Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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He ignored her and stared out the windshield, hisfingers curled tight around the steering wheel.When they arrived at her apartment, she got out ofthe car before he could come around for her and shehurried up the stairs. She could hear him behind herand when she tried to shut the door, he put up hishand and pushed his way inside.“We have to talk, Kelly.”She whirled around. “Yes, we do. You said we’dtalk about the check. You were certainly willing tothrow it at me when you called me a whore. I want itnow and I don’t give a damn what you think about thefact I’m taking it.”“I’m no longer offering it.”“Oh, nice,” she said sarcastically.“I want you to come back to New York with me.”<strong>Her</strong> mouth fell open. “You’re insane. Why would Igo anywhere with you?”“Because you need me.”Pain speared through her chest, robbing her ofbreath. “I needed you before.”She turned away before he could respond. Sheframed her belly with her palms and tried not to

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