04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 3: beyond the Wallthe wall flanked by a bear and a ram skull mounted on posts. Theentire keep sits atop a low hill, giving it a good command of the surroundingregion. While Craster’s Keep is nothing compared to thesmallest fortress south of the Wall, in the Far North it is a respectablefortification.For Warfare, Craster’s Keep is considered a hall.The Crow’s GodswoodLocated a few miles north of the Castle Black’s passage through theWall in the Haunted Forest, the Crow’s Godswood is used by thosemembers of the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> who still worship the gods of the FirstMen to swear their vows. In recent years it has seen little use as theNight’s <strong>Watch</strong> is increasingly made up of the people of the South, butthe free folk still avoid the area. This godswood is seen as somehowtainted by the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>, but so far none have dared to attack anycrows who make use of it. Respect for the Old Gods has thus far keptsafe those who travel from Castle Black to the Crow’s Godswood.WhitetreeRepresentative of the small villages that are scattered across the FarNorth, Whitetree would be considered little more than a hovel southof the Wall. In the Far North it is a settlement of note, though this ismostly due to the large weirwood tree that stands at the center of thesettlement. Massive in size, the mouth on the weirwood is large enoughto hold a sheep. Some say the people of Whitetree once placed theirdead in the mouth of this weirwood, but if this is true there are no signsof bones or other remains within the weirwood.Whitetree only has four buildings to its name, each of which is acrumbling one-room house of unmortared stone with a sod roof. Asheepfold sits between the buildings. Less than a score of the free folkcall the settlement home, and all of those are Nightrunners. The Night’s<strong>Watch</strong> regularly passes through Whitetree and it has become one of themain avenues of trade between the free folk and the crows, developinginto a sort of neutral ground between the two groups.Storrhold’s PointLocated on the eastern coast of the Far North, Storrhold’s Point is apeninsula reaching out into the Shivering Sea. The Haunted Forest endswhere Storrhold’s Point begins, leaving the peninsula a windswept landof rocks, scrub, and moss. Storrhold’s Point has little value in terms ofresources and strategic position, but it does have easy access to the traderoutes of the Shivering Sea and a number of natural harbors. This hasturned Storrhold’s Point into the region of the Far North that has themost contact with the world beyond Westeros, if not with Westeros itself.Storrhold’s Point has developed in recent decades such that it hasbecome more and more focused on supporting Hardhome and the tradethat goes on there. The tribes that call Storrhold’s Point home are focusedon acquiring goods to trade to foreign merchants and often dealwith other inland tribes to do so. These tribes are effectively becomingthe merchant class of the free folk, something not everyone is pleasedabout. Some of the free folk see this evolution as another route for Southronculture crawling into the Far North and several tribes have goneto war in order to stop this infection. Thus far the power of trade andfreedom has won out over such attempts.90

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