Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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403Equivalent plant: Citrus wilsonii, Poncirus trifoliata. Used part: youngfruit. TCM Effects: To break qi and dissipate glomus, disperse phlegmand transform accumulation. TCM Indications: Shock, indigestion,ptosis <strong>of</strong> anus or uterus, cardiac failure, distention fullness in chest andabdomen, phlegm aggregation. Isolated compounds: 1497, 9458, 9964,11493, 11716, 12847, 12987, 14796, 15286, 15404, 15656, 15657,19929, 20552, 20670, 21185, 21913.T1469 Citrus aurantium var. amara (Rutaceae); DAI DAI HUA; Bitter Citrus.Used part: dried flower bud. TCM Effects: To regulate qi, soothe liver,harmonize stomach. TCM Indications: Oppression in chest due toglomus, distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen, vomiting,reduced food intake. Isolated compounds: 3763, 3764, 3768, 7734,11824, 14142, 15498, 15500, 20998.T1470 Citrus bergamia (Rutaceae); XIANG NING MENG; Bergamot Orange.Isolated compounds: 2309.T1471 Citrus chachiensis (Rutaceae); GAN; Chachi Citrus. Equivalent plant:Citrus unshiu, Citrus tankan, Citrus cultivars, Citrus decumana. Usedpart: fruit. TCM Effects: To engender liquid and allay thirst, arouseliquor, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications: Heat vexation in chest,drunkenness, inhibited urination. Isolated compounds: no.T1472 Citrus chachiensis (Rutaceae); GAN PI; Chachi Citrus Pericarp.Equivalent plant: Citrus tankan. Used part: pericarp. TCM Effects: Toprecipitate qi and regulate center, transform phlegm, arouse liquor.TCM Indications: Dietary imbalance after illness, qi ascent withvexation and fullness, liquor damage with thirst. Isolated compounds:4473, 9458, 14796, 20552.T1473 Citrus cultivars (Rutaceae); ZAI PEI GAN JU; Cultivated Citrus*.Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: See Citrus chachiensis. TCMIndications: See Citrus chachiensis. Isolated compounds: 8307.T1474 Citrus decumana (Rutaceae); ZHU LUAN; Pomelo. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: See Citrus chachiensis. TCM Indications: See Citruschachiensis. Isolated compounds: 15286, 17829.T1475 Citrus depressa (Rutaceae); BIAN PING JU; Depressed Orange.Isolated compounds: 17829.T1476 Citrus erythrosa (Rutaceae); ZHU JU; Red Orange. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: See Citrus tangemna. TCM Indications: See Citrustangemna. Isolated compounds: 3241, 4029, 9669, 15655.T1477 Citrus funadoko (Rutaceae); ZHOU CHANG JU; Funadoko Orange* .Isolated compounds: 17829.T1478 Citrus grandis (Rutaceae); YOU (4) ; Pummelo. Used part: fruit. TCMEffects: To disperse food, transform phlegm, arouse liquor. TCMIndications: Food stagnation, inappetence, drunkenness. Isolatedcompounds: 1497, 14142, 15279, 15282, 15286, 15882, 17705, 21185,21913, 22195.T1479 Citrus grandis (Rutaceae); YOU HE; Pummelo Seed. Used part: seed.TCM Effects: To course liver and rectify qi, diffuse lung and suppresscough. TCM Indications: Mounting qi, lung cold cough. Isolatedcompounds: 4757, 15882.T1480 Citrus grandis cv. x Citrus paradisi (Rutaceae); YOU PU TAO YOUZA JIAO ZHONG. Isolated compounds: 7904.T1481 Citrus grandis f. buntan (Rutaceae); WEN DAN YOU; BuntanPummelo*. Isolated compounds: 17829.T1482 Citrus grandis f. hakunikuju (Rutaceae); BAI YOU; White Pummelo*.Isolated compounds: 17829.T1483 Citrus grandis var. tomentosa (Rutaceae); HUA ZHOU YOU;Tomentase Pummelo. Used part: maturescent exocarp. TCM Effects:To dry damp and transform phlegm, rectify qi, disperse food. TCMIndications: Wind-cold cough and asthma with abundant phlegm,vomiting and hiccough, non-digestion <strong>of</strong> food accumulation,distending pain in stomach duct and abdomen. Isolated compounds:1497, 11716, 15279, 15286, 19929, 20670, 21913.T1484 Citrus hassaku (Rutaceae). Isolated compounds: 5063, 5686, 8981,11970, 14092, 15737, 16257, 16260, 19784, 22777, 22781.T1485 Citrus jambhiri (Rutaceae). Isolated compounds: 3788, 5098, 15737,17706, 22781.T1486 Citrus junos (Rutaceae); CHENG ZI; Fragrant Citrus. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To loosen chest and disinhibit qi, harmonize center andpromote digestion, resolve liquor, resolve toxin <strong>of</strong> fish and crab. TCMIndications: Nausea and vomiting, oppression in chest and abdomendistention, goiter and tuberculosis, drunkenness. Isolated compounds:3761, 3788, 5134, 6498, 7909, 11493, 12847, 15655, 15656, 15737,15882, 16260, 17706, 19784, 22777.T1487 Citrus junos (Rutaceae); CHENG ZI HE; Fragrant Citrus Seed. Usedpart: seed. TCM Effects: To rectify qi and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Mounting qi, strangury, lumbago. Isolated compounds:12847, 15655, 15882.T1488 Citrus junos (Rutaceae); CHENG ZI PI; Pericarp. Used part: pericarp.TCM Effects: To transform phlegm, disinhibit diaphragm, dispersefood, check vomiting. TCM Indications: Qi stagnation in chest anddiaphragm, cough with pr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm, non-digestion <strong>of</strong> foodaccumulation, nausea and vomiting, drunkenness. Isolated compounds:3761, 8343, 8344.T1489 Citrus kinokuni (Rutaceae); RU JU; Kinokuni Citrus. Isolatedcompounds: 10593, 16865, 16866.T1490 Citrus limon (Rutaceae); NING MENG; Lemon. Equivalent plant:Citrus limonia. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To engender liquid andallay thirst, dispel summerheat, quiet fetus. TCM Indications: Stomachheat fluid damage, summerheat stroke with vexation and thirst,inappetence, glomus distention in stomach duct and abdomen, lungheat dry cough, vomiting in pregnancy. Isolated compounds: 1956,2887, 3760, 3767, 3770, 4135, 6454, 8313, 9044, 9456, 9458, 11492,12839, 12841, 12850, 13126, 15286, 18421, 19912, 22520, 22781.T1491 Citrus limon (Rutaceae); NING MENG GEN; Lemon Root. Equivalentplant: Citrus limonia. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel stasisand relieve pain. TCM Indications: Knocks and falls, rabid dog bite.Isolated compounds: 4134, 7768, 10640, 10641, 22781.T1492 Citrus limon (Rutaceae); NING MENG PI; Lemon Pericarp.Equivalent plant: Citrus limonia. Used part: pericarp. TCM Effects: Tosoothe stagnation and move qi, fortify stomach and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Blood stasis and abdominal pain, menstrual disorder, nothought <strong>of</strong> food and drink. Isolated compounds: 2011, 2012, 2455,2887, 6454, 7768, 8313, 9458, 11650, 15286, 15404, 18344, 19912.T1493 Citrus limon (Rutaceae); NING MENG YE; Lemon Leaf. Equivalentplant: Citrus limonia. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To relieve coughand transform phlegm, rectify qi and harmonize stomach, checkdiarrhea. TCM Indications: Cough and asthma, abdominal distention,

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