Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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3671374, 1375, 1376, 1377, 1378, 1461, 1462, 13418, 16937, 16959,20396, 20404.T0534 Antiaris welwitschii (Moraceae); GANG GUO JIAN XUE FENGHOU; Congo Antiaris*. Isolated compounds: 1377.T0535 Antidesma bunius (Euphorbiaceae); WU YUE CHA; BignayChinalaurel. Used part: root, leaf and fruit. TCM Effects: To fortifyspleen, engender liquid, quicken blood, resolve toxin. TCMIndications: Reduced food intake and diarrhea, fluid damage and thirst,knocks and falls, swelling toxin <strong>of</strong> welling abscess and sore. Isolatedcompounds: 4616.T0536 Antirhea acutata (Moraceae); JIAN RUI MAO CHA; AcuteAntirhea*. Isolated compounds: 1398, 1449, 1450.T0537 Antirrhinum majus (Scrophulariaceae); JIN YU CAO; CommonSnapdragon. Used part: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clearsummerheat and resolve toxin, quicken blood and disperse swelling.TCM Indications: Toxin swelling <strong>of</strong> sores, knocks and falls. Isolatedcompounds: 1494, 4446.T0538 Antrodia camphorata (Poliporaceae); Niu-Chang chih; Jang Jy (inTaiwan). Isolated compounds: 1351, 7251, 10234, 10235, 11277,11278, 11279, 22990, 22991, 22992.T0539 Apis cerana (Apidae); FENG DU; Apisin. Used part: apisin. TCMEffects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, relieve pain. TCMIndications: Rheumatic arthritis, aching pain in lumbus muscle,neuralgia, hypertension, urticaria, asthma. Isolated compounds: 9568.T0540 Apis cerana (Apidae); FENG MI; Honey. Used part: honey. TCMEffects: To supplement stomach and spleen, relax tension and relievepain, moisten lung and relieve cough, moisten intestines and free stool,moisten skin and engender flesh, resolve toxin. TCM Indications: Painin stomach duct and abdomen, lung heat dry cough, intestinal dry andconstipation, red eyes, mouth sore, enduring sores, wind papuleitching, burns and scalds, cracking <strong>of</strong> hands and feet. Isolatedcompounds: 351, 7853, 18261.T0541 Apis cerana (Apidae); FENG RU; Royal Jelly. Used part: royal jelly.TCM Effects: To enrich and supplement, enrich and invigorate, boostliver, fortify spleen. TCM Indications: Weakness during convalescence,gan accumulation, senile vacuity weakness, septicemia, chronichepatitis, duodenal ulcer, rheumatic arthritis, hypertension, diabetesmellitus, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, infertility. Isolatedcompounds: 351, 2393, 7853, 9966, 9967, 11083, 11084, 11085,12399.T0542 Apis cerana (Apidae); MI LA; Bee Wax. Used part: bee wax. TCMEffects: To resolve toxin, engender flesh, check dysentery, stanchbleeding, settle pain. TCM Indications: Effusion <strong>of</strong> back from wellingabscess and flat abscess, enduring sores, acute heart pain, dysenterywith pus and blood, chronic diarrhea, stirring fetus with bleeding,emission, Vaginal discharge. Isolated compounds: 10895, 15190,15191, 16823, 18096.T0543 Apis mellifera ligustica (Apidae); FENG JIAO; Propolis. Used part:bee glue. TCM Effects: To eliminate inflammation and relieve pain,moisten skin and engender flesh. TCM Indications: Gastric ulcer, oralulcer, cervical erosion, zoster, psoriasis, skin chap and pain, clavus,wound, carcinoma. Isolated compounds: 56, 1476, 2330, 2890, 3600,6399, 6499, 8081, 9967, 11806, 12020, 18317, 18679.T0544 Apium graveolens (Apiaceae); HAN QIN; Wildcelery. Used part: herb.TCM Effects: To calm liver, clear heat, dispel wind, disinhibit water,stanch bleeding, resolve toxin, lower blood pressure. TCM Indications:Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, headache and dizziness, red faceand eyes, blood strangury, swollen welling abscess. Isolatedcompounds: 1502, 2791, 3372, 3373, 3374, 3375, 3376, 3377, 3378,3379, 3380, 3381, 3382, 3604, 3855, 8827, 8990, 9021, 13439, 15204,16884, 17021, 19784, 21974.T0545 Apium graveolens var. dulce (Apiaceae); HAN QIN BIAN ZHONG;Wildcelery Variety. Isolated compounds: 1476, 2803.T0546 Apium leptophyllum (Apiaceae); XIAN YE QIN; Thinleaf Celery.Isolated compounds: 19784.T0547 Apium sp. (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 22195.T0548 Aplysia dactylomela (Aplysiidae). Isolated compounds: 4595.T0549 Aplysia oculifera (Aplysiidae). Isolated compounds: 20251.T0550 Apocynum androsaemifolium (Apocynaceae); DIAN DI MEI YE CHAYE HUA; Spreading Dogbane. Isolated compounds: 117, 4549.T0551 Apocynum cannabinum (Apocynaceae); JIA ZHU TAO MA; BlackIndian Hemp. Isolated compounds: 117, 4549.T0552 Apocynum lancifolium (Apocynaceae); HONG MA; LanceleafDogbane*. Isolated compounds: 11642, 18317.T0553 Apocynum venetum (Apocynaceae); LUO BU MA; Dogbane. Usedpart: whole herb. TCM Effects: To clear heat and calm liver, disinhibitwater and disperse edema, check hyperactivity, lower blood pressure.TCM Indications: Cardiac failure, hypertension, edema, cirrhosis withascites, edema in pregnancy, dizziness, headache, palpitation,insomnia, scant urine with edema, chronic bronchitis, influenza.Isolated compounds: 1367, 1527, 1528, 1529, 1530, 1935, 3308, 4547,4549, 10887, 11642, 12020, 15416, 18317, 18363, 20397, 20398,20400.T0554 Aquilaria agallocha (Thymelaeaceae); CHEN XIANG; Eaglewood.Equivalent plant: Aquilaria sinensis. Used part: resinous wood. TCMEffects: To calm, move qi and relieve pain, warm center and downbearcounterflow, check vomiting, accept qi and calm asthma. TCMIndications: Cold pain in stomach duct and abdomen, qi counterflowwith asthma, stomach cold with retching counterflow, vacuity cold inlumbus and knees, vacuity constipation, qi strangury. Isolatedcompounds: 275, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772,2111, 2114, 2274, 3831, 4934, 5539, 5660, 5807, 6083, 6486, 6912,7101, 7179, 8863, 9029, 9030, 9032, 9034, 9036, 9708, 9996, 10211,10212, 10441, 10617, 11199, 11869, 11870, 11871, 12164, 12375,12917, 13852, 13906, 13997, 14057, 14058, 14477, 14522, 14725,14726, 15447, 15768, 17113, 17114, 17119, 17120, 17121, 17122,19677, 19678, 19682, 19683, 19685, 21030, 21120, 21121, 21131,21785.T0555 Aquilaria sinensis (Thymelaeaceae); BAI MU XIANG; <strong>Chinese</strong>Eaglewood. Used part: resinous wood. TCM Effects: See Aquilariaagallocha. TCM Indications: See Aquilaria agallocha. Isolatedcompounds: 704, 706, 1284, 2111, 2112, 2113, 2114, 3566, 4881, 5660,5996, 6082, 6084, 6258, 6283, 10210, 10439, 10440, 10616, 11245,11869, 13852, 13999, 14000, 14058, 17113, 19924, 19925.T0556 Aquilaria sp. (Thymelaeaceae). Isolated compounds: 14057.T0557 Aquilegia ecalcarata (Ranunculaceae); WU JU LOU DOU CAI;

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