Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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apron strings, but he respected his mother, as anyson should, and like most children, she supposed,had a bit of a blind spot when it came to her.Or maybe he just didn’t want to see her as theconniving vindictive witch that Kelly knew her to be.Kelly was sure his mother had her good points. Sheobviously loved her sons. But she’d never besomeone Kelly would warm to. Ever.“Yes, we’re back. Listen, Mom, why did you sendRoberta there? I don’t appreciate you interfering. Iwon’t tolerate any disrespect toward Kelly. You needto accept that she’s with me. If you can’t do that, thenyou and I are going to have a serious problem.”Kelly’s eyes rounded. There was anger in Ryan’svoice and his eyes were hard.“We’ll see,” he continued. “Right now Kelly and Ineed some time together without interference, nomatter how well meaning. I’ll call you when we’reready to have dinner together.”Ugh. It took all of Kelly’s control not to make aface. But this was Ryan’s mother. This was herchild’s grandmother, no matter how much Kellywished it to be different.“I love you too, Mom. Let me go. We just got in

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