04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 3: beyond the Wallhouses. Influence does still determining the maximum Status of theleader of the tribe, but using a different scale than noble houses.LandThe Far North is a vast, empty region allowing the tribes who live thereto claim much larger tracks of land than the noble houses of the South.Also mountains are far more common north of the Wall than south ofit, so the cost of terrain has been adjusted accordingly. Wetlands are notpresent in the Far North due to the rocky shores and low temperaturesthat dominate the coastal regions. Communities cost more in the FarNorth and cities are not available at all, nor is grassland. There are anumber new terrain features available in the Far North that are notavailable in Westeros and vice versa. The effects of these new terrainfeatures are described in Warfare in the Far North on pages 112-113.A new feature available for land is the Food Supply feature. Eachunit of land with an Available Food Supply adds +1 to the tribe fortunerolls, while each unit of land with a Plentiful Food Supply adds +2 tothe tribe fortune rolls.LawLaw holdings work the same with free folk tribes as they do with thenoble houses of Westeros. Due to the chaotic and disorganized natureof the free folk their tribes tend to have low Law ratings.PopulationPopulation holdings work the same with free folk tribes as they do withthe noble houses of Westeros. Due to the harsh environment and limitedfood supply of the Far North, free folk tribes tend to have lowPopulation ratings.Power HoldingsLike noble houses, Power is used to build the military might of thetribe. Among the free folk this does not represent soldiers in the leader’spay, but the members of the tribe who will go to war. Because of this atribe cannot have a higher Power than twice its Population. Also eachunit that is destroyed reduces the Population score of the tribe by –5.Tribes that do poorly in war soon find themselves wiped out.Free folk tribes may not have banner houses, but otherwise determinetheir Power holdings in the same fashion as noble houses. Thefree folk may purchase only guerillas, infantry, raider and scout unitsdescribed in the SIFRP core book, as well as those new units describedon Table @-@: New Unit Types.Wealth HoldingsThe poverty of the free folk means most tribes have very low Wealthscores, and even those who do not have few options open to them comparedto the noble houses of the south. Guilds, maesters, and septs are notavailable to free folk tribes. Artisans may only be purchased if the tribealso has a mine and Artisans can never produced castle-forged goods.Step Five: IdentifiersEach tribe of the free folk has a name that is some clue to their beliefs,history, or character. Some tribes have specific totem animals they followor aspects of nature they seek to embody, using them in the tribe’sname, like the Walrus Men. Others like the Thenn tribes use the nameof their territory as their name, which is especially common amongtribes that live in highly valued or contested areas. The tribes of the FarNorth do not use heraldry, instead relying on informative and memorablenames combined with visceral symbols like skulls, painted skins,and war paint to make their tribe stand out.While the players of a free folk tribe need not put time into puzzlingout the arms of their tribe, putting time into deciding what their nameis, why it is, and what the tribe’s common symbols are is very worthwhile.Developing a name to equal to savage starkness of the Cannibal Clans ofthe Ice River, or the informative yet vague Walrus Men, is an importantpart of depicting the tribe’s character. If the tribe’s name does not evokesome mixture of mystery, fear, and savagery it probably needs some work.Step Six: Tribe MembersTribes of the Far North do not have the vast households of noble housesof the South and, aside from the leader of each tribe, there is no commonstructure for the upper echelons of a tribe. There are no positions likesteward, captain of the guard, or master of the hounds that are commonacross all the tribes of the free folk. Members of the tribe who distinguishthemselves are often honored by the leader with titles or advisory positions,but such decisions are completely at the whim of the individualleader. Free folk are often recognized within their tribe for being thetribe’s most skilled healer, best hunter, most fearsome warrior, respectedmystic, valued craftsmen, beastfriend, or cunning planner, but not all ofthese equate to having an actual title. Instead he who performs best in thetribe is given respect for his skills regardless of what he is called.111

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