04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds

04 Night's Watch.pdf - Chaos Bleeds


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CHapter 3: beyond the Wallpass through, but they will take you to task if you hunt their elk herd. Generallyfree folk tribes have more land than noble houses to the South, as itrequires more space to feed each person in the barren Far North.LawSince the free folk have no code of laws, this resource represents howmuch control the tribal leader has over his people and territory. A lowLaw means the free folk of the tribe do not respect the leader much norheed his leadership, while a high Law means the tribe holds the leader inhigh esteem, following without all the posturing common to the free folk.PopulationSame as with noble houses, Population is an abstract measure of howmany people are part of the tribe. Tribes rarely have a Population over25; while a noble house and a free folk tribe may have the same Population,the tribe will have fewer actual people in it. The affect on housefortune rolls remains the same.PowerAmong the free folk Power does not represent how many soldiers thetribe has at its command, but how many combatants the tribe can fieldfrom its own ranks when it goes to war. Every able-bodied member ofthe tribe is expected to fight in such circumstances. Free folk have a verylimited selection of troop types they can support due to their environment,but also have access to troop types not seen in the South.WealthFew free folk tribes have much in the way of coinage or mineral wealth,instead using trade goods, steel weapons, and similar items to measurewealth. Free folk tribes are extremely limited in their Wealth scores forthe most part due to this.Step Three: Tribal HistoryThe determination of the tribe’s history uses the same process as creatingthe history of a noble house, but the tables used are a 2d6 roll onTable 3-8: Tribal Founding, and a 3d6 roll on Table 3-9: HistoricalEvents instead of using the SIFRP core book tables. Historical eventsthat do not work well with the free folk, like scandals, have been removed,since the open nature of the free folk requires outright treacheryto create a scandal, which better fits in other types of historical events.The first historical event rolled is the event that led to the foundingof the tribe. Unlike noble houses, tribes are not created by other nobles,but instead by free folk deciding for whatever reason they need to founda new tribe. So while in the South winning a great victory may result ina great house founding of a lesser house for the winner of that victory,among the free folk a group of the victor’s tribe would break off to followhim and form a new tribe. Among the free folk power comes fromthe bottom up as opposed to from the top down, so the formation andevolution of tribes flows very differently in terms of flavor than withnoble houses, even if the rules are the same.Table 3-8: Tribal FoundingRoll Founding Example Historical Events2 Ancient Age of Heroes 1d6+33 Very Old Andal Invasion 1d6+24 Old Rhoynar Invasion 1d6+15-6 Established Aegon’s Conquest 1d67-9 Recent Blackfyre Rebellion 1d6-110-12 New War of the Usurper 1d6-2Table 3-9: Historical EventsRoll Event Defense Influence Lands Law Population Power Wealth2 Ascent — +1d6 +1d6 — — +1d6 +1d63 Catastrophe — — -1d6 -1d6 — — —4 Conquest -1d6 +1d6 +1d6 -1d6 +1d6 — —5 Defeat -1d6 -1d6 -1d6 — -1d6 -1d6 -1d66 Decline — -1d6 -1d6 — — -1d6 -1d67 Doom -2d6 -2d6 -2d6 -2d6 -2d6 -2d6 -2d68 Glory +1d6 +1d6 — +1d6 — +1d6 —9-11 Growth ——————————— —— Choose two and increase each by +1d6 ——————————— ——12-13 Invasion — — — -2d6 -1d6 -1d6 -1d614 Madness +6-2d6 +6-2d6 +6-2d6 +6-2d6 +6-2d6 +6-2d6 +6-2d615 Treachery -1d6 — -1d6 — — +1d6 —16 Victory +1d6 +1d6 — — — +1d6 —17 Villain — +1d6 — -1d6 -1d6 +1d6 —18 Windfall +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d6 +1d6109

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