Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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385T1005 Brassica campestris [Syn. Brassica campestris var. oleifera](Brassicaceae); YUN TAI ZI; Bird Rape. Used part: seed. TCMEffects: To quicken blood and transform stasis, dissipate binds anddisperse swelling, moisten intestines and free stool. TCM Indications:Postpartum persistent flow <strong>of</strong> lochia, blood stasis and abdominal pain,dysmenorrhea, intestinal wind bleeding, blood dysentery, pain in jointsdue to rheumatalgia, swollen welling abscess, erysipelas, mammarywelling abscess, constipation. Isolated compounds: 2596, 3040, 3585,7291, 13861.T1006 Brassica chinensis (Brassicaceae); CHEN DONG CAI LU ZHI;Mature Winter-vegetable Spiced Juice. Used part: juice from wholeherb. TCM Effects: To eliminate vexation and heat, engender liquidand allay thirst, clear lung and transform phlegm, free intestines andstomach. TCM Indications: Phlegm fire cough, swelling pain in throat.Isolated compounds: 4031.Brassica hirta = Sinapis albaT1007 Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae); JIE CAI; India Mustard. Used part:tender stem and leaf. TCM Effects: To disinhibit lung and transformphlegm, disperse swelling and dissipate binds. TCM Indications: Coldrheum cough, phlegm stagnation and qi counterflow, fullness andoppression in chest and diaphragm, sand strangury, stone strangury,gum swelling erosion, mammary welling abscess, swellinghemorrhoids, frostbite (kibe), lacquer sore. Isolated compounds: 2597,8599, 9863, 10598, 17117.T1008 Brassica juncea (Brassicaceae); JIE ZI; India Mustard Seed. Used part:seed. TCM Effects: To warm center and dissipate cold, break phlegmand disinhibit orifices, free network vessels and disperse swelling.TCM Indications: Vomiting with stomach cold, pain in heart andabdomen, lung cold cough, impediment pain, throat impediment,flowing phlegm, knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 949, 2294,2782, 2798, 2799, 8599, 10232, 11625, 14539, 14762, 16888, 17117,17125, 17903, 19912, 19917, 19935.T1009 Brassica napus (Brassicaceae); OW ZHOU YOU CAI; Rape. Isolatedcompounds: 2596, 2598, 2905, 3040, 6508, 6509, 6510, 8589, 12092,12094, 12095, 12096, 13861, 15400, 18411, 22036, 22037.T1010 Brassica napus var. napobrassica (Brassicaceae); WU JING GANLAN; Swede Seed. Isolated compounds: 8591, 8595, 8596, 14336.T1011 Brassica napus var. napus (Brassicaceae); YOU CAI ZI; Rapeseed*.Isolated compounds: 17903.T1012 Brassica nigra (Brassicaceae); HEI JIE; Black Mustard. Isolatedcompounds: 8599.T1013 Brassica oleracea (Brassicaceae); YE JIE; Wild Cabbage. Isolatedcompounds: 19912, 21541.T1014 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis (Brassicaceae); HUA YE CAI;Cauliflower. Isolated compounds: 8591, 8598.T1015 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis subvar. cauliflora (Brassicaceae); JINGHUA HUA YE CAI; Cauliflory Brassica*. Isolated compounds:15400.T1016 Brassica oleracea var. botrytis subvar. cymosa (Brassicaceae); JUSAN HUA YE CAI; Cymose Brassica*. Isolated compounds: 8752,15400.T1017 Brassica oleracea var. capitata (Brassicaceae); GAN LAN; Cabbage.Used part: leaf. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp,dissipate binds and relieve pain, boost kidney and supplement vacuity.TCM Indications: Damp-heat jaundice, pain from ulcer in digestivetract, stiffness in joints, vacuity detriment. Isolated compounds: 949,2782, 3551, 8589, 8595, 8598, 8752, 9614, 11026, 14728, 14730,17903, 22517, 22564.T1018 Brassica oleracea var. gemmifera (Brassicaceae); BAO ZI GAN LAN;Brussels Sprout. Isolated compounds: 8589, 8595, 8598, 8752, 15400.T1019 Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes (Brassicaceae); PIE LAN;Kohl-rabi. Isolated compounds: 8598, 15400.T1020 Brassica oleracea var. sabauda (Brassicaceae); YU YI GAN LAN;Savoy Cabbage. Isolated compounds: 8598.T1021 Brassica rapa (Brassicaceae); WU QING; Turnip. Used part: root orleaf. TCM Effects: To disperse food and precipitate qi, resolve toxinand disperse swelling. TCM Indications: Indigestion <strong>of</strong> overnight food,cold pain in heart and abdomen, cough, swollen welling abscess andtoxin <strong>of</strong> clove. Isolated compounds: 2596, 11655.T1022 Brassica rutabaga (Brassicaceae); RUI DIAN GAN LAN; SwedishTurnip. Isolated compounds: 13212.T1023 Bredia tuberculata (Melastomataceae); HONG MAO YE HAI TANG;Tuberculate Bredia. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To dispelwind and eliminate damp, quicken blood and regulate menstruation.Isolated compounds: 15641, 15642.T1024 Brenania brieyi . Isolated compounds: 8065.T1025 Bretschneidera sinensis (Bretschneideraceae); BO LE SHU; <strong>Chinese</strong>Bretschneidera. Used part: bark. TCM Effects: To quicken blood anddispel wind. TCM Indications: Pain in sinews and bones. Isolatedcompounds: 17399.T1026 Breynia <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Euphorbiaceae); YAO YONG HEI MIAN SHENYE; Medicinal Breynia Leaf*. Isolated compounds: 1618, 2329, 2607,2608, 2609, 2610, 2611, 2612, 7695, 11682, 18877, 22126.T1027 Brickellia arguta var. odontolepis JIAN CHI BU LI KE ER CAO.Isolated compounds: 16726, 16729.T1028 Bridelia retusa (Euphorbiaceae); SI LI LAN KA TU MI SHU;Sri-Lankan Bridelia. Isolated compounds: 6390, 6391, 6392, 6393,11322, 19777.T1029 Brodiaea california (Liliaceae); Triplet Lily. Isolated compounds: 4295,4300.T1030 Brosimum acutifolium (Moraceae); JIAN YE BAO SHI MU. Isolatedcompounds: 2626, 2627.T1031 Broussonetia kazinoki (Moraceae); XIAO GOU SHU; KazinokiPapermulberry. Used part: whole herb or root, root cortex. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, dissipate stasis anddisperse swelling. TCM Indications: Wind-damp impediment pain,diarrhea, dysentery, jaundice, edema, welling abscess and boil, knocksand falls. Isolated compounds: 2636, 2637, 2638, 2639, 2640, 2641,2642, 2643, 2644, 2645, 2646, 2652, 2653, 2654, 2655, 2656, 12188,12189.T1032 Broussonetia papyrifera (Moraceae); GOU SHU; CommonPapermulberry. Used part: branch. TCM Effects: To dispel wind,brighten eyes, disinhibit urine. TCM Indications: Wind papules, redeyes with gall, inhibited urination [=dysuria]. Isolated compounds: 51,846, 1397, 1402, 1764, 2172, 2629, 2630, 2635, 2650, 2651, 4108,5086, 5746, 5894, 6001, 6088, 6102, 6103, 7485, 8141, 8262, 8262,

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