MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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70 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.Roster of the Police Department.Name.Rank.When Appointed.Owen F. Reiily ............Mock, J. M..................Baugbu, H. VV............Davis, K. K.......... ........Fleming W. H......... ..McCooI. J. ....................Stark. J........ ...............Murphy, J. J..... ..........Wall, V. T........ ...........Arnold, J............... ......Atkiuson, C. J........ .....Becker, W. L...............Belirman, J. .................Biumberg. L....... ........Bostick, K. B...... .........Bradlev, W. F,. ............Hramley. J. H.......... ...Best, C. D.. .................Broome, A. M....|l /»§£ 07U |/i \fBeiber.H.G..... ............Christie, C. T .... .........Christian, J. A.............Coflee, E. J.... ........ .....Coll ins, C. A................Crosby, W. F......... .....Claney, J. J.......... ........Cowart, C. S...... ...... ....Dooley, K. F........ .........Davis, &. F...... ............Davis. M......................Davs, R. T....... .......:..TlwrvAp T.1?ivf»rsa T* TFarrell, T. J..................Farrell, J ...................Fleming, M. B..............Fojrarty, T. J........ ........G"dbold, U. S....... .......Guilfoyle, J..................Hallf-.rd, J. S. ..............Higgins, J. S.. .............Hioks, W. K. ..............Hurrisoii, W. H...... ......Jerniiran. D. W. ...........Superintendent.Sergeant.. .......«t er22 1899.January 16, 190)).Julv 2, '1900December 4. 1891.

MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 71NAME.Kelly, P. J........ ...........Kiei nan, VV.... ..............KeanifV, P.. .................Lovett, W. J........... .....JUatiKt*, J. H... ..............AJeQuade, M...... ...........McUarthv, J. C.. ..........Meldriui, M. L .........Murphy, T. C. ..............Miller, H... ..................Merchant. K. 1

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 71NAME.Kelly, P. J........ ...........Kiei nan, VV.... ..............KeanifV, P.. .................Lovett, W. J........... .....JUatiKt*, J. H... ..............AJeQuade, M...... ...........McUarthv, J. C.. ..........Meldriui, M. L .........Murphy, T. C. ..............Miller, H... ..................Merchant. K. 1

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