Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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“I’m here on business. The question is, what areyou doing here?”<strong>Her</strong> laughter tinkled out like fine china. “Oh, this isone of my favorite places to visit. The food is justdivine, and the accommodations can’t be beat.” Sheturned to Kelly who was eyeing Roberta warily. “Whois this, Ryan?”Like hell she didn’t know who Kelly was and likehell she just happened to be here. He’d lay odds thatRoberta Maxwell had never been to St. Angelo in herlife. She was shockingly transparent and didn’t seemto give a damn. That could only mean she was hereto cause trouble. His mother’s name was written allover this and he was so furious he wanted tostrangle Roberta’s skinny neck. And then move on tohis mother. He never should have informed hismother that he’d be out of town and he damn sureshouldn’t have told her where he was going. He’dhoped… Well, it didn’t really matter what he’d hoped.Roberta was here and it was apparent it wasn’tsome damn coincidence.“Roberta, meet Kelly Christian. Kelly, this is anacquaintance of mine, Roberta Maxwell.”Roberta’s smile was dazzling and she playfully

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