Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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372Arnebia*. Isolated compounds: 909, 910, 1745.Arnica japonica = Ligularia japonicaT0651 Arnica montana (Asteraceae); SHAN JIN CHE; Mountain Tobacco.Isolated compounds: 1748.T0652 Arnica spp. (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 10792.T0653 Artabotrys hexapetalus [Syn. Annona hexapetalus] (Annonaceae);YING ZHAO; Sixpetal Tailgrape. Used part: root. TCM Effects: Tointerrupt malaria. TCM Indications: Malaria. Isolated compounds:1775, 1776, 1777, 1778, 12917.T0654 Artabotrys maingayi (Annonaceae); MAN GE YING ZHAO; MaingeTailgrape*. Isolated compounds: 15797.T0655 Artabotrys odoratissimus (Annonaceae); JI XIANG YING ZHAO;Extreme-fragrant Tailgrape*. Isolated compounds: 15797.T0656 Artabotrys suaveolens (Annonaceae); XIANG YING ZHAO; FragrantTailgrape*. Isolated compounds: 11344.T0657 Artabotrys uncinatus (Annonaceae); YOU GOU YING ZHAO;Uncinate Tailgrape*. Isolated compounds: 473, 1348, 1771, 1772,1773, 1774, 1780, 1857, 1961, 3746, 5076, 7815, 11344, 11593, 12917,14535, 14608, 14626, 14827, 15763, 15797, 18655, 19200, 20243,20317, 20322, 22214.T0658 Artabotrys venustus (Annonaceae); XIU LI YING ZHAO; VenusTailgrape*. Isolated compounds: 15797.T0659 Artemisia absinthium (Asteraceae); ZHONG YA KU HAO; CommonWormwood. Used part: leaf and stem with flower. TCM Effects: Toclear heat and dry damp, expel roundworm, fortify stomach. TCMIndications: Swelling pain in joints, eczema titillation, sore toxin <strong>of</strong>sore and boil, ascariasis, inappetence. Isolated compounds: 37, 1779,3464, 12920, 19777, 19783, 21350.T0660 Artemisia annua (Asteraceae); HUANG HUA HAO; SweetWormwood. Equivalent plant: Artemisia apiacea. Used part: wholeherb. TCM Effects: To clear heat, resolve summerheat, eliminatesteam, interrupt malaria. TCM Indications: Summerheat-heat,summerheat-damp, damp warmth, yin vacuity fever, malaria, jaundice.Isolated compounds: 336, 872, 1334, 1341, 1345, 1653, 1782, 1783,1784, 1785, 1786, 1786, 1792, 1794, 1795, 1797, 1799, 1800, 1801,1935, 2044, 2273, 2295, 2560, 2570, 2850, 2851, 2852, 2853, 3045,3048, 3195, 3234, 3235, 3241, 3242, 3300, 3300, 3602, 3624, 3674,3689, 3741, 3743, 3745, 4029, 4140, 4354, 4878, 5587, 5606, 5755,5787, 6146, 6151, 6236, 6741, 6742, 6891, 7055, 7069, 7108, 7109,7504, 7583, 7588, 7730, 7735, 7751, 7951, 9726, 10017, 10091,10108, 10109, 10261, 10262, 10750, 11226, 11259, 11260, 11261,11428, 11642, 11648, 12020, 12843, 12849, 12850, 13137, 13284,13982, 14147, 15146, 15665, 15705, 15709, 15710, 15758, 16297,16298, 16452, 16453, 16725, 16727, 16801, 16851, 17254, 17376,17377, 17719, 18060, 18288, 18308, 18317, 18376, 18679, 18682,19087, 19187, 19314, 19540, 19542, 19545, 19983, 20369, 20657,20989, 20990, 20995, 20999, 21096, 21097, 21349, 21598.T0661 Artemisia anomala (Asteraceae); LIU JI NU; Diverse Worm-wood.Used part: Whole herb with flower. TCM Effects: To break stasis andfree menstruation, stanch bleeding and disperse swelling, dispersefood and transform accumulation. TCM Indications: Menstrual block,dysmenorrhea, postpartum stasis stagnation abdominal pain, persistentflow <strong>of</strong> lochia, concretion and conglomeration, knocks and falls,incised wound and bleeding, wind-damp impediment pain,hematochezia, hematuria, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore,scalds, food accumulation abdominal pain, diarrhea and dysentery.Isolated compounds: 1126, 1345, 1781, 1787, 1788, 19211, 19635,19901.T0662 Artemisia apiacea [Syn. Artemisia carvifolia; Artemisia caruifolia](Asteraceae); QING HAO; Celery Wormwood. Used part: whole herb.TCM Effects: See Artemisia annua. TCM Indications: See Artemisiaannua. Isolated compounds: 1792, 3227, 3228, 3229, 3230, 3241,3242, 4029, 4648, 5378, 9486, 10229, 10230, 10317, 10539, 14205,19777, 19783, 20556, 21350.T0663 Artemisia arbuscula (Asteraceae); BEI MEI AI HAO; Low Sagebrush.Isolated compounds: 1617.T0664 Artemisia argyi (Asteraceae); AI YE; Argy Wormwood Leaf.Equivalent plant: Artemisia mongolica, Artemisia princeps, Artemisialavandulaefolia, Artemisia rubripes, Artemisia vulgaris. Used part:leaf. TCM Effects: To dissipate cold and relieve pain, warmmenstruation and stanch bleeding. TCM Indications: Cold pain inabdomen, menstrual disorder due to cold, infertility due to uterus cold,blood ejection, spontaneous external bleeding, flooding and spotting,fetal spotting, itchy skin. Isolated compounds: 1110, 1111, 2850, 3235,3242, 4471, 4946, 6162, 7759, 9390, 9500, 9564, 10751, 11083, 11084,11085, 11603, 12448, 13718, 13822, 13900, 14354, 15002, 15003,15515, 16288, 16289, 17126, 17453, 17938, 18304, 18843, 20369,20992, 20995, 21047, 21350, 21709, 21856, 21946, 22510, 22922.T0665 Artemisia ashurbajevii (Asteraceae); A SHI HAO; AshurbajevWormwood*. Isolated compounds: 8982.T0666 Artemisia assoana (Asteraceae). Isolated compounds: 20559.T0667 Artemisia brevifolia (Asteraceae); DUAN YE JUAN HAO; ShortleafWormwood*. Isolated compounds: 22778.T0668 Artemisia campestris (Asteraceae); TIAN YE HAO; CampestralMugwort. Isolated compounds: 9604, 19174.T0669 Artemisia cana (Asteraceae); QING AI; Graywhite Wormwood*.Isolated compounds: 18843.T0670 Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula (Asteraceae); NIAN HAO; ViscidWormwood*. Isolated compounds: 1796, 3591, 11615, 22533.T0671 Artemisia canariensis (Asteraceae); JIA NA LI HAO; Canary IslandWormwood*. Isolated compounds: 217, 5891, 17375.T0672 Artemisia capillaris (Asteraceae); YIN CHEN HAO; CapillaryWormwood. Equivalent plant: Artemisia scoparia. Used part: aerialparts. TCM Effects: To clear heat and disinhibit damp, abate jaundice.TCM Indications: Hepatitis, jaundice, infective cholecystitis,hyperlipemia, inhibited urination, damp sore, itchy skin. Isolatedcompounds: 336, 1653, 1807, 1808, 2306, 2843, 2850, 2887, 3116,3117, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 3122, 3130, 3138, 3139, 3237, 3242,3741, 3745, 4232, 4233, 4234, 4550, 4914, 4915, 5043, 5049, 6741,7472, 7473, 7521, 7523, 7577, 7588, 8011, 8289, 8313, 9669, 10482,10887, 11235, 11648, 11659, 12843, 12891, 13870, 14212, 14213,15146, 15203, 15354, 15687, 15724, 16066, 17089, 17123, 17376,17377, 18317, 18682, 19540, 19542, 19983, 20280, 20988, 20995,21350, 21355, 22336.T0673 Artemisia caruthii (Asteraceae); KA SI HAO; Caruth Wormwood*.Isolated compounds: 13605.

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