Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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405compounds: 7998, 14697, 17970, 22281.T1525 Cladonia fallax (Cladoniaceae); JIN SHUA BA; Fallax CladoniaLichen. Used part: lichen. TCM Effects: To relieve pain, calm. TCMIndications: Epilepsy, schizophrenia, neurasthenia, dizziness and dimvision. Isolated compounds: 7996, 7998, 22282.T1526 Cladonia rangiferina (Cladoniaceae); SHI RUI; Reindeer Moss. Usedpart: herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat, moisten dryness, cool liver,transform phlegm, disinhibit damp. TCM Indications: heat vexationand disquiet, dry throat and phlegm node, dim vision and eye screen,heat strangury, jaundice. Isolated compounds: 1990, 7996, 7998.T1527 Cladonia sp. (Cladoniaceae). Isolated compounds: 22282.T1528 Cladonia stellaris [Syn. Cladonia alpestris] (Cladoniaceae); TAI BAIHUA; Stellate Cladonia. Used part: branch-like body. TCM Effects: Tocalm liver and brighten eyes, regulate menstruation and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Wind yang harassing upper body,dizziness and dim vision, migraine, eye diseases, nosebleed(epistaxis),menstrual disorder, leukorrhea. Isolated compounds: 7951, 16967,18090, 22282.T1529 Cladonia verticillata (Cladoniaceae); XIAO LA BA; VerticillateCladonia. Used part: herb. TCM Effects: To cool blood and stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Cough, bleeding due to external injury,scalds. Isolated compounds: 7661, 15798, 20342.Cladosiphon decipiens = Nemacystus decipiensT1530 Cladostachys amaranthoides [Syn. Achyranthes amaranthoides;Cladostachys frutescens; Deeringia amaranthoides] (Rutaceae); JIUCENG FENG. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispel windand remove damp, clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, dysentery, diarrhea. Isolated compounds:18722, 18723, 18727.T1531 Cladrastis spp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 3004.T1532 Clausena anisata (Rutaceae); BA JIAO HUANG PI; Octet Wampee*.Isolated compounds: 1186, 16261.T1533 Clausena dentata (Rutaceae); YE HUANG PI; Henry Wampee. Usedpart: leaf and root. TCM Effects: To soothe wind and rectify qi, dispeldamp and transform stasis. TCM Indications: Common cold, measlespapules, asthma, stomachache, rheumatism, edema, sprain andcontusion, fracture, dislocation. Isolated compounds: 5134, 15737.T1534 Clausena dunniana (Rutaceae); HEI GUO HUANG PI; Dunn Wampee.Used part: leaf and root. TCM Effects: To soothe wind and rectify qi,dispel damp and transform stasis. TCM Indications: Common cold,measles papules, asthma, stomachache, rheumatism, edema, sprain andcontusion, fracture, dislocation. Isolated compounds: 6637, 6638.Clausena euchrestifolia = Murraya euchrestifoliaT1535 Clausena excavata (Rutaceae); SHAN HUANG PI; Hollowed Wampee.Used part: branchlet-leaf . TCM Effects: To course wind and resolveexterior, move qi and relieve pain, interrupt malaria, kill worms. TCMIndications: Infection <strong>of</strong> upper respiratory tract, influenza, malaria,abdominal pain, knocks and falls, fracture. Isolated compounds: 3788,3790, 3791, 3792, 3793, 3794, 3795, 3796, 3797, 3798, 3799, 3800,3801, 3802, 3803, 3804, 3805, 3806, 3807, 3808, 5134, 6296, 7897,8832, 9410, 10126, 10478, 14216, 14217, 14254, 15027, 15028,15118, 15737, 22777, 22971.T1536 Clausena heptaphylla (Rutaceae); QI YE HUANG PI; HeptaleafWampee*. Isolated compounds: 9410, 14144, 14216.T1537 Clausena lansium (Rutaceae); HUANG PI GEN; <strong>Chinese</strong> WampeeRoot. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To move qi and relieve pain.TCM Indications: Qi stagnation stomachache, abdominal pain,mounting pain, wind-damp bone pain, dysmenorrhea. Isolatedcompounds: 16154.T1538 Clausena lansium (Rutaceae); HUANG PI YE; <strong>Chinese</strong> Wampee Leaf.Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To course wind and resolve exterior,move qi and transform phlegm. TCM Indications: Warm disease fever,cough and asthma, qi distention abdominal pain, yellow swelling,malaria, inhibited urination, heat toxin scab and lai. Isolatedcompounds: 3789, 4484, 15366.T1539 Clausena sp. (Rutaceae). Isolated compounds: 16261.T1540 Claviceps paspali (Clavicipitaceae); QUE BAI MAI JIAO; PaspalumErgot*. Isolated compounds: 11516.T1541 Claviceps purpurea (Clavicipitaceae); MAI JIAO; Ergot. Used part:sclerotium. TCM Effects: To contract uterus and stanch bleeding,relieve pain. TCM Indications: Postpartum bleeding, migraine.Isolated compounds: 351, 749, 763, 3477, 3814, 4125, 6765, 7231,7232, 7233, 7234, 7235, 7236, 7237, 7238, 7240, 7241, 7242, 7243,7244, 7250, 7252, 7253, 7254, 9071, 9530, 9568, 11516, 11712, 13256,14133, 14410, 14411, 14412, 14413, 16808, 19599, 19600, 19601,19602, 19605, 19789, 22158, 22558.T1542 Clavularia viridis CHONG SHENG RUAN SHAN HU; OkinawanS<strong>of</strong>tcoral Clavularia viridis. Isolated compounds: 17773, 17774,17775.T1543 Cleistanthus collinus (Euphorbiaceae); QIU SHENG BI HUA MU.Isolated compounds: 3816.T1544 Cleistocalyx operculatus (Myrtaceae); SHUI RONG; LiddedCleistocalyx. Used part: bud. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, dispel summerheat and engender liquid, disperse stagnation anddisinhibit damp. TCM Indications: Fever and headache due to externalcontraction, summerheat-heat and vexation and thirst, heat toxindiarrhea dysentery, accumulation with abdominal distention. Isolatedcompounds: 7903, 7905.T1545 Clematis chinensis (Ranunculaceae); WEI LING XIAN; <strong>Chinese</strong>Clematis. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminatedamp, free network vessels and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Common cold, tonsillitis, acute icterohepatitis, laryngitis, rheumaticarthritis, wind-damp impediment pain, numbness in limbs,hypertonicity <strong>of</strong> sinews and vessels, bone stuck in throat. Isolatedcompounds: 1178, 1179, 3340, 3818, 3822, 3824, 3825, 3826, 3827,5209, 6767, 8727, 8728, 8729, 9260, 9276, 16055, 16056, 16057,16058, 16060, 16061, 16063, 17943, 17944, 17946, 17947, 17948,17949, 17950, 18714, 18715, 18716, 18835, 18836.T1546 Clematis tangutica (Ranunculaceae); GAN QING TIE XIAN LIAN;Tangut Clematis. Used part: whole herb or stem-leaf. TCM Effects: T<strong>of</strong>ortify stomach and disperse accumulation, resolve toxin andtransform damp. TCM Indications: Non-digestion <strong>of</strong> foodaccumulation, abdominal fullness with glomus and congestion,abdominal pain and diarrhea, welling abscess and sores, damp sore.Isolated compounds: 1572, 8606.T1547 Clematis terniflora [Syn. Clematis maximowicziana] (Ranunculaceae);

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