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Explore your imagination.See the future & possibilities.Start here...Step 1:Recognise their interest.

Turning ambition intoREALITY.Children’s imagination and ambition haveno boundaries.As parents, our children’s ambitionsbecome our aspirations as well. The factis, education is the key to our children’spromising futures. What’s more, educationdoes not come cheap today and itdefinitely won’t be in the future.This is why we need to start preparing asearly as possible. Build a reliable foundationfor your child today and pave the way tohis/her bright future.Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate - the investment-linkedtakaful plan that will help turn your child’sambition into reality and rewards his/herachievements.Step 2:Prioritise their talents.

How Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate can help you?1Secure a bright future for your childEnsures adequate financial resources when it istime for your child’s higher education.2Secure your child’s education fund continuityPru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate strengthens your child’seducation fund with takaful protection. It willcontinue to grow should you die, become totally andpermanently disabled or succumb to critical illness.3Secure higher education fund for your childProvides a higher allocation rate for yourinvestment through <strong>Takaful</strong> Saver, a dedicated wealthaccumulation vehicle.4Maximise your child’s education fundOur investment experts will help you maximiseyour child’s education fund for enhanced returns byinvesting it in Pru<strong>BSN</strong>’s Shariah-approved <strong>Takaful</strong>ink DanaUrus fund.5Your funds are available when you need itYou can withdraw a portion of your investmentaccount value if you need cash using the partialwithdrawal facility 1.6Leave a legacy for your childProtect your child against financial hardship in theevent of your demise.Step 3:Identify the educational andfinancial processes that maybe involved.

7Financial protection for youSecure a continuous contribution for your child’seducation fund if you cannot continue to earn a livingdue to total and permanent disability or a critical illness.8Financial protection for your childProvides you with cash if your child is totally andpermanently disabled or succumbs to a critical illnessso that you can provide him/her with the neededtreatment or assistance.9Minimal contribution for comprehensivebenefitsEnsures full financial protection with contribution fromas low as RM1.67 a day! 210Award Academic ExcellenceEduSmart Bonus 1 awards your child for his /her excellent examination results. The higher yourcontribution into the plan, the higher the award will be.Exam Award Payout Minimum(% of yearly Example 3 AchievementprotectionRequirementcontribution)UPSR 50% RM600 5AsPMR 100% RM1,200 7AsSPM 150% RM1,800 8AsSTPM orSTAM 150% RM1,800 4AsDiploma3.5 CGPA oror Degree 200% RM2,400 1st class1 Terms and conditions apply.2 Your contribution will depend on your age, amountand term of coverage, health status, gender, yourpayment method and frequency.3 Based on RM1,200 of yearly protection contribution.

Earn Loyalty Bonus 111 Get a loyalty bonus worth 5% of your yearlyprotection contributions upon completion of the10th certificate year, and subsequently every3 years after that.Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate is the ideal plan for you to give themost valuable gifts to your child – education, protectionand bonus rewards.Basic CoverageCoverageDeathTotal andPermanentDisability (TPD)Benefits below theage of 5Maturity BenefitSurrenderDetailsThe sum covered and the remainingvalue in your account are payableupon the child’s demise.The sum covered is payable whenthe child is totally and permanentlydisabled before the age of 70 orcertificate expiry, whichever is earlier.In the event of critical illness, disabilityor loss of life before the age of 5, areduced basic sum covered payablewill be payable as follows. This is calleda juvenile lien.Age Percentage of BasicSum Covered Payable1 20%2 40%3 60%4 80%5 and above 100%The remaining value in your account ispayable upon maturity.The remaining value in your accountis payable when you surrender yourcertificate.1 Terms and conditions apply.

How to further enhance your Pru<strong>BSN</strong>EducateFurther enhance your child’s coverage by attachingthese additional benefits. 4CoverageProtect againstcritical illnessGet medical andhealth coverageEnsure continuousprotectionGrow your savingsfundDetailsGet financial protection against36 critical illnesses through CrisisShield.Get daily hospitalisation incomewith Hospital Benefit or get dailyhospitalisation income and cashbenefits for surgical procedure withMedical Cover.Contributor riders will give you peaceof mind knowing that your child planwill provide continuous coverage inthe event of your disability, criticalillness or demise when you attachParent Contributor and <strong>Takaful</strong>Saver Parent Contributor.Invest with <strong>Takaful</strong> Saver to buildyour children’s education fund faster.You can also make a SingleContribution Top-up whenever youwant to.Step 4 :Get advice from Branch Staffat AFFIN Islamic Bank.4 Attachment of additional benefits is subject tounderwriting and additional contribution.

Easily choose the right Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educatepackage for youThe following packages are available for yourconvenience. You may choose the package that suitsyour needs and budget. The chart below will help youchoose which one will work best for you.Your major Choose Your child’s needsConcernSavingsPlan A Basic protection + highinvestment + continuousprotectionMedicalSavings &MedicalPlan BPlan CBasic protection + minimuminvestment + basic criticalillness protection + medicalcoverage + continuousprotectionBasic protection + highinvestment + basic criticalillness protection + medicalcoverage + continuousprotectionCOVERAGEBenefit Plan A Plan B Plan CBasic Coverage RM50,000 RM50,000 RM60,000Crisis Shield-RM25,000RM25,000Hospital Benefit-4 units4 unitsMedical Cover-2 units2 unitsParent ContributorYesYesYes<strong>Takaful</strong> Saver ParentContributorYesYesYes<strong>Takaful</strong> SaverYes –RM50monthlyYes -RM20monthlyYes -RM50monthly

Step 5:Make sure all information is clear,accurate and fully understood.Monthly contribution 5For child age 1 to 18 and Plan A Plan B Plan Cparent age 19 to 45 at entryProtectionContributionRM 50RM 100RM 100Investment Contribution(<strong>Takaful</strong> Saver)RM 50RM 20RM 50Total ContributionRM 100RM 120RM 150Who can take up Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate?You can take up this plan for your child from as young as2 weeks old up to age 18 years old.How flexible is Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate?Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate provides you the flexibility to suit yourpriorities. With Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate, you can:• Opt for an open package where you can specify the typeand amount of benefits based on your financial goals.• Vary the amount of takaful protection for death anddisability without affecting your contribution.• Increase your savings for the education fund up to5 times the protection contribution.• Top-up your child’s education fund anytimeyou want.5 For children aged 1 to 15 at entry, the plan expires atage 25. For children aged 16 to 18 at entry, the planexpires at age 80.

What are the chargesinvolved in Pru<strong>BSN</strong>Educate?Charges TypeUpfront wakalahchargePru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate is based onWakalah Bil Ajr where we placeyour contribution into youraccount after we take a portion ofit as a wakalah charge. This is a feefor the services we provide.The details of the wakalah andother charges are listed in thetable (right).Service chargeAsset managementchargeTabarru’Step 6:Make an analysis and assessment of theexcesses or deficiencies based on your needs and abilities.How do I claim the EduSmart Bonus?You can claim the EduSmart Bonus when yourchild achieves the minimum examination resultrequired by following these steps:1. Ensure your contribution payment is up to date.2. Make a certified true copy of the originalexam certificate.3. Submit the copy at any of Pru<strong>BSN</strong> branchesnationwide.4. Once verified, we will give you a cheque foryour child’s achievement.

Details of chargesThis charge is used to pay commission and distribution relatedexpenses as well as management expenses. The charge as apercentage 6 of your protection contribution is shown below.Certificate year 1 2 3 4 5-6 7 and aboveUpfront wakalah 65% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%chargeFor <strong>Takaful</strong> Saver, the upfront wakalah charge is 5% throughoutthe certificate term. For Single Contribution Top-up, thecharge is 5% for each top-up plus RM25 where the top-up isless than RM5,000.There will be a service charge of RM5 a month unless youpay by cash or cheque in which case the charge will be RM6per month. This charge is to cover the cost of servicing yourcertificate.We deduct this charge on a daily basis from your account tocover the costs of investment management.<strong>Takaful</strong>ink Dana Urus: 1.3% per annumWe deduct an amount each month based on your age, gender,health status, occupation (if applicable), and amount ofcoverage for the duration of the coverage.How will investing in <strong>Takaful</strong>ink Dana Urusenhance the fund?Pru<strong>BSN</strong>’s <strong>Takaful</strong>ink Dana Urus is a managed fund thatseeks to maximise returns over the medium to longterm. This is achieved by investing in Shariah approvedshares and securities through Pru<strong>BSN</strong>’s <strong>Takaful</strong>ink DanaEkuiti fund and <strong>Takaful</strong>ink Dana Bon fund and in anyother such <strong>Takaful</strong>ink fund that may become available inthe future.The fund is for participants with a moderate to highrisk tolerance and a medium to long-term investmenthorizon.6 This is the charge for certificates with term of 20 yearsand more. For certificates with term less than 20 years,it will be reduced accordingly. Please refer to the planillustration for more detailed information.

Will I receive any surplus from this plan?You are entitled to receive at least 50% 7 of thedistributable surplus (if any) on a yearly basis. Thebalance of up to 50% 7 is shared with us as an incentivefor managing the Tabarru’ Fund. Your portion of thedistributable surplus will be placed back into yourProtection Unit Account (PUA).What is not included in Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educatecoverage?Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate does not cover the following situations.If any of these happen, the benefits offered under theplan WILL NOT be payable to you.• If the loss of life occurs as a result of suicide withinone year of the inception date of the certificate.• If total and permanent disability occurs due toattempted suicide or self-inflicted injury.• If the total and permanent disability occursbecause you are involved in dangerous aerialactivities (including parachuting and sky-diving)unless you are part of a flight crew or as a payingpassenger on a licensed commercial flight operatingon a regular and designated route.• If you do not disclose important information such asa pre-existing illness and so forth during yourapplication for the plan.• If the hospitalisation is caused by illness that startedwithin 30 days from the certificate date.• If symptoms of the critical illness started within 60days prior to the certificate date for a heart attack,coronary artery heart disease or cancerwhile 30 days for any other critical illness.7 The exact amount of the distributable surplus will bedetermined annually and is subject to approvalby both Shariah Committee and Board of Directors of<strong>Prudential</strong> <strong>BSN</strong> <strong>Takaful</strong> Berhad.

Step 7:Now, its time to makethe best decision foryour child’s future.Important notes:• This brochure does not form a contract betweenyou and <strong>Prudential</strong> <strong>BSN</strong> <strong>Takaful</strong> Berhad. The full termsand conditions are set out in the certificatedocuments. Please ask for a sample of the terms andconditions should you need more detailedinformation of the plan.• This brochure is published for information only anddoes not have regard to the specific financialobjectives, situation and needs of any specificperson.• In this brochure, Age refers to Age Next Birthdayunless otherwise stated.• This is a takaful product that is tied to theperformance of the underlying assets, and it is not apure investment product such as unit trusts.• You are entitled for an educational tax relief inrespect of your contributions of up to RM3,000a year until the child is 25 years old. Upon transferof ownership, your child will be entitled for individualmedical/life tax relief of up to RM6,000. Tax relief issubject to terms and conditions of the InlandRevenue Board (IRB).• The returns from your investment will be basedon the actual performance of the fund are notguaranteed.• The investment risk of your fund is borne solelyby you and the benefits may be less than your totalcontributions.

• You should continue paying your contributionsregularly until the maturity of your plan toensure that your child is fully protected under theplan at all times. Failing to do so may cease yourcoverage prematurely.• Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate does not provide any benefitamount from the Tabarru’ Fund on termination,expiry or maturity of certificate.• The fees and charges of the plan may vary from timeto time for which 90 day’s notice given to you.• The plan may be cancelled by a written request tous within fifteen (15) days of the delivery date of thecertificate documents, in which case we shall refundthe unallocated contribution, any Tabarru’ and servicecharge that have been deducted from contributionsreceived from you plus the remaining value of unitsin your account less any medical fees incurred byPru<strong>BSN</strong> in assessing the risk under the certificate.• Participating in an investment-linked takaful plan isa long-term commitment. Early terminationof the certificate usually involves high costs andthe surrender value payable may be less than thetotal contributions paid.• The loyalty bonus is not guaranteed. It is paid purelyat our discretion subject to terms and conditionsthat need to be fulfilled by participants in order tobe eligible.

Congratulations.Your child is now ready to take offwith Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate.Contact any of our Personal FinancialAdvisors or visit your nearestAffin Islamic Bank branch now for a fullconsultation and get your child thepower to fly high!

All <strong>Takaful</strong>ink funds are invested in Shariah-approved shares and securities.Pru<strong>BSN</strong> Educate is a Shariah-compliant product.This scheme is underwritten by:For further information, please contact:<strong>Prudential</strong> <strong>BSN</strong> <strong>Takaful</strong> Berhad is a registered <strong>Takaful</strong> Operatorunder the Islamic Financial Services Act 2013 and is regulatedby Bank Negara Malaysia.For more information/enquiries, please contact:<strong>Prudential</strong> <strong>BSN</strong> <strong>Takaful</strong> Berhad (740651-H)Level 8A, Menara <strong>Prudential</strong>, No. 10, Jalan Sultan Ismail, 50250 Kuala Lumpur.Tel: (03) 2053 7188 Fax: (03) 2072 6188E-mail: customer@prubsn.com.my SMS Pru<strong>BSN</strong> and send to 33080Log on | www.prubsn.com.myIMPORTANT: You must ensure that you are satisfied that this productwill best serve your needs and that the contribution payable under thecertificate is an amount you can afford.PENTING: Anda seharusnya berpuas hati bahawa produk ini mampumemenuhi keperluan anda dan sumbangan yang dibayar di bawah sijil inimerupakan jumlah yang anda mampu bayar.All information is correct at the time of print.Printed 17 October 2013

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