Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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408Edema, stream toxin, inhibited urination, ascariasis, hasten delivery.Isolated compounds: 578, 2222, 3844, 6407, 8011, 8025, 8312, 14450,19964, 19965, 20998.T1596 Codonopsis canescens (Campanulaceae); HUI MAO DANG SHEN;Greyhair Asiabell. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsispilosula. TCM Indications: See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolatedcompounds: 13507, 22843.T1597 Codonopsis clematidea (Campanulaceae); XIN JIANG DANG SHEN;Clematis Asiabell. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsispilosula. TCM Indications: See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolatedcompounds: 3886.T1598 Codonopsis convolvulacea (Campanulaceae); JI DAN SHEN;Convolvulate Asiabell. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To supplementqi and nourish blood, moisten lung and engender liquid. TCMIndications: Blood vaculty, spontaneous sweating, scant breast milk,lung vacuity cough, neurasthenia, mounting qi. Isolated compounds:7465.T1599 Codonopsis pilosula (Campanulaceae); DANG SHEN; Pilose Asiabell.Equivalent plant: Codonopsis pilosula var. modesta, Codonopsistangshen, Codonopsis tubulosa, Codonopsis subglobosa, Codonopsiscanescens, Codonopsis clematidea. Used part: root. TCM Effects: T<strong>of</strong>ortify spleen and supplement lung, boost qi and engender liquid.TCM Indications: Spleen-stomach vacuity, reduced food intake andsloppy stool, lassitude in limbs, cough and asthma due to lung vacuity,shortness <strong>of</strong> breath and spontaneous sweating, qi-blood depletion.Isolated compounds: 1966, 1967, 2056, 2788, 3139, 3140, 3589, 3887,4390, 4672, 6188, 6534, 6795, 7438, 7469, 7768, 7951, 7971, 8012,8817, 9042, 9359, 9360, 9378, 9486, 9531, 10493, 10669, 12569,13507, 13823, 13931, 14023, 14053, 14215, 14484, 14610, 14629,14655, 15203, 15527, 15528, 15671, 15675, 15678, 15684, 15948,16830, 16831, 16968, 17093, 17376, 18267, 18739, 18837, 20168,20169, 20351, 20352, 20367, 20368, 20369, 20372, 20554, 20569,20672, 20711, 20713, 22843.T1600 Codonopsis pilosula var. modesta [Syn. Codonopsis modesta](Campanulaceae); SU HUA DANG SHEN; Moderate Asiabell. Usedpart: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsis pilosula. TCM Indications:See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolated compounds: 7951, 8817, 13823,16968, 17093, 20369, 20711, 20713.T1601 Codonopsis subglobosa (Campanulaceae); QIU HUA DANG SHEN;Subglobose Asiabell. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsispilosula. TCM Indications: See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolatedcompounds: 1967, 7951, 8817, 13507, 13823, 17093, 20369, 20711,20713, 22843.T1602 Codonopsis tangshen (Campanulaceae); CHUAN DANG SHEN;Szechwan Tangshen. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsispilosula. TCM Indications: See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolatedcompounds: 1967, 3887, 7951, 8817, 9525, 9527, 9528, 9529, 9532,9533, 13507, 13823, 16968, 17093, 20369, 20569, 20672, 20673,20674, 20675, 20711, 20713, 22843.T1603 Codonopsis tubulosa (Campanulaceae); GUAN HUA DANG SHEN;Tubularflower Asiabell. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Codonopsispilosula. TCM Indications: See Codonopsis pilosula. Isolatedcompounds: 13507, 22843.T1604 Coeloglossum viride [Syn. Coeloglossum viride var. bracteatum](Orchidaceae); AO SHE LAN; Frog Orchid. Used part: tuber. TCMEffects: See Gymnadenia conopsea. TCM Indications: SeeGymnadenia conopsea. Isolated compounds: 3892, 10627, 16168.T1605 Coelogyne cristata (Orchidaceae); MAO CHUN BEI MU LAN;Cristate Coelogyne. Isolated compounds: 3889, 3890, 3891.T1606 Coelogyne ovalis (Orchidaceae); BEI MU LAN; Common Coelogyne.Isolated compounds: 3889, 7811.T1607 Coelospermum billardieri (Rubiaceae); XIN SU GE LAN XUE GUOMU; Newcaledonian Coelospermum*. Isolated compounds: 3888.T1608 C<strong>of</strong>fea arabica (Rubiaceae); XIAO GUO KA FEI; Arabian C<strong>of</strong>feetree.Equivalent plant: C<strong>of</strong>fea liberica. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: Toarouse spirit, disinhibit urine, fortify stomach. TCM Indications:Fatigued spirit, inappetence. Isolated compounds: 1866, 2887, 2892,3551, 5414, 14166, 14167, 14178.T1609 C<strong>of</strong>fea excelsa (Rubiaceae); GAO KA FEI; High C<strong>of</strong>fee*. Isolatedcompounds: 2892.T1610 C<strong>of</strong>fea liberica (Rubiaceae); DA GUO KA FEI; Liberian C<strong>of</strong>fee. Usedpart: seed. TCM Effects: See C<strong>of</strong>fea arabica. TCM Indications: SeeC<strong>of</strong>fea arabica. Isolated compounds: 2892.T1611 C<strong>of</strong>fea robusta (Rubiaceae); CU ZHUANG KA FEI; Robust C<strong>of</strong>fee*.Isolated compounds: 5414.T1612 C<strong>of</strong>fea sp. (Rubiaceae). Isolated compounds: 1886, 2886, 11328.T1613 Coix lacryma-jobi (Poaceae); YI MI; Adlay. Isolated compounds: 3907,20369.T1614 Coix lacryma-jobi var. ma-yuen (Poaceae); YI YI REN; Jobstears Seed.Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and percolate damp,eliminate impediment and check diarrhea, clear heat and expel pus.TCM Indications: Edema, beriberi, inhibited urination, dampimpediment and hypertonicity, spleen vacuity diarrhea, pulmonarywelling abscess, intestinal welling abscess, flat wart. Isolatedcompounds: 3906, 3907.T1615 Cola acuminata (Sterculiaceae); SU DAN KE LE GUO; AcuminateColanut. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To raise spirit. Isolatedcompounds: 2892, 17867, 21310.T1616 Colchicum autumnale (Liliaceae); QIU SHUI XIAN; Meadow Saffron.Used part: corm. Isolated compounds: 3909, 3910, 3911, 3912.T1617 Coleonema pulchellum (Rutaceae); MEI LI BU KU; Rutaceae Diosma.Isolated compounds: 17777.T1618 Coleostephus myconis (Asteraceae); QIAO GUAN JU; CommonColeostephus. Isolated compounds: 15142.T1619 Coleus barbatus (Lamiaceae); RAN MAO QIAO RUI HUA; ForskahlColeus. Isolated compounds: 2147.T1620 Coleus forskahlii (Lamiaceae); MAO HOU QIAO RUI HUA; ForskahlColeus. Isolated compounds: 3915, 3917, 3918.Coleus wulfenioides = Orthosiphon wulfenioidesT1621 Coleus xanthanthus (Lamiaceae); HUANG QIAO RUI HUA;Yellowflower Coleus. Isolated compounds: 146, 358, 3919, 3920,3921, 7062, 22748, 22749, 22750, 22751, 22752, 22753, 22754.T1622 Collinsonia canadensis ER RUI ZI SU. Isolated compounds: 3927.T1623 Collybia albuminosa (Tricholomataceae); JI ZONG; CollybiaAlbuminosa Sporocarp. Used part: sporocarp. TCM Effects: To fortifyspleen and harmonize stomach. TCM Indications: Distention fullness

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