Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines

Encyclopedia of Traditional Chinese Medicines


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365T0481 Angelica furcijuga (Apiaceae); FEN CHA DANG GUI; FurcateAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 1213, 1214, 1523, 1536, 2041, 3857,6838, 7411, 7768, 9835, 10922, 10923, 10924, 10925, 10926, 10927,11001, 11412, 11462, 11637, 12020, 16456, 16459, 17034, 17757,18282, 22195, 22775.T0482 Angelica genuflexa (Apiaceae); QU XI DANG GUI; GenuflexAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 17375.T0483 Angelica gigas (Apiaceae); CHAO XIAN DANG GUI; GiganticAngelica. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To extinguish wind andharmonize blood. TCM Indications: Pain in joints, wrenching andcontusion. Isolated compounds: 4862, 4863, 5098, 7052, 7053, 9968,10197, 10765, 11462, 13571, 14078, 15645, 15647, 17035, 22195,22774, 22781.T0484 Angelica glabra (Apiaceae); GUANG HUA DANG GUI; GlabrateAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 1193, 2833, 17077.T0485 Angelica japonica (Apiaceae); RI BEN DANG GUI; JapaneseAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 22530.T0486 Angelica keiskei (Apiaceae); BIN HAI DANG GUI; SeashoreAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 9992.T0487 Angelica keislcei (Apiaceae); KAI SHI DANG GUI; KeislceAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 1619.T0488 Angelica longeradiata (Apiaceae); CHANG BIAN HUA DANG GUI;Longradiate Angelica*. Isolated compounds: 1619.T0489 Angelica <strong>of</strong>ficinalis (Apiaceae); YAO YONG DANG GUI; MedicinalAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 22774.T0490 Angelica pachycarpa (Apiaceae); HOU GUO DANG GUI; ThickfruitAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 13571, 14204, 16263.T0491 Angelica polymorpha (Apiaceae); GUAI QIN; Polymorphic Angelica.Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind and effuse exterior,warm center and dissipate cold, rectify qi and relieve pain. TCMIndications: Wind-cold exterior syndrome, wind-damp impedimentpain, pain in stomach duct and abdomen, chest and rib-side pain,knocks and falls. Isolated compounds: 1195.Angelica porphyrocaulis = Angelica dahuricaAngelica pubescens = Angelica pubescens f. biserrataT0492 Angelica pubescens f. biserrata [Syn. Angelica pubescens] (Apiaceae);DU HUO; Doubleteeth Pubescent Angelica. Equivalent plant:Heracleum lanatum. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To dispel wind andeliminate damp, dissipate cold and relieve pain. TCM Indications:Wind-cold-damp impediment (especially in lower part <strong>of</strong> body), painin lumbus and knees, headache, toothache. Isolated compounds: 1048,1188, 1191, 1193, 1194, 1196, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1200, 1349, 2306,2411, 2412, 3351, 3935, 3936, 3937, 3938, 4029, 4234, 4497, 4550,6412, 6485, 6494, 6546, 6741, 7229, 8002, 9044, 9669, 11221, 11249,11462, 11601, 11628, 13572, 13781, 13827, 14272, 14323, 14324,14349, 14621, 14631, 14792, 15146, 15219, 15500, 15645, 15647,15683, 15974, 16261, 16708, 16829, 17055, 17376, 18086, 19542,20156, 20524, 20988, 21043, 21360, 21371, 22195, 22774.T0493 Angelica radix (Apiaceae); ZHI GEN DANG GUI; Taproot Angelica*.Isolated compounds: 2797.T0494 Angelica shkiokiana (Apiaceae); SHI SHI DANG GUI; ShkiokiAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 7054.T0495 Angelica sinensis (Apiaceae); DANG GUI; <strong>Chinese</strong> Angelica.Equivalent plant: Phlojodicarpus sibiricus. Used part: root. TCMEffects: To nourish blood and regulate menstruation, quicken blood,relieve pain, moisten intestines and relieve constipation. TCMIndications: Women’s diseases, blood deficiency syndrome, menstrualdisorder, amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea, dysmenorrhea due to anemia,thrombophlebitis, neuralgia, arthritis, chronic nephritis, constrictiveaortitis, blood vaculty, pernicious anemia, anemia due to folic aciddeficiency, dysentery, hepatitis, Raynaud’s disease, lumbago, variouspains due to blood stasis and rheumatic impediment, sores, wellingabscess, constipation, ulcer in gastrointestinal tract, skin diseases,eczema, dermatitis, neurodermatitis, psoriasis. Isolated compounds:555, 556, 557, 558, 617, 618, 939, 1190, 1284, 2056, 2351, 2412,2600, 2791, 2797, 3045, 3051, 3231, 3350, 3466, 3589, 3855, 4233,4234, 5442, 5693, 5749, 6317, 6330, 6373, 6398, 6406, 6542, 7472,7473, 7477, 7768, 7853, 9021, 9071, 9486, 9618, 9619, 11336, 11421,12800, 12825, 12826, 14330, 15203, 15528, 17056, 17089, 17204,18656, 19542, 19596, 20369, 20372, 20444, 21041, 21068, 21941,21957, 22237, 22252, 22322, 22336, 22556.T0496 Angelica spp. (Apiaceae). Isolated compounds: 22195.T0497 Angelica sylvestris (Apiaceae); LIN BAI ZHI; Wild Angelica. Isolatedcompounds: 1960, 11578, 16263.T0498 Angelica taiwaniana (Apiaceae); HANG BAI ZHI; Taiwan Angelica.Equivalent plant: Angelica dahurica cv. Qibaizhi. Used part: root.TCM Effects: To dispel wind and eliminate damp, free orifices andrelieve pain, disperse swelling and expel pus. TCM Indications:Common cold with headache, eyebrow bone pain, toothache, nasalcongestion, deep-source nasal congestion, enduring diarrhea due todamp, leukorrhea, sores with welling abscess and flat abscess,poisonous snake bites. Isolated compounds: 934, 1238, 1347, 2309,2834, 3856, 11001, 11301, 11462, 11578, 13968, 15348, 17077, 21944,21969, 22774, 22775.T0499 Angelica ursina (Apiaceae); BEI FANG DANG GUI; NorthernAngelica*. Isolated compounds: 1193, 9419, 18165.T0500 Anguilla japonica (Anguillidae); MAN LI YU; Japanese Eel. Used part:meat or whole fish. TCM Effects: To fortify spleen and supplementlung, dispel wind and eliminate damp, resolve toxin and kill worms.TCM Indications: Indigestion, child gan accumulation, tuberculosiswith cough, impotence, flooding and spotting with vaginal discharge,beriberi with edema, wind-damp bone pain, intestinal wind, dysentery,sore, hemorrhoids and fistulas, malaria, intestinal parasitic disease.Isolated compounds: 1350, 3205, 9568.Anisodus acutangulus = Scopolia acutangulaT0501 Anisodus luridus (Solanaceae); SAI LANG DANG; CommonAnisodus. Used part: root. TCM Effects: To resolve spasm and relievepain. TCM Indications: Stomachache, cholecystalgia, acutegastroenteritis, chronic gastroenteritis. Isolated compounds: 2001,4417, 19541, 22050.T0502 Anisodus tanguticus [Syn. Scopolia tangutica] (Solanaceae); ZANGQIE; Tangut Anisodus. Used part: root and seed. TCM Effects: Toanesthetize and settle pain, resolve tetany and disperse swelling. TCMIndications: Shock, shock due to acute infectious diseases, cerebralthrombosis, acute spinal cord inflammation, spasm <strong>of</strong> biliary ducts orduodenum, acute gastroenteritis, chronic gastroenteritis, contracture

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