MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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Police Department-Received for keeping prisoner*, etc., 200 20—200 20Gainewell system and telephone8UpplleH,etc................................. 492 47— 85,683 42Police Court-Received for fines collected from policecourt.................................... 5,294 00—5,204 00Police Court-Refunded by Council to the SavannahLighterage Co....................... 30 85—36 35Printing: and Stationery—Received for advertising, etc.......... 125 00—Public Building*—Received for rent of magazine........ 2S 60Received from proceeds of sale ofbook case.................................... 15 DO-1250043 50Police Reserves—Appropriation by Council............... 3,00000— 3,00000Printing- nnd Stationery-City printing, printing circulars,proceedings of Council, Mayor'sreport 1900, and stationery .......... 4,762 21— 4,762 21Public Buildings—Insurance..............................Repairs and material............Fuel and lights......................Incidentals............................Rent of telephones................Decorating Exchange.13 50842 63316 13223 9438 0065 00Furniture, matting, etc.................. 1,19243— 2,69168

Quarantine—Received from the United Statesgovernment for quarantine feesdue by Spanish steamer Adula...Received from the United Statesgovernment for rent of quarantinestation from April 20th, 1899,to October 20tb, 1900....................HentA ccoun t—Lots on Springfield Plantation.......Brick store foot of West Broad st....Encroachment on south side whmflot No. 3, Decker Ward...............Wharf slip foot of Drayton street...40 00450 00—lu» 003S2 5010000-49000„,„ rn 01250Scavenger Department-Received for sale of manure andstreet sweepings. 23679- 23679Salaries—Salaries of city officers and clerks foryear ending December 81st, 1901,and Auditor's salary for examiningthe books of the City Treasurer,Marshal, and Clerk of Council, 37,546 32— 37,546 S2Scavenger Department-Salary of Superintendent and timeof hands..................................... 16641 49Forage......................................... 6,50598Vehicles and repairs to same.......... 371 68Tools, etc....................................... 466 86Lumber, hardware, oil, etc. ........... 2,116 21Attending sick stock...................... 193 30Rent of telephone........................... 63 00Harness and repairs ....................... 282 07Printing and stationery ................. 10 80Lighting stables............................. 160 96Insurance....................................... 80 00Incidentals..................................... 170 83Horse and mules............. ... ... ...... 7o 00Shoelng.etc.................................... 144 98— 2728312

Quarantine—Received from <strong>the</strong> United Statesgovernment for quarantine feesdue by Spanish steamer Adula...Received from <strong>the</strong> United Statesgovernment for rent <strong>of</strong> quarantinestation from April 20th, 1899,to October 20tb, 1900....................HentA ccoun t—Lots on Springfield Plantation.......Brick store foot <strong>of</strong> West Broad st....Encroachment on south side whmflot No. 3, Decker Ward...............Wharf slip foot <strong>of</strong> Drayton street...40 00450 00—lu» 003S2 5010000-49000„,„ rn 01250Scavenger Department-Received for sale <strong>of</strong> manure andstreet sweepings. 23679- 23679Salaries—Salaries <strong>of</strong> city <strong>of</strong>ficers and clerks foryear ending December 81st, 1901,and Auditor's salary for examining<strong>the</strong> books <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> City Treasurer,Marshal, and Clerk <strong>of</strong> Council, 37,546 32— 37,546 S2Scavenger Department-Salary <strong>of</strong> Superintendent and time<strong>of</strong> hands..................................... 16641 49Forage......................................... 6,50598Vehicles and repairs to same.......... 371 68Tools, etc....................................... 466 86Lumber, hardware, oil, etc. ........... 2,116 21Attending sick stock...................... 193 30Rent <strong>of</strong> telephone........................... 63 00Harness and repairs ....................... 282 07Printing and stationery ................. 10 80Lighting stables............................. 160 96Insurance....................................... 80 00Incidentals..................................... 170 83Horse and mules............. ... ... ...... 7o 00Shoelng.etc.................................... 144 98— 2728312

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