MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia

MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia MYFBS, MAY(R - the Digital Library of Georgia
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124 MAYOR'S ANNUAL REPORT.One 6-inch at Cemetery and Huntingdon.One 6-inch at Minis and West BroadOne 6-inch at Forty-second and Whitaker.Making a total of four new gate valves, and agrand total to date of 349.New Fire Hydrants.New Fire Hydrants were put in at the followinglocations during the past year: •One on Bolton and Atlantic.One on Maupus Avenue and Bull.One on Maupus Avenue and Drayton.One on Oak and Cemetery.One on Russell near Cemetery.One on Thirty-eighth street, near Price.One on Thirty-eighth and East Broad.One on Forty-second and Bull.One on Forty-second and Drayton.Oue on Forty-second and Abercorn.One on Forty-second and Lincoln.Making a total of 11 new hydrants, and a grandtotal to date of 604.Old Pire Hydrants Replaced.The following locations show where worn out firahydrants have been replaced with new ones during:the past year:One on West Broad and Stone streets.One on West Broad and Charlton streets.One on West Broad and Jones streets.One on West Broad and Wayne streets.Pire Hydrants.The fire hydrants have been regularly inspected,,oiled and packed, and are in good condition.

MAYOR'S ANNQAT, REPORT. 125Catch Basins.The water connections to catch basins are in goodcondition. They are regularly inspected and repaired.Engines and Machinery.The engines and machinery are in good condition;all the working parts are regularly examined. Duringthe past year, Engine No. 410 has been in operation152 days, and Engine No. 411 213 days.Boilers.The boilers are in first-class condition. They arefree from scale, and all other defects, and are regularlyinspected by the Maryland Casualty Company.Artesian Wells—New Works.The flushing of wells this year was more thoroughthan ever before. Each well was flushed from sevento eight hours at an increased pressure.The flow of each well was taken with JohnsonCurrent Meter before and after flushing.The total flow of the 12 wells before flushing was5,229,980 gallons per 24 hours. After flushing, theflow was 5,660,080 gallons. Showing an apparentincrease of 430,100 gallons. This increase wad notpermanent, as a test made later will show. OnAugust 15th when this last test was made the totalflow of the 12 wells, was 4,908,080 gallons, showinga decrease in flow of 752,000 gallons per 24hours.The total decrease in flow of the 13 wells since1897 is 1,034,890 gallons per 24 hours.

<strong>MAY</strong>OR'S ANNQAT, REPORT. 125Catch Basins.The water connections to catch basins are in goodcondition. They are regularly inspected and repaired.Engines and Machinery.The engines and machinery are in good condition;all <strong>the</strong> working parts are regularly examined. During<strong>the</strong> past year, Engine No. 410 has been in operation152 days, and Engine No. 411 213 days.Boilers.The boilers are in first-class condition. They arefree from scale, and all o<strong>the</strong>r defects, and are regularlyinspected by <strong>the</strong> Maryland Casualty Company.Artesian Wells—New Works.The flushing <strong>of</strong> wells this year was more thoroughthan ever before. Each well was flushed from sevento eight hours at an increased pressure.The flow <strong>of</strong> each well was taken with JohnsonCurrent Meter before and after flushing.The total flow <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 12 wells before flushing was5,229,980 gallons per 24 hours. After flushing, <strong>the</strong>flow was 5,660,080 gallons. Showing an apparentincrease <strong>of</strong> 430,100 gallons. This increase wad notpermanent, as a test made later will show. OnAugust 15th when this last test was made <strong>the</strong> totalflow <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 12 wells, was 4,908,080 gallons, showinga decrease in flow <strong>of</strong> 752,000 gallons per 24hours.The total decrease in flow <strong>of</strong> <strong>the</strong> 13 wells since1897 is 1,034,890 gallons per 24 hours.

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