Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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Then he stood and pulled her to her feet.“We’re both tired,” he said. “Let’s turn in and we’llworry about tomorrow when it gets here.”That didn’t sound like the Ryan she knew. He wasa man who planned everything to the nth degree. Hehad schedules, lists, planners, calendars. He not onlyworried about tomorrow, but the next year as well.He led her into his bedroom and motioned for herto get into bed. He hung back, maybe out ofdeference to her obvious unease. Taking a deepbreath, she crawled beneath the covers and turnedso she’d face away from him when he got in.The bed dipped behind her, and she felt hiswarmth as soon as he slid beneath the covers. Hemoved about for a few seconds and then the nextthing she knew, he was flush against her back.He wrapped one arm over her and pulled her inclose. He nuzzled her hair before resting his cheekover her ear.It was all she could do not to break down. It hadbeen so long and it felt so right. Just like so manyother nights in his arms. She’d missed him.Unbelievably, she’d missed him.“No past,” he murmured in her ear. “Just us. Right

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