Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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FourWhen Kelly woke the next morning, she struggled tomake sense of her surroundings. Then sheremembered. She was in New York—with Ryan.In a matter of hours, Ryan had had her packedand hustled to the airport. They’d landed atLaGuardia close to midnight and he’d ushered herinto a waiting car.By the time they’d arrived at his apartment, shewas dead on her feet. Once inside, she took her onebag and headed toward the guest room. The achingfamiliarity of the apartment—an apartment that usedto be hers—threatened to unhinge her. It evensmelled the same—a mixture of leather and rawmasculinity. She’d never tried to change that. It hadreminded her too much of Ryan, and she hadn’twanted to remove it.Down the hall was the bedroom where she andRyan had made love countless times. It was wheretheir child was conceived and where her life hadbeen irrevocably altered.

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