04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 4: Lords of the Long NightThe White LadyAbilitiesOtherAgility 7 Balance 4B, Dodge 3B, Quickness 3BAthletics 4 Climb 3B, Jump 3BAwareness 6 Empathy 3BCunning 6Deception 7 Act 4B, Bluff 4B, Cheat 2BEndurance 5Fighting 5 Brawling 2B, Short Blades 2BLanguage 4 Old TongueLanguage 2 CommonStealth 6Will 5CombatDefense17AttributesIntrigueDefenseHealth 15 Composure 15Arms & ArmorNatural Armor: AR 3 (Movement 4, Sprint 16)Talons 5D+2B 4 DamageWhite Lady’sDaggerIntoxicatingBeautyEnthrallingWhisperStandardOther Powers5D+2B7 Damage14Grab, Off-hand +2,Piercing +1Defense +2,Off-hand +1, Piercing +2The mere appearance of the White Lady is intoxicatingto mortal men (and some women). The first time atarget who is attracted to women beholds the WhiteLady, her simple presence triggers a single Intrigueattack using her Deception (Act applies). If this attackis sufficient to defeat the viewer, he becomes utterlydevoted to her. This devotion does not compel suchindividuals to take actions they would not normally—itsimply causes them to regard the White Lady with thesame feelings as someone to whom they are lovinglydevoted. All such targets have an Amiable Dispositiontoward the White Lady.Once a man has fallen victim to her Intoxicating Beauty,the White Lady can further enslave him. By engagingin a normal Seduction Intrigue, she can cause thatman to become slavishly obedient to her, completelytransforming his outlook on the world. It does notoverwrite who the person is, but does transform theirgoals and desires to be in line with the White Lady’sdesires. Thus, the Night’s King—who took great pride inhis command of the Night’s <strong>Watch</strong>—had his ambitionamplified, that he might present the whole of the Walland its surroundings as a gift to the White Lady.The White Lady has the standard set of traits andpowers for a member of the Others.The man who would become the Night’s King returned from aranging with a woman in his care: a woman whose ice-cold skin wasas white as the moon, with piercing blue eyes, as cold as the stars inthe Winter’s night sky. She enflamed not just his passions, but hisambitions as well, declaring himself the King of the Night, and herhis Queen. They ruled from the Nightfort, and he turned the Night’s<strong>Watch</strong> into his own personal army, conquering lands on both sidesof the Wall. Soon, though, he met defeat at the hands of the unlikelyalliance between three enemies: the King-beyond-the-Wall, a wildlingnamed Joramun, and the Stark King in the North. When he wasdefeated, it was discovered that he had been sacrificing to the Others.And his Queen of Night was gone.Some stories claim that this Queen of Night was an Other known asthe White Lady. Possessed of an intoxicating beauty equally enchantingand terrifying to behold, she is quite unlike most Others. A creature ofdeep cunning, with a rich voice said to enthrall lesser men, the WhiteLady prefers to enslave rather than kill. While deaths certainly followin her wake, they are usually murders and sacrifices committed in hername by those who obey and love her.The White Lady disappeared into the cold mists of history, and hasnever been seen since.Child-TakerAbilitiesAgility 7Acrobatics 2B, Balance 2B,Dodge 3B, Quickness 3BAthletics 4Awareness 4Cunning 5Endurance 4Fighting 7 Long Blades 3BStealth 5 Sneak 2BCombatDefense15AttributesIntrigueDefenseHealth 12 Composure 6UnnaturalSwordFather ofMistsStandardOther PowersArms & ArmorUnnatural Armor: AR 8 ❂ AP -0Bulk 0 (Movement 4 / Sprint 16)7D+3B4 damageOther11Piercing 4,Shattering 1, ViciousThe Child-taker is always surrounded by a strange,suffocating fog. This miasma inflicts a –1D onall Fighting rolls to strike him, and a –2D to allMarksmanship rolls. It also smothers most fires ofbonfire size or less within a span of 1d6 turns of thefog enveloping the flame. New fires cannot be litwithin the Child-taker’s mists.Child-taker has the standard set of traits and powersfor a member of the Others.120

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