Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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Devon raised an eyebrow and sipped at theexpensive wine. “After what she pulled, I’d imagineshe’s feeling pretty damn stupid. I wouldn’t want toshow my face either.”Ryan shrugged. “Maybe.” But he couldn’t shakethe feeling that it was something more. Why was heeven worried? Why should he care?Why hadn’t she cashed the check?Why couldn’t he get her out of his mind? Shehaunted him. For six months, he had cursed her, lainawake at night wondering where she was and if shewas safe. And he hated that he cared, even thoughhe convinced himself he’d worry about any womanunder the same circumstances.Devon shrugged. “Your time and your dime. Oh,look, there’s Cam. Wasn’t sure Mr. Reclusive wouldactually crawl out of that fortress of his for the event.”Cameron Hollingsworth shouldered his waythrough the crowd, and people instinctively moved toget out of his way. He was tall and broad chested,and he wore power and refinement like most otherpeople wore clothing. The stone set of his demeanormade him unapproachable <strong>by</strong> most. He could be amean son of a bitch, but he could usually be counted

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