Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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396TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin anddisperse swelling, quicken blood and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, swelling <strong>of</strong> sores and boils, zoster,eczema, knocks and falls, snake or insect bites. Isolated compounds:6819, 12060, 12083, 18352, 18367.T1291 Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus] (Celastraceae);NAN SHE TENG GUO; Oriental Bittersweet Fruit. Used part: fruit.TCM Effects: To nourish heart and quiet spirit, harmonize blood andrelieve pain. TCM Indications: Palpitation and insomnia, amnesia andheavy dreams, toothache, pain in sinews and bones, numbness inlumbus and leg, painful wound from knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 131, 132, 155, 292, 5285, 5292.T1292 Celastrus paniculatus (Celastraceae); DENG YOU TENG ZI;Paniculed Bittersweet Seed. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and relieve pain, free stool, promote vomiting. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, constipation, food accumulation anddistending pain in stomach duct. Isolated compounds: 3361, 5286,13421, 13422, 21024, 21522.T1293 Celastrus scandens (Celastraceae); MEI ZHOU NAN SHE TENG;American Bittersweet. Isolated compounds: 3368.T1294 Celastrus stephanotifolius (Celastraceae). Isolated compounds: 3362,3363, 13090, 16027.T1295 Celastrus strigillosus (Celastraceae); CU MAO NAN SHE TENG;Hirsute Bittersweet*. Isolated compounds: 3368.T1296 Celosia argentea (Amaranthaceae); QIANG XIANG; FeatherCockscomb. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To dispel wind-heat, clearliver fire, brighten eyes and eliminate eye screens. TCM Indications:Red eyes with gall, eye screen, dizziness and dim vision, hypertension,nosebleed(epistaxis), wind-heat itching <strong>of</strong> skin, sore and lichen.Isolated compounds: 3384, 13179, 13180, 19983.T1297 Celosia cristada (Amaranthaceae); JI GUAN ZI; Common CockscombSeed. Isolated compounds: 12569, 12891, 12893, 15203, 16066,18656, 20280, 22554.T1299 Celosia cristata (Amaranthaceae); JI GUAN HUA; CommonCockscomb Flower. Used part: inflorescence. TCM Effects: To coolblood and stanch bleeding, check discharge, check diarrhea. TCMIndications: Bleeding, vaginal discharge, diarrhea, dysentery. Isolatedcompounds: 1013, 2319.T1298 Celtis philippinensis (Ulmaceae); FEI LV BIN PIAO SHU; PhilippineNettletree. Isolated compounds: 7784, 19920.T1300 Celtis sp. (Ulmaceae). Isolated compounds: 19545.T1301 Centaurea aspera ssp. aspera (Asteraceae); CU CAO SHI CHE JU;Rough Star Thistle. Isolated compounds: 14113, 14514, 16351.T1302 Centaurea aspera subsp stenophylla (Asteraceae); XIA YE CU CAOSHI CHE JU ub; Narrow Rough Star Thistle*. Isolated compounds:14113, 14514, 16351.T1303 Centaurea attica ssp. attica (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 206,357, 2002, 3853, 6030, 9760, 13416, 14312.T1304 Centaurea bracteata (Asteraceae); BAO PIAN SHI CHE JU;Bracteole Centaurea*. Isolated compounds: 2585, 3387, 3398.T1305 Centaurea cyanus (Asteraceae); SHI CHE JU; Cornflower. Used part:whole herb, ray flower. TCM Effects: to clear heat and resolve toxin,quicken blood and disperse swelling, brighten eyes (whole herb),disinhibit urine (flower). Isolated compounds: 3392, 3393, 4451,11327, 14998, 14999.T1306 Centaurea nicolai (Asteraceae); NI GU LA SHI CHE JU; NicolaCentaurea*. Isolated compounds: 504, 4712, 19193.T1307 Centaurea pseudoscabiosa ssp. pseudoscabiosa (Asteraceae); DONGAN NA TUO LI YA SHI CHE JU; East-Anatolia Centaurea*. Isolatedcompounds: 2105, 3601, 17406.T1308 Centaurea sp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 3635, 19122.T1309 Centaurea thessala ssp. drakiensis (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds:206, 357, 3853, 6030, 9759, 10082, 14312.T1310 Centaurium spicatum (Gentianaceae); SUI ZHUANG BAI JIN HUA;Spicate Centaurium*. Isolated compounds: 18400, 18401, 18402,18403.T1311 Centella asiatica (Apiaceae); JI XUE CAO; Asiatic Pennywort. Usedpart: whole herb with root. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibitdamp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling, lower blood pressure. TCMIndications: Sand qi abdominal pain, summerheat-heat diarrhea,dysentery, damp-heat jaundice, sand strangury, blood strangury, bloodejection, spontaneous external bleeding, red eyes, swollen throat, windpapules, scab and lichen, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clove welling abscess,knocks and falls, hypertension. Isolated compounds: 1853, 1854, 1855,2586, 3395, 3396, 3397, 11738, 13336, 13337, 13338, 19460.T1312 Centipeda minima (Asteraceae); E BU SHI CAO; Small Centipeda.Used part: herb with flower. TCM Effects: To free nasal orifices,relieve cough. TCM Indications: Wind-cold common cold, cough withpr<strong>of</strong>use phlegm, nasal congestion, deep-source nasal congestion andrunny nose. Isolated compounds: 1345, 1749, 2602, 6402, 18376,20369, 20708.T1313 Centranthus longiflorus ssp. longiflorus (Valerianaceae); CHANGHUA XIE CAO; Longflower Valerian*. Isolated compounds: 5185,5186.T1314 Centranthus spp. (Valerianaceae). Isolated compounds: 22312.T1315 Cephaelis ipecacuanha (Rubiaceae); TU GEN; Ipecacuanha. Used part:root. TCM Effects: To dispel phlegm, effuse sweat, promote vomiting,disinhibit gallbladder. TCM Indications: Dysentery. Isolatedcompounds: 3400, 6772, 22098.T1316 Cephalanthus occidentalis (Rubiaceae); FENG XIANG SHU YE;Common Butterbush. Used part: leaf or bud. TCM Effects: To clearheat and resolve toxin, contract damp and relieve itch. TCMIndications: Itching sore <strong>of</strong> skin, heaven-borne sore, foot rot, knocksand falls, toothache, dysentery, enteritis. Isolated compounds: 1458,9553, 18827.Cephalanthus pilulifera = Adina piluliferaT1317 Cephalotaxus drupacea (Cephalotaxaceae); HE GUO CU FEI;Drupaceous Plumyew*. Isolated compounds: 9609.T1318 Cephalotaxus fortunei (Cephalotaxaceae); SAN JIAN SHAN; FortunePlumyew. Used part: branchlet-leaf. TCM Effects: Anticancer. TCMIndications: Carcinoma <strong>of</strong> stomach, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> rectum, carcinoma<strong>of</strong> lung, carcinoma <strong>of</strong> esophagus, lymphatic sarcoma, leukaemia.Isolated compounds: 348, 1030, 1270, 1476, 3401, 3403, 3404, 3405,3406, 3407, 3602, 3947, 5066, 5160, 5181, 6608, 6916, 6969, 7014,7041, 7929, 8401, 9191, 9194, 9195, 9239, 9609, 9900, 9901, 9901,9902, 11316, 11317, 11449, 11449, 14527, 14738, 15403, 19514,

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