Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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401MA; Racemose Bugbane*. Isolated compounds: 414, 477, 512, 579,3658, 3659, 3666, 3667, 3668, 3669, 5150, 5790, 9455, 9905, 13881.T1425 Cimicifuga simplex (Ranunculaceae); YE SHENG MA; KamchatkaBugbane. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To effuse exterior andoutthrust papules, clear heat and resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Wind-heat common cold, child measles, heat toxin macula, swellingpain in throat, swollen welling abscess and sores, yang brightnessheadache, chronic diarrhea, prolapse <strong>of</strong> rectum, flooding and spotting,Vaginal discharge. Isolated compounds: 352, 354, 1066, 2729, 2730,2731, 2732, 2888, 3649, 3651, 3652, 3658, 3661, 3662, 3663, 3664,3665, 9455, 12222, 14241, 14243, 14244.T1426 Cimicifuga sp. (Ranunculaceae). Isolated compounds: 237, 238, 280,3649, 3652, 5488, 5489, 10697.T1427 Cinchona cuprea (Rubiaceae); TONG SE JI NA SHU; CupreousCinchona*. Isolated compounds: 2887.T1428 Cinchona ledgeriana (Rubiaceae); JIN JI LE; Ledger Cinchona.Equivalent plant: Cinchona <strong>of</strong>ficinalis, Cinchona succirubra. Usedpart: bark. TCM Effects: To interrupt malaria and abate fever, resolveliquor and arouse spleen. TCM Indications: Malaria, externallycontracted ardent fever, drunkenness. Isolated compounds: 1680, 3599,3675, 3682, 3684, 3685, 3686, 3687, 4004, 4373, 5522, 7003, 7004,9738, 9739, 18407, 18421, 18422, 18423, 18424, 18425.T1429 Cinchona <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Rubiaceae); ZHENG JI NA SHU; MedicinalCinchona. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: See Cinchona ledgeriana.TCM Indications: See Cinchona ledgeriana. Isolated compounds:9738.T1430 Cinchona robusta (Rubiaceae); CU ZHUANG JIN JI NA; RobustCinchona*. Isolated compounds: 18869, 18870, 18871, 18872, 18873,18874, 18875, 18876.T1431 Cinchona sp. (Rubiaceae). Isolated compounds: 5522.T1432 Cinchona spp. (Rubiaceae). Isolated compounds: 3551.T1433 Cinchona succirubra (Rubiaceae); HONG SE JIN JI NA SHU;Redbark Cinchona. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: See Cinchonaledgeriana. TCM Indications: See Cinchona ledgeriana. Isolatedcompounds: 18425.T1434 Cinnamomum bejolghota [Syn. Cinnamomum obtusifolium; Laurusbejolghota] (Lauraceae); DUN YE GUI PI; Obtuseleaf Cassia Bark,Wild Cinnamon Bark. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To dispel windand dissipate cold, warm menstruation and quicken blood, relieve pain.TCM Indications: Bleeding due to external injury (external use),wind-cold impediment pain, lumbago, menstrual block, dysmenorrhea,painful swelling from knocks and falls, cold pain in stomach duct,abdominal pain, vacuity cold diarrhea, snake bite. Isolated compounds:17869, 17888.T1435 Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae); ZHANG MU; Camphortree.Used part: wood. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and dissipate cold,warm center and rectify qi, quicken blood and free network vessels.TCM Indications: Wind-cold common cold, stomach cold distendingpain, cold-damp vomiting and diarrhea, wind-damp impediment pain,beriberi, painful wound from knocks and falls, scab and lichen withitching. Isolated compounds: 1520, 2071, 2846, 2850, 2935, 2940,2941, 3047, 3048, 3049, 3050, 3231, 3241, 3242, 4076, 7481, 7521,7751, 9669, 11566, 12375, 12573, 15205, 15500, 15500, 18655,19121, 19302, 19303.T1436 Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae); ZHANG SHU PI; CamphortreeBark. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminatedamp, warm stomach and harmonize center, kill worms and cure sores.TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain, pain in stomach duct,vomiting and diarrhea, leg qi swelling and pain, knocks and falls, scaband lichen with sore toxin, poisonous insect stings. Isolatedcompounds: 15902, 16884, 17869, 17876, 17890, 17893.T1437 Cinnamomum camphora (Lauraceae); ZHANG SHU YE; CamphortreeLeaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind, eliminate damp,kill worms, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impedimentpain, stomachache, burns and scalds, toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, shanksore, scab and lichen, itchy skin, poisonous insect stings. Isolatedcompounds: 16333, 16334, 21954.T1438 Cinnamomum cassia [Syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum] (Lauraceae);GUI ZHI; Cassiabarktree Twig. Used part: twig. TCM Effects: Todissipate cold and resolve exterior, warm channels and free networkvessels, promote yang and transform qi. TCM Indications: Wind-coldexterior syndrome, cold-damp impediment pain, reversal cold <strong>of</strong> limbs,amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, concretion and conglomeration, chestimpediment, palpitation, phlegm-rheum, inhibited urination. Isolatedcompounds: 1263, 1264, 3693, 3695, 3696, 4140, 5665, 5763, 9908,13678, 13882, 13882, 17869, 19983.T1439 Cinnamomum cassia [Syn. Cinnamomum aromaticum] (Lauraceae);ROU GUI; Cassiabarktree. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: Tosupplement fire and reinforce yang, return fire to its source, dissipatecold and relieve pain, quicken blood and free menstruation. TCMIndications: Impotence, uterus cold, cold pain in lumbus and knees,kidney vacuity asthma, yang vacuity dizziness, red eyes and sorepharynx, cold pain in heart and abdomen, vacuity cold vomiting anddiarrhea, cold mounting, running piglet, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea.Isolated compounds: 3693, 3695, 3726, 4140, 6857, 7430, 13678,17869, 17876, 17878, 17888, 17890, 17893, 21923.T1440 Cinnamomum glanduliferum (Lauraceae); YUN NAN ZHANG; NepalCamphortree. Used part: fruit or wood. TCM Effects: To dispel windand dissipate cold, move qi and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-cold common cold, cough, wind-damp impediment pain,distending pain in stomach duct, diarrhea. Isolated compounds: 6745,15204.T1441 Cinnamomum japonicum (Lauraceae); GUI PI; Japanese Cinnamon.Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To warm spleen and stomach, warmliver and kidney, dispel cold and relieve pain, dissipate stasis anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Cold pain in stomach duct andabdomen, vomiting and diarrhea, aching cold in lumbus and knees,cold mounting with abdominal pain, cold-damp impediment pain,dysmenorrhea, blood dysentery, intestinal wind, painful swelling fromknocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 3693, 3695, 7521.T1442 Cinnamomum loureirii (Lauraceae); MU GUI; Loureir Cinnamon*.Isolated compounds: 4140.T1443 Cinnamomum parthenoxylum [Syn. Cinnamomum porrectum](Lauraceae); XIANG ZHANG; Yellow Cinnamon. Used part: root,bark or leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and dissipate cold, warmcenter and relieve pain, move qi and quicken blood. TCM Indications:

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