04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 3: beyond the WallThe cannibal clans have no overall leader with each tribe having itsown chief. These tribal chiefs come together to argue decisions that affectthe clans as a whole, such as joining Mance Rayder’s army, but suchmeetings are raucous and usually end in a fight. Currently the tribal leaderwith the most influence is Korm the Wolf, leader of the Snow Wolf tribe.Cave Dweller ClansInhabitants of the lower reaches of the Frost Fangs, the cave dwellerclans are a network of smaller tribes that live in the massive cave systembeneath the Frost Fangs. Their legends claim they are the peopleof Gorne who were to follow their ancient King-beyond-the-Wall ina second trip through the caves under the Wall. This never happened,since Gorne was killed by the Starks, Umbers, and the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>during their first foray. The cave dweller clans have been waiting eversince for their king to return, with some saying that Mance Rayder isGorne reborn. Whatever the case, the cave dweller clans know moreabout the caverns north of the Wall than anyone except Gendel’s lostchildren, who the cave dwellers clans claim to combat regularly. Fewbelieve these stories of subterranean cannibals swelling up from below,but the cave dwellers believe them vehemently and some evenhave bite-marked scars they claim were earned turning back Gendel’schildren.The cave dweller clans are broken up into a handful of tribes, each ofwhich claims surface territory and caves as its own. Members of thesetribes use a complicated system of face paint to denote their allegiance,most of which use green and purple dyes made from various fungusthat grows in the caves they call home. Several versions of these paintsexist for different social situations, including paints that include mindaffectingdrugs for use in rituals and combat. When the cave dwellerclans go to battle they are near numb to pain and have no fear thanks tothe strange substances that have leached into their skin.Despite living in caves much of their lives, the cave dweller free folkhave no knowledge of metallurgy or stonework. Their tools are crude,made of bone, wood, and stone. The cave dweller clans often raid othertribes for better tools, especially the Thenn tribes who live in the mountainvalleys above their homes. The cave dweller clans are also knownto raid the Nightrunners and Hornfoots on occasion, but these targetsare much further away. The Thenn tribes and the cave dweller clans havea longstanding hatred of each other, which has occasionally burst intoviolence within Mance Rayder’s army.While the cave dwellers have not suffered the attacks of the Others,they readily joined the Mance Rayder’s horde in the hopes of escapingGendel’s children and finding a better place to live. While the cave dwellerclans do have some love for their subterranean homes, they would muchprefer to live in the comparative mountain valley paradise of the Thenntribes. From the stories they have been told such places abound south ofthe Wall just waiting to be claimed from the weak men of Westeros.The cave dwellers have no overall leaders but usually follow the wordsof Orgot, a wizened but still wiry old man who knows every crack andcrevice north of the Wall, who is more respected as an advisor thana leader. Each of the tribes within the cave dweller clans has its ownleader and while they usually fight outsiders, these clans have gone towar with each other on occasion.Hornfoot MenOne of the larger nomadic clans among the free folk, men of the Hornfoottribe are known for their small stature and wide feet. Said to be descendedfrom grumkin or snarks, the Hornfoots are a hardy people who walk86

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