04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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Chapter 2: The Wall & The Giftbut even in the snow such things could happen. The Wall would withstanda fire but not without substantial loss.SetupThe Lord Commander has ordered a patrol to uncover the cause of thefire, its location, and whether it was natural or the work of men.ObjectiveTo uncover the nature of the strange fire and determine the best courseof action.Known FactsThe fire appeared a few hours before dawn. The size of the fire seemscontained, perhaps that of a house or a signal fire as opposed to thelong, undulating lines of a wildfire spreading across the landscape. Themorning sentries atop the Wall report a column of smoke rising steadilyfor the past few hours, black at first but lightening to gray as the daywears on. The location of the fire should be forest—no settlements werereported there as of the last ranging through that area.TerrainThe area around the fire has been roughly cleared, though there hasbeen some new growth. Trees have been chopped down and stacked toform a tower, which was subsequently set on fire. The place smells ofalcohol and pitch and pine and cedar, all of which largely obliterate anyother scents in the area.MechanicsBBBBTracks: A successful Challenging (9) Survival (Tracking) testreveals tracks indicating that two people entered the clearing andwalked around the woodpile recently, but their tracks vanish intothe rough underbrush.Fire: The bonfire continues to burn for a day or so before its fuelis exhausted. For the purposes of determining the effects of thosewho come into contact with the fire, it is considered a Large Bonfirewhen using Table 11-10, in Chapter 11: The Narrator ofthe SIRFP core book.Unknown FactsThe signal tower (because that’s what it is) was built by members ofthe Nightrunner clan (page 87). Their closest settlement was a day anda half to the north, but since they’ve abandoned their settled ways, thetower’s location is still well within their lands. A Nightrunner scoutinggroup has moved through the area and has discovered evidence of theOthers this far to the south, and has correspondingly set the fire to alertthe King-beyond-the-Wall of the enemy’s movements. The group hasfive members total, breaking off two scouts at a time to run ahead of thegroup as a whole and report back.OppositionObviously, the Nightrunner party would not be pleased if they sawrangers investigating their signal fire. They are unlikely to cross the pathof the rangers unless the rangers track them. The real danger is a shadowcatwight that is prowling the area. The Nightrunners spotted it butwere unable to kill it.Possible ResolutionsThe rangers could find and kill the shadowcat. If the party is smallenough, they could run across the Nightrunner scouting party at the sametime and either rescue them or be rescued by them. Killing the shadowcatwight should be sufficient to make the rangers nervous about what’s outthere and what might have caused the cat to be in that condition.StatisticsNightrunner ScoutsThe scouts are a group of five scouts afoot, armed and armored lightly.Nightrunner ScoutsAwareness 4 (Notice 1B), Marksmanship 3, Status 1,Stealth 4, Survival 3 (Track 1B)Combat Defense 8 (6 in armor, +1 with dagger) ❂ Health 6Intrigue Defense 7 ❂ Composure 6Hard Leather: AR 3 ❂ AP -2 ❂ Bulk 0 (Movement 4, Sprint 16)Hunting Bow 3D 2 Damage Long Range, Two-handedDaggers 2D 1 Damage Defensive +1, Off-hand +1Shadowcat WightThis horror is a half-decomposed shadowcat, its body rent by what looklike claws, and its white-and-black striped body still spattered with frozen,blackened blood. Its eyes glow the unsettling blue of ice in moonlight.Shadowcat WightAgility 3, Athletics 5, Awareness 5, Cunning 1,Endurance 4, Fighting 3, Stealth 5Combat Defense 13 ❂ Health 9Natural Armor: AR 0 ❂ Movement 8 yardsBite 4D 4 damage ViciousClaws 4D 5 damage PowerfulLeapingChargeSneakyVulnerableto FireWhen a shadowcat charges, it may make two attacks,one with its claws and another with its bite.A shadowcat gains +1D on Stealth tests at night.All fire attacks that hit the shadowcat wight gain oneadditional degree of success. A wight that takes fire damageequal to or in excess of its Health is instantly slain.65

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