MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 825That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any personto spit upon the sidewalks in the city of Savannah,or upon the floor or platform of any street car in saidcity, or in any public building in said city, except ina cuspidor in the building.Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, In the event of aviolation of this ordinance, it shall be the duty of apoliceman to caution the persons violating the sameand for the second offence to docket the violator, whoshall, in the event of his conviction before the policecourt of the city of Savannah, be subject to a fine notto exceed five (5) dollars or imprisonment not to exceedone (1) day, either or both in the discretion ofthe court.Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That all ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.Ordinance passed March 20th, 1901.'Regulating the Inspection and Sale of Milk.An ordinance to regulate the inspection and saleof milk in the city of Savannah.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the City of Savannah, in Council assembled,That all milk dealers engaged in the businessof selling milk in the city of Savannah from place ofbusiness located in the corporate or jurisdictionallimits of the city, or making deliveries to customersliving in the city of Savannah, are hereby requiredto register as milk dealers at the office of the HealthOfficer of the city of Savannah within sixty (60)days after the passage of this ordinance, and it shallnot be lawful for any person to continue to sell ordeliver milk in the city of Savannah after the said

326 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.sixty (60j days, unless he or she shall have so registered.Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all dairies andother places of business of milk dealers supplyingcustomers in the city of Savannah shall be subject atany time to the inspection of the Health Officer, orhis authorized agent, and their milk shall be subjectedto the inspection by the lactometer and chemicalanalysis by the said Health Officer or his agent.Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That no milk shallbe sold or offered for sale to the residents of the cityof Savannah unless it shall contain no more thaneighty-eight (88) per cent, of water or less than twelve(12) per cent, of milk solids, which solids shall notcontain less than three (3) per cent, of fat. The saidmilk shall not be drawn from cows within fifteen(15) days before and within five (5) days after parturition,nor from cows fed on any substance in a fermentativeor putrefactive state, or on other unwholesomefood. It shall not be lawful to sell or exposefor sale any unclean, impure or unwholesome milk,and wher> skim-milk is sold it must be sold asskim-milk.Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That any personviolating the provisions of this ordinance, or any oneof them, shall be subject, upon conviction before, thepolice court of the city of Savannah, to a fine not toexceed fifty dollars and to imprisonment not to exceedten days, either or both, in the discretion of thecourt. In addition, the Health Officer shall be authorizedto publish, for the information of the citizensof Savannah, the analysis of any milk which he mayinspect.

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 825That hereafter it shall not be lawful for any personto spit upon <strong>the</strong> sidewalks in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah,or upon <strong>the</strong> floor or platform <strong>of</strong> any street car in saidcity, or in any public building in said city, except ina cuspidor in <strong>the</strong> building.Sec. 2. Be it fur<strong>the</strong>r ordained, In <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> aviolation <strong>of</strong> this ordinance, it shall be <strong>the</strong> duty <strong>of</strong> apoliceman to caution <strong>the</strong> persons violating <strong>the</strong> sameand for <strong>the</strong> second <strong>of</strong>fence to docket <strong>the</strong> violator, whoshall, in <strong>the</strong> event <strong>of</strong> his conviction before <strong>the</strong> policecourt <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, be subject to a fine notto exceed five (5) dollars or imprisonment not to exceedone (1) day, ei<strong>the</strong>r or both in <strong>the</strong> discretion <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> court.Sec. 3. Be it fur<strong>the</strong>r ordained, That all ordinancesand parts <strong>of</strong> ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.Ordinance passed March 20th, 1901.'Regulating <strong>the</strong> Inspection and Sale <strong>of</strong> Milk.An ordinance to regulate <strong>the</strong> inspection and sale<strong>of</strong> milk in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah.Section 1. Be it ordained by <strong>the</strong> Mayor and Aldermen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Savannah, in Council assembled,That all milk dealers engaged in <strong>the</strong> business<strong>of</strong> selling milk in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah from place <strong>of</strong>business located in <strong>the</strong> corporate or jurisdictionallimits <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city, or making deliveries to customersliving in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, are hereby requiredto register as milk dealers at <strong>the</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> HealthOfficer <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah within sixty (60)days after <strong>the</strong> passage <strong>of</strong> this ordinance, and it shallnot be lawful for any person to continue to sell ordeliver milk in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah after <strong>the</strong> said

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