Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love

Wanted by Her Lost Love


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feet.“Why don’t you recline your seat,” he said,reaching over to help her.When she was tilted back he nudged her over.“Turn on your side and I’ll rub your back.”Too uncomfortable to turn down his touch, shefaced the window and settled on her side.Strong, tender fingers began a slow exploration ofher back, rubbing and kneading. She sighed incontentment and relief as the tension faded in hermuscles. Yawning widely, she snuggled deeper intothe seat, enjoying the delicious sensations his touchwas bringing.For just a little while, she forced the past from hermind. She forced thoughts of the future away as well.All she focused on was the fact that she was withRyan and he was acting as tender and loving as hehad when they’d been together.She went to sleep with a smile on her face.As they prepared to land, Ryan shook her awakeand raised her seat back up. She was so relaxedand lethargic that she sat there quietly while theplane touched down.Fifteen minutes later, Ryan wrapped a protective

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