MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 209In connection we would beg to say that shortlyafter we had planted these trees the House Drainagewas laid down this street and together with theStreet and Lane who were laying curb on said streetdug up a great many of these trees, consequently itwill be necessary for us to replant them this year.We have also planted a number of trees in ThomasPlace and all of them are growing nicely; the followingwill show the kind and number of each planted :Live oak, 7; sweet gum, 16; iron wood, 15; dogwood3, and cherry, 1. A total of 42 trees.The Removing of Dead Trees.There was $846.42 leit over from the Estill Parkfund which Council authorized the Park and TreeCommission to expend in the removing of dead trees,and the following will show the number and kindof trees removed :Live oak, 5; water oak, 193; sycamore, 167; Chinaberry,87; elm, 29; wild olive, 2; magnolia, 3; mulberry,36; red bud, 2 ; ash, 13: haven, 2; poplar, 5;maple, 1; sweet gum, 2, and stumps, 4, making atotal of 551 trees removed.Five hundred and fifty-one trees were cut downduring the year at a cost of $846.36 or an average of$1.53.6 per tree.Collinsville.Trees removed........................................................ 10Trees trimmed, sycamores,etc....... ...................... 283Miscellaneous.We built during the year an addition to the greenhouseat a total cost of $184.14.

210 MAYOR'S ANNUAL BEPORT.We have laid a cement walk around the fountainin Forsyth Park at a cost of $63.50.We have had the fountains in Forsyth Park andin Chippewa square painted at a cost of $80.00.We have had 25 signs painted at a cost of $33.00stating the regulations of the Park and Tree Commissionand have distributed same throughout theparks and squares for the information of the public.We also had the fountains in Forsyth park andChippewa square repaired at a cost of $34.90, samebeing necessary on account of bursted pipes, etc.We had the band stand in Forsyth Extension repairedand painted.We have distributed wood to the poor, widows andorphan homes, and other charitable institutionsamounting to 136 double wagon and five truck loads.We also gave a great deal of wood to the poorwhich was hauled either by themselves or by someone for them in order to rid the streets and squaresof same.Improvement of Bay Street Strand.We have improved the portion of the Bay streetstrand just east of the city exchange, it has been laidout and curbed, beds have been prepared, flowersplanted and the grass plats have been leveled, rolledand planted.We also had planted a large anchor in alternantherawhich was much commented upon both bycitizens and visitors.Laurel Grove Cemetery.The force employed in Laurel Grove Cemetery hasbeen quite intelligently kept at work during the

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 209In connection we would beg to say that shortlyafter we had planted <strong>the</strong>se trees <strong>the</strong> House Drainagewas laid down this street and toge<strong>the</strong>r with <strong>the</strong>Street and Lane who were laying curb on said streetdug up a great many <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>se trees, consequently itwill be necessary for us to replant <strong>the</strong>m this year.We have also planted a number <strong>of</strong> trees in ThomasPlace and all <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>m are growing nicely; <strong>the</strong> followingwill show <strong>the</strong> kind and number <strong>of</strong> each planted :Live oak, 7; sweet gum, 16; iron wood, 15; dogwood3, and cherry, 1. A total <strong>of</strong> 42 trees.The Removing <strong>of</strong> Dead Trees.There was $846.42 leit over from <strong>the</strong> Estill Parkfund which Council authorized <strong>the</strong> Park and TreeCommission to expend in <strong>the</strong> removing <strong>of</strong> dead trees,and <strong>the</strong> following will show <strong>the</strong> number and kind<strong>of</strong> trees removed :Live oak, 5; water oak, 193; sycamore, 167; Chinaberry,87; elm, 29; wild olive, 2; magnolia, 3; mulberry,36; red bud, 2 ; ash, 13: haven, 2; poplar, 5;maple, 1; sweet gum, 2, and stumps, 4, making atotal <strong>of</strong> 551 trees removed.Five hundred and fifty-one trees were cut downduring <strong>the</strong> year at a cost <strong>of</strong> $846.36 or an average <strong>of</strong>$1.53.6 per tree.Collinsville.Trees removed........................................................ 10Trees trimmed, sycamores,etc....... ...................... 283Miscellaneous.We built during <strong>the</strong> year an addition to <strong>the</strong> greenhouseat a total cost <strong>of</strong> $184.14.

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