Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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first flight out I can get. This is ridiculous. It’s a wasteof time. It’s never going to work between us, Ryan.”He swore and moved to stand just in front of her,his hands gripping her shoulders. “We had anagreement. One week together and we forget thepast.”She gaped at him incredulously. “Did you notwitness that debacle in the restaurant? How on earthwould she know so much about me and ourrelationship unless you told her? How the hell are wesupposed to forget the past when your little floozy isbusy throwing it in my face? I don’t appreciate beingmade a fool of. And I certainly don’t appreciatebeing bandied about in conversation like yesterday’sgarbage.”“I never discussed you with her,” he saidemphatically.“Amazing then that she knew so much.”“Why is it you have so little faith in me, Kelly? Ididn’t betray you.”She flinched. It always came back to this. Nomatter what, it always came back to the fact that hebelieved she had betrayed him and refused toentertain any other possibility.

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