04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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Chapter 2: The Wall & the Giftfortnight or a moon’s turn, depending on the need. Doing so keepsa presence at a part of the wall that is unexpected, allows the <strong>Watch</strong>to remember those parts of their legacy that it might otherwise betempting to forget, and keeps the wildlings guessing as to what theBrothers are doing when. Mormont took the suggestion to heart, andnow regular rotations at the abandoned castles are part of the patrolschedule.SetupThe most recent excursion patrol has been sent to Woodswatch-by-the-Pool, with instructions to stay for a fortnight and see to the repair ofthe castle. There is talk that Mormont might fill this one first if he wereto get the men to do it, or to fall back here if Castle Black should fall.There’s more at Woodswatch these days, though, than meets the eye.ObjectiveTo take and hold Woodswatch for a fortnight, removing any interlopersfrom the castle.Known FactsThe castle consists of three round towers and the old tannery, standing onthe northern edge of a mere and surrounded by thick forest. The tannery isaccessible by a determined individual—some of its thatching has disintegrated,leaving holes in the roof above. For more information, see page 59.Unknown FactsWhile all the towers were sealed, the middle tower has begun to giveup its secrets. A shuttered and boarded window about two stories upwas broken off its hinges during a severe hailstorm six months previous.Since that time, a youth named Aryn has practiced climbing enoughto be able to get up to it and slip inside. He managed to open a doorand get out again. He returned, however, this time with his mother andbrothers, and they took up residence inside.Aryn’s father died of illness two years ago, and since that time theircondition has only worsened. His mother Katryn was ill as well andsurvived, but has still not fully recovered from it. Aryn is the oldest at14, his brothers Rudi and Jayk are 10 and 6. They are all willing to work,but none of them have the strength or knowledge to repair the roof oftheir house, and their mother’s pride (and father’s debt) prevents themfrom asking for help.This house is only a few hours from Woodwatch, and is desperatelyin need of repairs.OppositionAryn will protect his family. His mother will protect her sons, and theyounger two will do what they can for everyone as well—which againsta band of black brothers isn’t much. They will hide and try to stay unnoticeduntil the Brothers leave, but that’s a twice-daily Awareness test(with a difficulty of the family’s lowest passive Stealth, which is Katryn’sat 8) for the patrol members. Small children hide well for a short time,but poorly as their attention span wanes.Possible ResolutionsFamilies and the Wall do not mix. Aryn is of an age to join the <strong>Watch</strong>,and might be willing to do so in exchange for the guaranteed well-beingof his mother and brothers. The younger boys could even be taken inby the <strong>Watch</strong>, should their mother be willing. There is no place on theWall for a woman or mother, though, and no place in the woods for afamily. The <strong>Watch</strong> cannot let them stay, but should not let them go….the creativity of the players will be needed to come to a decision on thebest resolution for this situation.StatisticsArynA strong young man cognizant of his responsibilities and keenly awareof the absence of his father, Aryn tries to provide for his family the besthe can, though he is woefully over his head.ArynAgility 3, Athletics 3, Marksmanship 3 (Thrown 1B), Status 1,Stealth 3, Survival 2 (Forage 1B), Warfare 1KatrynCombat Defense 8 ❂ Health 6Intrigue Defense 5 ❂ Composure 6Good-natured, though a little bitter at the fate that has taken her belovedhusband Omry from her. Katryn is terrified that she will never bewell again, and that she is about to leave her children to be orphans inthis world.KatrynAwareness 3, Fighting 1, Persuasion 3 (Charm 1B, Convince 1B),Status 1, Survival 2 (Forage 1B), Warfare 1Rudi & JaykCombat Defense 7 ❂ Health 6Intrigue Defense 6 ❂ Composure 6Rudi is rebellious and angry, the one likeliest to try and spy on thosehe should be just hiding from. He doesn’t fully understand why hisfather is gone and why his mother is so incapable, and resents his olderbrother’s attempts to be a parent. Jayk is a momma’s boy through andthrough, and sticks closer to her for the most part. He does often followRudi’s lead, however, especially when they’re doing things they oughtn’t.Rudi & JaykFighting 1, Marksmanship 2 (Thrown 1B), Status 1, Stealth 3,Survival 2 (Forage 1B), Warfare 1Combat Defense 6 ❂ Health 6Intrigue Defense 5 ❂ Composure 672

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