MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAJOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 259growth, and harmful in every way to the best intereatsof the child and of the public ,The graduating exercises of the High School tookplace at the theater on the evening of June 26th,when Mr. Samuel B. Adams, of this city, delivered avery interesting address, and when fifty-seven graduateswere awarded diplomas.The Teacher.A constant effort is made to sustain and improvethe quality of the teaching force. Says Dr. Schaefferof Pennsylvania: "The efficiency of a school systemultimately resolves itself into the problem of the bestmethods of securing good teachers. We levy taxes,erect buildings, devise school systems, prescribecourses of study, purchase books and apparatus?maintain libraries and laboratories; but of all thesemeans and agencies not one is so potent as the livingteacher." Perhaps the most important duty devolvingupon a Board of Education is that which shouldbe exercised in the selection and the improvement ofthe teaching force. In the absence of adequate normalschool facilities in the South it becomes all themore important that encouragement and support begiven to every effort looking to the betterment ofthe teacher's work through self-improvement. TheBoard has wisely established a weekly normal classfor the instruction of the teachers, and the requirementsof the Board respecting the work of this classand the attendance upon it should be strictly enforced.The teachers of our school system, with amost commendable spirit, have created an excellentprofessional library, and they sustain it liberally.This library, containing, as it does, nearly all the

260 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.books and current literature on education publishedin the country, is of great value to the teachers andto their work. Excellent facilities are thus aftordedthe teacher for inspiration and improvement, and itis but the reasonable duty of every true teacher totake advantage of every opportunity to elevate andimprove the character of her work.Deaths.On the 13th day of June last the hearts of theteachers and the friends of education were deeplysaddened by the death of Mr. Brantley A. Denmark,an honored and useful member of this body. A tributeto his memory will be more fittingly presented tothe Board by a committee appointed for that purpose,but, on behalf of the teachers, I beg the privilege ofadding our testimony to his usefulness to the causeof education and the high appreciation in which hewas held by us all.During the year the schools suffered 'also a greatloss in death of two of our most esteemed teachers,Mr. B. P. Grlenn, the newly-elected Principal of AndersonStreet School, who died on February 23rd,and Miss Anna S. Claghorn, of Chatham School No.1, who passed away soon after.Mr. Glenn had been connected with our schoolsabout a year, and had just begun a career of usefulnessin his profession. Both these teachers weremuch beloved by their pupils and highly respectedby their associates.CoBdBRlon.In conclusion, I desire to express to the Board mysincere appreciation of the continued confidenceshown in my work, and the deep sense of responsi-

260 <strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT.books and current literature on education publishedin <strong>the</strong> country, is <strong>of</strong> great value to <strong>the</strong> teachers andto <strong>the</strong>ir work. Excellent facilities are thus aftorded<strong>the</strong> teacher for inspiration and improvement, and itis but <strong>the</strong> reasonable duty <strong>of</strong> every true teacher totake advantage <strong>of</strong> every opportunity to elevate andimprove <strong>the</strong> character <strong>of</strong> her work.Deaths.On <strong>the</strong> 13th day <strong>of</strong> June last <strong>the</strong> hearts <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>teachers and <strong>the</strong> friends <strong>of</strong> education were deeplysaddened by <strong>the</strong> death <strong>of</strong> Mr. Brantley A. Denmark,an honored and useful member <strong>of</strong> this body. A tributeto his memory will be more fittingly presented to<strong>the</strong> Board by a committee appointed for that purpose,but, on behalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> teachers, I beg <strong>the</strong> privilege <strong>of</strong>adding our testimony to his usefulness to <strong>the</strong> cause<strong>of</strong> education and <strong>the</strong> high appreciation in which hewas held by us all.During <strong>the</strong> year <strong>the</strong> schools suffered 'also a greatloss in death <strong>of</strong> two <strong>of</strong> our most esteemed teachers,Mr. B. P. Grlenn, <strong>the</strong> newly-elected Principal <strong>of</strong> AndersonStreet School, who died on February 23rd,and Miss Anna S. Claghorn, <strong>of</strong> Chatham School No.1, who passed away soon after.Mr. Glenn had been connected with our schoolsabout a year, and had just begun a career <strong>of</strong> usefulnessin his pr<strong>of</strong>ession. Both <strong>the</strong>se teachers weremuch beloved by <strong>the</strong>ir pupils and highly respectedby <strong>the</strong>ir associates.CoBdBRlon.In conclusion, I desire to express to <strong>the</strong> Board mysincere appreciation <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> continued confidenceshown in my work, and <strong>the</strong> deep sense <strong>of</strong> responsi-

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