Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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400eyes with gall, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clove sore. Isolated compounds: 56,617, 1064, 1483, 1492, 2550, 2843, 3545, 3551, 3594, 3596, 3674,5750, 11287, 11288, 11289, 12987, 13137, 21391.T1396 Chrysanthemum parthenium (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds:16713.T1397 Chrysanthemum segetum (Asteraceae); NAN TONG HAO; SouthChrysanthemum. Used part: stem-leaf. TCM Effects: SeeChrysanthemum coronarium. TCM Indications: See Chrysanthemumcoronarium. Isolated compounds: 15724.T1398 Chrysanthemum sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 7821, 19308.T1399 Chrysanthemum spp. (compositae). Isolated compounds: 9496, 16675,17719.T1400 Chrysanthemum vulgare (Asteraceae); AI JU; Tansy. Isolatedcompounds: 3048.T1401 Chrysobalanus icaco (Chrysobalanaceae); YI KOU KE MEI;Coco-plum. Isolated compounds: 12748.T1402 Chrysosplenium alternifolium (Saxifragaceae); JIN YAO;Alternate-leaved Golden-saxifrage. Used part: whole herb. TCMEffects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp. TCM Indications:Strangury syndrome, jaundice, bleeding. Isolated compounds: 3623.T1403 Chrysosplenium grayanum (Saxifragaceae); JIN QIAN KU YE CAO;Goldsaxifrage Herb. Used part: herb. TCM Indications: Clove sore.Isolated compounds: 3611, 3625, 3626, 14602.T1404 Chrysosplenium japonicum (Saxifragaceae); RI BEN JIN YAO;Japanese Goldsaxifrage. Isolated compounds: 3300, 3622.T1405 Chrysosplenium maximowiczii (Saxifragaceae); MA SHI JIN YAO;Maximowicz Goldsaxifrage*. Isolated compounds: 3623.T1406 Chrysosplenium nudicaule (Saxifragaceae); ZANG YAO LUO JINGJIN YAO; Naked-caule Goldsaxifrage. Used part: whole herb. TCMEffects: To clear heat and remove damp, soothe liver and disinhibitgallbladder. TCM Indications: Jaundice, pain in rib-side, concretionand conglomeration, cholecystitis, gallstones. Isolated compounds:16798.T1407 Chrysosplenium oppositifolium (Saxifragaceae); DUI YE JIN YAO;Oppositeleaf Goldsaxifrage*. Isolated compounds: 3623.T1408 Chrysosplenium tosaense (Saxifragaceae); SHANG ZUO ZHOU JINYAO; Tosa Goldsaxifrage*. Isolated compounds: 3300, 3622.T1409 Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus NIAN ZHI JIN ZHI JU. Isolatedcompounds: 416.T1410 Chukrasia tabularis (Meliaceae); MA LIAN; Chittagong Chickrassy.Used part: root cortex. TCM Effects: To course wind and clear heat.TCM Indications: Common cold with fever. Isolated compounds:20581, 20582, 20583, 20584, 20585, 20586.T1411 Cibotium barometz [Syn. Polypodium barometz] (Dicksoniaceae); JINMAO GOU; Scythian Lamb. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: Tostrengthen lumbus and knees, dispel wind-damp, disinhibit joints.TCM Indications: Kidney vacuity lumbar pain and back rigidity,inability <strong>of</strong> legs and knees, wind-damp impediment pain, frequenturination, emission, excessive leukorrhea. Isolated compounds: 2887,5763, 16098, 16099, 16100, 18098, 18153, 18161.T1412 Cicer arietinum (Fabaceae); HUI HUI DOU; Gram Chickpea. Usedpart: seed. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Diabetes mellitus. Isolated compounds: 2384, 2386, 4645,7883, 8202, 9606, 11504, 12908, 13636, 14260, 17765, 18281, 20127.T1413 Cicer spp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 12908.T1414 Cicerbita alpina (Asteraceae); GAO SHAN YAN SHEN; AlpineSowthistle. Isolated compounds: 16263.T1415 Cichorium intybus (Asteraceae); JU QU; Common Chicory. Used part:aerial parts. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve exterior, disinhibiturine and disperse edema. TCM Indications: Damp-heat jaundice,nephritis with edema, distending pain in stomach duct, inappetence.Isolated compounds: 663, 664, 1110, 3518, 3635, 5021, 5028, 5187,5585, 11797, 12446, 12447, 13377, 14920, 20712.T1416 Cicuta virosa (Apiaceae); DU QIN GEN; European WaterhemlockRoot. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To draw out toxin, dispel stasis,relieve pain. TCM Indications: Medullitis, pain wind, wind-damp pain(external use with high toxicity). Isolated compounds: 3636, 3637,3988, 4354, 20988.T1417 Cimicifuga acerina (Ranunculaceae); SAN MIAN DAO; SmallBugbane. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolvetoxin, course wind and outthrust papules, quicken blood and relievepain, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications: Sore pharynx, swollenboil, non-eruption <strong>of</strong> macula, taxation damage, pain in lumbus andlegs, knocks and falls, hypertension. Isolated compounds: 94, 353, 354,3649, 3651, 9455, 9764, 9906, 14242, 14243, 14244, 19800.T1418 Cimicifuga asiatica (Ranunculaceae); LEI YE SHENG MA; AsicaBaneberry. Isolated compounds: 9455.T1419 Cimicifuga dahurica (Ranunculaceae); XING AN SHENG MA;Dahurian Bugbane. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Cimicifugafoetida. TCM Indications: See Cimicifuga foetida. Isolated compounds:352, 1561, 2887, 3652, 3653, 3654, 3655, 3656, 3658, 3670, 3671,3672, 3673, 5464, 5752, 7768, 9455, 9762, 10316, 11331, 14181,19800, 19983, 22530, 22553.T1420 Cimicifuga foetida (Ranunculaceae); SHENG MA; Bugbane.Equivalent plant: Cimicifuga dahurica, Cimicifuga heracleifolia. Usedpart: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, effuseexterior and outthrust papules, upbear yang and raise fall. TCMIndications: Prevention <strong>of</strong> ptosis, women’s hormone dysfunctiondiseases, seasonal epidemic fire toxin, mouth sore, sore pharynx,macula, cold-heat headache, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess andsore, center qi fall, spleen vacuity diarrhea, chronic dysentery, vaginaldischarge, flooding. Isolated compounds: 141, 512, 2887, 3650, 3657,3658, 5466, 7768, 9455, 19187.T1421 Cimicifuga heracleifolia (Ranunculaceae); DA SAN YE SHENG MA;Cowparsnipleaf Bugbane. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: SeeCimicifuga foetida. TCM Indications: See Cimicifuga foetida. Isolatedcompounds: 7768, 9455.T1422 Cimicifuga japonica (Ranunculaceae); RI BEN SHENG MA; JapaneseBugbane*. Isolated compounds: 513, 3660, 5162, 14244.T1423 Cimicifuga nanchuanensis (Ranunculaceae); NAN CHUAN SHENGMA; Nanchuan Bugbane*. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To clearheat and resolve toxin, course wind and outthrust papules, upbear yangand raise fall. TCM Indications: Non-eruption <strong>of</strong> macula, swellingpain in throat, taxation damage, center qi fall, diarrhea, knocks andfalls. Isolated compounds: 9455, 15726.T1424 Cimicifuga racemosa (Ranunculaceae); ZONG ZHUANG SHENG

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