MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAYOR'S* ANNUAL REPORT. 317Authorizing the Sale of Land to Adolphus J. Thomaimon.An ordinance to sell to Adolphus J. Thomasson astrip of land, being the southern part of lot one hundredand eleven (111), Brownsville ward, in the cityof Savannah.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah, in council assembled,That the Mayor of the city of Savannah is herebyauthorized and empowered to sell and convey in thename of the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannahand by deed to Adolphus J. Thomasson, atthe rate often (10) cents per square foot, the strip ofland owned by the city of Savannah, being the southernpart of lot one hundred and eleven Brownsvilleward, running one hundred (100) feet along Thirtyseventhstreet and being in depth on the east fourteenand four-tenths (14.4) feet and on the westernthirteen and one-tenth (13.1) feet, consisting of thirteenhundred and seventy-five (1375) square feet,the consideration money being one hundred andthirty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($137.50).Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.Ordinance passed April 17th, 1901.Ratifying and Confirming Sale Made to John D.Slem.An ordinance to ratify and confirm the sale madeto John D. Siem by the City Marshal on the 21st dayof January, 1901, of the property described in thisordinance.

S18 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah, in council assembled,That the sale made by the City Marshal on the 21stday of January, 1901, at public outcry to John IXSiem of Savannah, Ga., of twenty-five hundred andninety-eight and ninety-one one hundredths(2598 91-100) square feet of land in Roberts wardand the said city of Savannah at the rate of 27|-c. persquare foot be, and the same is, hereby fully ratifiedand confirmed; the said land so sold by the saidMarshal being described in the plan made by theCity Engineer, dated Jan. 26, 1901, as area lots 22and 23, including portion of 23,south of Huntingdonstreet, in the said Roberts ward.Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Mayor ofthe city of Savannah is hereby authorized and empoweredto make to the said John D. Siem a warrantydeed in the name of the municipal corporationconveying the said property at the price mentioned,and the Clerk of Council is directed to furnish to thepurchaser a certified copy of this ordinanceJSec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.\ Ordinance passed February 6th, 1901.Ratifying and Confirming Sale Made to George A.Mercer, Jr.An ordinance to ratify and confirm the sale madeon the 8th day of January, 1901, by the City Marshalto George A. Mercer, Jr., of the property described inthis ordinance.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the City of Savannah, in Council assem-

S18 <strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT.Section 1. Be it ordained by <strong>the</strong> Mayor and Aldermen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, in council assembled,That <strong>the</strong> sale made by <strong>the</strong> City Marshal on <strong>the</strong> 21stday <strong>of</strong> January, 1901, at public outcry to John IXSiem <strong>of</strong> Savannah, Ga., <strong>of</strong> twenty-five hundred andninety-eight and ninety-one one hundredths(2598 91-100) square feet <strong>of</strong> land in Roberts wardand <strong>the</strong> said city <strong>of</strong> Savannah at <strong>the</strong> rate <strong>of</strong> 27|-c. persquare foot be, and <strong>the</strong> same is, hereby fully ratifiedand confirmed; <strong>the</strong> said land so sold by <strong>the</strong> saidMarshal being described in <strong>the</strong> plan made by <strong>the</strong>City Engineer, dated Jan. 26, 1901, as area lots 22and 23, including portion <strong>of</strong> 23,south <strong>of</strong> Huntingdonstreet, in <strong>the</strong> said Roberts ward.Sec. 2. Be it fur<strong>the</strong>r ordained, That <strong>the</strong> Mayor <strong>of</strong><strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah is hereby authorized and empoweredto make to <strong>the</strong> said John D. Siem a warrantydeed in <strong>the</strong> name <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> municipal corporationconveying <strong>the</strong> said property at <strong>the</strong> price mentioned,and <strong>the</strong> Clerk <strong>of</strong> Council is directed to furnish to <strong>the</strong>purchaser a certified copy <strong>of</strong> this ordinanceJSec. 2. Be it fur<strong>the</strong>r ordained, That all ordinancesand parts <strong>of</strong> ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed.\ Ordinance passed February 6th, 1901.Ratifying and Confirming Sale Made to George A.Mercer, Jr.An ordinance to ratify and confirm <strong>the</strong> sale madeon <strong>the</strong> 8th day <strong>of</strong> January, 1901, by <strong>the</strong> City Marshalto George A. Mercer, Jr., <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> property described inthis ordinance.Section 1. Be it ordained by <strong>the</strong> Mayor and Aldermen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> City <strong>of</strong> Savannah, in Council assem-

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