04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 4: Lords of the Long NightKnown FactsCharacters familiar with the tribes of the Haunted Forest will likelyknow the reputation of the Stone Hairs, though their disappearanceis recent enough that it is likely unknown. Other characters can makea Challenging (9) Knowledge test to identify the Stone Hair tribalhome, and can make a Challenging (9) Awareness test to noticesomething is definitely wrong in the hamlet.Unknown FactsThe players may deduce something is wrong in the Stone Hair village,but it being occupied by the Others waiting in ambush is anunlikely conclusion. The Other leading the wights, Frostheel, is lookingto claim territory within the Haunted Forest, slowly expandingfrom settlement to settlement. In the process he hopes to build up hiswight forces, slowly cutting off the free folk from some of their mostvaluable territory.The OthersThe wights will try to kill the characters and turn them to wights, buildingup their numbers while continuing to use the village as a trap. Thewights will pursue the characters a few miles from the village, relying onthe darkness and cold to slow them down, but eventually will turn back.The wights and Frostheel use the standard statistics for wights andthe Others respectively, from the Antagonists and Allies section ofChapter 11: The Narrator, in the SIFRP core book.WeirdnessIn the long house the players will find several dead wights and anunusually cold pool of water pooled in a dip in the floor with twoobsidian headed arrows sitting in it. The whole hall is filled withcorpses, barricades, and other signs of the last stand made here bythe villagers. Years back they had traded some goats for arrows madeby the Cave Dweller Clans with obsidian shards, an unexpectedboon when they come under attack from the Others. The chief ofthe Stone Hairs used these arrows to kill Frostheel’s lieutenant andsix of the arrows remain in the chief ’s quiver in addition to the twoon the floor. Finding them requires a search of the room and a Routine(6) Awareness test.The Spider’s CavernWhen a pair of young free folk hunters stumble across a section ofground that crumbles out from beneath them, they are tumbled into astrange cavern. It glitters frigidly, and is bone-chillingly cold, covered instrange veins of ice like woven threads. Their warmth begins to melt theice somewhat, awakening the denizen of the cavern: one of the crystallineice spiders that accompany the Others in predations, according tosome ancient pieces of lore.The boys are quickly slain by the monstrosity, which binds them in anicy cocoon for a later meal. But that time never comes, for its awakeningwas sensed by one of the Others, who has since come to collect it forits ancient purpose. Both Other and spider are gone now, leaving only ahorrifying scene for the wildlings to discover.TerrainThe ground near the crevice is snow-covered and rough, making it difficultto spot. During the day, however, the icy air of the cavern interactswith the warmer air above it, causing wafts of steam to rise off the site.A Challenging (9) Awareness test (Notice applies) is necessary tospot this upon arrival in the area.Otherwise, searchers are likely to look until just before nightfall beforefinding the crumbled crevice opening. There is clear indication thatsomeone fell into the crevice below, but the true nature of the cavernisn’t revealed until one has entered it far enough.The inside of the cavern is deeply treacherous, as it is almost entirelycovered in tightly woven threads of ice, like being on the insideof an egg-sac. The ice is delicate, crunching underfoot. By this means,it is relatively simple to see that someone has been down here. Fromthe blood spatters, however, it is possible to also determine that theymet a bad end.Now that the cavern is revealed to warmer air from above, the icythreads that make up its floor, walls and ceiling are treacherously slipperyduring the day. Moving at full speed in slippery terrain can causea fall. Anyone moving more than half their normal Movement in oneturn must make a Challenging (9) Agility test as a Lesser Actionjust before the Move or Sprint action. Failure results in falling prone;Movement greater than a Move action is impossible. The charactermay spend a destiny point in order to negate the effects of this terrainfor a single turn of normal movement (but not a Sprint).123

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