Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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SixKelly didn’t sleep that night. Not that it should havecome as any surprise to her. She lay awake in herbed, reliving the past. The first time she met Ryan.How he’d swept her off her feet and into apassionate and all-consuming relation ship.From the day he first asked her out, they hadn’tspent a single day apart for several weeks. By theend of the first month, she’d moved into hisapartment, and <strong>by</strong> the end of the second month oftheir whirlwind courtship, his ring was on her finger.She had never been quite sure why he’d chosenher. It wasn’t as if she thought she was inferior, butRyan Beardsley was an extremely wealthy man. Hecould have his pick of women. Why Kelly?She didn’t have family connections. She didn’thave money or prestige. She was a simple collegestudent eking out a living on a waitress’s salary.Until Ryan.Everything had changed for her, and maybe she’dbeen too caught up in the fairy tale that was her

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