04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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Chapter 2: The Wall & The GiftUnknown FactsThe direwolves had made their den near the Wall in a cave that actuallyled to an old tunnel. A mudslide covered the entrance so that they couldnot escape. They’ve been traveling underground for days, looking forthe surface, which led them to this side of the Wall. If the rangers try totrack it back, they can find a tunnel that leads through to the Far North,partly natural and partly manmade.OppositionThe direwolves are hungry, disoriented, and anxious. If they are not capturedor killed, there is a breeding pair still alive that could re-establishthe presence of direwolves in the Gift. There is no human opposition tothis ranging. Every other day, a new death of an animal or human willbe reported until the animals are stopped.Possible ResolutionsWhile it is most likely that the direwolves will be killed, it is possiblesomeone may wish to capture one or more of the animals, whether forbreeding or training purposes. Attempts to use Animal Handling onthem are at a –1 given their situation. The most likely scenario for successfullycapturing a direwolf will involve getting ahead of it and layinga trap—drugged meat, a pit trap, etc. Whatever method is used, though,the direwolves must be eradicated from the Gift before they can do anymore damage or establish a foothold.Early FrostThe wildlings wander from place to place, keeping ever on the move tokeep from stripping the land bare by staying too long in one place innumbers. Some clans are more settled than others, having major campsthey move between throughout the year. Others move constantly, stayingno more than a fortnight as they roam the Far North. There areexceptions, though: hermits or families (or both) who chose to keepsmall farms or holdings, staying in one place despite the free folk’s wayof life. Some of these are Westerosi who wish to escape the obligationsof having a lord and master; some are just free folk who choose a differentpath. Regardless, there’s something a little off about all of them,living outside the rules of even free folk society. The rangers trade withthese where they can: food, goods, but mostly information.SetupOne of the more Ranger-friendly people north of the Wall is a mannamed Faldyr. Adopted as a child and raised within the Black, he ranaway the week before he would have taken his oath. He vanished fortwo years and was presumed dead, then was met by a patrol on a Ranging,loaded down with furs. He still refused the oath, but offered totrade furs and information for trade goods for as long as the rangerswere willing. Never one to turn down a reasonable resource, the LordCommander approved of the arrangement. Once every quarter, a patrolstops by to see Faldyr in his small but snug abode and make their regularexchange.On this trip, however, something seems wrong. Faldyr normallymeets the patrol a half-mile from his place, bringing them back if it’ssafe. There was no Faldyr at the meeting point, however, and his housestands empty. There’s food on the table, though, and the ashes are stillwarm on the hearth. Whatever happened to him, it happened recentlyand he’s probably not too far away.ObjectiveFind out what happened to Faldyr and see to his safety, if needful.Known FactsFaldyr’s only known family is Thom, a brother who serves on the wall.He and Faldyr were found together, sick and suffering. A patrol broughtthem both back and nursed them to health. Thom took the oath even afterFaldyr ran. The brothers remain on good terms, though, and Thom makessure he’s one of the party to trade with Faldyr whenever he can. Faldyrtrades not just with the rangers but also with some of the nearby free folkclans. They might suspect that he also trades with the rangers, but thus farhe’s stayed a step ahead of any suspicions. Neither culture trusts him fully,regardless. He’s a skilled trapper and ranger and spends weeks at a timeaway from his home, gathering pelts and greeting his free folk “neighbors.”He has been living like this for five years, seven total since he left the Wall.During the last five he’s never missed a meeting, not even in the worstweather. For him to do so now is worrying, to say the least, with the latestKing-beyond-the-Wall and the gathering of the clans.Faldyr’s home is scarcely big enough for three people to sit in and notfeel crowded. His furniture consists of a bench, a stool, and a pile of furson the floor for a bed. There’s a tanning shed out behind the rough cabinfull of skins in various stages of preparation. Examination of the roomcan find half-dried bloodstains amid the furs. A successful Survival testcan find blood spoor leading out into the woods. It’s snowing, so thecharacters will have to move quickly not to lose the trail.TerrainOnce the rangers are within two hundred feet, they’ll hear grunting andyelling as though someone is in pain. Faldyr is up ahead at a small, temporaryfree folk campsite, tied between two trees and being tortured bythree men of the free folk. The group has set up a campsite in the midstof light woods. Faldyr is shirtless and has burn marks across his torso.There’s a wound across his shoulder blade and dried blood in streaksdown his back. They are pressing hot blades to his flesh and asking himquestions in their language. He shakes his head, says something shortthrough chattering teeth, and then they burn him again.BBTracking: Tracking the blood trail operates as per the descriptionof the Track Specialty, in Chapter 4: Abilities & Specialtiesof the SIFRP core book. There has been a light snow recently, andthe terrain is considered firm earth. It is currently snowing, as well.Unknown FactsThe leader of the Nightrunners, Quel, suspects that Faldyr is a spy ofthe <strong>Watch</strong>, planted among the free folk. He’s been watching Faldyr for67

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