04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHAPTER 1: The NIght’s <strong>Watch</strong>New DrawbacksConvictYou are a known criminal, and have difficulty finding people totrust youYou take -1D on all Persuasion tests. In addition, should you ever besuspected of deserting the Wall, you will be executed.DeserterYou left the Wall.If you returned to the Wall, you take –1D on all Will tests for Courage,as escape is always an option. Additionally, other Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> memberswho are aware of your desertion begin with a disposition one steplower in Intrigues.If you did not return to the Wall, you are now a wanted man. Anyonewho discovers the truth may turn you over to the local lord for justice,and if the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> catches up to you again, it will likely meanyour life.FrostbittenThe harsh cold of the North has left its mark on you.Your character has already suffered the effects of extreme cold and survived.Every time you take this flaw, take another level of frostbite damagefrom the Frostbite table in the Temperature section of ExploringWesteros, Chapter 11: The Narrator of the SIFRP core rules. Theselevels count against him should your character be exposed to extremecold again in the future.This flaw can be taken up to three times.KneelerYour arrogance and jingoism regarding the Seven Kingdomsmakes you especially reviled among the Free Folk.You take –2D to all Persuasion and Status tests when dealing with wildlings.In addition, during an Intrigue, a wildling character’s dispositionis one step worse than normal.Table 1-10: New Drawbacks of the NorthQuality Requirements EffectConvict — -1D on all Persuasion tests, and will be executed for desertionDeserter —-1D to Will (Courage) tests and Disposition rating in Intrigues with other Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>; or,you are wanted by the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>Frostbitten — You have suffered the effects of frostbiteKneeler — –2D to all Persuasion and Status tests when dealing with wildlingsScent of the Long Summer — –1D on Endurance tests against the effects of cold weatherWildling Born — -1D to Status checks against Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> members, -2D with other Seven Kingdoms people.Scent of the Long SummerYou cannot handle the cold and long for the warm sun and greengrass of the south.You take –1D on Endurance tests against the effects of cold weatherand other environmental difficulties in the North.Wildling-BornYour character is a foundling born north of the Wall and taken inby the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>.You take -1D to Status checks when dealing with men of the Night’s<strong>Watch</strong>, and -2D when dealing with other men of the Seven Kingdoms.Creating a Castle ofthe Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>“On the Wall, we are all one house.”—Lord Commander Jeor Mormont,A Game of T hronesThe men of the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> are united by their vows and their commondefense at the edge of the civilized world. They have given upeverything that once held claim on them: lovers, gold, glory, lands, andtitles. In return, they are welcomed with open arms by a new bloodline,one forged from honor and tradition rather than heredity. They are, asthe Old Bear succinctly puts it, “all one house.”However, even though they are one house, they are many holdings,with their own dependents, households, and portions of the Wall. Theydo not always, or even often, see eye-to-eye. Friendly rivalries can becomeless so, and the fortunes of a castle along the Wall are tied directlyto the rise and fall of the men who inhabit it.For some Night’s <strong>Watch</strong> campaigns the fortunes of each separatecastle upon the Wall may make little difference. If Narrator and playerschose, the campaign can focus entirely on the players’ characters and theiractions on the Wall and in the Far North. There is also nothing wrongwith the players wanting to be among the ranking seats of power alongthe Wall, much as they might be during a standard SIFRP game. Players34

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