Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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3953304, 3307.T1264 Catalpa ovata (Bignoniaceae); ZI YE; Ovate Catalpa Leaf. Used part:leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, kill worms andrelieve itch. TCM Indications: Infant ardent fever, scab sore, itchy skin.Isolated compounds: 3307, 4152, 4153, 4171, 4172, 4173, 4174, 4175,4176, 5767, 6363, 7446, 9821, 9828, 10443, 14497, 16277, 16281.T1265 Catalpa speciosa (Bignoniaceae); HUANG JIN SHU; NorthernCatalpa. Isolated compounds: 3307.T1266 Catha edulis (Celastraceae); QIAO CHA; Khat. Used part: leaf. TCMEffects: To clear heat, resolve toxin, raise spirit, allay thirst. Isolatedcompounds: 3326, 3327, 15789, 17862.T1267 Catharanthus lanceus (Apocynaceae); JIAN ZHUANG CHANGCHUN HUA; Lanceolate Periwinkle*. Isolated compounds: 12734.T1268 Catharanthus longifolius (Apocynaceae); CHANG YE CHANGCHUN HUA; Longleaf Periwinkle*. Isolated compounds: 3321,12734, 22498, 22499.T1269 Catharanthus ovalis (Apocynaceae); LUAN YUAN CHANG CHUNHUA; Oval Periwinkle*. Isolated compounds: 3321, 12734, 22491,22498, 22499.T1270 Catharanthus pusillus (Apocynaceae); XI XIAO CHANG CHUNHUA; Slender Periwinkle*. Isolated compounds: 12734, 22498.T1271 Catharanthus roseus [Syn. Vinca rosea; Lochera rosea] (Apocynaceae);CHANG CHUN HUA; Madagascar Periwinkle. Used part: whole herb.TCM Effects: To resolve toxin, clear heat and calm liver, anticancer.TCM Indications: Hypertension, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess andsore, scalds. Isolated compounds: 618, 783, 823, 1002, 1111, 3320,3321, 3322, 3323, 4080, 4709, 4943, 5716, 5737, 7839, 7840, 8905,11083, 11084, 11085, 11489, 11718, 12732, 12733, 12734, 12944,12945, 12946, 12947, 12950, 14889, 16921, 16966, 17555, 18073,18918, 19762, 20000, 20503, 20564, 20578, 20580, 21055, 22486,22487, 22488, 22489, 22490, 22491, 22493, 22497, 22498, 22499,22500, 22501.T1272 Caulerpa sertularioides (Caulerpaceae); BANG YE JUE ZAO; Howe.Isolated compounds: 19776.T1273 Caulophyllum spp. (Berberidaceae). Isolated compounds: 12642.T1274 Cayaponia tayuya (Cucurbitaceae); TA YOU XIE GUA; Taiuia Root*.Isolated compounds: 4328, 5573.T1275 Cayratia japonica (Vitaceae); WU LIAN MEI; Japanese Cayratia.Used part: whole herb or root. TCM Effects: To clear heat anddisinhibit damp, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Swollen welling abscess, clove sore, epidemic parotitis, erysipelas,wind-damp pain, jaundice, dysentery, hematuria, white turbidity.Isolated compounds: 3344, 9500.T1276 Ceanothus integerrimus (Rhamnaceae); QUAN YUAN YE MEIZHOU CHA; Deerbrush. Isolated compounds: 11092.T1277 Cedrela odorata (Meliaceae); YAN YANG CHUN; Cigarbox Cedrela.Isolated compounds: 15992.T1278 Cedrela sinensis (Meliaceae); ZHONG GUO YANG CHUN; <strong>Chinese</strong>Cedrela*. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To dispel summerheat andtransform damp, resolve toxin, kill worms. TCM Indications:Summerhea-damp and damage center, nausea and vomiting,inappetence, diarrhea, dysentery, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess andflat abscess, scabies, bald white scalp sore. Isolated compounds: 9927,10544, 16301, 16397, 16398.T1279 Cedrelopsis gracilis (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 3347, 3348.T1280 Cedrelopsis grevei (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 2599, 3349,14223, 15721, 19540.T1281 Cedrus atlantica (Pinaceae); BEI FEI XUE SONG; Atlas Cedar.Isolated compounds: 5284, 5295, 5313, 6897, 9747.T1282 Cedrus deodara (Pinaceae); XUE SONG; Deodar Cedar. Used part:leaf and wood. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp, stanchbleeding and dissipate stasis. TCM Indications: Dysentery, intestinalwind bleeding, edema, wind-damp impediment pain, leprosy. Isolatedcompounds: 932, 3394, 9541, 11315, 20987.T1283 Cedrus sp. (Pinaceae). Isolated compounds: 1074.T1284 Ceiba pentandra (Bombacaceae); JI BEI; Kapok Ceiba. Isolatedcompounds: 10798, 11452, 11454, 22358, 22359.T1285 Celastrus angulatus (Celastraceae); DIAO GAN MA; AngledBittersweet. Used part: root or root cortex. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation,resolve toxin and kill worms. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, swelling pain from fracture, amenorrhea, ulceratingsores, tinea capitis, pudendal itch. Isolated compounds: 3536, 3537,5300, 5312, 9043, 12336, 12337, 12338, 12339, 15534, 15535, 15536,15537, 16817, 21025, 21517, 21520, 21524, 21525, 21526.T1286 Celastrus flagellaris (Celastraceae); CI NAN SHE TENG;Hookedspine Bittersweet. Used part: root, fruit or stem. TCM Effects:To dispel wind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and relieve pain,resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Wind-dampimpediment pain, numbness in limbs, knocks and falls, amenorrhea,dysentery, welling abscess and flat abscess, poisonous snake bite.Isolated compounds: 3367, 3369, 9717.T1287 Celastrus hypoleucus (Celastraceae); MIAN TENG; PaleBittersweet. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To transform stasis anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Wound swelling from knocks andfalls. Isolated compounds: 12018, 18387.T1288 Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus] (Celastraceae);NAN SHE TENG; Oriental Bittersweet. Used part: stem vine. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free menstruation andrelieve pain, quicken blood and resolve toxin. TCM Indications:Painful joints due to rheumatalgia, numbness in limbs, paralysis,headache, toothache, mounting qi [=hernia], dysmenorrhea, menstrualblock, infant fright wind, sprain from knocks and falls, dysentery, sand,zoster. Isolated compounds: 6819, 6853, 6865.T1289 Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus] (Celastraceae);NAN SHE TENG GEN; Oriental Bittersweet Root. Used part: root.TCM Effects: To dispel wind and overcome damp, move qi anddissipate blood, resolve toxin and disperse swelling. TCM Indications:Wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling from knocks and falls,amenorrhea, headache, lumbago, mounting qi, dysentery, intestinalwind bleeding, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and flat abscess,burns and scalds, poisonous snake bite. Isolated compounds: 3362,3363, 3364, 3365, 3366, 3368, 6766, 13090, 13095, 13096, 13623,16027, 16045, 16162, 16163, 16164, 16165, 16166, 16167.T1290 Celastrus orbiculatus [Syn. Celastrus articulatus] (Celastraceae);NAN SHE TENG YE; Oriental Bittersweet Leaf. Used part: leaf.

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