MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 201Expenditures for the year are as follows:Salaries, Kent, LightsDrugs and SurandIncidental*. pical Supplier. Total.January................! 540 40 $ 354 12 $ 894 52February.............. 240 57 273 39 513 96March ................. 247 48 212 83 460 31April.................... 259 33 194 96 454 29May...................... 253 08 171 52 424 60June..................... 238 91 126 71 365 62July.................... 27112 13990 41102August.................. 242 33 19 89 262 22September............ 4475 25166 29641October .............. 46818 21925 68743November ........... 260 37 - 199 60 459 97December ............ 40 00 ........... 40 00$3,106 52 $2,163 83 $5,270 35We have $529.65 left from the appropriation toour credit, besides an increase in stock of over $400,all of which is due, in a great measure, to the specialefforts of Alderman J. J. Horrigan, Chairman ofCommittee on Health, who was largely instrumentalin reducing the abuses usual to institutions of thiskind, and this, with other practical economy, hascaused the general decline in the expenses of theDispensary.I am pleased to report that Assistant Keeper E. J.Keiffer, Jr., and Helper H. J. .Corbett have attendedto their duties in a satisfactory manner.Respectfully,L. D. STRUTTON,Keeper City Dispensary.

202 MAYOR'S A5TNDAL REPORT.REPORT OP INSPECTOR OP PLUMBING.SAVANNAH, GA., January 1, 1902.Hon. Herman Myers, Mayor:Sir :—I have the honor to submit herewith my reportfor the year ending December 31, 1901.In common with other departments of the city,the labors oi the Inspector of Plumbing have beengreatly increased during the year just ending, broughton by the new house drainage system. Of course,this increased the work of the department very much.I am able to report the same marked improvementin the work that has been a feature of this officesince the first year of its inception. Occasionallyduring the year perplexing questions in regard to theconstruction of the laws have arisen, but they havebeen decided without any controversy, and, in myjudgment, in a manner that will best subserve thepublic welfare and bring about better sanitary conditionsin the home and work shop. It was for justthat purpose that the office was created. In a fewcases I was compelled to appeal to the courts for thepunishment of willful violation of the ordinances. Ineach case the party was fined and ordered to complywith the ordinances.The work of changing over the drainage system ofhouses from the old sewer to the new house drainagesystem is going on constantly, and, in the rearrangementof theplumbing, the general tendency is to complywith the laws. Most of the property owners are

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNUAL REPORT. 201Expenditures for <strong>the</strong> year are as follows:Salaries, Kent, LightsDrugs and SurandIncidental*. pical Supplier. Total.January................! 540 40 $ 354 12 $ 894 52February.............. 240 57 273 39 513 96March ................. 247 48 212 83 460 31April.................... 259 33 194 96 454 29May...................... 253 08 171 52 424 60June..................... 238 91 126 71 365 62July.................... 27112 13990 41102August.................. 242 33 19 89 262 22September............ 4475 25166 29641October .............. 46818 21925 68743November ........... 260 37 - 199 60 459 97December ............ 40 00 ........... 40 00$3,106 52 $2,163 83 $5,270 35We have $529.65 left from <strong>the</strong> appropriation toour credit, besides an increase in stock <strong>of</strong> over $400,all <strong>of</strong> which is due, in a great measure, to <strong>the</strong> specialefforts <strong>of</strong> Alderman J. J. Horrigan, Chairman <strong>of</strong>Committee on Health, who was largely instrumentalin reducing <strong>the</strong> abuses usual to institutions <strong>of</strong> thiskind, and this, with o<strong>the</strong>r practical economy, hascaused <strong>the</strong> general decline in <strong>the</strong> expenses <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong>Dispensary.I am pleased to report that Assistant Keeper E. J.Keiffer, Jr., and Helper H. J. .Corbett have attendedto <strong>the</strong>ir duties in a satisfactory manner.Respectfully,L. D. STRUTTON,Keeper City Dispensary.

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