Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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398T1343 Chaenomeles sinensis (Rosaceae); MU GUA; <strong>Chinese</strong>Floweringquince. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To harmonizestomach and soothe sinews, dispel wind-damp, disperse phlegm andallay thirst. TCM Indications: Vomiting and diarrhea with cramp,wind-damp impediment pain, cough and abundant phlegm, diarrhea,dysentery, painful wound from knocks and falls, beriberi with edema.Isolated compounds: 8621, 16050, 22270.T1344 Chaetomium quadrangulatum SI LENG JIAO MAO KE JUN. Isolatedcompounds: 3440, 3441, 3442, 3443, 3444, 3445, 3446, 3447, 3448,3449, 3450.T1345 Chaetomium thielavioideum . Isolated compounds: 3439.T1346 Chaetomorpha basiretorsa LV ZAO JI GEN YING MAO ZAO.Isolated compounds: 4361.Chalcas paniculata = Murraya paniculataT1347 Chamaecyparis formosensis (Cupressaceae); HONG GUI; FormosanFalse Cypress. Isolated compounds: 4234, 5170, 10300, 10301, 10372,10373, 10575, 10657, 13646, 14679.T1348 Chamaecyparis nootkatensis (Cupressaceae); HUANG BIAN BAI;Yellow Cedar. Isolated compounds: 15705.T1349 Chamaecyparis obtusa (Cupressaceae); RI BEN BIAN BAI; HinokiFalse Cypress. Isolated compounds: 4310, 9546, 11353.T1350 Chamaecyparis pisifera (Cupressaceae); RI BEN HUA BAI; SawaraFalse Cypress. Isolated compounds: 1476, 1764, 11353, 14680, 17371,17486, 17487, 17488, 17489, 17490, 17491, 19428, 19429.T1351 Chamaecyparis spp. (Cupressaceae). Isolated compounds: 15664.T1352 Chamaenerion angustifolium [Syn. Epilobium angustifolium](Onagraceae); HONG KUAI ZI; Great Willowherb (Firewood). Usedpart: herb. TCM Effects: To disinhibit water and percolate damp,rectify qi and disperse swelling, quicken blood and regulatemenstruation. TCM Indications: Edema, diarrhea, food accumulationdistention and fullness, menstrual disorder, galactostasis, scrotalenlargement, itch-pain in sore and papules. Isolated compounds: 4088,6757, 8095, 10887, 11642, 16011, 16050, 18358, 18371, 18411,21392.Championella japonica = Strobilanthes japonicusT1353 Changium smyrnioides (Apiaceae); MING DANG SHEN; MedicinalChangium. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To moisten lung andtransform phlegm, nourish yin and harmonize stomach, resolve toxin.TCM Indications: Lung heat cough, vomiting nausea, reduced foodintake with dry mouth, anemia, dizziness, leukorrhea, clove toxinsores. Isolated compounds: 1048, 11503, 11574, 15515, 20369, 20444.T1354 Chartolepis intermedia (Asteraceae); BO LIN JU; IntermediateChartolepis. Isolated compounds: 9015.T1355 Chasmanthera spp. (Menispermaceae). Isolated compounds: 15751.T1356 Cheiranthus cheiri (Brassicaceae); GUI ZHU XIANG; CommonWallflower. Used part: flower. TCM Effects: To moisten intestines andfree stool, free menstruation. TCM Indications: Constipation,menstrual disorder, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea. Isolated compounds:922, 7291, 8591, 11651, 11661, 22492.T1357 Chelidonium majus (Papaveraceae); BAI QU CAI; Greater Celandine.Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To settle pain and relieve cough,disinhibit urine and resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Pain in sensorynerve endings, pain from ulcer in digestive tract, stomachache,abdominal pain, enteritis, dysentery, chronic bronchitis, pertussis,cough, jaundice, edema, ascites, scab and lichen with swelling <strong>of</strong> sores,snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds: 930, 2303, 3498, 3499,3500, 3501, 3502, 3507, 3508, 4032, 4290, 5708, 7250, 7820, 9568,9600, 9903, 13880, 14133, 15659, 15664, 16302, 16473, 17983,19284, 20133, 20168, 20416, 21061, 22158, 22732.T1358 Chelidonium spp. (Papaveraceae). Isolated compounds: 3498.T1359 Chenopodium album (Chenopodiaceae); LI; Lambsquarters Juvenile.Used part: juvenile whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and dispeldamp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, kill worms and relieve itch.TCM Indications: Fever, cough, dysentery, diarrhea, abdominal pain,mounting qi, decayed toothache, eczema, scab and lichen, white patchwind, swelling pain <strong>of</strong> sores, poisonous insect stings. Isolatedcompounds: 7777, 7778, 7788, 14444, 14445, 15957.T1360 Chenopodium amaranticolor (Chenopodiaceae); XIAN SE LI;Amaranthinecolor Goosefoot*. Isolated compounds: 1013.T1361 Chenopodium ambrosioides (Chenopodiaceae); TU JING JIE;Mexican Tea. Used part: fruiting aerial parts. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, kill worms and relieve itch, quicken bloodand disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Ancylostomiasis, ascariasis,oxyuria disease, head louse, eczema <strong>of</strong> skin, scab and lichen,wind-damp impediment pain, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mouth andtongue sores, swelling pain in throat, knocks and falls, snake or insectbites. Isolated compounds: 1731, 1842, 4550, 12083, 12091, 13719,13720, 13721, 13722, 17402, 20168.T1362 Chenopodium botrys (Chenopodiaceae); XIANG LI; FeatheredGeranium. Isolated compounds: 1842, 7751.T1363 Chenopodium championii (Chenopodiaceae); ZONG ZHUANG HUALI; Racemose Goosefoot*. Isolated compounds: 19929.T1364 Chenopodium murale (Chenopodiaceae); BI SHENG LI; MuralGoosefoot*. Isolated compounds: 12086.T1365 Chiloscyphus polyanthus (Lophocoleaceae); LIE E TAI; PolybractSplit-calyx Liverwort*. Isolated compounds: 3167, 3168, 3177, 7501,7508.T1366 Chimonanthus fragrans [Syn. Chimonanthus praecox](Calycanthaceae); LA MEI HUA; Wintersweet Bud. Used part: flowerbud. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve summerheat, rectify qiand open depression. TCM Indications: Summerheat-heat vexationand thirst, dizziness, oppression in chest due to glomus, globushystericus, swelling pain in throat, pertussis, child measles, burns andscalds. Isolated compounds: 2273, 2550, 3002, 3527, 7734, 7944,11025, 14632, 18342, 20805, 21549.T1367 Chioccoca alba (Rubiaceae); BAI XUE GUO MU. Isolatedcompounds: 867, 868, 869, 870.T1368 Chionodoxa luciliae (Liliaceae); XUE GUANG HUA;Glory-<strong>of</strong>-the-snow. Isolated compounds: 1505, 1506, 1509, 7083,7133, 7134, 7135, 7136, 7137, 19517.T1369 Chionographis japonica (Liliaceae); RI BEN BAI SI CAO; JapaneseChionographis*. Isolated compounds: 16809.T1370 Chirita micronusa (Gesneriaceae); CHUN ZHU JU TAI; Chirita.Isolated compounds: 3432.Chloranthus glaber = Sarcandra glabraT1371 Chloranthus japonicus (Chloranthaceae); YIN XIAN CAO; Japanise

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