Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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“Have you eaten?”Ryan shook his head.“Want to tell us about it?” Dev prompted.Ryan stared at his two friends and emitted a harshlaugh. “How do you explain that you’ve made theworst mistake of your entire life and you’re not sureyou can ever make amends?”“That bad, huh,” Cam said.“Worse.”“Is Kelly going to be all right?” Dev asked. “Andthe ba<strong>by</strong>?”“I wish I knew. They might have to deliver the ba<strong>by</strong>early if her blood pressure doesn’t go down. I did thisto her. She’s lying in a hospital bed because I wasn’tthere for her or my child. What kind of a bastarddoes that make me?”Cam and Devon exchanged glances.“Look, granted I don’t know the whole story, but I’dsay that you aren’t solely to blame for the problem,”Devon said carefully. “My brother assaulted her,”Ryan said as rage flooded him all over again. “Hetried to rape her and when she fought him off, hecalled me with an ingenious story. He claimed theyslept together but when he told her it was a mistake,

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