MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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74 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.Number of Days Absent from Duty.—Continued.K Q CSt> H 5 »NAME. SS = S£•< ««§ "3Pruate Kelly, P. J.......................... ... ..... .........Kiel-nan, W..........................I 8 i.........Kearney. P........... .............. ......... 1JLoveti, W. J.......... .,....,.......' 1 .........LaiiKe, J. H. .................. .....J......... 5McQuade, M...... .................. 3 .........McCarthy, J. C............. ........ 3 .........Mel.lrim, M. L............ ......... 2 3Murphy, T. C..... ................. 19 .........Mill r, H ............................ 1 .........Merchant, B. E.. ................. 2 .........O'Keefr, R.......... ............... 4 .........Kau/.iu, A........................... 1 1 2Keiseu, H ......... ................. ......... .........Rtilly, J.J. ...........................................Ruswell, H. B ..................... 3 5Saudifnrd, C. A... .................; 6 18Hemken.J. D... .................... 1 . 28he^btM,Vf.. ....................... 6 ' 6(Smith, W. ri....... ................. 11 : 4Smith, F. J........ .................. 3 .........Smith, G. L ...... .......................... .........Stafford, JEt............... ............ 19 .........8»-uily, M. ._......................... 29 8Stringfleld D.O.... .............. ......... .........rTtllli.rf H T. • '^ *>Ungar, B............... ............... '• . ........'.........Umb»ch,J. H.W....... ......... 3 12< Williams, J. 8 ..................J 8 4t Williams, B. W........ ........... 1 .........Winn, W. 8....-...................' 2 i.........Woods, J. A......................... ......... .........i Woods, J. W.......... .............. ......... .........TDtaK........ .............................. 418 270THIKD QUARTEK.5...94242323355154110191QUARTER.FOUK'1 H253332""2"65492627A3143TOTAL.78. 6. 156B8191066. 9221631102120142243776515212151022

MAYOIVS ANNUAL REPORT. 75Ocean Steamship. Company's Police Force.Under the Supervision of the Superintendent of Police.NAME.BANK.APPOINTED.Muse, E. 8......... ...............Powell, W. H........ ............Monahan, T. H..... ...........Brennan, T.... ............ .....Cnmielly, J. M. .................Dougluxs, VV. JB..... ............Kaglfson, J........ ........... ...Oraci-n, T. B............ .........Harris. D. M._...~ ..............King, H................... ........Knox, J....... .....................T AA 4 ' PLysaughr, D... ..................Mullet!*, L>. K. .................Morrell, F. E.... ................McCabe, B.... ....................OBrieii, J. P.......... .........Parrish, H. A...... ....... ......Kt-illy, J. D........ ..............Thorpe, J. E........ ..............Tabb, E. O...... ................Golden, P. J., Jr........ ........Kuoz, J. F...... ..................Serg eantPri ateSeptember 26, 1881.April 1.ISS7.Octolx-r 2tt, 1894.8f 1, 1881.Ft- bruary 4 1893.NoveuilH-r 3, 1890.May 14, 1884.June 11, 18;»5.Novfini er 21, 1900.July 3, 1894.July 14. 1890Mtiroh 2U. 1S81.October 18, It-84.March 1. 1882.October 3. 1891.October 26, 18»4.September 2>8, 1899.September 16, 1899.Mav 2tt. 1893.November IK, 1899.Novembers 1891.8-ptember 16, 1899.September 19. 1MU.September 19, 1901.

<strong>MAY</strong>OIVS ANNUAL REPORT. 75Ocean Steamship. Company's Police Force.Under <strong>the</strong> Supervision <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> Superintendent <strong>of</strong> Police.NAME.BANK.APPOINTED.Muse, E. 8......... ...............Powell, W. H........ ............Monahan, T. H..... ...........Brennan, T.... ............ .....Cnmielly, J. M. .................Dougluxs, VV. JB..... ............Kaglfson, J........ ........... ...Oraci-n, T. B............ .........Harris. D. M._...~ ..............King, H................... ........Knox, J....... .....................T AA 4 ' PLysaughr, D... ..................Mullet!*, L>. K. .................Morrell, F. E.... ................McCabe, B.... ....................OBrieii, J. P.......... .........Parrish, H. A...... ....... ......Kt-illy, J. D........ ..............Thorpe, J. E........ ..............Tabb, E. O...... ................Golden, P. J., Jr........ ........Kuoz, J. F...... ..................Serg eantPri ateSeptember 26, 1881.April 1.ISS7.Octolx-r 2tt, 1894.8f 1, 1881.Ft- bruary 4 1893.NoveuilH-r 3, 1890.May 14, 1884.June 11, 18;»5.Novfini er 21, 1900.July 3, 1894.July 14. 1890Mtiroh 2U. 1S81.October 18, It-84.March 1. 1882.October 3. 1891.October 26, 18»4.September 2>8, 1899.September 16, 1899.Mav 2tt. 1893.November IK, 1899.Novembers 1891.8-ptember 16, 1899.September 19. 1MU.September 19, 1901.

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