Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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377T0799 Astragalus miser var. oblongifolia (Fabaceae); JU YUAN YE HUANGQI; Oblongleaf Milkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 14885.T0800 Astragalus mongholicus (Fabaceae); MENG GU HUANG QI;Mongolian Milkvetch. Used part: root. TCM Effects: See Astragalusmembranaceus. TCM Indications: See Astragalus membranaceus.Isolated compounds: 1936, 1937, 1938, 1939, 3004, 6291, 7883,10251, 10413, 10520, 11544, 11545, 11546, 12020, 12520, 12891,12893, 13638, 14533, 15022, 19983, 20446, 22824.T0801 Astragalus oleifolius (Fabaceae); YOU YE HUANG QI; Oily-leafMilkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 1937, 1939, 4478, 16067, 16068.T0802 Astragalus pterocarpus (Fabaceae); CHI GUO HUANG QI; WingfruitMilkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 14885.T0803 Astragalus shikokianus (Fabaceae); SI GUO HUANG QI; SikoMilkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 1950, 12075, 18859.T0804 Astragalus sieversianus (Fabaceae); MIAN MAO HUANG QI;Sieversia Milkvetch. Isolated compounds: 1948, 1949.T0805 Astragalus sinicus (Fabaceae); ZI YUN YING; <strong>Chinese</strong> Milkvetch.Used part: herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and resolve toxin, dispelwind and brighten eyes, cool blood and stanch bleeding. TCMIndications: Pain in throat, wind-phlegm cough, red eyes with gall,clove sore, zoster, scab and lichen, hemorrhoids, gum hemorrhage,bleeding due to external injury, menstrual disorder, vaginal discharge,thrombocytopenic purpura. Isolated compounds: 617, 1935, 3063,21662.T0806 Astragalus sinicus (Fabaceae); ZI YUN YING ZI; <strong>Chinese</strong> MilkvetchSeed. Used part: seed. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and brighten eyes.TCM Indications: Red eyes with gall. Isolated compounds: 9620,9804.T0807 Astragalus sp. (Fabaceae). Isolated compounds: 12050, 19676.T0808 Astragalus tetraplerus (Fabaceae); SI CHI HUANG QI; FourwingMilkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 14885.T0809 Astragalus trojanus (Fabaceae); TE LUO YI HUANG QI; TrojanMilkvetch*. Isolated compounds: 1947, 22046, 22047, 22048.T0810 Astrantia major (Rutaceae); DA XING QIN; Astrantia. Isolatedcompounds: 12420, 16050.T0811 Astrotrichilia voamatata (Meliaceae). Isolated compounds: 22598,22599, 22600, 22601.T0812 Asystasia intrusa (Acanthaceae); CHA RU SHI WAN CUO; Ya-Yaa(Thai name). Isolated compounds: 580, 815, 1952, 2276, 3306, 8613,18918, 23011.T0813 Atalantia buxifolia [Syn. Severinia buxifolia] (Rutaceae); DONGFENG JU GEN; Boxleaf Atalantia Root. Used part: root. TCM Effects:To dispel stasis and relieve pain, normalize qi and transform phlegm.TCM Indications: Painful swelling from knocks and falls, wind-damppain, fracture, mounting qi, common cold, cough, malaria,stomachache. Isolated compounds: 1953, 1957, 1958, 1959, 2010,2823, 2824, 2825, 2826, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 3777, 3778, 8320,8825, 11758, 11759, 14149, 14443, 19302, 19790, 19983, 20369,21687.T0814 Atalantia buxifolia [Syn. Severinia buxifolia] (Rutaceae); DONGFENG JU YE; Boxleaf Atalantia Leaf. Used part: root and leaf. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and resolve exterior, relieve cough andtransform phlegm, move qi and quicken blood, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Common cold with cough, malaria, stomachache,mounting qi, wind-damp impediment pain, painful swelling fromknocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 1954, 5147, 14174.T0815 Atalantia monophylla (Rutaceae); DAN YE DONG FENG JU;Monoleaf Atalantia*. Isolated compounds: 1955, 18272.T0816 Atalantia racemosa (Rutaceae); ZONG ZHUANG DONG FENG JUYE; Racemose Atalantia Leaf*. Isolated compounds: 1956.T0817 Atherosperma moschatum (Atherospermataceae); SHE XIANGMANG ZI. Isolated compounds: 1961.T0818 Athyrium filix-femina (Athyriaceae); TI GAI JUE; Painted Fern.Isolated compounds: 1897.T0819 Atractylodes chinensis (Asteraceae); BEI CANG ZHU; <strong>Chinese</strong>Atractylodes. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Atractylodeslancea. TCM Indications: See Atractylodes lancea. Isolatedcompounds: 327, 1966, 1969, 1970, 1971, 2452, 6746, 7495, 7514,9542, 10493, 11763, 11764, 12847, 19687.T0820 Atractylodes gummifera (Asteraceae); OU CANG ZHU; GummyAtractylodes*. Isolated compounds: 1972.T0821 Atractylodes japonica (Asteraceae); GUAN CANG ZHU; JapaneseAtractylodes. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: See Atractylodeslancea. TCM Indications: See Atractylodes lancea. Isolatedcompounds: 1965, 1966, 1969, 5534, 5902, 6833, 7495, 7514, 9542,9806, 9907, 10432, 17087, 19606, 21739.T0822 Atractylodes koreana (Asteraceae); CHAO XIAN CANG ZHU;Koraen Atractylodes. Isolated compounds: 1966, 1969.T0823 Atractylodes lancea (Asteraceae); CANG ZHU; SwordlikeAtractylodes. Equivalent plant: Atractylodes chinensis, Atractylodesjaponica. Used part: rhizome. TCM Effects: To dispel damp andstrengthen spleen, dispel wind, brighten eyes. TCM Indications:Spleen-stomach damp turbidity, fatigue hypodynamia, glomus in chest,abdominal distention, inappetence, vomiting and diarrhea,phlegm-rheum, damp edema, exterior damp, heavy head andgeneralized pain, damp impediment, aching pain in limbs, cripplingwilt, night blindness. Isolated compounds: 125, 618, 1966, 1969, 1971,1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981, 1982, 3242,3466, 4818, 4842, 5902, 6741, 6746, 6833, 7495, 7513, 7514, 8011,9041, 9042, 9044, 9542, 9669, 9807, 10953, 11634, 13284, 14316,14782, 19544, 19606, 19687, 20569, 21739, 21740, 22060, 22252.T0824 Atractylodes macrocephala [Syn. Atractylis macrocephala](Asteraceae); BAI ZHU; Largehead Atractylodes. Used part: root.TCM Effects: To boost qi and fortify spleen, dry damp and disinhibitwater, check sweating, quiet fetus. TCM Indications: Spleen qi vacuity,fatigue hypodynamia, reduced food intake with abdominal distention,sloppy stool, water-rheum collecting internally, inhibited urination,edema, phlegm-rheum dizziness, damp impediment, qi vacuity,spontaneous sweating, stirring fetus in pregnancy. Isolated compounds:1965, 1967, 1968, 1971, 7396, 7495, 11966, 14189, 14190, 14191,14192.T0825 Atropa belladonna (Solanaceae); DIAN QIE; Common Atropa. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To resolve spasm and relieve pain,inhibit secretion. TCM Indications: Gastric ulcer, duodenal ulcer, colic<strong>of</strong> gastrointestinal tract, cholecystalgia, renal colic, vomiting nausea,night sweating, drooling. Isolated compounds: 1526, 2001, 2218, 4417,

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