Police,H-5 New Washermanpet PoliceStation,Chennai 600 081.2. Esplanade Chennai FlatOwners Welfare Association,Represented by its SecretaryMr.Antony Clifford,S/o.Mr.Francis Anthony,Club House, Esplanade, No.75,New Vaidyanathan Street,Tondairpet,Chennai-81. ...Respondent/Proposed RespondentThe above named petitionerhas filed Crl. O.P.No.9150 of<strong>2013</strong> praying for a direction tothe respondent to provide policeprotection for the petitioner'sconstruction site at No No.75,Old No.7 A, New VaidyanathanStreet, Tondairpet, Chennai 600081 and prevent the occupants /owners of Phase 1 from in anymanner trespassing andcommitting illegal acts in the saidconstruction site.Take notice that the petitionerhas filed an application toimplead you as the proposedrespondent in Crl.O.P.No.9150 of<strong>2013</strong> and that the said case iscoming up before the Hon'bleMadras High Court on 19/<strong>04</strong>/<strong>2013</strong>at 10.30 a.m. and you are herebygiven notice to appear in personor by pleader to state yourobjections if any in allowing thesaid application.MANOJ SREEVALSANADVOCATESCounsel For PetitionerPsøn¯õö£õxa ö\¯»õͺµõáõ ÿuºuø»Áº* C¢v¯ öuõÈØ\[PÐUS J¸ •ß ©õv›* I÷µõ¨¤¯ öuõÈØ\[P Aø©¨¦PÒ "GìBºG®³'°ßöuõÈ»õͺ & {ºÁõP® |À¾ÓøÁU Psk ¯¨¦ & £õµõmk* E»P öuõÈ»õͺ \®÷©ÍÚ®, uø»Áº µõáõ ÿuº ©ØÖ®ö£õxa ö\¯»õͺ Psøn¯õ AÁºPÐUS Â÷\å Pĵ®ÁÇ[Q AÁºPÐUS •UQ¯ ö£õÖ¨¦PøÍ ÁÇ[Q²ÒÍx. 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8TRINITY MIRRORWEDNESDAY <strong>17</strong> APRIL <strong>2013</strong>CM pays tribute to DheeranChief Minister Jayalalithaa paying floral tributes to freedom fighter Dheeran Chinnamalai by offering flowers to his portrait kept at the pedestal of his statue at the Guindy industrial estate on Wednesday.Recently Jayalalithaa ordered renovation of the statue at its pedestal giving it a faces-lift at a cost of Rs.10 lakhs. An enclosure with a granite flooring and a tableau displaying the exploits of the greattyagi was also installed nearby. She also released a souvenir received by legislator U.Thaniarasu.Minister for Animal Husbandry, T K M Chinayya called on Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to take herwishes before presenting the demand of subsidies for his department at the Assembly today.The largest TsunamiRehabilitation project in India hasbeen implemented by the MataAmritanandamayi Math. Over Rs.200 crores have been spent onTsunami relief and rehabilitationwith over 6200 houses constructedin Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Andamanand Nicobar Islands. In Tamil Nadu,houses have been built and villagesfully reconstructed at locations likeChennai, Karaikal, Cuddalore,Nagapattinam - Samanthanpettai,Akkarapettai, Mela Pattinacherry,Keezha Pattinacherry, Pandagasalaietc. The Math is the fi rst NGO tohand over houses and reconstructvillages in all these locations.Amritakuteeram -Free Housing SchemeThe Amritakuteeram project- building 35000 houses all overthe country for the poor anddowntrodden has been implementedin Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai,Sathyamangalam, Etttimadai,Rameswaram, Panangudi andother parts of the state.EducationThe international headquartersof AMMA's educational activities,Amrita Vishwa VidyapeethamUniversity at Ettimadai, Coimbatorehas emerged as one of the mostvibrant and highly ranked privateuniversities in India with nationallyranked schools of engineering,Humanitarian activities ofMata Amritanandamayi Mathbusiness, communication andcenters of excellence and researchin Environmental Sciences,Computational Engineering, CyberSecurity etc.Anbu Illam Care Home forSenior Citizens, SivakasiAn old-age home, "Anbu Illam"at Sivakasi offers rehabilitation andsolace to the destitute senior citizensof our country. The residents comefrom troubled families or have no o<strong>net</strong>o look after them. In this peacefuland loving ambience, they are madeto feel at home while meeting theiremotional and physical needs.Aid to victims and their relatives ofthe Sivakasi Fire AccidentThe horrifi c accident at a fi reworksfactory in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu,crippled hundreds and scarred themfor life. The relatives of the victims,however, have been offered comfort inFor further details on AMMA's programmes in Chennai contact:Mata Amritanandamayi Math,132, Arcot Road, Virugambakkam (Near Avichi School),Chennai - 600 092. Phone : (<strong>04</strong>4) 2376 4063Amma's arms. The Math has providedaround 1 lakh rupees to the familiesof the deceased and Rs 50,000/- tovictims who were seriously injured inthe fi re explosion.Amala Bharatam- PublicCleanliness ProgrammeAMMA has now announced massivepublic cleanliness drive called AmalaBharatam. The purpose of this projectis to create social awareness ofhumanity's debt to our beautiful earthand nature.As part of this campaign, volunteersof the Math and students of Amritainstitutions have now taken up thetask of cleaning the Sabarimalaipilgrimage area before and after theannual festival for the last two years.Karnataka and AndhraPradesh Flood Relief(2010):Mata Amritanandamayi Math, underits fl ood relief rehabilitation project,is constructing 2,000 houses for theflood affected in North Karnatakaand Andhra Pradesh in 2009. AMMAhad then announced a 50- Cr reliefpackage for the victims of this area.Bihar Flood Relief (2008):Rs. 2 crores was earmarked for fl oodrelief by the ashram. Several teamsof doctors, nurses and volunteers didextensive relief activity.Farmer Suicide Relief:In 2007, the ashram launchedtwo programs aimed at fi ghting theproblem: Vidyamritam and AmritaSREE. The projects are focused atplaces with high farmer suicide rateslike Maharashtra, Kerala, Karnatakaand Andhra Pradesh and Tamil NaduMinister for Fisheries, K A Jayapal called on Chief Minister Jayalalithaa to take her wishes beforepresenting the demand of subsidies for his department at the Assembly today.to combat farmer suicideAmrita SREE:The ashram is providing freevocational training to 3,000 WomenSelf-Help Groups (SHG) consisting ofwomen from impoverished agriculturalfamilies.Vidyamritam:he ashram is providing fullscholarships to around 40,000 children(ages 10 to 15) of farmers living belowthe poverty line. This scheme will beextended to cover 100,000 studentsOrphanages:An orphange located in Kerala isdedicated to caring of fi ve hundredchildren from the most disadvantagedsections of society, mainly fromtribal areas. The Math also runs anorphanage in Kenya. Here, it has alsoset up a drinking water plant for theresidents of not only the orphanagebut also the neighbourhood.Mass WeddingCeremony for the poor:This project started with the masswedding arranged for 158 poorcouples during Amrita Varsham50, Golden Jubilee celebration ofAMMA’s birthday in 2003, it has since2003 conducted over 800 marriagesfor impoverished couples includingTsunami victims.Free Meal Scheme for theunder-privileged:The Math feeds over 50,000 poorand under-privileged peopleevery month through its branchashrams in India and in USA, AMMAs’devotees run Mothers’ Kitchen in39 cities, providing over 40,000meals for the homeless each year.AMMA in Chennai18.<strong>04</strong>.<strong>2013</strong>19.<strong>04</strong>.<strong>2013</strong>6.00 a.m.7.30 a.m.10.00 a.m.6.00 a.m.7.30 a.m.10.00 a.m.Ãfœ¢á ÃušLalitha Sahasranam ArchanaRahu Dosha Nivarana PoojaAmma's Satsang, Bhajan,Dhyanam & DarshanLalita Sahasranam ArchanaSani Dosha Nivarana PoojaAmma's Satsang, Bhajan,Dhyanam & DarshanTime Card for Amma's Darshan token(free of cost) will be distributed from6.30 a.m. onwards on both days.

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