Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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393Thistle. Isolated compounds: 3200.T1209 Carnegiea gigantea (Cactaceae); JU REN ZHU. Isolated compounds:16746.T1210 Carpesium abrotanoides (Asteraceae); TIAN MING JING; CommonCarpesium. Used part: root, stem-leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat,transform phlegm, resolve toxin, kill worms, break stasis, stanchbleeding. TCM Indications: Nipple moth, throat impediment, acutefright wind, chronic fright wind, toothache, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> clovesore, hemorrhoids and fistulas, Itchy papules, poisonous snake bite,worm accumulation, blood conglomeration, blood ejection,spontaneous external bleeding, blood strangury, bleeding due toexternal injury. Isolated compounds: 2850, 3147, 3220, 3241, 3242,8313, 8313, 8982, 11468, 11796, 20369, 20906, 20988.T1211 Carpesium abrotanoides (Asteraceae); TIAN MING JING GUO;Common Carpesium Fruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To killworms. TCM Indications: Ascariasis, oxyuria disease, ancylostomiasis,taeniasis, child gan accumulation. Isolated compounds: 3147, 3220.T1212 Carpesium eximum (Asteraceae); DA HUA JIN WA ER; BigflowerCarpesium*. Used part: whole herb or root cortex. TCM Effects: Tocool blood and stanch bleeding, dispel stasis. TCM Indications:Bleeding due to external injury, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds:3147.T1213 Carpesium longifolium (Asteraceae); CHANG YE TIAN MING JING;Longleaf Carpesium. Isolated compounds: 191, 5498, 5648, 5689,7147, 10020, 11203, 14828, 16675, 19983.T1214 Carpesium triste var. manshuricum (Asteraceae); DONG BEI ANHUA JIN WA ER; Northeast Dim-flower Carpesium*. Isolatedcompounds: 7074, 7076.T1215 Carthamus tinctorius (Asteraceae); HONG HUA; Safflower. Used part:flower. TCM Effects: To quicken blood and free menstruation,dissipate stasis and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Amenorrhea,dysmenorrhea, retention <strong>of</strong> lochia, angina pectoris, cerebralthrombosis, neurodermatitis, concretion and conglomeration, lumpglomus, knocks and falls, swollen pain due to bleeding. Isolatedcompounds: 618, 1598, 2228, 3223, 3224, 3225, 3226, 3844, 4966,6101, 9385, 9486, 9493, 9515, 9516, 10273, 10684, 11754, 12020,12569, 12891, 12893, 15203, 15358, 15660, 15662, 16108, 16109,17090, 17771, 17915, 18317, 18833, 19087, 19110, 19111, 19122,19983, 20280, 21415, 21604, 21605, 21607, 21613, 21614, 21615,21617, 21618, 21619, 21620, 21919.T1216 Carum ajowan (Apiaceae); YIN DU ZANG HUI XIANG; IndiaCaraway*. Isolated compounds: 5154, 5171, 6093, 10039, 10378,10763, 10764, 13761, 13762, 13767.T1217 Carum carvi (Apiaceae); GE LU ZI; Caraway. Used part: fruit. TCMEffects: To rectify qi and promote digestion, dissipate cold and relievepain. TCM Indications: Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen,retching counterflow, indigestion, mounting qi, cold stagnationlumbago. Isolated compounds: 3237, 5809, 5810, 7975, 9896, 11964,12843, 13729, 13730, 13731, 13732, 13733, 13734, 13735, 13736,13737, 13738, 13752, 13754, 13763, 13966, 16927.T1218 Carya illinoensis (Juglandaceae); MEI GUO SHAN HE TAO; Pecan.Isolated compounds: 11903.T1219 Carya ovata (Juglandaceae); CU PI SHAN HE TAO; ShagbarkHickory. Isolated compounds: 11903.T1220 Caryopteris clandonensis (Verbenaceae); ZA JIAO YOU (2) ; HybridBluebeard*. Isolated compounds: 356, 3785, 3786, 3787, 6818.T1221 Caryopteris divaricata (Verbenaceae); YOU (2) ; Divaricate Bluebeard.Isolated compounds: 3246.T1222 Caryopteris glutinosa (Verbenaceae); NIAN YE YOU (2) ; GlutinoseBluebeard. Used part: aerial parts. TCM Effects: To clear heat andresolve toxin. Isolated compounds: 8787.T1223 Casearia guianensis (Flacourtiaceae). Isolated compounds: 3269,3270, 3272, 3273.T1224 Casearia membranacea (Flacourtiaceae); MO ZHI JIAO GU CUI;Membranous Casearia*. Isolated compounds: 1367, 3257, 3258, 3259,3260, 3261, 3262, 3263, 3264, 3265, 3266, 3267, 3268, 3271, 3274,5297, 7788, 7789, 7951, 14484, 19981, 19983, 19985, 20237, 20356,20362, 20363, 20554, 22332.T1225 Casearia sylvestris var. lingua (Flacourtiaceae); SHE XING LINSHENG JIAO GU CUI; Lingual Forest-in Casearia*. Isolatedcompounds: 184, 3258.T1226 Casimiroa edulis (Rutaceae); XIANG ROU GUO; Edible Casimiroa.Isolated compounds: 3275, 16559.T1227 Casimiroa tetrameria (Rutaceae); SI JI XIANG ROU GUO; TetrabaseCasimiroa*. Isolated compounds: 9508, 13963, 16868.T1228 Cassia absus (Fabaceae); A SU JUE MING; Absus Senna*. Isolatedcompounds: 3452.T1229 Cassia acutifolia (Fabaceae); JIAN YE FAN XIE YE; Sharpleaf SennaLeaf. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: See Cassia angustifolia. TCMIndications: See Cassia angustifolia. Isolated compounds: 967, 3615,6368, 12020, 17247, 18759, 19749, 19750, 19751, 19752.T1230 Cassia angustifolia (Fabaceae); FAN XIE YE; Narrowleaf Senna Leaf.Equivalent plant: Cassia acutifolia. Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: Todrain heat and move stagnation, free stool, disinhibit water. TCMIndications: Heat bind and accumulation, constipation with abdominalpain, edema distention fullness. Isolated compounds: 968, 3615, 12020,17247, 18759, 19749, 19750, 19751, 19752.T1231 Cassia dentata (Fabaceae); CHI CHI JUE MING; Toothwing Senna*.Isolated compounds: 18643.T1232 Cassia fistula (Fabaceae); PO LUO MEN ZAO JIA; GoldenshowerSenna Fruit. Used part: fruit. TCM Effects: To clear heat and free stool,transform stagnation and relieve pain. TCM Indications: Heat wind inheart and diaphragm, steaming bone fever and chills, three worms.Isolated compounds: 2289, 2291, 3615, 3620, 7804, 10205, 10218,10493, 10603, 17869.T1233 Cassia garrettiana (Fabaceae); JIA LEI JUE MING; Garretti Senna*.Isolated compounds: 3285, 3286, 3287, 3288, 3289, 3290, 3291,17968.T1234 Cassia italika (Fabaceae); YI DA LI JUE MING ZI; Italian Senna*.Isolated compounds: 6016.T1235 Cassia kleinii (Fabaceae); KE LEI NI JUE MING; Kleini Senna*.Isolated compounds: 12233, 12234, 12235, 12236.T1236 Cassia laevigata [Syn. Cassia floribunda] (Fabaceae); GUANG YEJUE MING; Nitidleaf Senna*. Used part: root and leaf. TCM Effects:To clear liver and brighten eyes, free stool. TCM Indications:Common cold with fever, liver heat and red eyes, eye screen,

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