Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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elationship was too new to weather something sodifficult.But no matter the reason, the end result had beenthe same. When things had gotten difficult, theirrelationship had crumbled like stale bread.It didn’t speak well for their future.But she wouldn’t think of that right now. Sure, itwas stupid of her to allow herself to have such faith inhim. But hope was a powerful thing. It made aperson willingly blind to the truth.She kept telling herself maybe this time…Maybe this time they would truly get things right.Even if it meant forever bearing the burden of havingthe man she loved think she’d betrayed him withanother man. His brother.So many times she wanted to confront him. Shewanted to try again to make him listen to her. Makehim hear the truth. But each time she bit her lipbecause what purpose would it serve?He might not believe her. He might. But would itchange anything in the past? Would it change theirfuture?It wouldn’t even make her feel any better becauseshe knew the truth. Ryan believed she’d lied to him

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