Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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“God, stop with the snark. You’re giving me aheadache. Kelly isn’t some whore.”“I never said she was.”“You implied it.”“Look, you’re getting pissed at the wrong personhere. I’m just asking—as a friend—whether you’velost your everloving mind. But then again, I thoughtyou were insane for hiring an investigator to find her.Well, you found her and now you have to deal withthe fallout. I’ll tell you just what I told Rafael when hewas faced with similar issues. Call your lawyer. Getpaternity testing done.”“I don’t want it to come to that,” Ryan said quietly.“Damn it, I just want to know what went wrong.” Hebroke off and shook his head. This was a pointlessconversation to be having. Cam was an unforgivingbastard on his best day. As soon as he heard whatKelly had done, he’d basically written her off. Cammight be a hard-ass but he was a loyal hard-ass.Cam was silent for a moment. “Look man, I’msorry. I get that this has you tied in knots. Personally,I think you ought to go out, have a few drinks and getlaid. Come off that self-imposed celibacy stint you’vebeen on since you threw her out. But I know you

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