MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 299Fixing License for Pretwlngr Clubs.An ordinance-to require a business tax of pressingclubs.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah, in council assembled,That all persons conducting, in the city of Savannah,the business of pressing and cleaning clothing, orpressing and cleaning clothes, shall pay to the city•of Savannah a specific tax of ten dollars a year, beginningwith the present year, under the terms, provisionsand penalties of the tax ordinance relative toother business taxes.Sec. 2 That all ordinances and parts of ordinancesin conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.Ordinance passed April 17th, 1901.BUILDINGS.Granting Permit to J. H. Lankenau.An ordinance to permit J. H. Lankenau of the cityof Savannah to repair brick building on lot No. 32BerrSen ward, as herein stated.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah, in council assembled,That permission is hereby given to J. H. Lankenauto repair brick building on lot No. 32 Herrien ward,in the city of Savannah, to the extent of removing 20feet of the brick wall on the east side and 8 feet onthe north side, and replacing the same with wood.Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinances'and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinancebe repealed in so far as they apply to thisspecial case.Ordinance passed October 16th, 1901.

300 MAYOB'S ANNUAL REPORT.Granting Permit to Ban nub Fowler and Children.An ordinance to permit Hannah Fowler and childrento make an addition to frame building on lotNo. 1 Greene ward, in the city of Savannah, as hereinprovided and upon conditions herein expressed.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah, in council assembled,That permission be hereby given to Hannah Fowlerand children to make 'an addition on the west sideof the building now situated on the southwest cornerof Broughton and East Broad streets, lot No. 1 Greeneward. The area of said addition not to exceed 12x35feet, two stories, with metal roof; said addition to beso constructed as to allow an opening or alleywaybetween the same and the brick building on thewest side of the property line, alleyway to be two feetand six inches wide and running the entire lengthof the proposed addition.Sec. 2. Be it further ordained, That all ordinancesand parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinanceare hereby repealed in so far as they apply tothisspecial case.Ordinance passed July 10th, 1901.Granting Permit to W. J. Flood.An ordinance to permit W. J. Flood to rebuild, remodeland improve a one-story frame dwelling onthe western half of lot No. 24 Washington ward.Section 1. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermenof the city of Savannah in council assembled,That permission be, and the sam« is hereby, given toW- J- Flood of the city of Savannah to rebuild, remodeland improve a one-story frame dwelling on

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 299Fixing License for Pretwlngr Clubs.An ordinance-to require a business tax <strong>of</strong> pressingclubs.Section 1. Be it ordained by <strong>the</strong> Mayor and Aldermen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, in council assembled,That all persons conducting, in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah,<strong>the</strong> business <strong>of</strong> pressing and cleaning clothing, orpressing and cleaning clo<strong>the</strong>s, shall pay to <strong>the</strong> city•<strong>of</strong> Savannah a specific tax <strong>of</strong> ten dollars a year, beginningwith <strong>the</strong> present year, under <strong>the</strong> terms, provisionsand penalties <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> tax ordinance relative too<strong>the</strong>r business taxes.Sec. 2 That all ordinances and parts <strong>of</strong> ordinancesin conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed.Ordinance passed April 17th, 1901.BUILDINGS.Granting Permit to J. H. Lankenau.An ordinance to permit J. H. Lankenau <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city<strong>of</strong> Savannah to repair brick building on lot No. 32BerrSen ward, as herein stated.Section 1. Be it ordained by <strong>the</strong> Mayor and Aldermen<strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, in council assembled,That permission is hereby given to J. H. Lankenauto repair brick building on lot No. 32 Herrien ward,in <strong>the</strong> city <strong>of</strong> Savannah, to <strong>the</strong> extent <strong>of</strong> removing 20feet <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> brick wall on <strong>the</strong> east side and 8 feet on<strong>the</strong> north side, and replacing <strong>the</strong> same with wood.Sec. 2. Be it fur<strong>the</strong>r ordained, That all ordinances'and parts <strong>of</strong> ordinances in conflict with this ordinancebe repealed in so far as <strong>the</strong>y apply to thisspecial case.Ordinance passed October 16th, 1901.

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